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February Fruitcakes! Looking for bump buddies due feb 2012

Saw my midwife today :happydance:

All rather weird having a home visit. She did my blood pressure and we did have a go trying to find baby's heartbeat but baby was hiding so no joy there. She said it was way to early but I promised to be good and not get upset if we couldn't find it!

If everything is fine with the pregnancy she says I can have my homebirth :happydance: apparently they are well supported here and even if I can't the local brand new birth centre has lots of birth pools so I am happy whatever happens.

Seeing her again in a few weeks then get my scan at start of week 13. So excited! Sure I will be a nervous mess by then but right now its far enough away for me to be looking forward to it :lol:
Hi Imagine - exciting stuff!

I have my scan date through too - and I will be having it when I am 13 weeks exactly ! Cant wait.

Un fortunately our family is going through a difficult time at the moment as my fiance's dad died this weekend :-(

So its mixed emotions all round! xxx
Hi ladies :) can I join you? I'm due feb 27th
I had an early a can last week and was put back 5 days making me 7 weeks today woohoo
I'm having a bad time with sickness tho :(
I have my scan date through too - and I will be having it when I am 13 weeks exactly ! Cant wait.

Hey thats fab - hopefully we can both have a bit of nub gender guessing fun by then! You're so lucky you have already had a scan. I keep having dreams that I'm growing a hamster or a brick....or nothing at all! Eek!

Un fortunately our family is going through a difficult time at the moment as my fiance's dad died this weekend :-(

Oh no. :hugs: Stay strong - life is so unfair sometimes x

Hi Em - the thread was closed but most people seem to have forgotten about it with their preggo brains so jump in! :thumbup:

Today's update for me *drumroll*........ squiglet is now a prune wheeeeeeeee!
Hi Ladies! Sorry I've been MIA over that past couple weeks. I have been out of town visiting family. Just got back last night!

As for the bump updates, I'm still exhausted all the time and sick to my stomach a lot. I have the next 3 doctors appointments scheduled. Work still doesn't know (10 w 3d) and I'm not showing at all. Hopefully I can hide it for a few more weeks so that I can impress the new job.

How is everone feeling?
yeah I cant wait for us all to be putting our pics up on here and comparing!

Its stragne - what with all the other stuff going on at the moment - I almost forget im pregnant! Morning sickness has gone for me now.

Biggest thing i notcie at the mo is a crazy increased sex drive! x
Welcome back lellis :hugs:

Biggest thing i notcie at the mo is a crazy increased sex drive! x

lol! I have no sex drive at all at the moment :dohh: First day of feeling ok and no real sickness to report so hope it will be back soon before I become a hippo!
Hi everyone!! Got a bit worried last week as my symptoms all but disappeared. Went to the docs who said (very nicely) it's a biological lottery and keep your fingers crossed! I feel rather sick this week now tho so I think I jumped a bit too soon - I know what you mean imagine about thinking about having other things in there!! Just really want to hear that heartbeat and I'll be a whole happier gal!!!! Everything else seems ok for me tho - I break up from school next week (I'm a teacher not a pupil!) so will have 6 weeks of not rushing to get up and being able to do work in bed, so can't wait - feel I need a break now!!! Getting to school before 8 and home after 6 is a killer. working with littlies is a tiring business. hows everyone else??? xxxxx
Feeling even better again today :happydance: Even got off my fat arse and went for a run. Totally overheated and snotted everywhere with hayfever but I feel so much better for doing some exercise.

Rj - get some of the sea bands. Hate to say it but your sickness will probably get worse before it gets better unless you're really lucky! I found the bands actually stopped me vomming and got me through the day. Yoghurt and fruit is great for snacking on.

Today I am mostly eating........beef jerky mmmmm. Also, I discovered the wonders of prune juice yesterday...that got things moving :rofl:
how is everyone feeling today. i'm exausted after a few busy weeks of travelling and family events. feel like could sleep for a week.

a tip for hayfever - olbas oil used as inhaled in water stops me getting bunged up with it and haymax is safe to use in pregnancy. it's like a balm that you put around your nose that stops the pollen getting up there. can get it over counter at most boots etc.

roll on Thursday for my scan so we can hopefully get gender :) and a pic to show off :) x
Hi all
i totally shattered too running round after my little boy!!
I had scan last week and all is well so far. Gave me new date 11.02.2012
Ill put pic on at some point!!!
Ruth that will be early to find out gender wont it?!!!
today i mostly loved birdseye fish fingers!!! not really having many food aversions just not fancying things but fish fingers were yummy today - hubby's away with work so it was even my mum who cooked them!!! i felt 8 again, just with a rather nauseous feeling and buzzing hormones!!! oh the weird and wonderful tribulations....!!
I've had aversion to most meat which is very abnormal for me. I've mostly been surviving on potatoes and fruit. And forcing a bit of protein in.
lomo, i found out that i was having boy at 12 week scan in my last pregnancy so am hoping that they can take a good look and tell me again on thursday

i think that it ould be a girl despite having almost identical symptoms to last time - skin has flared up real bad, very moody and hb of 160 heard today are only differences.

shall be happy either way just roll on thursday and hope they have an accurate duedate for me :)
That's so exciting blodyn - I hope they will be able to tell me at my scan too! Lets see your pic lomo!

I keep wavering between boy and girl. I don't really have a hunch either way anymore :shrug:

I seem to have popped in the last few days! Anyone else got a really noticeable belly yet? I need to suck it in until week 13 when my scan is done and I know whether everything is ok, not really possible as it won't really 'suck in' lol! Arrgh, what to do?!
HI im due in Feb.. n this is my first pregnancy,, really excited.. Looking for buddies on here cuz im new to the baby and bump site :D :D
Yes popped majorly in past few days - in certain tops can tell for sure that am expecting - others can manage to disguise it.

I shall be hunting out my belly bands this weekend to try and smooth out some of the bloat part of bump that and eatign less cake should help me ! lol
Blod - ur lucky! I work in a us department and they not allowed to sex till 20 week scan, so I know not every department will do sexing at 12

As for showing I def am now!!!!! When u had others though think u show earlier. So u first timers may all look normal. I did with my first at this stage!!
Ugghhh, feel so fat today. Seeing the midwife at the weekend then off on holiday for a week :happydance:

Going to let it all hang out in my bikini ..... where's the beach...here comes the whale :holly:

Wish I looked pregnant. I just look 'chunky' at the moment lol! Don't have a bump, more just a 'trunk' without a waist. Good to have an excuse for it though (and I might have eaten a teensy bit of cake :blush:).
Finally got around to posting scan pic - what do you think i'm having - baby non cooperative in peeking this time around. Hope to get money shot next time :)

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