February IVF Buddies!! 2nd Cycle. FET

eve- I've not had a lap but for awhile wondered if one would be a good idea. But after some reading, I was under the impression that IVF was the way to go with endo and that it wouldn't really affect implantation. I wonder how it would affect implantation if endo is outside of the uterus? I had a hysteroscopy done back in March. It was pretty easy recovery, I popped right up after the conscious sedation wore off (didn't need general anesthesia) and was just a bit sore with some bleeding the rest of the day. I even went back to work the next day and felt completely normal. Anyway could you do the lap the day before you move and then you wouldn't have to take so many days off? I'm not sure though that moving would be a good idea while you're recovering. It's really too bad you can't keep your current doc - were you able to ask her for a recommendation of a doc in your area? I think my doc thought chucking an embryo in there would be enough for me. When I first saw her she said 'Oh yay! You are so young!' I was 27 at the time and couldn't believe it. She's used to dealing with late 30s/early 40s though so I suppose in comparison I was young. If only ttc was that simple, eh?

3chords- Gosh that is nervewracking! I hope you have another good beta tomorrow. I am so hopeful for you! I'll keep everything crossed extra tight too!! I did vag tabs of progesterone for my first FET and HATED them... so messy! I thought I'd hate the PIO shots too but actually thought they were pretty easy. Although I didn't have to go to the clinic every day to get them. That would stink. Hope your hubby gets home soon if you have to keep them up!

Miracle- I hope the immunologist has a new some insight. Did you have a reason for your troubles ttc or were you diagnosed as unexplained? I can't remember. It's ok to be an emotional mess. This is a huge potential loss you are grieving. I am glad your hubs is being patient with you. We're here if you need to vent, cry, whatever it takes. Just take your time and grieve.
Hi all,

My beta increased from 129 to 269 in 47 hours. So it is just more than doubling over a 48 hour period. They were happy with that and my progesterone is up from 33 to 41 which was also good.

Nothing to really do but wait and see. I go for another beta in 4 days and if things are still progressing normally, for an ultrasound in 2 weeks.

Such a weird situation...
3chords, that's great news. FX that the next beta continues to climb. Such a stressful situation. I ice my bum for about 15 minutes before I give myself the PIO shot. Can't even feel it, well for the most part!

AFM, I'm 8dp5dt and still seeing bfn on a frer. Pretty sure I'm out for this cycle, but I'm trying to keep a little hope. I saw on another thread a girl who didn't have a second line until 14dp5dt and she is 32 wks and everything is great. That seems so crazy that it took that long to see a second line.
Deepsea, how are you doing? Any news on how your cycle turned out? FX for the best!

My beta went from 269 to 1,551 in 4 days which is very good, as it is a doubling time of 35 or so hours. Now I sit and wait for 10 days before I will have my first ultrasound. Still have like a 50/50 chance due to initially slow numbers but it is better than nothing. Have to keep some hope alive!
3chords, great news!!! I hope this is your sticky bean!

My nurse called me this morning with the news I expected, BFN.... I expected it, but it still hurts. My husband doesn't want to do anymore cycles until I am off of night shift and on a normal schedule again.... I agree, but it's not that easy for me to find a new job. I'm a nurse practitioner and pretty specialized, and a bit picky ;) But I agree. This job was only supposed to be temporary, is fairly stressfull and I am a zombie. We have decided to take the summer off. Relax, take a vacation and not worry about things. Reevaluate at the end of the summer. So next step, find a new doctor as my clinic is closing. Hopefully get some new insight to why everything looks great on paper, but there is on obvious issue with the embies implanting. Maybe autoimmune???
Hi ladies, i have decided to start writing a blog, i know you suggested it HTW, so i thought why not. It's a bit boring as it just outlines our past which a lot of you already know about! But i hope that in the future it will bring a good & happy ending for people that are struggling with infertility :) i will put a link in my signature. xxx
Hi ladies, i have decided to start writing a blog, i know you suggested it HTW, so i thought why not. It's a bit boring as it just outlines our past which a lot of you already know about! But i hope that in the future it will bring a good & happy ending for people that are struggling with infertility :) i will put a link in my signature. xxx

I will follow your blog. :coffee:
Sorry I disappeared for a few weeks. Life got the better of me!!

3chords- Congrats on your lil bean! I've been peeking at your blog and loving the good news with your scan!!! :dance: I sure hope this is a sticky bean is here to stay!!!

deepsea- :hugs: sorry about the BFN. It's a good idea to take a few months off and regroup though. Have you started looking for a new job. I've contemplated looking for a new job but am too picky also!! I found the whole idea of updating my CV, applying, interviewing, etc in the midst of IVF completely overwhelming to even think about it seriously. I, too, am pretty specialized in my field (I'm a pharmacist that works in an outpatient clinic seeing patients individually by appointment only). Hope you are able to find a new doc and some answers with a fresh pair of eyes looking at things. Have you done acupuncture?

eveclo- Yay for a blog!! I promise to read it and get all caught up on things. Have you moved yet??

AFM- I got the shock of my life this morning. For the first time ever, when I tested... it was POSITIVE! 2 lines! (There's a pic in my journal). I totally credit the herbs and acupuncture- this is the first time ttc since starting herbs and hubs doing acu. I still get all shaky and sweaty when I think about the fact that I'm pregnant!! Hubs cried today on our way to work. It just doesn't seem real. How do I get a natural bfp after failing 2 FETs?! Amazing. :cloud9:
Omg congratulations Htw! That is fabulous news! I just popped over to see how the ladies are doing and got the best news! It's a blessing and I wouldn't even bother questioning it!

How are you feeling? Will read your blog xxx
Omg congratulations Htw! That is fabulous news! I just popped over to see how the ladies are doing and got the best news! It's a blessing and I wouldn't even bother questioning it!

How are you feeling? Will read your blog xxx
Oh thanks so much goldfishy!! I've been feeling completely normal really. Some lower abdominal twinges off and on but nothing else out of the ordinary. Not even sore boobs! I was really hoping a pregnancy would help me gain a little boobage :winkwink: But so far no luck!!

I've been thinking about you as well. You must be close to half way by now, yes? How are you!!?? Do you have a journal I can follow along?
Hatethewait YEAH!!! :happydance: How far along are you? I have heard so many stories recently with couples getting BFP on thier own after failed IVFs. So happy for you!

AFM, trying to relax and not obsess about getting pregnant. Easier said than done. I am looking for a new doctor that will hopefully do some auto-immune testing for me. I really think this has a role in my struggles. Still looking for a new job, but I know that will take a while. I'm hoping that my current hospital will open a day shift position here soon....
It is lovely to hear about a natural bfp when you thought it wouldn't happen. So happy for you! Fyi I had no real symptoms at start. Boobs didn't get sore until around 6 weeks.

I didn't start a journal - sorry!

You wouldn't believe it but I'm 20 weeks on Fri and have my scan tmrw. The time has flown by and I felt movement for the first time last week. It's really weird!

I haven't bought any baby stuff yet and don't feel prepared. I spent so long researching how to get preggers, that I'm under-prepared now! Still got lots of time I guess

Just enjoy the feeling and I wish you a happy and healthy pregnancy. So guessing your due date is around end of Feb?
Aw thanks so much ladies! I really am amazed at the whole thing. Our bodies are a strange/wonderful thing sometimes. I just truly hope this lil bub is planning to stick around. I'm terrified at the thought of a m/c. It's reassuring though to hear how many people really have no symptoms at the beginning. I've actually started having bad hot flashes and a little dizziness. This morning I had the worst headache when I got up, too. I'm not sure if any of it's related or just coincidence but either way, I'm not feeling all that normal anymore!

Based on when I think I o'ed, I'm 4 wk, 3d now (+/- a day if my o day is off). So certainly super early in the process. I have an appointment with my OB 7/23 since that's the soonest they wanted to see me... but I also scheduled a beta with my fs on Friday and then if all good, they'll do an u/s at 7 weeks which will be about 2 weeks before my OB appointment. Due date based on LMP is Feb 20, but I o'ed a bit later so I think it's closer to the 22-23. But hey it'll probably change a handful of times!

Deepsea- That'd be great if you could get a day shift at your current job. Have you asked about any upcoming openings? Hope you find something perfect. It's so hard not to stress about getting pregnant. I totally feel ya on that. But it looks like you got pregnant on your own once before so it can certainly happen again!! I definitely credit the herbs and acupuncture I was doing the last 6 weeks before my BFP. I had honestly pretty much given up a lot of hope of it ever happening (as evidenced by the number of alcoholic beverages I had this past month :blush:) Best of luck on your search for a new doc too. That can't be easy but I am sure you'll find someone good.

goldfishy- Wow!! 20 weeks. That's amazing. And movement! How awesome. You must be over the moon. Have you been feeling well? Hey you still have 20ish weeks to get stuff for the babe so you have plenty of time! Do you have any baby showers coming up? I'm sure you'll get loads of great things with that! Hope your scan this week goes well! Update us when you can.
Sorry I disappeared for a few weeks. Life got the better of me!!

3chords- Congrats on your lil bean! I've been peeking at your blog and loving the good news with your scan!!! :dance: I sure hope this is a sticky bean is here to stay!!!

deepsea- :hugs: sorry about the BFN. It's a good idea to take a few months off and regroup though. Have you started looking for a new job. I've contemplated looking for a new job but am too picky also!! I found the whole idea of updating my CV, applying, interviewing, etc in the midst of IVF completely overwhelming to even think about it seriously. I, too, am pretty specialized in my field (I'm a pharmacist that works in an outpatient clinic seeing patients individually by appointment only). Hope you are able to find a new doc and some answers with a fresh pair of eyes looking at things. Have you done acupuncture?

eveclo- Yay for a blog!! I promise to read it and get all caught up on things. Have you moved yet??

AFM- I got the shock of my life this morning. For the first time ever, when I tested... it was POSITIVE! 2 lines! (There's a pic in my journal). I totally credit the herbs and acupuncture- this is the first time ttc since starting herbs and hubs doing acu. I still get all shaky and sweaty when I think about the fact that I'm pregnant!! Hubs cried today on our way to work. It just doesn't seem real. How do I get a natural bfp after failing 2 FETs?! Amazing. :cloud9:

Hatethewait, I am bawling my eyes out!!!! (in an amazingly good way) I am SO GODDAM HAPPY FOR YOU!!! I am so sorry i have been absent for a while, we are still mid move so everything is a bit up in the air but wow that is absolutely incredible. :happydance: I just knew that something amazing would happen for you, what an absolute miracle. This little baby is such a treasure. You must be over the moon with the herbs & acupuncture!!!
What herbs did they put you on? as in, were they ones that help with your lining or your ovulation or what?! It's amazing that you can have 3 beautiful quality embies put back and they didn't work but the next minute you're pregnant!

Congratulations to you and your husband, You both deserve this! It's your time. Can't wait to follow your journey :) xxxxxx
Oh eveclo! You are going to make me cry (in a good way!!!) Honestly, I still can't believe it. I'm not even sure I'll believe it at my ultrasound. It is such a surreal feeling.

I was on this custom herb mix to help with my yin deficiency and then I also took stasis in the mansion of heart (or something like that) during AF and pre-o. I also took magnesium 2x/day, aspirin 81mg/day, and coq10 3x/day. Hubs also did acu and took a bunch of herbs too. Hard to say what did it, but even if I knew I'm not sure I'd believe it!!

How are YOU doing? Moving is one of my least favorite things so I definitely don't envy you. I sure hope it's going smoothly for you. Have you had your testing/lap stuff done? Update when you can :flower:
Oh eveclo! You are going to make me cry (in a good way!!!) Honestly, I still can't believe it. I'm not even sure I'll believe it at my ultrasound. It is such a surreal feeling.

I was on this custom herb mix to help with my yin deficiency and then I also took stasis in the mansion of heart (or something like that) during AF and pre-o. I also took magnesium 2x/day, aspirin 81mg/day, and coq10 3x/day. Hubs also did acu and took a bunch of herbs too. Hard to say what did it, but even if I knew I'm not sure I'd believe it!!

How are YOU doing? Moving is one of my least favorite things so I definitely don't envy you. I sure hope it's going smoothly for you. Have you had your testing/lap stuff done? Update when you can :flower:

Absolutely amazing. Just shows that this little bub is meant to be and has fought to be here! Exciting stuff. :) When will your first ultrasound be? Can't wait to hear how it goes! :)

I am going well, fertility stuff is a bit up in the air at the moment, as you could imagine, and i'm just kind of taking it easy and trying not to think too much about it. You can only control the controllable so i'm just stressing less.

Once again, i am so super happy for you. I can't wait to follow your journey!!!
Stressing less is good! It's never easy, but good if you can get to that point. I try really hard to stress less over the uncontrollable, too! When will you be all moved in to your new place? I'll keep checking your blog for more updates :winkwink:

First ultrasound is in 2 weeks with my fs (July 7). I also have one with my OB July 23. At first I was just going to go with my OB but then when they said they didn't want to see me until then I freaked out... haha. Glad my fs was willing to do a beta and an earlier ultrasound. I have my moments where I'm a nervous wreck, but I'm trying to just let it go and just enjoy the moments.
Oh HTW, I just saw your signature. I am going to check your blog. Hope you're ok honey. I'm so sorry xxx
Oh HTW, I just saw your signature. I am going to check your blog. Hope you're ok honey. I'm so sorry xxx

Thanks eveclo. I'm hanging in there. It's been a rocky week but I just hope we started the treatment soon enough to prevent tube rupture or other damage. I'll go in tomorrow for another hcg level. It feels terrible to hope for it to drop, but I'm keeping everything crossed tightly that my levels are down quite a bit. I sort of new it was all too good to be true :cry:

Hope you are well! Have you finished up the move now?

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