***February Lovebugs 2011 - 3rd tri*** 10 girls and 9 boys born

hi ladies! how are u all! i really need an opinion...im planning on getting induced February 1st @ 39 weeks...is it a good idea or should i just wait till babys ready?!

i dont want a c section =/ most people i asked said it might end up in c section im still waiting for my doctor to call me back...but is it a good idea or no?

i dont have complications or anything i just want to be induced cuz i go on maternity leave January 28 and i only get 2 months off paid from work so i want to spend as much time as i can with baby...my due date is February 8 so i dunno im confused right now! i dont wanna rush baby but i dont wanna leave a 5 week old baby and go back to work either! ugh =/
hi ladies! how are u all! i really need an opinion...im planning on getting induced February 1st @ 39 weeks...is it a good idea or should i just wait till babys ready?!

i dont want a c section =/ most people i asked said it might end up in c section im still waiting for my doctor to call me back...but is it a good idea or no?

i dont have complications or anything i just want to be induced cuz i go on maternity leave January 28 and i only get 2 months off paid from work so i want to spend as much time as i can with baby...my due date is February 8 so i dunno im confused right now! i dont wanna rush baby but i dont wanna leave a 5 week old baby and go back to work either! ugh =/

I completely understand your concern for wanting to spend as much time with baby as possible. But if you're really asking for opinions then I am 100% on the side that you should wait until she is ready. Is there any way of pushing your maternity leave until the next week?

To be honest if you're going to try and induce your body when it's not ready then you'll most likely end up a c-section. This is because you're body with become exhausted and needing to stay on your back will most likely cause your baby to become distressed. I'm not saying this to scare you, merely to answer your question that if you don't want a c-section then an induction should be your last choice. Inductions work best if your LO is over cooked or if you've been labouring but seem to stop for awhile.

Also you run the risk of actually delivering your baby well before their ready. And EDD is just that, an estimate. Inducing at 39 weeks could actually be only 36 for you LO causing them to have respiratory problems.

Gosh I'm sounding really preachy but I just really think you need to trust your baby and your body. Also remember that although you may want as much time as possible with your LO your recovery could be up to 2 weeks and may not be the time you were thinking you were wanting to spend with them. Emergency c-sections, statistically, are a bit rougher in recovery than elective c-section.
Nessa, I'm doing the same thing, actually. I'm planning on being induced Jan. 31st. I would do it a little earlier, but they said the soonest they will do it at my hosp. is 1 week early (which is actually better for her anyways.. technically)... My doctor is all for it, and says that there are absolutely no health risks to the baby because they have so many options for how they induce, and can give you something to rest until you are at the point you are ready to push, and you can (according to my doctor) still move around until it's time.. That is why I'm being induced (if she doesn't come before that)... so that I have more time with my baby before heading back to work.

I say go for it. I don't think there is anything wrong with it at all when you are that close. In fact (like my brother pointed out to me), it's almost better because it can be planned on when to be at the hosp., and you can remain calm going in, rather than rushing around last minute and feeling rushed or panicked :)
I'm with jenni flower.

it's not something that happens here in the UK, as far as i know, women choosing to be induced, except for medical reasons. i realise our maternity leave is much better than the states so perhaps changes our view?

it just seems an odd thing to tamper with, i always think that baby comes when baby is ready, that's the wonder of nature :) But that's just my opinion.
omg im really sorry but i am absolutely shocked they induce you for no apparent reason in the US?????? if you're not going into labour spontaneously it's for a reason - because your baby is still developing inside you and isn't ready to come out yet! Induction - especially early induction for no reason can cause a LOT of complications. I will find some research i have saved somewhere and post some links for you...

either way i wish you guys all the best - just make sure you do your research before making final decisions ok xxx
Thought I would add actual facts seeing as sometimes I don't word things right, hahaha. Still not judging either way hun, I'm orginally from the States and so I completely appreciate wanting to spend as much time with bubs as possible. Just want you to be informed that it's not exactly the best and/or safest thing to do.

Risks and Precautions

Inducing labor is not like turning on a faucet. If the body isn't ready, an induction might fail and, after hours or days of trying, a woman may end up having a cesarean delivery (C-section). This appears to be more likely if the cervix is not yet ripe.

If the doctor ruptures the amniotic sac and labor doesn't begin, another method of inducing labor also might be necessary because there's a risk of infection to both mother and baby if the membranes are ruptured for a long time before the baby is born.

When prostaglandin or oxytocin is used, there is a risk of abnormal contractions developing. In that case, the doctor may remove the vaginal insert or turn the oxytocin dose down. While it is rare, there is an increase in the risk of developing a tear in the uterus (uterine rupture) when these medications are used. Other complications associated with oxytocin use are low blood pressure and low blood sodium (which can cause problems such as seizures).

Another potential risk of inducing labor is giving birth to a late pre-term baby (born between 34 and 36 weeks). Why? Because the due date (EDD) may be wrong. Your due date is 40 weeks from the first day of your last menstrual period (LMP).

Babies born late pre-term are generally healthy but may have temporary problems such as jaundice, trouble feeding, problems with breathing, or difficulty maintaining body temperature.
for me i wanna avoid induction as much as poss , i hear the contractions are worse plus it increases the chances of assisted delivery or sections. not something i personally would choose unless there was a medical reason .
but as pointed out above we get 9 months maternity perhaps we would have a different view if we had the leave you have.
i guess only you can decide what is best for you and your baby .
Great news Winegums! Fingers crossed for your VBAC! :)

Hope everyone else is ok? :)

I must admit I'm not too keen on the induction idea for no reason, I've heard that being induced is a much harder labour and will make interventions much more likely, not forgetting whether it's ok for bubs or not. Out of interest, have you watched the "Business of being Born"? It's on youtube I think, but is a bit of an eye opener about how much money is made out of pregnancy and labour, mainly in the US...might be an interesting watch if you're waivering or not sure? x
for me i wanna avoid induction as much as poss , i hear the contractions are worse plus it increases the chances of assisted delivery or sections. not something i personally would choose unless there was a medical reason .
but as pointed out above we get 9 months maternity perhaps we would have a different view if we had the leave you have.
i guess only you can decide what is best for you and your baby .

You know that being said we really only get 6 weeks at 90% of our pay and after that it's hardly enough to live on. I know many women that have had to return back to work as soon as their 6 weeks were up. My sister may have only been allowed 8 weeks in the States but it was full pay. Just wanting to point that out as my family seems to think I get 36 weeks of full pay off! :shock: I wish! haha
true but we do get something at least. i think you can live on it , however for most people it is a lot less than they would earn but dont forget things like child benefit and tax credits.
plus our medical is free (thank god )
i get nothing lol but am lucky to have a oh that has a good job so i cant moan too much.
anyway .. lol
thanks for all your advices ladies!!! i just got off the phone with my doctor and she basically said the same thing she said she will only induce me IF i pass my due date....she said so far my pregnancy is going great no complications so she wont do it she told me its higher chances of baby having complications if i get induced, i should just let my body and baby do the work when hes ready to come out!

my mind wasnt set on getting an induced it was just an idea but i rather have a healthy baby so i am going to wait until he decides to come out! i can always extend maternity leave so im going to just wait =]
Induction scares the heck outta me dont know why just the dreaded unknown i suppose, Luckily always gone in just before they were due to induce me :).
How are we all today ?, Sorry to hear of every one bad with spd its horrid .

Had MW appointment today baby is R O P position wich they still class as back to back so baught a birthing ball today :) been bouncing and rocking all day..Iam measuring 1 week bigger then i am wich is great heartbeat healthy got pricked like a pin cushion and baby is well down there just not engaged yet so all in all an ok appointment . xx
Oh does more blood get taken at the 36 week appointment? Have they told you the position of the baby at previous appointments? I am going to ask tomorrow.

I don't know why but being induced scares me too. It's the one thing I am thankful for from having a section........cos I know being induced will never be an option for me. x
They always tell me where hes laid hun after they have felt , Allthough i wish they wouldnt some times as i am doing everything i can to help he just wont budge !!.
Yep they did bloods for iron check not nice my arms butchered lol. x
Oh man. I've been a bit rubbish at taking my iron. I always forget the nighttime one. Oh but I started taking pregnacare again so hopefully it will show ok in my blood work. I still poo five times a day so the iron is doing something.

I have a question: can thrush symptoms be different from different infections? I am wondering if I have it now, but with totally different symptoms to what I had last time.

Around my vaginal area is red raw and sore to touch. My discharge isn't increased. I've just been having those blobs, but they were like jelly. I think I might smell too. I can't be sure if that's just me smelling it cause I'm paranoid :-s

Oh joy. Well got my midwife appointment tomorrow so I'll see what she thinks. X
Oh man. I've been a bit rubbish at taking my iron. I always forget the nighttime one. Oh but I started taking pregnacare again so hopefully it will show ok in my blood work. I still poo five times a day so the iron is doing something.

I have a question: can thrush symptoms be different from different infections? I am wondering if I have it now, but with totally different symptoms to what I had last time.

Around my vaginal area is red raw and sore to touch. My discharge isn't increased. I've just been having those blobs, but they were like jelly. I think I might smell too. I can't be sure if that's just me smelling it cause I'm paranoid :-s

Oh joy. Well got my midwife appointment tomorrow so I'll see what she thinks. X

mine was really sore to touch and felt a bit on fire and swollen , tmi i know lol . i also had lumpy bits but no increase in discharge ..mine i thought smelt but not bad stinky just kinda different ...what a conversation lol.

anyway midwife will prob know better but it does sound similar to mine.
My thrush last time was lots of dischargeno this time it burns downthere but pretty muchno discharge . Sorry forcrap typing - onphone xxx
Yikes...I don't like that doctors are telling women that there is no harm in inductions...especially early inductions...they are supposed to be people we can trust...it is proven that women who are induced are at a much higher risk of needing a C-section...I think before anyone chooses an induction for a non-medical reason, they should do thorough research on it and not just go with what the doctor says...they tend to do things for their convenience in the United States rather than whats better for mother and baby (because I'm sure it's nicer for them to come into the hospital at a scheduled time than be called in the middle of the night to deliver...)

I know the vast majority of businesses don't pay anything while on maternity leave in the US, but legally, you should have 12 weeks of FMLA (unpaid unfortunately) that you can use - they can't really make you come back sooner (Unless you work for a very small business who may not fall under the FMLA laws.)...

Anyways, medicaid FINALLY approved a scan to check why I was measuring 41 weeks at only 34 weeks...it's for Friday...and they told me I needed a full bladder...WTF? Don't they realize I am 35 weeks pregnant? I am sure I'll pee myself....I pee myself walking to the bathroom if I wait too long!

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