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February mummies 2011 <3

Thanks eve.
Isabel seems to feed for ages. But probably about 15 mins? But really often. Perhaps holly's stomach has got big enough to take more? Prob good :) does she feed different to the boys?
Well it was a load of rubbish about having Id at registration. Got there and said I didn't have it and she said it didn't matter.

Ley I also went today. Feel much better now. Lol.

Clare I agree, can't u have a spare? I'd be the same as u though about how my dad would feel.

Eve, Lennie changes how long he feeds for daily. But I can use it to predict how long he will go till next feed.
Say he does a 15-20 minute feed he will want feeding again in 2 hours. If it a 30+ minute feed he will go 3-4 hours or I'll have to wake him.

I am going out tomorrow (leaving Lennie - boo hoo) so I tested out a bottle of expressed milk on him and he done it! Then it wasn't enough in bottle so finished him off on breast and he went straight to it. I feel so proud he done it :)

Does anyone know how to defrost breast milk? X

Glad you managed to go too hun lol

You can defrost breastmilk in the fridge or leave it in a bowl of warm water to defrost. You musn't put it in the microwave to defrost as it zaps all the nutrients out of the milk and can give hotspots.
today she seems to be feeding for 15 mins every hour and a half.

ley -sometimes she has one breast then when she finishes i change her bum and give her the other one . perhaps today is just a growth spurt or something.

lucky - i only really bf ds2 didnt work out with ds1 i really cant remember what his habits were like with feeding i just know the 1st 3 weeks with him were hell getting the latch right i had cracked bleeding nipples etc , thankfully its much easier this time round. did you bf your other girls ?

rach - glad lennie got on well with bottle :)
Yes I bfed the others but I always worry that I haven't got enough milk as they all seem to spend do long on the boob compared to others babies. We gave some formula bottles too after a few months. Hoping to bf exclusively for longer this time. fx!!
yea with ds2 we gave him a formula bottle at night after 3 months also hoping to bf exclusively for longer this time but will see how it goes
I breast fed dd for 6 months and I stopped cos she started biting me with her tooth.

I'm going to aim for the same with Lennie. If he starts biting me first though I'll stop. Lol.

Leanne, where did u get your breast feeding milestone ticker from?

I'm really glad he took the bottle. I'm going to still keep collecting my milk and putting it in a bottle for oh or dd to feed so they can have that closeness too. When I gave him the bottle earlier he just stared at me. It was lovely. He can't quite manage it with breast feeding. X
holly since lunch time has been feeding every hour for about 15-20 mins and everytime i put her down she cries real bad , gonna be a tough night i think !!
holly since lunch time has been feeding every hour for about 15-20 mins and everytime i put her down she cries real bad , gonna be a tough night i think !!

Good Luck!!

All isabel has done us eat and cry today too. Hubby went out so dd1 had her for half an hour so I could get ready for bed. She was asleep in my bed, then threw up and cried!
Awwwwwwww you guys and your bfing! So proud of you all (and slightly jealous lol)

I've updated the first page with names! woop! lol if anyone wants to give me any details like dates of birth / weights or anything else they want added feel free :)
I had Carlee Alexis on Feb 3, 2011. Weighing 7 lbs 2.7 oz 19 in. Congrats to all of you and your babies.

I bfed my first 3 for about 3 months. With my 4th child I bfed him exclusively for the 1st year. Taking it day by day with Carlee, hoping as long as possible though.
Eve and clare that's what Lennie was like yesterday. It started in the middle of the night and carried on till tea time. It was hard and I just wished oh was home. Today he's been totally opposite.
I think that when he has days like that the next few days are normally lovely.

Wine, mine are Lennie Jay born on 3rd february @ 5.17am. Weighing 9lb 10oz and 22" long. X
I breast fed dd for 6 months and I stopped cos she started biting me with her tooth.

I'm going to aim for the same with Lennie. If he starts biting me first though I'll stop. Lol.

Leanne, where did u get your breast feeding milestone ticker from?

I'm really glad he took the bottle. I'm going to still keep collecting my milk and putting it in a bottle for oh or dd to feed so they can have that closeness too. When I gave him the bottle earlier he just stared at me. It was lovely. He can't quite manage it with breast feeding. X

here you go x

Wine, mine is Megan Olivia, 24/1/11 weighing 6lbs 11ozs xx
Yay. Thanks leanne. Just got to get to a month now.

Wine I noticed on ur sig u got a weight loss journal. Are u starting to try and lose weight now? X
Yeh rach I wasn't going to yet but as I'm now not bfing I thought I might as well - but I'm starting slow lol too used to eating what I want to suddenly change!

I was up nearly all night again last night I feel so knackered lol

Yesterday hv turned up as I was going out! Thy had my wrong number or something ahh I felt really rude but I had to go as it was a speed awareness course to prevent me getting points on my lisence after going through a camera ages ago :s
Hi All,

Can you add me please? Baby Gruffudd was born 24 Feb, 19 days overdue, weighing 7lb 8oz.

So happy he is finally here, deeply in love already :flower:
Rach are you sure lennie was born onthe 3rd, I thought he was a bit late?

Wine mine is Isabel Lily-May born 18.02.11 at 12.22 weighed 8lb 2oz. Thanks :)

Ha funny about the hv, but wasn't your fault. I did a speed awareness course in November better than points :blush: it was ok nice bunch of people!

Rach how muchcan you express and when?

Oh and Isabel slept for 6 hours last night but I was coughing all night with this bloody chest infection so I still feel knackered, meh!!
Oh my god I'm so thick! Lennie was born on the 10th. Lol. Thanks clare! Ha ha.

When I expressed yesterday i fed Lennie with the stuff I had in the bottle and then finished him off on breast. He didn't feed long so I finished off with expressing. I done a little bit on other boob as well and I got 4oz.
That's what I want to try and do. When he has a bottle I'll express the milk I don't feed him with.

Wine cos I'm still BF I think I'm just going to focus on exercise and hope it gets rid of some of my flabby bits.
im not sure how long holly slept for last night ive gone past checking the time but she went down in here carry cot for a bit i think it must have been after her 1am feed but im not sure , i dont remember putting her in it but when i woke up i was in a panic as she wasnt in the bed with me then i saw her in there and she was asleep. she was ready for a feed at 8:30 and id fed her inbetween so id guess she had 3 hours ish in the carry cot ..an improvement at least .
I had to get up early today as ds1 was doing his grading exam at karate and we had to be there for 9am .. we made it on time so good practice for the school run i guess . Holly fed pretty much all the time we were there - till 11:30 lol . then she fell asleep in her pushchair and is still there now fast off

now to relax the rest of the day and watch hours of fireman sam cartoons with ds2 ..meh !
Noooooo I have fireman Sam theme tune in my head now!!!
haha , hubby got him the dvd of the great fire of pontypandy and its been on about 6 times a day since monday he just cried when i turned it off and hes had it on 3 times already today while i been out - its driving me friggin insane ... move aside make way for fireman sam ....lmao. now we have back to back episodes of it on cartoonito .. cue to sweep the kitchen i think lol !

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