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February mummies 2011 <3

the 1st 2 weeks of bf is the hardest imo , you are doing great carmyz . did you bf your boys ?

virginia - my LO is still not back to birth weight either she gets weighed tomo will see how she is doing, he had put on 2 oz last week im not bothered as long as she puts some on she feeds lots , poos and wees lots im not worried . my second son took 5 weeks to regain his birth weight , they watched me feed him to make sure i was doing it right , gave him blood tests etc and there was nothing wrong with him he was just gaining it slowly . now at 2 and half he is a big strong boy :D
thanks eve yeah i b/f ethan for 5 days and jake for 3 wks but he got reflux and lost quite a bit of weight so i put him on formula.

hopefully emma grows well and gains weight from my milk just a bit worried really as iv never breastfeed for long so i dont know much about it.
I guess I am really lucky - my LO sleeps a good 5-6 hour chunk at night, and last night she woke up, my DH put her in bed with me, I fed her and we all fell back asleep. I barely even remember waking up. And the next time she woke up it was morning. :cloud9:

I am worried about her gaining weight because she's still not back at her birth weight yet, but she pees/poops all the time, her pee is clear, she's alert when she's awake, etc....She lost more than 14oz though initially (she started out at 10lbs 11oz). Is anyone else having problems with LO gaining their birth weight back, but they seem 100% healthy otherwise?

I mentioned her sleeping for the 5 hours/night to my doctor and she said it was fine because she probably has a bigger stomach than typical newborns. Brooklyn definitely lets me know when she's hungry.

I wouldn't have thought it was a problem as she was such a healthy weight to start with. As long as it is going on. Isabel has little stick legs so she needs to do some catching up! She sleeps 4+ hours at night though, so can't complain :)

Love your lack of bump pic on facebook, I loved being preggers but isn it so good to be able to bend again!
Eve, i swear Isabel fed from 4 pm when I got back fromthe pharmacy (cant get anything for a cough when bfing :( ) until bed time at 9.30. It didn't even make her sleep, she just kept looking at me! She slept ok tho :thumbup:
Megan was the same yesterday, she was awake for literally the whole day and spent 90% of that time on the boob.
She eventually settled at 10:30 and woke at 2:30 and 6 for feeds.
Virginia that's my main worry at the moment. Lennie also lost 14oz initially. The last time he got weighed was Monday and he'd put on 6oz altogether. Haven't heard from hv so don't know when he will get weighed. He lost such a big amount to begin with surely it will take longer to put it back on?

He is still pooing and weeing though.

My right boob is killing. I'm not sure if I have a blocked duct. It's hard and sore and I'm feeling like crap.

I just gave Lennie a bottle so I could try and express it empty and massage the lumps.

I went out too last night and played bingo. Didn't win a single thing :-(

Afterwards my friends went r u not staying for another drink and I didn't cos I missed Lennie and wanted to go home. Lol.

Lennie slept from 10pm to 4am! I didn't though. Lol. I kept waking up worried he wasn't getting up for a feed. He made up for it after and fed every 2 hours since. X
Rachael Joshua was similar last night, first night he's slept about 6 hours solid and i couldn't bloody sleep properly!!!! so typical lol xxx
Oh I can't remember who said about mouth getting wide enough when bf. With Lennie I have my nipple in front of his mouth and keep his head away by holding it away and then he will open his mouth wide and I shove it in! X
I feel really teary today - Not sure why............. :(
I feel really teary today - Not sure why............. :(

Aw hugs :hugs: probabky just tiredness and the baby blues/hormones! You've been doing a lot with all your coursework on top of everything else!

Rachael Joshua was similar last night, first night he's slept about 6 hours solid and i couldn't bloody sleep properly!!!! so typical lol xxx

Jealous of all these 6 hoursleeoing babies...the most O has managed in a night is 4 hours!

thanks eve yeah i b/f ethan for 5 days and jake for 3 wks but he got reflux and lost quite a bit of weight so i put him on formula.

hopefully emma grows well and gains weight from my milk just a bit worried really as iv never breastfeed for long so i dont know much about it.

Aw hun, am sure you're doing great, the first 2 weeks are definitely the hardest, and then after about 3-4 weeks I've found it significantly easier. If you're sore don't forget to put your nipple cream on all the time :)
Oscar has his first cold and is miserable!! :( Not a lot of sleep or anything else to be had by us! OH is off to Boots to get some baby olbas oil as suggested by Wine...thank you :)
Holly fed at 12 , 2 , 5 and 8 this morning not too bad i suppose , i am getting used to being constantly knackered now its just normal !

she is feeding every 2 hours today so a bit better than yesterday at least lol !

oh and she poos so much , does everyone elses babies poo lots lol i swear the boys werent this bad she poos every nappy like 6-8 poos a day lol !

school runs tomo eeeekkkkkkk!!
Ah god! School runs. Don't remind me. Lol.

How r u going to do the school run eve? Dd basically gets herself ready so all I have to worry about is Lennie. When I was pregnant I had it all Sussed what I was going to do but I'm not even sure if that will work. Lol.

Do u think that taking him in the sling is better or in his carry cot?

Wine I have days where I am really emotional and then fine the next. I could stop crying last Thursday X
Holly fed at 12 , 2 , 5 and 8 this morning not too bad i suppose , i am getting used to being constantly knackered now its just normal !

she is feeding every 2 hours today so a bit better than yesterday at least lol !

oh and she poos so much , does everyone elses babies poo lots lol i swear the boys werent this bad she poos every nappy like 6-8 poos a day lol !

school runs tomo eeeekkkkkkk!!

Yep he poos lots! Every nappy change is a pooey one. Oh and my favourite is when he does it at 2am! Ha ha. X
i think im gonna walk it as easier than in the car , gonna have Holly in the carrycot on the pushchair and Evan either walk or ride on the buggy board and Jake walk. if we go in the car thats 3 kids i have to strap in then get 3 out to take Jae to school then put 2 bac in , drive home and get 2 out . i think unles its peeing it down its easier to walk .
as for getting ready , Jake can get himself ready , Evan can do some bits he can do pants trousers etc just needs help with shoes socks and buttons and holly can go in her sleep suit if i dont have time to dress her stick a hat coat and blanket on and shes good to go .
i think ill have to do sandwiches the night before and get clothes ready night before where as i always just did them in the morning .

sorry that was long and waffly lmao !
the 1st 2 weeks of bf is the hardest imo , you are doing great carmyz . did you bf your boys ?

virginia - my LO is still not back to birth weight either she gets weighed tomo will see how she is doing, he had put on 2 oz last week im not bothered as long as she puts some on she feeds lots , poos and wees lots im not worried . my second son took 5 weeks to regain his birth weight , they watched me feed him to make sure i was doing it right , gave him blood tests etc and there was nothing wrong with him he was just gaining it slowly . now at 2 and half he is a big strong boy :D

It's good to know it can take a while for them to gain the weight back.

I wouldn't have thought it was a problem as she was such a healthy weight to start with. As long as it is going on. Isabel has little stick legs so she needs to do some catching up! She sleeps 4+ hours at night though, so can't complain :)

Love your lack of bump pic on facebook, I loved being preggers but isn it so good to be able to bend again!

Thanks! I can't believe the difference!

Virginia that's my main worry at the moment. Lennie also lost 14oz initially. The last time he got weighed was Monday and he'd put on 6oz altogether. Haven't heard from hv so don't know when he will get weighed. He lost such a big amount to begin with surely it will take longer to put it back on?

That's what I was thinking. I'm sure it'll be alright.

I'm exhausted today...Brooklyn didn't go to sleep until 3AM, then she woke up at 5AM to eat...and I've been up since 7AM with her again this morning...I think I got like 2 hours of total sleep...:wacko:
i think im gonna walk it as easier than in the car , gonna have Holly in the carrycot on the pushchair and Evan either walk or ride on the buggy board and Jake walk. if we go in the car thats 3 kids i have to strap in then get 3 out to take Jae to school then put 2 bac in , drive home and get 2 out . i think unles its peeing it down its easier to walk .
as for getting ready , Jake can get himself ready , Evan can do some bits he can do pants trousers etc just needs help with shoes socks and buttons and holly can go in her sleep suit if i dont have time to dress her stick a hat coat and blanket on and shes good to go .
i think ill have to do sandwiches the night before and get clothes ready night before where as i always just did them in the morning .

sorry that was long and waffly lmao !

No it really helps! Thank u. X
i am just hoping that E will walk nicely he usually holds my hand but wont be able to so if it doesnt work out ill have to put H in the sling and then i can hold onto E as we have to walk along a busy road for some of the way
Could anyone tell me how to tell if the baby peed in her diaper and needs to be changed. I often look in the diaper but her pee is pretty clear (not yellow) and the pee turns to gel in the diaper...so its not wet to the touch? I never know if i should change her diaper (undress and disturb her --- she hates diaper changes) or if there is no pee in there, or if the pee doesnt bother her....is there like a trick?
if you feel a dry one it is kinda flat , one thats been peed in will be a bit fluffier and padded out a bit iykwim.

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