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February mummies 2011 <3

Clare she called him Joe.

I love how Lennie cranes his neck out too just to see what's about. He looks so cute and he gets wrinkles on his forehead.

I hardly bleed in the day. It just seems to be at night. When I had eve it lasted 6 weeks. I don't think it will be as long this time. Or I hope.

How often do u all give baby bath or top n tail wash? X
Oh and if anyone is bored...I've written isabel's birth story, link in my signature. :)
Awwww wow its lovely to see lots are getting more sleep now :), Corey has 4 ounces every 5 hours so not bad at all, He still sleeps all day and all night has about half an hour awake in a day seems to much sleep to me lol.

Hope every ones well ?., xx
Clare she called him Joe.

I love how Lennie cranes his neck out too just to see what's about. He looks so cute and he gets wrinkles on his forehead.

I hardly bleed in the day. It just seems to be at night. When I had eve it lasted 6 weeks. I don't think it will be as long this time. Or I hope.

How often do u all give baby bath or top n tail wash? X

we top and tail daily but only bath her every 2-3 days. she does like a bath though and it makes her super sleepy , she had one tonight she just lies there and stares at hubby (his job is baths - i hate bathing kids always have! i get him to bath all of ours unless he is working away ofc then i have no choice)
Awwww wow its lovely to see lots are getting more sleep now :), Corey has 4 ounces every 5 hours so not bad at all, He still sleeps all day and all night has about half an hour awake in a day seems to much sleep to me lol.

Hope every ones well ?., xx

you are sooo lucky. Megan has long periods of awakeness, she has been awake for 5 hours at the moment.
Sometimes that can be overnight though.
The problem is that when she is awake she just wants to be held constantly
same as eve bath every 2 or 3 days - we also just use plain water no soap or anything at the mo. he just lays there like floating staring up haha so funny (obviously with us supporting him)

his baby acne is getting worse :( it was a couple of spots and now its over both cheeks and starting to appear on his forehead as well... wish there was something i could do for him it looks really sore!

my bleeding has gone down a lot too, i find it gets quite bad again on days when i'm really busy but then when i'm just at home not doing much it's barely there...

has anyone heard from jenni? xxx
we have started putting as bit of lavender bath in Holly's , it sends her into a sleepy state !
Gem is there such thing as too much sleep. Lol. Lennie can sometimes stay awake too long and he gets overtired.

Wine, with Lennies acne I used to wash his face with warm water n cotton wall about 3-4 times a day, when I was changing his nappy. I'm sure my milk was irritating his face and when I fed him it would go on his face. When I was reading about it it said once or twice a day with soapy water. I didn't bother with the soap cos it might have irritated his skin more. And I wanted to do it more just so I knew milk was being washed off.
It did get worse before it got better and now it has practically gone. X
Thanks Rachael that's what I'm doing at the mo, I'm still changing his nappy with cotton wool Pads and warm water so at the same time I've been washing his face

How is everyone doing? I'm knackered today he was up most of the night, think it's because he was asleep all afternoon and evening when he's usually awake quite a bit!

The only place he would sleep was on my chest lol and I was terrified of falling asleep incase he rolled off so I ended up laying there with him asleep on menwatching rubbish tv in the night!

well Holly slept from 8 - 12 then fed till 1 then was up at 3 and 5:45 so not brill sleep here , 8-12 seems to be her normal sleep time so i think im gonna have to start going to bed at 8 to get some sleep esp next week when i have school runs to do .
hubby is back to work today - well hes working from home today but tomo he is back in the office so im on my own eeek !!!!!
here is a pic of Holly with the bouquet of clothes i mentioned yesterday.
2 weeks old today i cant believe how big she seems to have got - even though she is not even birth weight she seems to have filled out a bit.
Eve that's gorgeous what a beautiful picture xxx
Awwww Eve they are adorable i would love to be able to make something like that :).

Wow cannot believe how much every ones babies stay awake, Corey just loveeeees sleep its handy for me with the other 3 as he doesnt get fussed over just sleeps in his basket all day an normal has about half an hour awake about 7 ish , He loves the bath too :) i use jhonsons baby bath and top and tail and do his eyes every morning .

Is there any Feb mummys who havent had there baby yet ?.

Oooo bad news started my period today Bleeding stopped about 5 days ago then today got normal period cramps and dark bleeding so think its my monthly cycle starting .
Mummy madness I can't remember but are you bfing? I thought periods take ages to one back when bfing xxx
Wow, those "flowers" are just amazing and holly is gorgeous!

Where does everyone put their babes during the day.. Isabel isn't into her bouncy chair yet, I've started putting her in the Moses basket downstairs to sleep (so it gets some use lmao!) or she'll lie on her change mat or pllay mat for a short while. I like holding her but NEED to be able to do stuff on my own too or I'll go mad! Espec when the big girls are back to school!
lucky joshua has a bouncy chair upstairs and a swing downstairs... i can't lay him flat or he vomits so they are both perfect as not too upright but not too flat... he LOVES the vibrating on the bouncy chair too!

wow that pic is fab eve. I've never seen anything like those flowers before.

Lennie has wanted so many cuddles or feeds today. I've not managed to do anything cause ive had him in one arm.

he has an ingrown thumbnail............is this something I should try and sort myself - if so what do I do? or should I take him to the nurse?

I've not heard from HV yet either..........has anyone else got to 14 days and not heard from them?

wow gem is that quick for period to come back? Does ur period come back to be around the same time it was before pg? x
That's funny Rach, I got my letter today. My hv is coming on 7march but this will be the first time I've seen one. I've not even got my red book yet!
just got back from a family birthday lunch , 1st time bf Holly in public no one noticed , though i did drip pesto on her dress as i was trying to eat my own lunch at the same time meh !

rach - i would ask midwife about thumbnail if you still seeing her

Holly sleeps in her carrycot for the pushchair , or her vibrating chair thing mostly in the day but does end up in the sling if i have stuff to do and also occasionally falls asleep on her playmat

unlucky for periods mummymadness though on the plus side you can start trying for number 5 :haha:
just got back from a family birthday lunch , 1st time bf Holly in public no one noticed , though i did drip pesto on her dress as i was trying to eat my own lunch at the same time meh !

rach - i would ask midwife about thumbnail if you still seeing her

Holly sleeps in her carrycot for the pushchair , or her vibrating chair thing mostly in the day but does end up in the sling if i have stuff to do and also occasionally falls asleep on her playmat

unlucky for periods mummymadness though on the plus side you can start trying for number 5 :haha:

well done on the Bfing - i did it in tesco cafe on tuesday, wasn't too bad, as you say, noone seemed to notice. tho one woman picked up my coat for me and had a good old peer at isabel as she chatted to me, not sure if she realised she was on the boob or not. i guess it shouldn't matter - there was nothing to see.
Oh no just I forgot to change my adress with the doctor! Hv is goin to turn up at my old address!!!!!!!!!!! Phoned them but apparently they don't deal with it over the phone and I can't get their till Monday! Oops lol

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