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February mummies 2011 <3

Ooo sorry no i am not BF i dont produce milk so Bottle feeding, Gosh who said number 5 NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO my uterus is a no go ever again not to be occupied lol.
Oh no just I forgot to change my adress with the doctor! Hv is goin to turn up at my old address!!!!!!!!!!! Phoned them but apparently they don't deal with it over the phone and I can't get their till Monday! Oops lol

:haha: not so funny for the health visitor, but made me chuckle :lol:
ok this is slightly embarrassing but has anyone had problems with constipation?? My bowels haven't been normal since Megan was born but currently I haven't been for over a week. I've tried taking senna which usually works pretty quickly but even that hasn't worked and I don't know what else is safe to try while breastfeeding....

p.s Megan is a month old today, it's gone so fast!
ley - luckily no i don't have that problem and have no idea but wanted to say:

"happy 1 month Megan" hasn't that zoomed by...mind you Isabel will be a week tomorrow and it feels like yesterday i was in agony!! Please don't let the 1st year come round so quickly :)
Clare, how old will Isobel be when HV comes?

Eve, the midwife discharged me monday :-(

Wine, I am wondering if that is where the problem is with mine. The midwife never came the first day because the hospital didnt change my address details. BUT I also have a letter from the HV team when I was pregnant basically introducing themselves. So I am confused where the problem is. Basically I need to ring them. lol.

YES Leanne!! I have a problem with constipation. I didnt go for 8 days after Lennie was born. Had laxatives from the GP, made me have diarrhea. Thats stopped now but I am not regular like I used to be. Since the diarrhea I have been again once. I feel like I need to go now, but I can't and there is no way I am taking the laxatives again. I used to go once a day.
I am drinking juice and eating fruit (I wasnt to start off with) just hoping my bowels go back to normal eventually. x
I was going to mention it to my Dr at my postnatal next week but I'm worried aboutleaving it that long.
What laxatives did the Dr prescribe? were they ok for breastfeeding?
for those with constipation........ i had it and started eating a bowl of fruit and fibre every morning, by the second day i was back to normal! could be worth a try?

mummymadness - number 5!!! lolllllllll :D
constipation - i was normal after the birth went the next day but ive been a bit constipated now for about a week only going every couple of days and only the smallest amount and it hurts my tummy when i go :(
i have always suffered with constipation... but since having Mason i have been able to go no problem :) isn't lactolose ok when BF?
Mason has been awake all day...he seems so unsettled between feeds, really don't think premium milk is enough for him, so i am going to put him on the hungrier baby one, hopefully that will help!
Mason is 6 weeks old today...can't believe how fast it has gone!!

I also had a nice surprise in the post this morning, I am in credit with my council tax by £254...so they have creditied it to my account!! Don't know how that happened, by its better in my pocket :)

Thought i would share a few pics of Mason :)
oh he is so cute i love the 3rd pic he looks all floppy lol
Leanne they are called Laxido. The GP said they would be fine for breast-feeding and I can't say I noticed any difference with Lennie's poo.

I have some Crunchy Bran for tomorrow breakfast. Yum yum, I love the stuff :)

No I don't have my red book Clare, the MW said the HV will give it to me when she comes.

When I was discharged from MW they took all his notes! So I don't really know how much he weighs. I think I can figure it out from his losses and gains. I'm thinking of weighing him on the kitchen scales. lol.

I'm registering Lennie tomorrow and I can't find my passport! So don't really know what to do. Thats another thing I need to ring in the morning............to see if I can take my driving license instead.

Those pics of Mason are lovely! I love it when babies lay on the front, they look so sweet. I tried to take some of Lennie like that yesterday but he was just winging! I done it after a nappy change so that might be why. x
Omg do I have to take stuff to register Isabel? I'm doing it tomorrow too.

What do I need to take?
all i had to take to register holly was the letter out my notes that said registering your baby etc , i didnt need any id.
Eve lovely pic of Holly :)

And there lovely pic of Mason too :)

Anyone know about baby not pooping today when should I start to worry or any tips on what to do, she hasn't went since 5am!!!!
Juicy, Megan went 48 hours without pooping last week. I spoke to m/w who said it's perfectly normal but if it goes past 3-4 days then see a Dr.

I didn't need to take anything at all when we registered Megan.

I took some more senna last night before bed and it did the trick this morning lol.
Just hope it's not another 10 days before I go again.
that's good news Ley!!

I got Isabel registered today, we all went and filled the little office! we decided to call her Isabel Lily-May as May was my granny's name and OH's nan's name :)

Then we tried going round town with Isabel in the pushchair. She hates it and, tbh, I hate it! My dad bought it for us, it was his partner's daughters and she was selling it. She offered it to us and I thought it was a gift so said, yes great but it turned out they paid her :( now i feel really bad cos I just can't get on with it. it seems too high for me and makes my backache, if i put any pressure on it the front tips up which i find really scary. I can't get into the basket at the bottom easily. When Issy is in it she looks all lost, not at all snug, it looks too big for her. And we couldn't work out how to get the car seat in it, though we must be able to??? It's a maclaren techno something or other.

The worst thing is i tried one in toysrus on tuesday as i was finding it weird and that just felt so much nicer, lower, all padded and snuggly and came with a base you leave in the car so the car seat just goes click in and out.

i don't know what to do...i don't want to hurt my dad's feelings, or waste his money but i don't think i can use that pushchair, it's going to kill me!!
would your dad even need to know you werent using it ? could it not be the spare one that stays in the car or something ? for me id get one i like esp if you gonna be pushing it to and from school twice a day etc no point in having one you dont like.

love the name lucky :)

how long does anyones babies feed for ? Holly seems to feed for 15-20 mins now but more often whereas she was feedng every 3 hours for around 40 mins before.
Well it was a load of rubbish about having Id at registration. Got there and said I didn't have it and she said it didn't matter.

Ley I also went today. Feel much better now. Lol.

Clare I agree, can't u have a spare? I'd be the same as u though about how my dad would feel.

Eve, Lennie changes how long he feeds for daily. But I can use it to predict how long he will go till next feed.
Say he does a 15-20 minute feed he will want feeding again in 2 hours. If it a 30+ minute feed he will go 3-4 hours or I'll have to wake him.

I am going out tomorrow (leaving Lennie - boo hoo) so I tested out a bottle of expressed milk on him and he done it! Then it wasn't enough in bottle so finished him off on breast and he went straight to it. I feel so proud he done it :)

Does anyone know how to defrost breast milk? X
sometimes Megan will only feed for 10 minutes but want more within an hour and other times she will feed for 30-40 minutes off both boobs and be set for four hours.

Do you offer both breasts each feed?

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