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February mummies 2011 <3

Oo! I didn't know we had a parenting thread!

Brooklyn was born Feb 8th @ 12:51am weighing 10lbs 11oz and 22 inches long. =)
Vrigina love your avatar pic Brooklyn is beautiful love her black hair :)

I think my little princess is going to be blonde even though she has mosey brown hair she has no eyebrows lol

I'm losing count of sleep patterns too, I had to add another onuce to bottle as she is getting so hungry and filling out loads too can't wait to get her weighted on tues :)

Anyone else getting feed up of visitors I so wanted a lazy day to stay in my Pj's but keep getting people knocking in it's like a first baby not a 3rd lol
Yep I'm well fed up with visitors!! I have a chest infection too so doc said take it easy but I'm cleaning for them!

More tomorrow, and next weekend. And so much for a quiet half term with the girls!! Oh well!
Vrigina love your avatar pic Brooklyn is beautiful love her black hair :)

I think my little princess is going to be blonde even though she has mosey brown hair she has no eyebrows lol

I'm losing count of sleep patterns too, I had to add another onuce to bottle as she is getting so hungry and filling out loads too can't wait to get her weighted on tues :)

Anyone else getting feed up of visitors I so wanted a lazy day to stay in my Pj's but keep getting people knocking in it's like a first baby not a 3rd lol

i stayed in my pjs yesterday it was lovely , not gonna be able to do it again in a while as either have to go out or have visitors :(
Hi girls, my details are: Lily Jennifer was born on 8th Feb weighting 8lb 5oz
Vrigina love your avatar pic Brooklyn is beautiful love her black hair :)

I think my little princess is going to be blonde even though she has mosey brown hair she has no eyebrows lol

I'm losing count of sleep patterns too, I had to add another onuce to bottle as she is getting so hungry and filling out loads too can't wait to get her weighted on tues :)

Anyone else getting feed up of visitors I so wanted a lazy day to stay in my Pj's but keep getting people knocking in it's like a first baby not a 3rd lol

Thank you! She'll be blonde by age 2, though! Both me AND Dh was born with black hair that turned blonde by the time we were toddlers. My dh's hair was almost white, while mine was more a darker blonde - her hair is already a LOT lighter than it was at birth. It's more of a dark brown now. :flower:

I've been lucky to not have many visitors this past week. It seems to have calmed down a little. Am I the only one who stays in my PJ's even when I get visitors? :haha:
I haven't left my PJ's since the birth. I couldn't even imagine having to be social or get into uncomfortable jeans or something. I hardly have the energy to call my own mom. Then again, I hardly had the energy before pregnancy hahaha.

A few people have stopped by but my awesome hubby has just told them I'm not feeling well enough to see anyone. And we've had quite a lot of calls but I just don't answer so that hubby can tell them I'm sleeping or something. I just really don't feel like dealing with people and their annoying comments at the moment. Gosh that sounds horrible when written out like that.
could you please add Mason's details

Mason-James born on 13/1/11 @ 36+5 weeks weighing 6lb 2oz :)
I haven't left my PJ's since the birth. I couldn't even imagine having to be social or get into uncomfortable jeans or something. I hardly have the energy to call my own mom. Then again, I hardly had the energy before pregnancy hahaha.

A few people have stopped by but my awesome hubby has just told them I'm not feeling well enough to see anyone. And we've had quite a lot of calls but I just don't answer so that hubby can tell them I'm sleeping or something. I just really don't feel like dealing with people and their annoying comments at the moment. Gosh that sounds horrible when written out like that.

Don't worry, I'm sure we're all the same. Hubby has invited his sister for lunch tomorrow, he wanted to go out first of all. I'm like I'm not feeding in a busy pub or sitting in the car! So now I'm cooking lunch! I did say did you even tell them I had a chest infection so don't feel great..I do not want them here all day!
Oh invited some of his family ova for a roast tomorrow and then said "your cooking the roast aren't you" had to tell him to F off.

Ah I just wanna stay in my pyjamas tomorrow or even better sleep! But have to entertain with the dinner. X
Oh invited some of his family ova for a roast tomorrow and then said "your cooking the roast aren't you" had to tell him to F off.

Ah I just wanna stay in my pyjamas tomorrow or even better sleep! But have to entertain with the dinner. X
God...there's always so many pages to catch up on when I make it on here! :) Hey all!

OH is being a pain and I've not managed to register Oscar yet because OH has to come with me and keeps putting it off...grrr!

Left Oscar for the first time last night, went to the pub for dinner and MIL babysat, didn't really want to go but OH arranged it as a treat so went and it was really nice actually. OH then did the 3am feed for me and I had a good 6 hours sleep! woohoo! However Oscar today has a blocked nose and will only sleep upright on me, so no sleep tonight then! Swings and roundabouts hey! Anyway got any hints and tips for blocked nose? Have tried the drops and aspirator but they haven't helped... :(
wiiwidow - baby olbas oil!!!

Joshua was up most of last night and today he hasn't let me put him down at all he's cried as soon as i've even gone to put him down.

I think he's a bit constipated and actually as i type this hes laying on his changing mat pooing LOL he's actually stopped crying without me holding him for the first time today so i'm hoping the pooing is working...

i was just looking at a card from the hospital and it has a list of date, time, head circumfrance, weight etc

but for length it says

Length: T = 36°c

confused.com!!!!! lol

and as for visitors they always phone/text/email me like 'when are you free?' so i schedule a couple of days seeing people, then a day where no one comes and i sit around in my pjs, then a couple of days seeing people or going out etc

I also usually choose times where i know how long people will be - i.e. some friends of mine always have dinner at 5.30 so i know they will leave by about 5pm and i can choose my time accordingly hehe

oh god Joshuas just done the most mahoosive poo all over his changing mat.. its gone over his legs and feet ahhhhhh
cook a roast ...are you all bloody crazy haha . holly wouldnt leave me alone long enough to peel the spuds !

she is needy agian today , feeding every hour to hour and a half and only settling when i hold her or let her lie with me.

did a bit of googling and it seems common at 2-3 weeks for a growth spurt so hoping that we get back to a more normal routine soon !
hello all iv been looking for a feb baby thread and couldnt find one lol must of been lookin in the wrong spot.

Emmalee Scarlett was born on the 16th of feb at 4.12am weighing 7lb 10oz

I live in my pjs atm lol emma is feeding every 3-4hrs her feedings usually last 1hr she has both sides..she lost 204g and is gettin weighed again this thursday im hopin that she has put on some weight considering how much shes eating she should have..b/feeding has been rough only the last couple of days have been good my nipples are gettin better but she now takes forever to latch on cause she doesnt open her month big enough so takes me about 5 mins to wait for her to get a big mouth DP has been really unsupportive about b/f he hates hearing her cry and tells me just to put her on a formula but iv come this far now and it would really upset me just to give up now..were also battling thrush..fun fun!


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Hi Carmyz :) :hi: You've probably tried this but have you tried putting your nipple to her nose first and waggling it around a bit? I find this is a fail-safe to get O to open his mouth wide, I then just move it down and push his head on to my nipple before he can close it again?
carmyz you sound like you're doing brilliantly hun! well done .... and i LOVE that first pic!!!!!!!!!!!!! gorgeous xx
I guess I am really lucky - my LO sleeps a good 5-6 hour chunk at night, and last night she woke up, my DH put her in bed with me, I fed her and we all fell back asleep. I barely even remember waking up. And the next time she woke up it was morning. :cloud9:

I am worried about her gaining weight because she's still not back at her birth weight yet, but she pees/poops all the time, her pee is clear, she's alert when she's awake, etc....She lost more than 14oz though initially (she started out at 10lbs 11oz). Is anyone else having problems with LO gaining their birth weight back, but they seem 100% healthy otherwise?

I mentioned her sleeping for the 5 hours/night to my doctor and she said it was fine because she probably has a bigger stomach than typical newborns. Brooklyn definitely lets me know when she's hungry.
just finished a feed and she latched on better only took a couple of goes..thanks for the advice wiiwidow i usually do alot of teasin to get her to open her mouth i cant wait for all this to be over and when i can enjoy feeding her and not be in pain..

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