February mummies 2011 <3

Holly has had grapes she loves them - i cut them in half though . apple she doesnt do too well as she is still toothless so the chunks she sucks off dont dissolve soft enough , she is fine with a ripe pear thugh eats it as is if you take the first bite to start her off!
sleeping bag in the day - no ..but then Holly doesnt sleep in the day unless i put her in her sling or carrier , she wont go down for a nap .

last night i did a dream feed at 11:45 and she didnt get up then till 6:15 so i think im gonna try that again tonight - sure beats getting up at 3am.

and jem - no she has no tears at all has never had any , doesnt get watery eyes or anything like when she bashes a rattle on her nose etc . and even when she has been hysterically crying for aes - like on holiday when we were on motorway and was 30 miles till we could stop s she was well worked up there were still no tears . she doesnt get blocked up or gunky eyes though so idk :S
Oh eve that is odd about the tear thing, never heard of any condition?? Have to keep us informed.

I will try grapes tomoz, I still cut them in half for Isla, lol. Demi still has no teeth either.
I have given izzie chopped up grape but she choked on them more than other fruit so haven't given her recently vshe hasn't got any teeth either! I gave hercomelette yesterday, she loved that!!
Ooh omlette, I tried Isla on then and she hates them... Maybe if i try Demi on eggs it may help. We had a baby at our nursery that had an unknown egg allergy and she was given scrambled eggs.... Was very scary to say the least.
I gave Demi a cheesy meal tonight and she keeps bringing it up, I tried her on her milk but she wasn't interested, so she has gone to sleep with no milk. Guess I will be up later?
Oh eve I think it's good to make the appointment about her tears, even if they just say to wait at least you don't need to worry. It is very late to not have tears but you never know!

Joshua doesnt often nap in the day, only if he's sitting upright on my lap or in a sling.

He gets around the room by rolling, usually to toys or food Jakob has left on the floor!

He's now had curry korma and tikka masala, sandwiches, cheese on toast, stuffed mushrooms, sticks of red pepper, mint chocolate areo lol

I haven't tried raisins because of how small they are and I know how Bad jakobs poo gets when he has raisins lol!

He has 2 teeth now! Am still in shock because Jakob was nearly 1 before he had any!

Eve I love the pics and I'm so jealous of the holiday lol

Jakobs started preschool and the other mums have babies too and it was quite upsetting when they were all talking about having some alone time with their babies whilst their toddlers were at preschool and I was like I'm not even going to be here I'm going to be at uni :'(
Oh and jem recently Joshua sometimes drinks hardly any milk but still sleeps through? Think it must be the solids... Even when I think e hasn't had a lot!
Well Demi woke up at 8ish and was so upset. So we got her up and she had a nibble on my ice cream- naughty mummy. She finially went to sleep at 9:30 but still no milk? Not sure what the matter, hopefully some teeth.

Wine, I kno it's going to be hard going to uni and having two children but your doing it so you can give your children the best in the future. Don't you get all the half terms off? And you finish in the early summer too? Didn't you say that your OH has the kiddies? Your a great mummy and your boys know that.
Yes that v true jem, you are doing this for a better future fur them, and when you have your third ;) you can have a long maternity leave like I am cos you'll get extra time with your boys then :lol: or you may be ad to work part time when you graduate and have extra time with them :)

Forgot to say that I never put izzie in the sleeping bag in the day. She has about 3 naps in the pushchair or cot with a blanket over xx
Yeh I'm hoping to go part time when I qualify... and Ians becoming a stay at home dad so at least they will be with someone they are close to!

I forgot to say I give joshua grapes whole, probably not a good idea lol but hey!

Jem it may be teeth, I've just realised Joshuas teeth have come through at the same sortof time as him not wanting much milk? xx
Ha wine holly likes curry too :p Im hoping the tear thing sorts itself out , my friend said her girl was 8 months so fingers crossed she gets them without having to have an op or anything.

Holly hasnt had as much milk today as normal infact id say she has skipped 2 feeds lets hope theres finally some teeth gonna appear lol
woohoo for teeth

I can't believe we're all over half way of their first year :'( not long until they are walking and talking........

It's gone so fast. Jakobs first year felt like an eternity (in a good way lol) this is just speeding by though

feeling quite broody LOL
Hello everyone. Lily is 7 months old now! I can't believe how fast it's gone. I haven't posted a lot because I've been suffering with morning sickness again (not as bad as it was with Lily but is still taking it out of me), I'm so tired and really have to push myself to get things done.

Lily is sitting up unaided now and sits quite happily playing toys for ages. She still doesn't like being on her tummy, so not sure when she will try to start crawling. She loves being in her baby walker and scoots around the kitchen chasing the dogs .... she thinks it's really funny and loves standing in her walker watching the washing machine and staring at herself in our stainless steel bin lol.

Her feeding is great now but she still isn't sttn :wacko: this is her routine:

7.30am wakes and has weetabix with cows milk
9am has about 3-4 oz milk
9.30am - 11am/11.30am - sleep
12pm - lunch (either a jar or dinner we had night before) + yoghurt
3pm - 3-4oz milk
3.30pm - 4.30pm - sleep
5pm - dinner (either jar or our dinner if it's ready lol) + fruit/rice pudding or similar
7pm - 6oz milk and bed.

She generally wakes up 4 or 5 times during the night but not for milk or anything .... just need to put her dummy in etc, but last night she screamed non stop at midnight so I gave in and gave her a bottle (she drunk 4 oz). May be she's having a growth spurt.

Very confused about bedding etc at the moment because the weather has turned and I think it's quite cold at night - what is everyone else using at night time (sleep clothes/blankets etc)?????

Oh, and she still has no teeth :nope:

Sorry for long post ....... please don't forget to answer my question about bedding :flower: xx
Hi ya Josie, your routine is exactly the same as mine!
I put Demi is in a short sleeved vest and long sleeve baby gro and she sleeps in a sleeping bag. Just checked what tog the slleping bags are and it doesn't say? There not thin or thick, all standard size- whatever that is? I check her hands when I go to bed and thet are warm and as she sleeps through I figured she must be warm enough? I guess as the nights get colder I will put a blanket on her- but then I worry she may kick the blanket over her head?? Maybe I will buy thicker sleeping bags, lol
ji josie :wave:

i put izzie in pyjamas (she puts her legs through the poppers in the sleepsuit during the night, she must wriggle so much!!) in a sleeping bag with a blanket over . her room is about 20 degrees at the mo. i find guaging all that really hard to do but if she seems happy i am :) she is a cold baby tho compared with the others.

how is the cruising going everyone? i find she has no idea what is stable enough to pull herself up on so keeps pulling things over :dohh: best thing is the gymnastics beam, its about 12 inches off the ground and v stable!
Is everyones babies pulling themselves up then? I popped on her to say that Demi is trying to pull herself up against me and on her knees.
I assume they are all at it :shrug: I think it's usually around crawling time. Is Demi any more sensible? Izzie pulls herself up on me too which is good but she will also do it on another baby :dohh, she is a bit scary. Should be fun back at toddlers next week!
holly doesnt pull up or crawl or really sit yet - she can sit for like a minute or so but thats it .

as for bedding H if she is in her own bed has either a vest and pj's or a vest and sleepsuit with a sleeping bag , if she is in our bed we ditch the sleeping bag .

i tried the dreamfeed again last night as it had worked so well the night befre but all it did last night was wake her up and then she was giggling and playing with her cot toys but screamed like hell if i left the room ..i gave up at 1:30 and put her in bed with me lol .

i find it so hard cus both my boys slept 12 hours by now haha.
I know it must be awful but there must be stuff she is doing that the boys weren't too? I have no idea what to suggest. Izzie has had a few wake ups recently. I assume it's teeth related but Hollie has been doing it a lot hasn't she? You must be so tired. :hugs:
I know it must be awful but there must be stuff she is doing that the boys weren't too? I have no idea what to suggest. Izzie has had a few wake ups recently. I assume it's teeth related but Hollie has been doing it a lot hasn't she? You must be so tired. :hugs:

meh .. im just used to it now its become normal lol its not that bad really she goes 8-3 then usually drops off till 6:30/7 then nap again till 8/9 but then is awake ALL day ! she will do it when she is ready i guess, im actually ok about it except i cant go out at night , would be nice to put her bed then have someone watch them all while me and carl went fpr a meal or something though

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