February mummies 2011 <3

Eve we're going to Dorset this time, in a cottage :) hope the sun shines a bit! Hope you have a fab time, I love France :)

It doesn't matter when babies do stuff, only to us! Who cares when they crawled once they are walking even? It's great to be excited about what they do when they do it, and in some ways it's nicer that they are 'babies' longer. The other thing I've noticed is that they'll be slower on say motor things but quicker on speech or something else. It really doesn't matter we all just like to be proud :)
Yeah my sisters baby is 8 days younger and he can't stay still. He won't sit on your lap - he has to stand and he's doing a sort of crawl/hop thing. He can get where he wants to go. Lennie just lies there. But because of that she has it much harder cause she has to always be in the lookout. He is like a duracell bunny! Whereas I don't have to worry about that with Lennie yet.

It makes sense about the speech thing - sometimes we can't shut Lennie up!

I wish we were going on hols! Jay is off this week and we have something planned with eve for everyday but we r not telling her until the morning to keep it a surprise. Monday we went to the beach - the weather was lovely. Yesterday we went to pizza hut. We were supposed to go to a park with a big paddling pool but weather was rubbish. Today the weather is still pretty cloudy but we r going for a picnic (which may end up in the car) to a wood with a spring. The weather will hopefully be better 10 miles away! X
Sounds lovely rach, and you don't have to do all the packing!!
sounds like fun Rach , we love picnics :) have a great day !

i am having my hair cut at 12 and supposed to be packing but Miss Holly hasnt let me have a minute yet , oh well
Hi all - I'm back from my hols - had a great time! Wrote about it in my journal so won't bore you all with it here. Happy to be back now though although sad that my OH is gone back to work :-(
Winegums - you poor love. What a nightmare you've been having. I am still several pages back (pg 194) in the thread so maybe things with OH have changed so I'll say no more til I get to the end.
Gem - Congrats on your marriage - I'm hoping I'm gonna come across more info along the way so I won't plead yet!
Lucky, you could be describing Devin the way you talk about Izzy - he is into EVERYTHING. He is like a one man demolition derby! OMG!
MAde it all the way through!!
Jellybean - glad to hear you guys are gonna try and work it out. Hopefully it's just a bad patch - EVERYONE has them sooner or later and in a lot of cases the level of effort put into fixing things determines the outcome - it's not easy when thigs feel really crap but you have to try and hope you come through it. THat way if things don't work out at least you know you did everything you could.
Devin is still not sitting up on his own either. He sits for a few secs and then starts to double over or lean to the side and crashes! He'll get there when he's ready! He chats all the time but nothing determinable.
I think fate hates me writing on here lol, wrote a massive post on my phone and it deleted. Wrote on here and my laptop crashed! Then last night started typing and we had a powercut that lasted hours! my battery is broke so as soon as the power went the laptop went off. So now I'm back again lol third attempt

Went to just so festival at the weekend it was AMAZING. You guys should so check it out for when our lil ones are bigger next year!

Joshua does the weirdest thing now - he can't pull himself up at all but if there's something in front of him he gets on his knees and pushes against the object with his arms whilst pushing his body up with his legs and stands there wobbling then falls back down. it's so odd I've never seen it before lol.

he doesn't stop making babbly noises allllllll the time and eats anything. tonight he had chicken and chips from kfc (bad mummy alert! hehe)

he still has 4 bottles a day but never finishes them... we've also moved him into jakobs room now which still freaks me out but seems to be going well.

He's so big he keeps growing out of nappies and clothes!

Also he rolls a lil more but still doesn't really like it. In fact he's a very upright baby - loves sitting and if he holds on to something loves standing.. hates being on his back/front laying down and i think he'll be a late crawler.

Anyone started thinking about christmas presents yet? lol xx
eek i'm so jelous of everyone going on holidays!! have fun guys... where were you chilly? xxx
Yep I've already bought some Xmas pressies and izzy's birthday, she's not getting much for either but I think our babies are going to love Christmas, izzy loved pulling the wrapping off a parcel today. I can't wait :)
ahh montenegro looks fab i wanted to go there last year .

wine - holly had a fishfinger and smiley face the other day so i wouldnt worry bout your chicken and chips ! if we eat crap ill have to give it to holly as she doesnt like to be left out of meal times , she also likes everything she had mexican fod the other day lol . sheis also doing really well with a preloaded spoon now :D

we havent grown out of nappies or clothes she is just a little dot lol

as for xmas i been buying stuff for a few months for the boys just little bits of lego and board games etc as we are getting them a tv to share for their room . i have got holly some ikea food thats it atm. i also have ds1's birthday 2 weeks before xmas to sort out .

oh and i go away today and i still hvent packed hmm prob best go do that now ...
Hello ladies :) How are you all? LONG time no chat!!! Hope your all well :) :) :) :)
Ah girls, I went off the deep end last night while hubby was away and bought 8 brand new bright star baby nappies. :blush:
Ugh, sorry I haven't updated in a while. No time now that B is crawling...she is fast...we had to get a play pen to block everything off...dh also started a new schedule and doesn't get home until after midnight each night. I've also started a small business online selling fleece soakers with embroidered t-shirts/fleece pants, etc. They are used as diaper covers over cloth diapers. She's also got 2 teeth.

Lol, and I just realized I haven't updated my breastfeeding milestone thing...we are still BFing...but I suppose I'll wait until 7 months to update it since it's only a week away...


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Well done on the breastfeeding Virginia. And the photos are just gorgeous! She's a doll!
Need to post more!!! Missing coming on here so much! I was eating ice cream today and Joshua literally took the stick off me and finished the whole ice cream! And it was like the bottom 1/2 of a magnum!!! Lol
Hi all, sorry I've not been on for ages either. Hope we're all well? Oscar and I recently had a horrible virus, hand, foot and mouth disease, followed by impetigo :( nasty

Talking about that, it just made me think wasn't there a lo who was poorly a while back in our group, I can't remember who but I wondered if anyone else knew? Chilly it was around the same time as Devin was in hospital I think?

Oscar has literally JUST started rolling regularly both ways and sitting up properly with a straight back and arms out. He can now play quite happily sitting on the floor, all just in the last week or so. He is now 7 months old too...where is this time going?
Hi ya mummy to be.

Virginia love those photos, is Brooklyn our first crawling Feb baby?

Jenni, are they the toweling nappies? i dont have a clue as I use disposible's.

Josie, hope youe doing well, not long until your scan? Imagine its twins....eeeekk! Well done Lily on her speech, Demi does this extremely high pitched noise that makes Isla giggle and then sets Demi off, love it.

Rach, how much does Lennie weigh? I must get Demi weighed. She is in 6-9 months but its certainly not because of her weight. I think she is long? i may see if they will do her length, but my health visitor hates doing it as she says its not pleasent for LO's.

Eve, I think you said something about sitting up?? Demi is only sitting confidently for the past week. But now she prefers to be on her tummy! I cant get her off it, she ever so slightly pulls herself along the floor to reach her toys, so I dont think it will be long before she is on the move?

How does your LO's sleep, Demi rolls onto her front now and I move her onto her back but she moves onto her front? Should I just leave her?
And doing her nappy is a nighmare too, she wiggles all over the place. [i do love it though, determined little minx]

Ive been made redundent so Im looking for a job, two days, just dont know what I want to do? Dont think I want to work with children now Ihave my own?

Wine, love your avater.

Chilly, how was Devin on the plane? Did you remember to take everything?

Wi, hope your feeling better now, impetigo is just awlful to get rid of, my little brothers kept catching off eachother. Oh and I think its mummy madness your talking about? I did ask after her and if anyone had her on facebook but no one answered, so I asumed no one knew anything?

Hope ive not left anyone out? Hope your all having a lovely weekend xxx
Lucky3 and Eve have lovely holidays.
Mouse, Demi has no teeth and she often gags a bit on her food but she copes fine and mainly sucks the finger food I give her.

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