February mummies 2011 <3

good luck jem!!

yes is hard swimming with 2 so young, i take all mine but the 10 year old is a confident swimmer so is fine on her own and the 7 year old can now swim so i can concentrate on wizzy :) i prob didn't take the other 2 so much when the were really young!!

forgot to say we got our amber from amber pumpkin wii.

i am watching the tour of britain cycle race come through norfolk tomorrow and hopefully some gardening, if i don't get too wet!! might even go to a car boot sale to look for more grown up toys for Isabel, what is everyone playing with no9w? what are they going to want next?
I got out all the things like pop up toys, baby friendly musical instruments, stacking cups and rings.... Demi likes making noise with toys.
Demi is currently sitting eating her muffin and humming loudly... Think she enjoying it, she has been a right grump this afternoon.
oo, a pop up toy is a good idea :thumbup: i still have rings and cups from the others :)
Yep mine are all Isla's! My house is just full of colourful plastic, who knows what to but poor Demi at Christmas and her birthday??
yes it's hard, we struggle with our second daughter as so many things are just knocking round the house anyway :shrug: they don't mind tho :)
Wow at Izzy with her swimming and her weight ! Im def taking h next week see how heavy she is , i havent took her since i started weaning her and she does seem to have chunked up a bit.
reading this thread , all the babies are up to so much H doesnt do a lot still lol , she can sit up if she cba , she tries to crawl but gets no where and she isnt that into toys she just wants to chew stuff . she likes her peekaboo piano and her chicco table and her v tech nursery rhyme book , but mostly she likes to chew sophie the giraffe and her bright star links.

however big news ........she slept 8-7:30 last night OMG !!!
2 nights on the trot till 7:30 .
we tried H in the walker today , she wasnt impressed lol
Well done Holly.
We put Demi in her baby walker, she was fine but Isla was pushing her everywhere! Poor baby, we won't ever have the chance to learn to move herself.
Demi can now sit herself up in her cot, she was actually asleep sitting up!!! Lol

my lovely step mum has the girls today while I got and watch Spurs play football with my Dad. (shauns at golf) so hoprfully Demi will be ok?
Hope your all having a good weekend.
Hi ya everyone, how are you and your LO's?
Demi has had me up the past two nights, not sure why. The first night I really tried to resist giving her milk but after an hour I gave in.
Last night I gave her big huggle, some water and put her down to sleep.
I'm sure she is not hungry so once again I'm wandering if it's the teeth? Is Demi the only baby with no teeth?
No izzie has no teeth yet, but is grumpy, sore bott and is waking in the night sometimes crying. I wish they'd just come through!!
Holly has no teeth either :)

and after a week of 12 hour sleeps last night she just wouldnt/couldnt settle . She had wind when i put her down and burping her woke her right back up then she seemed hungry and wanting comfort etc , by midnight i gave up and co slept and she fed on and off all night . she has had a stomach bug though so perhaps its just a bit of comfort from that .

is anyone up to anything nice at the weekend ? I have DS1's karate grading and exam tomorrow morning , then he has a birthday party in the afternoon , then staining a couple of doors on sunday - fun huh !
I had an awful night too, I didn't want to give milk as she usually sleeps through but after half hour of moaning and me not being able to Settle her, I gave in.

It must be teeth then????

I'm gardening tommorrw and my eldest has a party so daddy will be having some Demi time, bet she sleeps while I'm out with Isla.

Isla is so nearly crawling, she moves ever so slightly. I now need to get Isla to do wee's in the toilet rather than the potty because toilet training and a crawling don't mix, lol.

Hope Holly feels better today.
You mean Demi with the crawling?? That confused me!!

I am gardening too, trying to catch up with loads of stuff but I love to get out there on my own!! Middle daughter has a party tomorrow too.

Izzie crawled out of her highchair onto the table yesterday, she is such a Houdini! Trouble is the straps just don't seem to go tight enough. She does make me laugh. She couldn't keep still or quiet at the harvest festival today.luckily there were loads of babies and toddlers. She kept cruising round the pews till she fell over :dohh:
Hahaha yes I mean Demi! Infact she has been a pickle, moving everywhere. She tried to pull herself up against the door and of course head butted the door, first bruise of her life.

Ha i loved the photo on facebook, it did make me laugh. I never strap Demi in, I push her chair into our table so she can't get out... I don't think?

I got the nanny job! Two days a week, Monday and Tuesdays. Long days, 8am to 7pm, so I will hardly see the girls on those days.... But they will be with Nanna and Daddy will be with them Am and bedtime. At least I will finally have some money!
oh that's good news jem, i'm pleased. 2 days doesn't sound too bad for some money.
Shaun said to me that i could have a lay in..... I was up with Demo for two hours last night and I ended up giving her milk and now it 9:15am and both my children are still asleep as well as Shaun! Why does things like this happen when it's the mend turn? Normally they are awake at 7am!

Anyways, I'm certain it's Demi's teeth, just wandered what eveyone else does for it? I've got calgel and used it but do you really think it works? And I tried to give Demi calpol after her injections at 12 weeks and she spat it out.... So when do you give your LO's calpol??? Demi doesn't have a temperture but she is moaning like something hurts? And she never moans or crys so it's out the ordinary.... Why is it at night though? Grr, wish she could just say!
I find izzie always sleeps longer when it's tims turn :dohh:

Have you tried calpol in a syringe? It goes a bit further down the throat then! Other peoPle have tried teething powders but I've only used calpol so far. She was awake at 5.45 today so not TOO bad!
Hello everyone. I haven't been on much coz had sinisitis and chest infection (as well as morning sickness).

Lily was really grumpy and under the weather 2 weeks ago and I gave her calpol in a syringe. She did sleep a little better, and finally got her first tooth. This week, she's had her first cough and cold so I just raised one end of her mattress slightly (put a pillow under the mattress) so her head was elevated and found she could breath easier. She's fine now though.

She's still not crawling .... rolls onto her front and within minutes whinges until I turn her back over, but she loves her baby walker and sitting up on the carpet with her toys. I bought her a Sophie the giraffe ... and it's fantastic!! I thought it was very pricey but actually worth it. Her favourite thing to watch on TV is Elmo!!!

Also, as promised .... a pic of my 13 week scan photo:

13 week scan.jpg

Any gender guesses for fun????

Great scan pic josie, I gave boy :)

My lo has no teeth but teething like mad she isn't sleeping good at all. Wakening with pain alot and I still give a milk bottle during the night oh I'd love a full nights sleep :( I give calpol or neaufen for pain b4 bedtime.

She is sitting great, rolling and trying to crawl loves her walker and eats all her toys lol

Oh she has started to discover how loud she can roar, sounds like she is trying to say my older 2 names. She is saying mama baba so cute :)

Hope u all hav a lovely weekend :)

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