February mummies 2011 <3

Eve I think girls can be a bit different my boys are such good sleepers and my cousin has 4 girls and 3 boys and the boys are te only good sleepers lol

Also I swear I remember you saying you didn't bf the boys as long? Breastmilk digests easier and quicker so she will get hungrier a bit quicker than if she was ff

For bed we usually put her in a longsleeve onsie (vest) and a pair of trousers that have footies at the end. I bit like pajamas but I just can't stand them with all the snaps! lol. Then if the window's open for some air we put her in a sleeping bag, but she always has a blanket in with her because she's such a snuggle pot! The sleeping bag is mainly for her feet that are always cold!

Phoebe still doesn't do much. Kinda sits up but mainly falls. She's becoming a decent eater, but man I'm not good at feeding her! [Bad mom alert!
It was just so much easier when it was just milk. Lately my back has been killing me so I just lie in bed all day with her, which she seems happy enough with (given there are plenty of toys) but then I'm not up to give her anything. We're also moving in like 2 weeks so we have NO food in the house. She pretty much gets oranges, boiled apples, or banana's all the time. I really should be giving her more veg. Of course the other day she had some of my steak while at a restaurant and devoured it. lol
:hi: girlies! Nice to see ya to see ya.....
All good over here. Devin is a crazy roller and follows me around the ground floor with his rolls! We stillhave a bit of baby proofing to do but it's pretty safe now to leave him in the sitting room with the door into the hallway and the other door into the kitchen open. It's a small house and is quite open so I can hear or see him from almost everywhere downstairs. Its so cute coz I leave the room and about 5 mins later he rolls in after me after a few pitstops of distraction (ie toys, fire protector thingy etc) along the way! He always looks up and beams at me as if to say - 'See I found you!!!' So cute!
He is sitting up for about 5 minutes at a time - I think the only reason he stops is coz he gets bored and wants to go rolling! Otherwise I reckon he'd stay there! He's not pulling himself into standing position yet but is quite strong when I hold him by the hands. It's funny though he has one of those Jumperoo bouncers so when he stands he tries to bounce and can't seem to figure out that he needs springs to make him jump!!! hehe!
I reckon if we had carpet floors he would be crawling by now but all our floors are wood so he gets his legs up under him and propels himself forward but his lil socks can't get enough traction on the wood floor to stabilise him properly! He'll be doing it in a matter of weeks though I think! I just love watching him develop!

He sleeps on his side jammed into the top right corner of his cot - no matter what way I put him down or where - he migrates his way up there in minutes!! At night, now that the cold has hit he sleeps in a 2.5 tog grobag. I think its on the verge of being too warm for him but his other one is 1.5 and is really too cold for him. He either sleeps in that during the day or with just a blanket or sometimes two during the day.

We are doing Waterbabies, musical tots and another class called claphandies! Then on Wednesdays we have a playdate with all the girls from our original baby massage class which is nice - we rotate around all our houses and just do a light lunch etc. And Mondays are just for me and him to hang out - he has all his naps in his own lil cot those days which I love coz it's where he sleeps the best!

Devin has two teeth! Yay! He plays with them with his tongue sometimes - OMG - love is watchin your lil one playing with his two new teeth with his tongue instead of watchin telly! I could do it for hours! Tooooooo gorgeous! We brush them now too - ie he chews his iddy biddy toothbrush for 5 mins! hehe! He got the first one on hols in Montenegro and then when we got back he caught a cold and then sprouted the second one so we had about a week of sleepless nights there between it all! Then the cold also went and he slept great for about 5 days and then on about Saturday last he started waking again and his cold flared back up -crying loud but settling once the soother went back in - great for him but not so great for his Mum 5/6/7 times a night. Poor lamb wanted his soother but then couldn't breathe through his nose properly when it was in! However last night was good again so I'm hoping he's gonna settle a bit better now. I miss my 12 hours a night sleeps!

So that's us!!
sounds like Devin is doing well chilly :)

@ wine yea both the boys were on formula by this stage - ds1 fully and ds2 was on ff for nightimes so could be somethig to do with that .

saying that guess what ... last night she went 8:30 - 5:50 with no dream feed, its all so random .

also yesterday when she was eating pineapple i saw blood in her mouth , cant see a tooth though :s

oh and 7 mnths today !
well the sleep thing is still random here , after the night she slept till 6 she then was up at 3 again the next night but last night was 5.

Anyway .. i took H to the dr today about her tears , he said her corneas were clear and that she had a film of tears but just not excess tears enough to cry , he did say smething about some glands and something else but anyway the upshot was to take her back when shes 1 if still no tears and they will refer her and not to worry about it now.
That's good eve. My nephew doesn't cry tears, he's 5.. Apparently there are 2 ducts or something, one to lubricate the eyes, the other for tears. I think as long as the first sort works it's ok :) it's weird cos my niece and nephew from tim's other sister seem to cry a Bucketful when they cry, it's amazing!
How strange about the tears, least the docs not worried.

Demi pulled herself up to her knees this evening, we don't think it will be long until she crawls, she keeps getting on her hands and knees and rocking.

So it mine and Eves LO's that don't have teeth? I do love this stage coz Demi is eating anything and everything.

Wow, Devin does lots of fun activities! He is a lucky boy. It's Isla's second day at pre school, so I will only have Demi at toddlers tomorrow... That will be odd!

Still no job for me :(

hope everyone had a good weekend x
Hi ya, I havent been on for ages!! All the bigger children are back at school now!

Jem, I think it was you who asked about Lennie's weight. I havent had him weighed in 6 weeks and won't until his next hospital appointment which is in a week. He was nearly 20lb then. I actually got out his 12-18 month size clothes today which was a bit shocking, especially as I could tell that some would fit him. I got out his 9-12 about a month ago and at the moment they are just fitting but dont know how long for. I got him a cute hoody, put it on him and it was tight! Plus it rose up his belly like a crop top. lol. He seems to have bypassed an age group with clothing (the 9-12)

Thats great motivation for your weight loss wine. Mine seems to be hitting a plateau which is annoying. I need some ideas/motivation to get me going again.

Jem I don't use Lennie's sleeping bag in the day and just put a blanket over him. It seems to work and he doesnt put it over his head.

Lennie doesnt pull him self up. He doesnt like putting weight on his legs at all. He rolls over one way and supports his upper body but thats about it. He sat on the bed for a few minutes the other day too.

Lennie has his two bottom teeth. Recently he has been making a funny face like smiling and chewing. It looks really cute. He does it sleeping too. I think its probably teeth somewhere.

For bed mostly he wears a vest and sleepsuit then his sleeping bag and a flat sheet over the top.

Lennie's wheeze has defo been controlled with his inhalers so we are so pleased about that, but he still gets blue hands and feet. I took him to the doctors the other day when it was really bad. Thankfully I took a picture cause by the time we got to the appointment he was better. The doc looked at the picture and said it wasnt normal but everything was fine, his chest, pulse etc. The only thing he couldnt do was his oxygen levels cause Len was squirming. He did say Lennie's temp was slightly raised and he had a red throat so perhaps he was getting over a viral infection which he said would affect his asthma. Lennie has an appointment at hosp next week (i think) as a follow up so they told me to show them the picture as it may need investigating further. Thankfully though he hasnt needed his inhaler for it over the last couple of days. x
Blimey Rachel! Hope he is ok :) can't believe hid clothes, izzie can still fit in newborn trousers they are just too short but I use them under dresses lmao!!

Jem she has no teeth but manages to eat ok. She has a cold again and is not keen on food today unless she is doing it herself :(
holly is in 3-6 and a few 6-9 lol little dot. my ds2 started preschool yesterday so here was me thinking with 2 of them ut the way id get loads done but miss holly has other ideas and has decided to be attached to the boob non stop ....typical
Ah bless them all :) so cute how different they all are size wise but all trying to do similar things! I must admit O is such a chunker that I think it'll take him a while to get crawling etc, he's got so much more weight to move around!

We got a new tooth today, one to the right of the top front teeth - didn't think they came for a while but it's definitely cutting through! I think I might get an Amber necklace has anyone else got one?
Ah bless them all :) so cute how different they all are size wise but all trying to do similar things! I must admit O is such a chunker that I think it'll take him a while to get crawling etc, he's got so much more weight to move around!

We got a new tooth today, one to the right of the top front teeth - didn't think they came for a while but it's definitely cutting through! I think I might get an Amber necklace has anyone else got one?

Holly has been wearing her amber since she was 8 weeks old :D i know wine has one for both her boys , virginia has one for brooklyn and im sure i heard clare mention it too :D
Hi ladies
Anyone any tips for reflux for me plzzzzzz my poor lo not sleeping well at night with stomach pains :(
She is doing great sitting on her own, hearing test went great and she is 19lb :)))
No teeth but teething loads lol
Hope your all well sry I haven't been on much laptop gone nuts using my phone now xx
Ah bless them all :) so cute how different they all are size wise but all trying to do similar things! I must admit O is such a chunker that I think it'll take him a while to get crawling etc, he's got so much more weight to move around!

We got a new tooth today, one to the right of the top front teeth - didn't think they came for a while but it's definitely cutting through! I think I might get an Amber necklace has anyone else got one?

I finally broke down and got one from dino daisy. Hubby wasn't too pleased but I needed something for her crabbiness! I still don't knownif it works or not but we'll see. :)
Jenni I got mine from dino daisy too.

I was really cynical but Joshua has two teeth through now, without the slightest whimper. I didn't even realise he had any teeth until one was half way to a full size tooth!! Haha.

Even my DH the most skeptical man alive keeps going to people 'you have to try these teething necklaces' hahaha when he used to say I was stupid!

Reflux.... Have you made the mattress diagonal so it's at an angle? Also baby massage can help, feeding a little at a time etc
Rach hope Lennie gets good news from hospital.

Hi Juicy cant offer ant advice, sorry.

Finally got Demi weighed..... 16lb 8oz she is following the 25th line just nicely.
Although she is a right grouch, must be the teeth, but ive been saying that for month, lol.
Meal times with my girls are becoming a nightmare! What with Demi happily screetching and Isla just being a typical hard work two old, or they both have gigglely moments and then not eat1...Seriously going to have grey hair, little pickles!
Lennie didnt have pain with reflux just the vomitting and as soon as he was on solids it sorted it, but before that like wine said feeding little and often. Sat him up after feeds in his chair for half an hour. The mattress thing will work as well. Put a pillow underneath perhaps? Have you been to the doctors? They can be prescribed baby gaviscon. Also not sure whar formula you use but I think they all have a thicker alternative. Cow and gate have comfort and SMA have stay down, Aptimal.....not sure what that one is called. I think they are all pretty much the same thing. Oh and we would sleep him so he was a bit on the side.

Lennie has been better the past few days. He hasnt had blue hands/feet. So I am hoping it was just cause of him being under the weather, just effected him a bit more in that way. I'm all ready for the appointment just to find out all I can about it really.

Meal times can be challenging with us too. Lennie would be crying for food and I would be trying to do our tea at the same time. I used to dread that time of the day. At the moment I can stall Lennie by feeding him bits of banana or cheese. This keeps him happy and seems to be working. x
well we've had a busy week, i took izzie to her first swimming class on wednesday and she loved it. she was really good and the instrucotr couldn't believe she could hang ionto the bar by herself and jump in from sitting - she is such a monkey!!

today we went to wiggle and jiggle music group which she also loved then i got her weighed, hold onto your hat eve....15 lb 13!!! she will soon be back to her birth centile :)

she is climbing up everything now and cruising away. yesterday she climbed ONTO a pushalong car, then stood up on it, nightmare child :lol: i will also have to put the cot down to the bottom setting as she stands in there too and i am so scared she will fall out. trouble is its a long way down for me to put her in then :dohh: shortarse!!
Good girl Izzy! She sounds exactly like my first, a right little pickle. So glad Demi Is s bit chilled out. She is very nearly crawling, Shaun said he saw her put herself in the the sitting position from laying down!
I wish I could demi swimming more often, I can't do it with two on my own- the swimming pool wants a one to one ratio, although I think that may have changed?

I've got three job interviews coming up over the next two weeks, fingers crossed I get one?? Time and money is running low.

What's everyone up to this weekend?

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