February mummies 2011 <3

Hi ya Jo, I think a boy? You got any ideas? Any different symptoms from Lily?
What is Sophie the giraffe?

Hi juicy, how cute is the talking! Demi still just screetches, very loudly. We been trying to teach Demi to wave and clap... Can't remember when they start doing that? She just smiles though.

I've just got in from a meal out with friends and Demi has been awful for Shaun tonight. She is fast asleep now but I bet I'm in for a rough night??
Hi jembug yea it's super cute she is also trying to clap hand and wave but tries to do it all at same time lol

Oh no hope u got some sleep, we didn't i just think she isn't going to sleep a full night ever I even have her in our bed anything for sleep :(
Great scan pic - i guess boy too !
holly loves her sophie the giraffe too its prob her fave toy :D

we dont get great sleep either girls , she will do 2 or 3 nights of good sleep then a week of crap sleep waking , crying , wanting to feed etc. last night she was dreaming and was doing a sort of cry in her sleep in my arms it was quite cute actually she pulled a funny face bless .

holly is such a pleasant baby but she just wants to sit next to me all the time , she can roll but gets annoyed that she cant crawl , she tolerates the walker for a few minutes and the playmat , she can sit up but just throws herself backwards when she has had enough so i dont like putting her on the floor sitting really
I had a good night, hooray!
Demi has been crawling backwards with a few paces forwards :)
Hope everyone is ok x
Thanks for the replies about the scan pic girls. I posted it on a few threads and guess what? EVERYONE says boy .... not one girl guess. As soon as I found out I was pregnant I was convinced boy too. I will be please either way, but I know my OH would like a boy, and my older son. Think they feel outnumbered by the girls at the moment.
Hello ladies! wow i havent been on here in so long i wanted to come back and catch up!! i dint know this thread was here, carrying on from the lovebugs! hope everybody is well, this time last year we were all waiting impatiently for it to happen and look at us now with our little cherubs over half a year old now!!!!! crazy, time flies when your having fun eh?!

so, this separation anxiety thing, anybody else going through it at the moment? if so any tips? xxx
hey Felicityjade nice to have some more mums on the thread its quiet these days :(
seperation anxiety - not really had this as i have never left her yet but i know she will be a bugger when i do as she is clingy .

in other major news people .....WE HAVE TEARS ! yay that means no op so pleased abut that i was dreading having to take her for it
This isn't when I leave her though, it's when I walk to the other side of the room or to go to toilet or to the kitchen, even if some one is sitting with her occupying her she has a right paddy as I start to walk away, and she's not been like it at all, she is not needy and will happily sit and play on her own whilst I get on with housework, she's always been very content so for this to suddenly start happening all the time is frustrating.

Iv had a bad morning too, I sat her on my bed and nipped into her room to grab her dress this morning, was only gone seconds and heard a thud and she fell off the bed and had a big lump on her head so rushed her to a and e and now I feel awful :-( she was in the middle of the bed, sat up, watching tele and must of rolled a few times in the seconds I was gone! She not been mobile until now! She is fine though, her normal self just have to keep an eye on her. Very scary and upsetting :-( xx
This isn't when I leave her though, it's when I walk to the other side of the room or to go to toilet or to the kitchen, even if some one is sitting with her occupying her she has a right paddy as I start to walk away, and she's not been like it at all, she is not needy and will happily sit and play on her own whilst I get on with housework, she's always been very content so for this to suddenly start happening all the time is frustrating.

Iv had a bad morning too, I sat her on my bed and nipped into her room to grab her dress this morning, was only gone seconds and heard a thud and she fell off the bed and had a big lump on her head so rushed her to a and e and now I feel awful :-( she was in the middle of the bed, sat up, watching tele and must of rolled a few times in the seconds I was gone! She not been mobile until now! She is fine though, her normal self just have to keep an eye on her. Very scary and upsetting :-( xx

ahh yea we got that too , all mine have been through it, it will pass ,if you have to go toilet go toilet as long a she is in safe place , they do grow out of it .
as for the bed thing , my ds1 did the exact same thing so i know how upsetting it is ....if she is anything like my lot it will be the first head lump of many !
my little dot is 15lb 13 !!! back on the 25th line
Yay, same as Isabel :) well done holly.

How much do you let your babies roam around? I have been making jam today so let izzie go from kitchen to dining room or lounge as she liked but I find it really worrying not seeing her BUT there are also times I want to let her have independence and spec if I'm cooking. I still check every minute but that's s long time in baby mischief time!
Millie is on the 25th line too! What do you mean by roam around, is your little bubby mobile now Hun? Xx
And eve, I'm glad to hear its not just me' it's happened to! I feel awful but I guess with the more mobile she gets the more the bumps are going to occur! They don't gradually do anything do they babies, just all of a sudden they do something that you thought they were way off doing and it's shocking! Xx
Morning everyone, lovely to see someone new Felicity.
Well done Holly! Demo is on the 25th line too.

Lucky, I leave Demi in the living room when I'm cooking but I'm in and out all the time... However Demi is just about crawling. It's soooo slow at the min but I doubt it will be for long? I also worry like mad when she is not in my view but feel the same as you... Want to give Demi some independence. Demi is now pulling herself up on to her knees and is is always bumping herself. I try to let her get on with it but it's hard especially when I kno she will fall down.... But I guess you can't wrap them up in cotton wall.

Demi has been right off her food the past couple days. This is a first for her, even refusing yogurts! She has been so distressed at times too so it HAS to a tooth??

Hope your all well x
Jembug, now that is definately a sign of something wrong if they refuse a yogurt!! Lol! Millie would eat them all day everyday, and the only time she refused it turned out she had a bad urine infection and was in pain when she wee'd poor bubba. She is still being treated for it too, it turned out she had managed to get e-coli in her bladder and is on medication till shes out of nappies :-( and had a scan every six months to check that it's improving and not spreading as it can be in her but you won't tell it's there unless it flairs up so they have to make sure that doesn't happen. Very scary, they think she probably had it in her poo then it went from her nappy up her front whick is why the treatment till out of nappies, apparently it's quite common but iv never heard of it before! Xx
Jembug, now that is definately a sign of something wrong if they refuse a yogurt!! Lol! Millie would eat them all day everyday, and the only time she refused it turned out she had a bad urine infection and was in pain when she wee'd poor bubba. She is still being treated for it too, it turned out she had managed to get e-coli in her bladder and is on medication till shes out of nappies :-( and had a scan every six months to check that it's improving and not spreading as it can be in her but you won't tell it's there unless it flairs up so they have to make sure that doesn't happen. Very scary, they think she probably had it in her poo then it went from her nappy up her front whick is why the treatment till out of nappies, apparently it's quite common but iv never heard of it before! Xx

oh the poor little thing , i had ecoli and other random urine infections for the last 8 weeks of my pregnancy and it was hell , must be awful for a baby.

yogurts - they love them don't they must be a tooth ! only time H refused any food was 2 weeks ago when we all had a tummy bug :(

check out all your crawling babas pulling themselves up , I am dreading that stage!
How horrible for Emilia, hope she is not in pain? I've never had a water infection, Lucky I remember you suffered real bad during pregnancy.

I start my new job on Monday!!!! So scared! I will be looking after twins of 21 months and the mum is due her third in November. Thank god it's only two days, Monday and Tuesday coz it 8am until 7pm and it's at least a half hour drive.
People keep saying 'don't you think it's strange that your looking after other peoples children when I have my own'? It really annoys me coz lots of mums work and it just so happens my qualification is in Childcare. It makes me feel shit when they say that but then Im lucky that my MIL will be having my girls while I work. Rant over

what I was getting at was I wonder if Demi will miss me, know Felicity mentioned about seperation anxiety...

What's everyone up to this weekend?
Me and my OH are off out to dinner tonight, having a little family BBQ tomorrow and I'm taking the girls to the sea side on Sunday, hopefully.
that does sound awful poor emilia.

yes izzie is v mobile, takes her about 10 seconds to get out of the lounge!! but really she likes pulling herself to standing then cruising but she has no idea what is safe so is v scary. i feel a bit irresponsible not following her around but i do like to encourage independence :shrug: argh!!!

we went to a nice cafe at blooms of bressingham garden centre today. i got a yoghurt for her and i had a coffee. it was lovely, except she kept climbing up and down in the highchair, even with the straps on! so after yog i put her on the floor and she crawled around charming everyone. had a nice chat with the couple next to me and just chilled and enjoyed the sunshine. times like that make me realise how lucky we are having our little monkeys :)

jem hope your job goes well :hugs:
Hi all, god haven't been on in ages...moving house soon so it's all a bit manic!

Eve, yey for tears! What a relief!
Josie, I thought boy too as soon as I saw the scan...no reason why. Will you be finding out at the 20week scan?
Poor Millie, felicity jade that sounds horrible :(

Oscar has just started commando crawling (finally) though actually would've been quite happy if he'd waited until after the house move! He's officially the gigantababy: currently weighing in at 23.5lbs and on the 99th percentile, I was worried he was fat, so the hv measured him and he's off the scale for height! No wonder I have arms of steel and a bad back! This boy needs to start walking! He does sleep well though usually from 6 or 7pm to about 8-9am :) no wake ups! Though am with you on when the men are on duty, he slept til 9.45 last time it was ash's turn, how the hell do they wangle it? I swear he slips him some sleeping tablets!

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