February mummies 2011 <3

Just to pop in and say I'm still alive! Exhausted from uni! Will comment properly another day, hope your all well xxxx
awwww< millie isnt mobile yet, i want her to be, she gets so frustrated with herself, but we stayed at my sisters for two months and she has tiled flooring so didnt want to put her on the floor, i think it affected her, we had a fire in our flat and lost everything, so for two months we didnt have a home :-( she was waking every couple of hours and really unsettled, not surprising, she had nothing familiar. we have been in our new house for a month now and totally appreciate having a home even more! and she has settled right down, progressing really well and sleeping through :) thank god, it really was hell living in someone elses house with absolutley nothing, but insurance has paid out now, we have a new home, new furniture and new clothes and belongings, just some sentimental things are not replacable. i wonder whether her separation anxciety has anything to do with it too.
She is fine when other people have her, thats not a problem shes happy. its literally only when i walk out the room or if someone holds her and im in the same room she wants me. im back at work and either daddy or nana or nanny have her, shes fine with it.

As for Millies infection, shes on a different medication again, dr wasnt too happy as the anti biotics should be clearing in quicker and theyre not, it is slightly better but not as it should be so on this new stuff and if its not better this week we'll have to discuss next steps :-s it doesnt seem to bother her now though, shes a lively little princess, full of beans and very comical!

hope everybody has had a lovely weekend! xx
Bex I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one with a huge baby! Is there a 95th line? I think Lennie is on that. He weighs 22lb something I think :-s

Lennie's hosp appointment was ok. He had no infection but had a cold so the doctor put him on liquid steroid cause it was affecting his wheezing. He hasn't got another appointment til December where she might up his dosage for preventer inhaler. We are using his blue one all the time ATM. Lennie doesn't do much but when he is on his belly he just wheezes.

We went to the beach yesterday. I couldn't believe I was sunbathing in October! And I went in the sea - which is rare for me. When I was in the shade I was hot too. It felt weird.

I got a caravan over the weekend. I love it so much :) my mum gave us all some money and wanted us to buy a caravan with it - which I was more than pleased to do. I've been looking about 6 months and finally got this one. It's 20 years old but such a great little thing. I'm setting myself a little task to make some more curtains for it using templates from the ones in there - just cause they are really faded and let in light. Lennie loves it in there.

I'm also 6 days late for my period :-o I took a test on Friday and it was negative so gonna do it again this morning. Don't know what's going on with me. We did have a couple of accidents where the condom came off and we didn't realise. But the first time it happened was after my last period and the 2nd time it happened was just before this one was due. A couple of times in my life before I have just missed a period with no explanation. So maybe that's what is happening again. X
omg rach ..do you think you are ... ?
we have a tent at the mo we went away 5 times this summer with it and we have already got 3 trips booked for next year , we are hoping to upgrade to a caravan though when we have saved up enough pennies , you will have a great time out and about im sure.

wii - hope its all going well x

felicity - omg how awful for you
I don't know. Tests keep coming up negative so I haven't got a clue. Not really sure which way to go about it either? I want a coil put in - that's in 10 days. I should come on by then but if I haven't i don't know what they would do? Not put it in cause I have no period but negative tests.

I want to go away as soon as poss! Give it a little test run. We are going to plan to go to Newquay next year. I love it there. Prob do a stop at a caravan site en route. I haven't seen much of England and it's something I really want to do. X
It's sounds fab rach! I love all the little cupboards in caravans they are so clever!!

Izzie has a new super cute face/noise. When she drinks water from her beaker she squelches it out of her mouth (not cute!!:dohh:) then at the end she sucks her cheeks in and does a little kiss!! Soooooo cute, I wish she would do it when I ask her to!!!
I love the cupboards too. Lol. They're so quirky.

It's great now their character starts to show more and more each day. X
Rach, I could read your posts quick enough, lol. Hope you get the result you want. I had this back in May, I was 6 days late and I'm Never late! I really thought I must be pregnant but I wasn't. Keep us posted.

Hi Charlotte, hope your enjoying uni.

Felicity sounds like you and your family have had such a rough time, sounds like things are on the up for you now.

How cute does Izzy sound.

Demi has been crawling loads all weekend, really sped up! Isla keeps getting annoyed coz Demi keeps wrecking her puzzles, lol.

It was my first day at my new work, it went well but I'm exhausted, such a long day. I missed Demi tonight, Dhaun could not keep her awake so no goodnight cuddle for me, I'm gutted. Still just one more day and five days off :)
Does anyones LO give kisses to your mouth yet? I'm not sure if Demi was doing it yesterday or just trying to eat me? Lol x
Oo was going to ask how work went. You are really gong to appreciate those days off now :)

Yes keep us posted rach :haha:
Lennie kisses - in 2 ways. He kind of smacks his lips together or you get a snog, or like you say it's like they're trying to eat you. When we put Lennie and his cousin together who are the same age he always eats her head. Lol.

Still no period. I'm gonna ring the family planning clinic who are putting the coil in and see what they say. X
That's so strange Rachael! Wonder what's going on?
Is anyone else thinking of trying for another in the near future??

I can't comment on how Demi has been because I've not really seen her, got a quick cuddle this morn and evening. And she did a massive pooh for Shaun, all up her back, legs, ha ha ha, shame! X
Aww poor Shaun. Lol.

Rang fp clinic today - my appointment will be a swab then I'll come back for coil to be fitted when I am on my period - when it comes back?! She also said test again in a week. I went to asda to pick up a test and the cheapest was £7! So screw that. I'll go get a cheapy tomorrow. x
Any af yet rach,?!!

I had to post I'm so excited, I've now lost 3 stone since May :yipee: just another 3 to go :haha: :)
well done lucky

ooh Rach the suspense lol . we went to trevornick which was right by newquay rach the beach was better than newquays though imo . you should chck it out it would be a great place to take your van.

jem - glad the job went well .

we will not be trying for anymore , it kinda feels ad to say that but im just nit sure i could cope/afford/have room for a 4th and the spd from h puts me right off ..oh and hubby said no haha
So...I have been really bad about coming on here. I rarely do anymore at all, never mind to actually post. I've just been too busy. Brooklyn has been pulling up on the furniture and walking along it for about a month now....there was a solid week of her constantly falling and hitting her head - she's got her balance now, and only loses it when she tries to let go of the couch. When I don't have her in her play pen thing (it's an open playpen pushed against the couches), she gets into EVERYTHING. The girl crawls so fast it's unbelievable - I am dreading her walking without holding onto furniture because then she'll probably figure out how to move the gate aside and she'll "escape"! She went from really big to just a tiny peanut now. She's about 15 and a half pounds now, though we won't be able to get her weighed for another month. She's still in 3-6 month clothes with some growing room. I find it humorous that my near-11-pounds-at-birth girl is so small now. lol

The past few days have been hard emotionally for me. My cousin had her baby Monday, and all the depressing feelings of my c-section came back to me. I am sad to say I was more sad and depressed about B's birth these past few days than I'm happy for my cousin. I want another baby already, but I am also terrified of being pregnant again and possibly ending up with another c-section. Also, I can't get pregnant until B is at least a year old, so the scar is as healed as it can be...plus I haven't had my pp af yet, so I guess it'd be hard to get pregnant without forcefully cutting B's breastfeeding down to induce ovulation... Oh, and B is teething again - the last couple nights have really sucked. =/

For fun, here is a couple pictures. I made the hoodies she is wearing.


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Clare that's a brilliant loss!!! Well done. You must feel so good.

Claire, I'll check out that place. I am looking forward to planning a trip down there. We are going to Belton (nr GT Yarmouth) for a weekend in a couple of weeks.

Virginia those hoodies are cute.

Eve woke up to hear hamster on her floor. He had died. She was screaming. It was really upsetting.

Still no period, done another test this morning which was again negative. I don't know what is going on. I don't think I am pregnant, but don't know what else. Just a missed period I guess. X
Hehe Felicity I spent a minute amazed by a new word for 'front bum' - whick....then I relised it was a typo and was actually the word 'which' hehe! Whick! :lol:
Great to see all the babas doin great! I don't think we should beat ourselves up about the tumbles and bumps too much! They are absolutely bound to happen with our lil rascals getting into EVERYTHING!!! You can only do your best and we are all learning as we go! Even those with multi-kids I'm sure!

Devin is commandoeing all over the place but still not properly crawling. He gets up on hands and knees and rocks but tends to give it up when he realises he's going nowhere fast! We seem to have a big 'first' every day for the past few days - including clapping handies, pulling himself into standing from sitting and sitting himsef upright from lying down! So exciting and cute! However, maternity leave clock is ticking.....only 2 and a half months left :cry: I know that's great coz lots of people have had to go back already!

Re having another...the only reason we haven't done it yet is because I wanted to loose some weight first so that if I don't have a repeat of pregnancy number 1 (puked every day from 7 weeks and lost 2 and a half stone whoch I've put on since :nope:) I am not the size of a house by the end of it.... However, I'm getting NOWHERE except for a couple of pounds and amazingly - despite what you'd think is the best motivation in the world EVER I just can't get the motivation going AT ALL! So around the time of ov this month we did the deed - not for baby making purposes - but we used nothing to prevent and afterwards we just said -whatever will be will be.....The :witch: arrived for me the other day and I have to be honest I was very disappointed so I guess that means I'm ready to go regardless!! I really want to go back to work pregnant! At the moment i feel its the only way I'll find it bearable!!!

Clare well done on the weightloss!! You've put me to shame! Not that that'll change anything!!

Virginia - Brooklyn is gorgeous and go you with the clothes making!!

Rachael poor Eve :cry:
Chilly, what is your maternity leave policy like? Someone said something to me about there being something in ambulance service policy about getting pregnant again quickly. But I don't know if it's true or not. Ppl make up lots where I work. Lol.

Still no period. I don't even know how many days it has been now. X
Do you hope you are preggers Rach or are you panicking ?

Holly has been so grumpy the last few days but my boys have got sore throats so im wondering if it is that
I don't really know how I feel. I'm not panicking or hoping I am. I just think my body is having a little blip. X

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