awwww< millie isnt mobile yet, i want her to be, she gets so frustrated with herself, but we stayed at my sisters for two months and she has tiled flooring so didnt want to put her on the floor, i think it affected her, we had a fire in our flat and lost everything, so for two months we didnt have a home
she was waking every couple of hours and really unsettled, not surprising, she had nothing familiar. we have been in our new house for a month now and totally appreciate having a home even more! and she has settled right down, progressing really well and sleeping through
thank god, it really was hell living in someone elses house with absolutley nothing, but insurance has paid out now, we have a new home, new furniture and new clothes and belongings, just some sentimental things are not replacable. i wonder whether her separation anxciety has anything to do with it too.
She is fine when other people have her, thats not a problem shes happy. its literally only when i walk out the room or if someone holds her and im in the same room she wants me. im back at work and either daddy or nana or nanny have her, shes fine with it.
As for Millies infection, shes on a different medication again, dr wasnt too happy as the anti biotics should be clearing in quicker and theyre not, it is slightly better but not as it should be so on this new stuff and if its not better this week we'll have to discuss next steps
it doesnt seem to bother her now though, shes a lively little princess, full of beans and very comical!
hope everybody has had a lovely weekend! xx