Lol at all the possible pregnancies - Ciara you shocked the crap out of me with your flashing bfp, I thought it was for you! Lol
I'm not there yet, oh and I still haven't decided if we're having another one, plus I have to get over my fear of childbirth beforehand!
Claire massive congrats on the weight loss - go you!
Ciara I've been trying the Dukan diet, its quite hard going BUT I'm not strictly doing it and have still lost 10lbs so far, which ain't bad! Am back to my pre-pregnancy weight but still not quite in my old skinny jeans! Damnit
Eve congrats on the new job, hope it goes well? O has had a stinking cold too, in fact I'm taking him to the docs tomorrow as his cough just won't go and it's been nearly 3 weeks now.
Virginia Brooklyn looks so cute! Those fleeces are great that you've been making!
We're moving to Cornwall next Thursday so it's all go at home at the moment! Packing and moving when your baby is commando crawling and into everything is hard work! I'll be so glad when this is over! I've also been told my old job may have some work for me again, so looks like I might be going back to work before the end of the year.
I desperately don't want to, but we want to buy a house and we need to be earning as much as possible over the next couple of years!