February mummies 2011 <3

Congrats Josie!!! Your instincts were right :)

Its crazy how different the babies look in just a few months.

Well I was never really broody, but just liked the idea of having another. Then this morning I was looking at a friend on facebook who was pregnant and felt jealous! I guess that means I am but in denial :-S
I am having the coil put in on Monday and the nurse was filling out the form and put planning another pregnancy in a couple of years and I hated that and I don't want the coil put in cause I know I can't get pregnant. Jay said to me also he didnt "like it" (the coil-the thought of it) and said he didnt care using condoms, thats cause he's not the one who has always got to go and get them! Anyway....I don't know if that is his way of saying he didnt like the thought of not being able to get pregnant. idk.
I also want to lose weight and get to my ideal size before I get pregnant again. I hit a wall with the weight loss but I've got my motivation back and it's starting to go well again instead of on/off/on/off/on/off..........

Lennie had a rubbish night sleep. He has a cold........well that is what I am putting it down to. When we went to bed Jay asked if I wanted to watch something and I said no I need to go to sleep cause i'll be up and down all night for Lennie. Well didn't that come true! He first woke up at 1oclock where I put his dummy in and played his seahorse, and then after getting up 5 times I couldnt be bothered to count. I think it was about 10 times though. I was knackered, and also getting frustrated that I couldnt moan at Jay to help me cause he had work. I think I had a whimper at one point too.

I heard there was going to be a iphone app for bnb, but after a while I got fed up searching for it. I've not got a iphone anymore but I wonder if they do an andriod app? I'll check later. When I first saw the new site I didnt think i'd put it in right and done it again. lol. x
Hi ya everyone. How are you all? Rach hope Lennie is better now?
So does that mean your OH may be wanting another then? How do you feel?
I defo want another and I want the same age gap too... Which would mean falling pregnant January time. Like I've said, not sure how Shaun would feel. We are having a drink tonight so I may ask him, lol.

Demi had discovered her tongue!! She spends the whole day with her Tongue sticking out, lol.
She also spends her day standing up. I feel a bit guilty coz our kitchen is still out of
bounds and she keeps trying to escape into the kitchen.

What's everyone up to this weekend? X
i'm laying a new patio over the half term, starting tomorrow!! it is lovely sandstone and is going to be gorgeous, i hope!!! i have spent the last few weekends in the garden doing major wors, all the stuff i haven't been able to do since february. i am loving a bit of me time and finally geting the garden back in shape.

today we went swimming, izzi really loves it now having done her classes and will swim under water to someone, and is trying to blow bubbles and even waves her arms and kicks her legs a bit. the big girls loved seeing her as they can't come to the classes.

on onday we are going to see my new niece, 1 week old and we are planning one day shopping/more swimming and a dvd afternoon. so busy busy busy but nice as hubby is having the week off :)

oh and dd2 has a ballet exam on 7th nov so lots of extra ballet and dd1 has a kung fu grading so extra kungfu!!
wow at izzi swimming !

@jem - holly has just started doing the same thing with her tongue.

we had an awful night last night H was just screaming and i don't know what was up with her i tried everything , in the end i gave her calpol for the first time ever and just paced up and down tairs until she calmed down but she was awake hourly , previous to this she had started sleeping 12 hour nights grr.

we have no plans this weekend , we have had my bro in law here for a week so it will be nice to chill out and do nothing .
I've been back to work this week doing some keeping in touch days. Going to get my hair cut tomorrow. Woo! I don't even have Eve, she is with my parents and then to my sister.

Lennie has been sleeping badly lately. Apart from in the caravan I have had to get up and give him his dummy. In the caravan he slept great!! He is also not very well. He has gone right off his food and milk. Only drinking 4-5oz and is also being sick again if you put one spoonful of food that is too much in his mouth. He HATES blamange! I tried him with it last night and he gagged and brought up his tea. Tried him again tonight (thinking last night was cause he wasnt well/full) and he gagged again! Won't be trying that again soon.

Claire, how did it go at Caravan show? x
Oh and Lennie now weighs 24.4lb. Proper chunk. HV said when he gets to the top centile we would start to look at his weight, but then said its not nothing to worry about cause he is on near the top centile for everything - head isnt even on the chart! So he is just a big bubba!x
Oh and Lennie now weighs 24.4lb. Proper chunk. HV said when he gets to the top centile we would start to look at his weight, but then said its not nothing to worry about cause he is on near the top centile for everything - head isnt even on the chart! So he is just a big bubba!x

Holy moly! I think B is like 16 pounds - soaking wet!
Yep he's a big boy. My dad was 28lb a 6 months! It must be where Lennie gets if from. lol. He started off as a 6lb baby and was breasfed! My nan was tiny. lol. x
How cleaver is Izzy! We are planning on going swimming on Sunday.
What a beef is Lennie! He will lose all that weight when his on the move. What would the HV suggests if his weight becomes an 'issue'? Surely he can't go on a diet?
So is Lennie in a forward facing car seat? Demi is still backwards, is everyone elses?
My first ended up in a forward facing car seat before her weight was right... Even at 2 and a half she only weighs 23lb, lol.

Demi slept for an amazing 13 hours last night :)
but she refused to sleep today, I tried 3 times and she just screamed. So she eventually went at 6pm having been awake since 8am!!

She has a bit of a sore bum, first time ever really, hopefully a tooth?
How's everyone LO's doing? X
Took izzi swimming again yesterday, she was in for about an hour and a quarter without crying! I was fed up by then tho so left hubby's and big girls for quarter of an hour. And we did some Christmas shopping. Lovely day :)

Izzi is still in baby car seat. She's o ly about 17 lbs I reckon. I'm undecided about rear/front. I know these days it is encouraged to leave them rear as long as possible but it is so nice when they can see forwards :shrug:

I have been laying a patio this halfterm. It's v slow as I have to squeeze in time between looking after girls. It was easier laying the last one when I was 8 months preggers with Elena !! It is looking great, I love it! I will stick a pic on facebook. Can't wait to finish it :)
I need a new patio..... Hint! Clever you!!

Our kitchin is getting there. Shaun is a floor layer, so he will be doing the floor next week and hopefully The dining room table will be in. Floor laying means Demi can crawl into the kitchin! The only place she hasn't explored!
She keeps getting to the stairs, but not yet pulled herself up to climb...
Hi all

Just reading over posts lots getting broody it doesn't really hit me till lo is around 2/3 but 3 is enough for me so I'm hoping I don't get the broody feeling again haha :) :)

Can't believe babas are getting near to the 9 month mark, she is full of new things clapping hands crawling with one foot in walking position so funny lol saying loads of baby talk she even gets her blanket and does peek a boo so cute :)

2 bottom teeth and I think top 2 are on there way now :)

Hope all is good with u all :)
Hi everyone. Hope half term has been kind to everyone. Lily is now crawling (slowly at the moment though) and she (unfortunately) enjoys sitting up in her cot. Last night she fell asleep in her cot at 7pm (usual bedtime) and instead of sleeping through she woke up at 9pm and sat up playing wide awake :wacko: We bought her downstairs in the end as we didn't see the point in her being wide awake in her cot in the dark and she didn't go back to bed till 11pm!!!!! Was desperate to go to bed myself as I'm exhausted. She woke at 8am this morning instead of 7am.

She claps, waves, kisses and says loads of random stuff aswell as 'dada', 'clap', 'hiya', 'yeah' ...... NOT 'mum' or 'mama' yet :growlmad:

She has her 2 bottom teeth and I think she has loads more coming .... dribble is continuously pouring out of her mouth lol!!

I weighed her myself and she was 19 lb so she's gone into a forward facing carseat which she is so much more comfortable in. She loves being able to see other things other than the back of a seat.
Hi ya Juicy, think my Demi may be the only one who can't clap yet??
And Jo, Demi did that a few weeks ago, she ended up tucking into my garlic bread at 9 at night, the minx!

Well Demi finally has her first toothy peg!!! It's her left top tooth, which I was shocked about! I thought it would be the bottom first!
Jem, don't worry Oscar can't clap yet either, nor wave! He just laughs at me when I try to get him to copy me, doh!

Rachael, O was 24.4lbs at 7 1/2 months which was the 99th % but they measured him to be sure and he was off the scale for height so the hv wasnt worried at all. He's just a chunk, not sure how much he weighs now but he's killing me!
Thankfully he's commando crawling now, and trying to walk everywhere (with hands though) am hoping it won't be long til he's walking to give my arms and back a break lol!

We've just moved house to Cornwall, and still in the middle of it. It's been so stressful with a crawling baby in tow, but we're over half way there now. Am also starting work soon 3 days a week, am so torn about what to do for childcare. In fact I'd prefer to be a sahm, but you know how it is with finances. :(
Aw wii, it's such a toughie :( at least if they go to nursery you know they are getting different experiences than at home even if you'd rather it was with you. 3 days is not too bad, that's 4 not working! Ghats what I will do when I go back.

Izzi still has no teeth, my gummy buba!! She says lots of things but not sure she knows what she's saying :shrug: says muma alot, love that :) she will go and get her milk or ball if you ask her to though, so she has some understanding.
It is so tough, we could just about afford me not to work but there would be hardly any new clothes or luxuarys! Goodluck on war you decide.

Come on Izzy grow some teeth.
:hissy: I don't know what to do. Lily isn't sleeping anymore. I put her in her cot and she just sits back up again. Last night she woke up at 9.30pm after 2 1/2 hours sleep and stayed awake until 11.30pm!!!!! Then, she woke up at 4am until 5am :dohh: Thought she'd be tired today but she had 1/2 hour sleep this morning and then just had 1/2 hour this afternoon. Put her up at 7pm and guess what? ..... she sat straight up again. Luckily she has finally gone to sleep but what will tonight have in store :shrug:.

Anybody else experiencing this?

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