February mummies 2011 <3

Good luck Virginia x

Yea top teeth seem to be coming down too, teething has alot to answer for lol

We had much better sleep last night she woke at 4 and took soother then back asleep till 8 yippee hopefully we're back on track :) :)

Any tips on dinners?? She gone totally off her veg :(
9dpo = negative.

I just realized I didn't get a bfp with B until 11dpo. Guess I'm not out yet.
Good luck Virginia x

Yea top teeth seem to be coming down too, teething has alot to answer for lol

We had much better sleep last night she woke at 4 and took soother then back asleep till 8 yippee hopefully we're back on track :) :)

Any tips on dinners?? She gone totally off her veg :(

Some of Holly's fave foods are spag bol , porkchops with apple (how she manages this with no teeth ill never know ) salmon and rice. She eats anything except cucumber and she wont eat processed stuff - tried with the kids chicken fingers etc she just chucked it at me. her food for today is ready brek for breakfast , then she is just eating now a cheese sandwich a banana a handful of grapes a cherry tomato and then will have a little yogurt , then later we are having jacket potatoes and chilli - she eats absolutley loads i have no idea how she is such a little dot.

she will prob go back on her veg eventually they all have phases dont they just keep on offering it to her . my eldest went off veg for over a year then all of a sudden just started eating it again it was most odd lol

9dpo = negative.

I just realized I didn't get a bfp with B until 11dpo. Guess I'm not out yet.

keep us posted , has this changed how you feel about being preggers now . if it is negative will you be trying next month ?

Holly has a throat infection she is on anti biotics but since she started them she has slept a bit better so hopefully they are working .
she still has no interest in crawling or pulling herself up or anything like that she cant even sit herself up if she falls . she just likes to cuddle and sit and play she is gonna be a proper spoilt little princess that one .

Ive been getting back ache and tummy pains for a couple of days i am wandering if my periods are coming back or if i am ovulating or something , i am also a bit panicky as we had an accident and i keep thinking its implantation cramps but i think thats just paranonia.

sorry for the long post , my laptop is broke and havent bought a new one yet so i have to catch up on hubbys pc when i get the chance lol
keep us posted , has this changed how you feel about being preggers now . if it is negative will you be trying next month ?

Holly has a throat infection she is on anti biotics but since she started them she has slept a bit better so hopefully they are working .
she still has no interest in crawling or pulling herself up or anything like that she cant even sit herself up if she falls . she just likes to cuddle and sit and play she is gonna be a proper spoilt little princess that one .

Ive been getting back ache and tummy pains for a couple of days i am wandering if my periods are coming back or if i am ovulating or something , i am also a bit panicky as we had an accident and i keep thinking its implantation cramps but i think thats just paranonia.

sorry for the long post , my laptop is broke and havent bought a new one yet so i have to catch up on hubbys pc when i get the chance lol

I am really hoping I'm pregnant right now, but if I'm not, I couldn't purposely get pregnant right now with a good mind because there is still a higher risk of getting pregnant so soon after a section. At 12 months though, I think we are going to start actively TTC assuming I'm not pregnant right now.
Virginia any news?
How's is everyone?
Demi was walking with her baby walker yesterday, but I missed it because I was working :(
Demi is being a minx, she is not keen on talking food off a spoon, think she likes finger food best.
What's everyone LO's up to? X
Hi everyone I don't post much these days as my computer is buggered! But I do read.

Izzi is fine, will walk with her car, cruise etc but no balance to actually stand unaided so I think walking is a long way off for her! She is a little monkey still, always climbing what she shouldn't :dohh: she has learnt to do cheers with her cup now. She lifts it and touches your glass...prob not thd best thing to teach her!! And she's getting really good at throwing her ball but can't catch it at all! Hilarious playing ball with her as she loves it so much.
Ha ha, I saw that on fb, did make me smile, clever girl.
What's everyone buying your babies for christmas? I'm struggling, with Demi being the 2nd, she has all the hand me down toys... So I'm needing ideas on what to buy? As well as there birthdays being so close to Christmas, need to save some ideas for then, lol x
Virginia any news?
How's is everyone?
Demi was walking with her baby walker yesterday, but I missed it because I was working :(
Demi is being a minx, she is not keen on talking food off a spoon, think she likes finger food best.
What's everyone LO's up to? X

I'm 15dpo. No af yet, and still a BFN on a frer. :shrug:
Maybe just a long cycle so Virginia - 15dpo seems late for a bfp to start showing up - awwww bummer!

All good with us. Devin is trouble with a capital T! He is into EVERYTHING!! He pulls himself up on everything - including toilets and no matter what it is he tears it down, pulls it, crawls over it, throws it, eats it etc etc etc. He is MAD! He never ever stops. He has discovered the stairs and he sits around patiently waiting for a door to be left open and makes a break for them!!! OMG he is so adventurous! He is afraid of nothing!!! He is walking around/behind everything and has great balance and lets go quite often but still topples when he does it! MAAAAD

I am due back to work straight after Christmas and I am in hell trying to decide on childminders (something wrong with everyone I've met!), creches (they all feel like orphanages and make me cry) or taking a career break and staying at home ( q no money, independence or freedom). I just cannot make this decision and it is upsetting me so so much. Any advice?
I really want a career break chilly, you're a civil servant too aren't you? So st least wd can have them but it's trying to work out if we can cope with being skint for ages. Hubby only earns £22k which doesn't seem much for a family of 5 :( I was the main wage earner :haha: but this time I am loving being at home. I know she's my last and I've got pretty high in my profession so I have no burning career ambitions at thd mo.

What I'm going to do chilly is go back in may, I'm taking all possible leave first! With a view to working a few months then having a career break if I want/can afford, then going back is not so horrible. Izzi will go to a day nursery as I worry about reliability of child minders.
Eeeeek Demi is climbing the stairs! Not got a stair gate on the bottom as the gypsies helped themselves when we left it against our open front door when the kitchen was being done up :(

Hope your childcare issues get sorted and you feel at ease x
Well, had a bit of a tiring week Lauren and Lily have both been under the weather with sore throats etc. Lily been totally off her food (think her top teeth are coming through). She was up at 10pm last night for an hour ... that's what happened when her bottom 2 came through so hopefully it won't be long before they make an appearance.

On a happier note she is now cruising, but we've had to move a LOAD of stuff out of her way AND she's finally saying mum!!!!!
Hi ya, How is everyone?
Josie I can't believe you are 21 weeks! It only seems a month ago you were announcing your pregnancy! Other peoples pregnancies go so quickly.
I saw a post about the 8-9-10 month check. We got the letter for ours the other day. I am a bit annoyed about it. Basically we arent having one. It it headed the "9 month check" and basically told me if we have any concerns to contact the HV's. Bit of a cop out, probably funding. I am going to ring them cause Lennie really doesnt do much and I just want to know thats ok. Its so hard not to compare with my nephew who is 10 days younger and taking his first steps! :-S
Sorry my winge over. Im tired. lol.
Jay had some reconstruction surgery on his foot and I'm playing nurse and i'm knackered but trying to remain happy to him so he doesnt feel guilty for not being able to do much.
We are doing ok with Christmas presents for the kids. Oh what kind of things do you put in a baby's stocking? x
Hi ya everyone.
I kno, Jo your pregnancy does seem like it's going quickly.

I mentioned about a ten month check, we got a letter through and I phoned two weeks ago to change the date, as im working- they still haven't phoned!
Rach, Id defo book one especially if your concerned! My Heath visitors are coming to my house where as Isla's I had to go to the clinic.

As for christmas pressies, plead please give me ideas!!!
I've only got these so far..,
A musical fish toy that goes in the bath.
A bag that has objects you can put, I.e phone, keys..
A soft textured cylinder with soft toys.
A book and a puzzle

And that's it!!
Because Demi has Isla's left over toys I just don't kno what else I can buy? There is no point buying the same things... Just so stuck!

I've really missed my girls the past two days, I'm looking forward to 'mummy' days xx
Oo rach sounds tough, why is Jay having his face reconstructed?

I have got Izzi a pair of tiny crocs from eBay, she has a shoe fetish! Bath toys, tiny choc teddy, for her stocking. And her main presses are a hippo pushalong toy from gumtree, shape sorter from eBay, a book, a dress, another toy. And all the girls get pyjamas to wear Christmas eve.

I wrapPed her pressies today with her there, was a bit weird. But of course she had no idea! I finished wrapping everyones presents today, last shop on Thursday then hopefully all organised :) have never been so organised lmao!!

We are putting our decs up on Wednesday 30th so they are there for the first day of advent. That was arianna's idea but I like it. We won't do our tree till nearer the time, we are going to put it on the coffee table so Izzi can't attack it so much! I can't wait!!

I don't think they will want many presents at all they are just going to have so much fun.
We are putting our tree in the corner of our living room, think it may have to be moved?! Isla has a calendar all ready so the decorations on the first day of advent sounds good, may have to steal that one. I'm soooooooo looking forward to Christmas.
Just think this time last year we was about to go on maternity leave and have little bundles.
The mum at my work had her baby but nearly two weeks ago so in getting my baby fix at the mo, he is beautiful!
Aww tiny cross sound cute!

We are gointo to get our tree on the first and put it up. I can't wait! lennie loves watching trees so he will love it lol.
The presentes are all in lennies room. His ones aren't even in bags. It's quite funny just cause get doesn't have a clue.
Jay had reconstruction surgery on his foot. He was in a car accident 3 years ago when someone pulled out in front of him. He broke both his heels trying to brake. The reconstruction is hopefully going to put some bits right.
I'm going to call the hv today. X
Whoops not his face at all! Hope it goes well :)

Izzi has a tooth!!! Woo hoo finally. Feel a bit sad tho that she won't be my gummy baby anymore :(
HI, I'm glad I finally found the thread for the Feb. 2011 mommies... I'm Sarah my DD is Rayven, she was born on Feb. 19th @ 3:45 pm. I look forward to getting to know ya'll better!

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