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February mummies 2011 <3

The nappy feels squidgy if it has wee in it. Poo I would change straight away but I don't worry about wee as much, will let her do a few before changing try not to make too much landfill :blush:
The nappy feels squidgy if it has wee in it. Poo I would change straight away but I don't worry about wee as much, will let her do a few before changing try not to make too much landfill :blush:

really? its ok to leave her in the pee diaper a bit?? I was always worried I will give her some sort of terrible rash if I do...and then I feel guilty...maybe since the diapers turn to gel now...
Should be fine Hun if starts looking a lip sore change them a little more frequently and give her some air time lol. I change nappies when I get up in he morning so about 8, then when I'm getting my older son ready for his nap so around 12 then just before he gets up from his nap so around 2-3pm depending then when I'm getting older son ready for bed so around 6.30/7pm and then again before I go to bed so around 11pm/ midnight. I only change it in the night if he's pood lol

Sometimes in the evening or in the day when my sons having a nap I let him lay on his changing mat for a bit with nothing on his bottom half just to get some air down there, but it's usually a bit cold so depends!
I've never found it gives nappy rash, unless teething or mixed with poo. Modern nappies draw so much away I think it's ok. Obviously see what happens with your baby and change as often as you think necessary :)
Wine, does J not mind having no nappy on? L goes mental. Lol.

Do u have bedtime routines for your babies? All we do ATM is the bath/wash. X
he loves it - only problem is he usually saves his poos for when hes naked so i tend not to do it so much lol!

my older son was born in summer and it was really hot and every day i gave him naked time on his mat and he loved it - but he's always LOVED being naked and tries to strip off about 20 times a day and in the night as well arghhhh!!! lol

no routine here for the baby i tend to go with the flow for the first couple of months with jakob he slept worse than joshua he was up every hour or 2 for the first 8 weeks, then at 8 weeks we decided to do a proper routine with feeding, sleeping etc and within 3 nights he was asleep from 11 till 7. (we didn't leave him to cry or anything btw lol). then at 5 months we adapted it a bit and from then on he was sleeping from 7 till 7.

I'm planning on doing the same with joshua, just praying it works as well with him! lol xxx
Can I come in please?

'Dave' turned into Niamh (I did know she was a girl by the way!) on 16th Feb weighing 8lb 4.5oz. She's thriving at the mo although mummy is still feeling some after effects of her rather traumatic arrival. I will write my story soon, I promise, just as soon as I can sit down for long enough :winkwink:

Hope you are all loving being a mum as much as I am!
congrats minky moo!!

Mason is the same as Lennie Racheal, he hate having his nappy off..he throws his arms around everywhere lol!
last night was terrible, Mason just refused to sleep until 4.30am, then slept for an hour or so, them was awake until 6am!! I am exhausted, but he has slept all day today..only waking for food, really hope he isn't the same tonight!

He has been smiling for about a week now, and at about 3.30 this morning he was led on my bed, just smiling away at me...it was soo cute!!

hope all you ladies are ok :) x
Isabel hates having her trousers off at the mo she screams!! Roll on warmer weather :)

We don't have much routine, just bath for me at about 9 whilst izzy gets ready for bed with daddy and sisters. Hope I don't need a bath each night when I feel better. Then Isabel and I go to bed together :)

I do like abit of routine tho, looking forward to that, will need it for the school run!
Megan is very clingy in the evenings and won't settle unless she's in my arms so we don't really have a routine.
I just get all 3 ready for bed at the same time (and all 3 get bathed 3 times a week at bedtime) and then once the older 2 are in bed we tend to cuddle.
Then when I am ready to go to bed I take her up, feed her in bed with me and she usually falls asleep while feeding and then I put her in the crib.

I had her weighed today and she weighs 8lbs 6.5ozs.
What confused me though is that they are using an adjusted age for her because she was born 3 weeks early, but I thought 37 weeks was classed as term and they only used adjusted ages for earlier than that??
For those of you who are BF'ing, how long does your LO feed for on average? Niamh is usually 15-20 mins, just wondered if this was normal/average at 11 days?

Also, does anyone else's LO 'pant' sometimes? Worries me stupid despite being told it's normal.
Leanne thats what I thought. Why have an adjusted age if considered term?

Paiytonsmummy wasn't Mason born early? Does he have an adjusted age?

How many weeks is Mason now? I love it when Lennie has windy smiles. I can't wait to see the real things.

Lennies having a feed now so I might put him in his basket in our room rather than back in the lounge. X
Minkymoo Lennie is panting right now. Cos he was I guess frustrated cos my nipple came out of his mouth.

With feeds, they can sometimes last 20 minutes. Normally 30 minutes. If he does only have a 15-20 minute feed then he will want feeding again sooner. How often is she feeding? X
Ley most hospitals only use an adjusted age if they are born before 37 weeks but I think some do it before 38 weeks :S

Hey ladies hope every ones little bundles are great :).

Sorry i havent been around been soooo hectic school holidays, And 4 kids in the house really was ready to pull my hair out lol.

Corey really really good still he sleeps about 6 hours at night not really grizzly does have reflux where he brings up alot of his feed but doesnt seem to Phase him just more stinky and dirty than painful or annoying lol.

Has poos all the time mainly on me just as i take dirty nappy of realise he hasnt finished its his party trick lol.

Hope every 1s well ?. xxx
Oooo forgot to add Coreys details for front page lol.

Born 7 days early on 3rd of feb 5lb14 19 inches
Minkymoo Lennie is panting right now. Cos he was I guess frustrated cos my nipple came out of his mouth.

With feeds, they can sometimes last 20 minutes. Normally 30 minutes. If he does only have a 15-20 minute feed then he will want feeding again sooner. How often is she feeding? X

every 2 to 3 hours mostly..
Congrats minkymoo, niamh is my DD1 name I named my Lo Cailin (Coleen) :)

I had no visitors today yippee so got to stay in my pj's :haha:

Question ladies my baby will be 4wks on wednes and I'm starting to feel normal in my lady parts sry for TMI :blush: but still feeling nervous about DTD maybe a few glasses of wine might help :haha: how long are u meant to wait is it over 6 wks???
Info for first page---- Cailin born 2nd of feb, 10 days early weighting 5lb 10oz at 14:05 x
H pants too !

as for feeds she can be 15 mins - 40 mins if its a 15 min she usually wants the other breast within an hour though.

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