February mummies 2011 <3

Ha Virginia I know what you mean about looking too small. I don't think Izzi will walk for ages cos of that, but then she's been crawling for 4 months so who knows?!!

She still fits in her 0-3 dungarees :)
Ha Virginia I know what you mean about looking too small. I don't think Izzi will walk for ages cos of that, but then she's been crawling for 4 months so who knows?!!

She still fits in her 0-3 dungarees :)

Awww! B's got a pair of pink 0-3 overalls that I squeezed her into the other day. The bottom half is a dress, so that definitely helped, but I was amazed I got her into it! :haha: How much does Izzi weigh? I will find out Friday how much B weighs, but I don't think it'll be more than 17 pounds...I'd be very surprised if she was. Lol
Ohh! I meant to upload B's Santa photo...LOL


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How cute that your LO still fit in 0-3 clothing! Hero was born prematurely so she fit into newborn clothes for ages but after she hit the 5 month mark she started growing so fast she was in 6-9 month clothing! Shes a chunky monkey now weighing 22 pounds lol!

Sleep wise i think we never really recovered from the 4 month sleep regression! Util then she was the best baby ever lol! I think also the fact that shes still in our room may not help things...If she woke and didnt see us maybe she would go back to sleep? We are looking for a place with a second bedroom so we will see soon enough.
izzi was bang on 17 lbs about a week ago when my sister-in-law's health visitor weighed her1 i ought to get her weighed properly really but just never get round to it! nice to be chilled about it at last :)
How cute that your LO still fit in 0-3 clothing! Hero was born prematurely so she fit into newborn clothes for ages but after she hit the 5 month mark she started growing so fast she was in 6-9 month clothing! Shes a chunky monkey now weighing 22 pounds lol!

Sleep wise i think we never really recovered from the 4 month sleep regression! Util then she was the best baby ever lol! I think also the fact that shes still in our room may not help things...If she woke and didnt see us maybe she would go back to sleep? We are looking for a place with a second bedroom so we will see soon enough.

Are you nursing still? I think they can smell the milk - B is still in our room (and probably will be for a while), and every night when I go to bed (or even just go into the bedroom for a minute), she wakes up and wants to nurse. Lol

izzi was bang on 17 lbs about a week ago when my sister-in-law's health visitor weighed her1 i ought to get her weighed properly really but just never get round to it! nice to be chilled about it at last :)

Aww! I can't wait to see how much B is tomorrow! I am very chilled about it all too, though someone flipped out on me the other day when I said she hadn't doubled her birth weight yet. They were saying that I was starving her and how she's supposed to be "triple her bw at a year". Um yeah, she was almost 11 pounds at birth...she isn't going to be triple her birth weight until she's like three if she's anything like me and her father! :dohh: The nice thing about her large birth weight and then staying small is her small diaper stash has fit from birth and she's STILL in her smalls! I have some mediums that I bought months ago, and at this rate, she won't ever need larges before she potty learns! ::happydance:
Hi ladies

C is crawling, standing but no steps she stands and claps her hands at same time great balance. She has 2 teeth and says dada baba mama and makes a sound that sounds like my DD and DS names very cute :) :)

I had to change her formula to aptimal comfort she has reflux so she doesn't sleep all night either poor baba but I'm so tried lately. Not even organized for Xmas haven't the energy to shop lol I get there in the end :)

I'm going for my smear next week, have u all had yours done?? It's part of aftercare here when you have a baby. They are so important :)

Welcome all the newbies :)
Hi juicy, hope your LO gets better soon.
Demi has two teeth too :)
Shaun was told by his brother that Demi took a couple of steps whilst she was being looked after by Shauns mum- when we was both out at work this week. His mum has not actually told us, think she was hoping we would see for ourself's.
So even though I only work two days, it looks like I've missed her first steps :(

For those of you on my Facebook, look at my video on my profile. Demi and Shaun was having a big 'snort off!' sooooo funny. I could not stop laughing.

I everyone still sterilising bottles and giving formula milk??
Know they say to do it until there a year.... I stopped when my first was a year as I that sterilising was a waste of time as she was hoovering everything into her mouth.
Hi juicy, hope your LO gets better soon.
Demi has two teeth too :)
Shaun was told by his brother that Demi took a couple of steps whilst she was being looked after by Shauns mum- when we was both out at work this week. His mum has not actually told us, think she was hoping we would see for ourself's.
So even though I only work two days, it looks like I've missed her first steps :(

For those of you on my Facebook, look at my video on my profile. Demi and Shaun was having a big 'snort off!' sooooo funny. I could not stop laughing.

I everyone still sterilising bottles and giving formula milk??
Know they say to do it until there a year.... I stopped when my first was a year as I that sterilising was a waste of time as she was hoovering everything into her mouth.

I'm still BFing, but we've never sterilized her sippy when we give her water with meals - was I supposed to be? lol :blush:
No, I think the unsterile thing is thd formula milk. I still sterilise az I've read horrible things about what can happen if they get a bug from them. I know someone who stopped at 3 months!! I guess it's like anything -car seat ff or rf, baby proofing etc. The chances of something hapPening are pretty small but is it worth the risk IF that something did happen when you could prevent it?

I guess we will sterilise till a year :) I give her boiled water to drink tho.
Yea I sterile and as long as my lo drinks bottles I sterile them :))))
B had her appointment today, and she was 16lbs 11oz! :huh: I was surprised it wasn't a little bit more because she's been eating SOOO MUCH lately! The doctor told us we need to give her more calories, and even sugar. Yeah. I don't think so! Her small size is genetic, and she's right on track developmentally for her age, so it isn't like she's malnourished! She said she was skinny for her height, which she sure doesn't look skinny! She was 27 inches tall, which is the 20th percentile, and her weight is the 10th percentile. The doctor didn't like that the percentiles didn't match up. :rolleyes: Ah well, she can take her charts and eat them, because I'm not giving my infant sugar to fatten her up. :nope: Besides, with what this kid eats each day, there is no room to give her more! Today she had:

1 whole banana for breakfast
several bites of my waffle
bites of broccoli, bites of chicken, bites of steak, bites of more banana for lunch (we went to a Chinese Buffet. lol)
lots of nursing. She nurses in the mornings before we both get up out of bed, she nurses after breakfast for a "drink", she takes random drinks throughout the day, she nurses before two naps a day, she fills up on milk for dinner (we usually eat after she's in bed), and she nurses to sleep. Then she wakes around midnight to nurse, and I usually end up stirring her (not on purpose!) when I go to bed at 3ish AM, at which she'll nurse some more. This kid is not starving, she is just VERY active. Lol

Does she look hungry? :shrug: :winkwink:


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Ladies, my health visitor told me that as soon as LOs start picking things up off the carpet and putting it in her mouth - toys etc then it's time to stop sterilising. I stopped sterilising when Lily was about 6 months. She has also been on cows milk for about 2 weeks now instead of formula and she loves it (but she only has 3 x 5oz bottles a day now).

She has a weetabix or porridge for breakfast, a bottle mid morning and then a 2 hour nap. She has a big lunch (ravioli, scambled egg and beans or left overs from the dinner the night before - something like that) plus a yoghurt or custard. She'll then have a bottle mid afternoon followed by an hour sleep. Dinner will be whatever we're eating chopped up or mashed (we spoon feed her) followed by a fruit puree or yoghurt. She will then have a bottle upstairs in her nursery about 7.30pm and straight into her cot. I weighed her myself a month ago and she's about 20 pound.

We must be doing something right because she's very healthy (only miserable when she's teething lol). I hope that she stays settled when the new baby arrives, I think my next step will be trying to get her onto a sippy cup before March, so she won't get jealous when I'm feeding new baby with a bottle.
Jo I've just got a sippy cup and I'm going to use it soon, demi loves drinking her water from a sippy cup- although ice got a non spill one for her milk so she will no the cups are filled with different drinks.
I ment to write that I stopped sterizing with my first at 11 months and I also our her on cows milk then too.... Demi is having cows milk in the morning on her breakie and in all her food. So I may not buy another tub of formula as in sure she will and is fine.

Each to there own, everyone does everything differently, doesn't mean one of us is right and the other is wrong :)

I had an awful night last night. Demi woke up and o just could not settle her, I did everything... Cuddles, water, nappy change, calgel on gums. In the end I gave Calpol and a bottle of milk- that worked! Don't want to get into the habit of milk though, I think it wad her teeth? Then my eldest woke up after, so a sleepless night, which is not normal.
Hope your all having a lovely weekend x
Hi girls. Devin loves his sippy cup but is still having his formula from his bottle a definite two times a day and sometimes three although because he is eating so well now and drinking lots of water I am not really encouraging the mid afternoon unless I know he is hungry or that he's had a particularly early start to the day (ie longer than usual day). He is weighing about 11.6 kilos which means we could consider putting him front facing in his car seat but we will try and hold off til he hits 13 kilos coz the shop said he is 15 times safer in that than he would be in any forward facing seat! Good Lord - that's a bit convincing although he HATES going into that seat no - it's very restricted for him - poor wee lamb!
He is standing on his own and considering walking but still has no-where near the coordination needed to actually step out on his own! He walks like mad while pushing anything that he can move though!

Still only two teeth! He is drooling iike mad and has been more restless than usual in his sleep with a few random one off yelps here and there.

So the big news for us this month is that we are now officially ttc again! It feels kinda weird - not least the having baby making sex bit :rolleyes: It's so not sexy!!! Didn't miss it AT ALL!!! Still - hopefully we won't be 9 months trying this time and we can go back to sex for pleasure again which is FAR hotter!!!
Hi girls. Devin loves his sippy cup but is still having his formula from his bottle a definite two times a day and sometimes three although because he is eating so well now and drinking lots of water I am not really encouraging the mid afternoon unless I know he is hungry or that he's had a particularly early start to the day (ie longer than usual day). He is weighing about 11.6 kilos which means we could consider putting him front facing in his car seat but we will try and hold off til he hits 13 kilos coz the shop said he is 15 times safer in that than he would be in any forward facing seat! Good Lord - that's a bit convincing although he HATES going into that seat no - it's very restricted for him - poor wee lamb!
He is standing on his own and considering walking but still has no-where near the coordination needed to actually step out on his own! He walks like mad while pushing anything that he can move though!

Still only two teeth! He is drooling iike mad and has been more restless than usual in his sleep with a few random one off yelps here and there.

So the big news for us this month is that we are now officially ttc again! It feels kinda weird - not least the having baby making sex bit :rolleyes: It's so not sexy!!! Didn't miss it AT ALL!!! Still - hopefully we won't be 9 months trying this time and we can go back to sex for pleasure again which is FAR hotter!!!

*girly squeal for ttc!*

We are going to ttc again in Feb...Goodness! I can't believe we are going to go all through this again!! LOL! I hated obsessing about ttc each month, and now I'm actually starting to miss it! Whaaaa? Now I am totally excited for Feb! Hehe

On a different note, B has been taking lots of steps! Here is a video of her. :cloud9: Please ignore my stupid excited voice. Lol

that video of Brooklyn is fantastic! I can't believe a few of you are ttc again ..... don't forget to post your preg tests coz I love looking at those. I'm 24 weeks tomorrow!!!! Baby is viable - omg!

I've had some really rough nights with Lily - I think she's sleep crying, it's awful because she's actually screaming and arching her back. A couple of times I've had to get her out of her cot to wake her up and then she goes back to sleep again. Do you think they have bad dreams at this age?

Lily not walking yet.
Oh Virginia - Brooklyn is so cute! I'm dying for Devin to do the same - he seem so close!! Isn't it just the best time? Also, you have just forgotten how bleugh baby making sex is! I'm in the throes of it these days rather that this minute :winkwink: and it aint great!!
Hi girls. Devin loves his sippy cup but is still having his formula from his bottle a definite two times a day and sometimes three although because he is eating so well now and drinking lots of water I am not really encouraging the mid afternoon unless I know he is hungry or that he's had a particularly early start to the day (ie longer than usual day). He is weighing about 11.6 kilos which means we could consider putting him front facing in his car seat but we will try and hold off til he hits 13 kilos coz the shop said he is 15 times safer in that than he would be in any forward facing seat! Good Lord - that's a bit convincing although he HATES going into that seat no - it's very restricted for him - poor wee lamb!
He is standing on his own and considering walking but still has no-where near the coordination needed to actually step out on his own! He walks like mad while pushing anything that he can move though!

Still only two teeth! He is drooling iike mad and has been more restless than usual in his sleep with a few random one off yelps here and there.

So the big news for us this month is that we are now officially ttc again! It feels kinda weird - not least the having baby making sex bit :rolleyes: It's so not sexy!!! Didn't miss it AT ALL!!! Still - hopefully we won't be 9 months trying this time and we can go back to sex for pleasure again which is FAR hotter!!!

*girly squeal for ttc!*

We are going to ttc again in Feb...Goodness! I can't believe we are going to go all through this again!! LOL! I hated obsessing about ttc each month, and now I'm actually starting to miss it! Whaaaa? Now I am totally excited for Feb! Hehe

On a different note, B has been taking lots of steps! Here is a video of her. :cloud9: Please ignore my stupid excited voice. Lol


Brooklyn is so cute!!! And so is your excited voice, lol. They grow up so fast! Rayven is gonna be taking steps on her own really soon! She walks really well when she has something to push or is cruising around the furniture!

As for sippy cups, she doesn't really like them... she likes it when we take the lid off and let her spill water down her shirt, lol.

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