February mummies 2011 <3

Hi everyone , i still have no laptop so my time online is limited at the mo .

Rach - when you say you are worried lennie doesnt do much what do you mean cus Holly doesnt do much really anyway , she doesnt crawl or pull herself up but she seems happy just sitting and playing with toys , she has major seperation anxiety if i even get up off the sofa she screams ready for when i leave the room lol . she does say mama , dada , more , hello , baba , yes and no , shakes and nods her head rocks forward when she wants you to row a boat and eats and feeds herself really well , she is just not interested in moving lol .
What a clever girl!
Although Demi is moving well she don't do all your saying. She is trying to clap, but thats only tonight.

Obviously Rach you may have concerns? But try not worry to much, I think they just develop at different rates. I think Demi maybe good at physical stuff but slower on vocal and understanding.

As for being clingy, Demi is driving me nuts! Lol xx
Hi ya Sarah, how are you? What's Rayven up to? X

Hi, I'm good... getting tired though, lol. ATM Rayven is in the kitchen with daddy. I can't believe how time has gone by and how big she is now! She is saying mama & dada, can feed herself pretty well.. loves being on the move <3 She's got her 2 bottom teeth, chatters up a storm
Lily is cruising, chatting well, claps, waves and has 2 teeth. We didn't do baby led weaning, so she is rubbish at feeding herself (except feeding herself biscuits lol), she's not a very big eater really. Her favourite thing at the moment is music - she loves dancing and clapping her hands.

She is waking up loads in the night again (some nights she is awake for a couple of hours at a time just crying). Must be her top teeth but I'm knackered! My biggest issue at the moment is leads around the house. If there is a lead she'll find it and start chewing it. She keeps trying to pull the lead out of my laptop while it's charging.

I caught her the other day with her whole arm under the sofa looking for 'stuff' and she pulled it out holding a handful of fluff :blush: Needless to say I will have to pull out the sofas and give them a good hoover underneath!

For those who are concerned about development (having had 4 children so far) they all get there in the end :hugs:
Hi everyone , i still have no laptop so my time online is limited at the mo .

Rach - when you say you are worried lennie doesnt do much what do you mean cus Holly doesnt do much really anyway , she doesnt crawl or pull herself up but she seems happy just sitting and playing with toys , she has major seperation anxiety if i even get up off the sofa she screams ready for when i leave the room lol . she does say mama , dada , more , hello , baba , yes and no , shakes and nods her head rocks forward when she wants you to row a boat and eats and feeds herself really well , she is just not interested in moving lol .

Lennie doesnt sit. lol. He sits fine if he can rest an arm on me or something, when on the floor he just falls. Gets excited and falls. lol. I thought once he cracked it but hasnt seemed to now. He rolls on his front and pushes his chest up and pivots around like that. He tucks his legs up to put underneath but this just does the turning in a circle thing. I know he will get there. He talks lots though. Says dada, mum, more and he told me no the other day. that was funny. I spoke to the HV the other day about the "no 8 month development check" and she said cause he is big it can take him longer cause can't keep balance. It took him a while to be able to lift his big head but he does it no problems now. lol. I know he will get there. I'm just worrying unecessarily.

What a clever girl!
Although Demi is moving well she don't do all your saying. She is trying to clap, but thats only tonight.

Obviously Rach you may have concerns? But try not worry to much, I think they just develop at different rates. I think Demi maybe good at physical stuff but slower on vocal and understanding.

As for being clingy, Demi is driving me nuts! Lol xx

I know I am being silly. I think Lennie finds everything so amusing and funny he doesnt have think about anything else but smiling. lol. x
Demi has been driving me crazy today!!! Hanging off my ankle! When I pick her up she wants to get down, so put her down and then she moans. Just no pleasing little lady today. Hope everyone has had s fab weekend x
La mere, do they have develoment checks in America?
Hi there! Been stalking you guys for a good nine month now so decided to post in hopes of joining your group. My name is Vicky and my baby girl Hero was supposed to be a March baby but was born at 33 weeks, on Feburary 2nd. Id love to join you guys!
So...Af never came - like ever! LOL And I'm definitely not pregnant....soooo I've NO idea what's going on.

Brooklyn took her first step yesterday! She stood holding on the couch, and then leaned towards me, took about two steps without holding anything and then "fell" into my arms. :cloud9: Now she's getting super brave and doing it along the couches and her tall toys. Lol It's just a matter of time before she's full out walking! I say by Christmas! She's saying mama all the time (especially when she whines), and she says dada when she doesn't want me anymore. lol She's still only signing milk, but not always every time she wants milk. She's been eating LOADS of solid food. She ate 1 and a half bananas today, half a large sweet potato, some bites of my morning waffle, and nursed several times. Lol She might actually be 17 or 18 pounds at her next appointment Friday!! :happydance:
Hi Vicky, welcome to the group. How are you getting on with everything? X
To be honest im struggling most days lol! My baby girl is quite a handful, especially at night! She will wake up several times a night and gets up to play at 3-4 am without fail...
I work full time at quite a demanding job and its so hard with only a few hours broken sleep!
My main worry right now is the no teeth or teething symptoms...If she starts sleeping through only to teeth a few weeks later on, i think ill loose it completely!!!
Demi has been driving me crazy today!!! Hanging off my ankle! When I pick her up she wants to get down, so put her down and then she moans. Just no pleasing little lady today. Hope everyone has had s fab weekend x

:haha: Rayven does the same thing to me a lot! She's been clapping now for a few weeks, it is the cutest thing... She can get on and off the couch by herself now and she can get down from the bed by herself just fine but she still needs a bit of help climbing back up lol
Hi Vicky, poor you. Got no advice really although my Demi just got her 2nd tooth through with no real complaints, so you never know?

Le mere I was asking because I just wandered how strict they was with the checks?
My health visitor is coming here for my 10 month check where's Rachael doesn't get one?

I can't comment on Demi as I've not seen her at all as I've been at work :( five days off now being a mummy.

Oh and well done Brooklyn!! I'm sure she will be walking very soon, is that a good thing or bad thing. Lol
Hi Vicky, poor you. Got no advice really although my Demi just got her 2nd tooth through with no real complaints, so you never know?

Le mere I was asking because I just wandered how strict they was with the checks?
My health visitor is coming here for my 10 month check where's Rachael doesn't get one?

I can't comment on Demi as I've not seen her at all as I've been at work :( five days off now being a mummy.

Oh and well done Brooklyn!! I'm sure she will be walking very soon, is that a good thing or bad thing. Lol

Well, to be honest I don't know. As I have said in another thread my DD doesn't have a pediatrician, any developmental checks are done by myself or husband under the guidance of my midwife. If there was anything off, we would take her to see someone but so far everything has been normal or better.
Aww Vicky it sounds hard work. Has she been this way since birth? My nephew went through a spell of waking up loads. My sister never really figured out what it was. Hunger, teething or just him. It must be hard working full time too.

Well I rung to get an appointment with a health visitor and was told one would call me back and still waiting. Lol. X
Rachael I've phoned 3 times to re arrange my appointment and they say someone will call me back... Got a letter today with a different date, a Monday and I've already said I can't do Mondays and Tuesdays! Might just go and bang my head against a wall!
Hi Vicky, poor you. Got no advice really although my Demi just got her 2nd tooth through with no real complaints, so you never know?

Le mere I was asking because I just wandered how strict they was with the checks?
My health visitor is coming here for my 10 month check where's Rachael doesn't get one?

I can't comment on Demi as I've not seen her at all as I've been at work :( five days off now being a mummy.

Oh and well done Brooklyn!! I'm sure she will be walking very soon, is that a good thing or bad thing. Lol

The health checks here are nothing more than a way to get babies in for their vaccinations. https://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b46/entedge/smilies/HideUnderChair.gif They schedule them to match the US vaccine schedule. Whether or not they are very strict with them depends on the doctor's office - doctors here get bonuses when a certain percentage of their child patients have up-to-date vaccine schedules, so some obviously push each visit being on time harder than others. We don't vaccinate, so our visit schedule is pretty lax. The only thing that happens is a weight check, height check, "is she doing this? yes? great", and "any questions?" It takes all of 10 minutes. LOL Oh, and the doctor hands us a "developmental" paper and tells us to call if she gets sick or seems delayed (neither of which has happened. lol)

As for Brooklyn...I'm not sure if it'll be a good thing or not! She seems so young to be walking...and she's very small so it'll look so weird. LOL She's still in a lot of 3-6 month clothes. :haha:
Oh! And welcome Vicky! Brooklyn hasn't been sleeping well the past week or so (teething), so I definitely can empathize with the up all night thing. She decides it's time to play from about 10 to 12 and from about 3 to 5...then back up for the day at 7-8ish. UGH. It's her top right tooth...needs to hurry up and erupt!

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