February mummies 2011 <3

hi ladies

well done babies walking, C IS sttanding and cruising around funiture so cute :baby:

i envy all the great eater's, its hard with relux alot of fruits veg and yogurts are a NO NO :nope::nope: so she is very limited, im introducing everything to see whats agreeingg and whats not. she is always having bad nights teethhing getting her top 2 teeth now poor baba :wacko:

xmas shopping neaarly done looking forward to break from the school run :haha:
Hi ya everyone.
How are you all doing?
Demi had her check and she only weighs 16lb 13oz. Im so disappointed as o really thought she'd weigh more! As at 7 months she weighed at 16lb 9oz! So hardly any weight gain. Although the health visitor was not concerned at all.

Juicy love the avatar x
Oh and virginia, lovely video.

Goodluck Chilly, do excited for you and super envious xx

Jo, I do think they can have bad dreams coz sometimes Demi wakes up devastated and I have go cuddle her to calm down.

Le mere, Demi loves spitting her water out, little minx!

Juicy, what actually is reflux?? Sorry I'm not ignorant or thick, just never had to deal with it as a mummy or as a child carer.
Hi everyone sorry i not posted but my laptop went kaput , so could only update a few sites on hubbys work laptop , anyway got a new one now .

ooh all this ttc its exciting

Update from us - Holly still doesnt crawl or pull herself up she doesnt even seem bothered , she is quite happy sitting on the floor playing toys . if i lay her on her front she goes backwards round the room comanddo style but she isnt impressed about it .
still no teeth but eating and sleeping well .
my eldest is going to be 6 tomo i just cannot believe where the time has gone , i am starting to feel old now hah
Hi ya everyone.
How are you all doing?
Demi had her check and she only weighs 16lb 13oz. Im so disappointed as o really thought she'd weigh more! As at 7 months she weighed at 16lb 9oz! So hardly any weight gain. Although the health visitor was not concerned at all.

Juicy love the avatar x

Brooklyn is smaller than Demi?! :huh: How in the world did she go from the biggest born to the smallest? :rofl: I wouldn't be concerned about Demi's weight - if she's healthy, then she's fine! :thumbup:

I had someone telling me the other day that I was neglectful because she is so small - I'm pretty sure it's hereditary she's small! I was tiny as well, and she's not failing to thrive or anything.

Hi everyone sorry i not posted but my laptop went kaput , so could only update a few sites on hubbys work laptop , anyway got a new one now .

ooh all this ttc its exciting

Update from us - Holly still doesnt crawl or pull herself up she doesnt even seem bothered , she is quite happy sitting on the floor playing toys . if i lay her on her front she goes backwards round the room comanddo style but she isnt impressed about it .
still no teeth but eating and sleeping well .
my eldest is going to be 6 tomo i just cannot believe where the time has gone , i am starting to feel old now hah

I'm a little jealous Holly is not crawling - Brooklyn gets into everything! She's waaay more demanding than she was as a newborn - I don't have 2 seconds to myself until she falls asleep - and she's cutting 2 or 3 teeth, so she's not been sleeping too great. Happy b-day to your kiddo! Time does go so fast!
Hello everyone, how are you?
Yes Virginia, Demi must be bigger.
The health visitor told me to cut out Demi's lunch milk, she only has 6oz.
But I feel that as she is 'underweight' and enjoys this bottle and as it doesn't effect her dinner I'm going to carry on offering it. A few extra calories won't hurt and I think she needs it.
Virginia how rude of someone to suggests your not feeding Brooklyn! As our two babies and on the move I guess they will weigh less as they burn the calories off quicker. And Demi eats lots so I Know she is eating enough.

Eve, hope your eldest had a fab birthday.
At least Holly can't get to the Christmas tree, lol. And she will get there soon. My friends little girl didn't walk until she was 17 months!

Goodluck to those who are ttc, I can't wait to do it all again.
And Chilly I remember that 'baby making sex' lol xx
Hello everyone, how are you?
Yes Virginia, Demi must be bigger.
The health visitor told me to cut out Demi's lunch milk, she only has 6oz.
But I feel that as she is 'underweight' and enjoys this bottle and as it doesn't effect her dinner I'm going to carry on offering it. A few extra calories won't hurt and I think she needs it.
Virginia how rude of someone to suggests your not feeding Brooklyn! As our two babies and on the move I guess they will weigh less as they burn the calories off quicker. And Demi eats lots so I Know she is eating enough.

Eve, hope your eldest had a fab birthday.
At least Holly can't get to the Christmas tree, lol. And she will get there soon. My friends little girl didn't walk until she was 17 months!

Goodluck to those who are ttc, I can't wait to do it all again.
And Chilly I remember that 'baby making sex' lol xx

She eats LOADS, but yes, very active. Her sleep has been horrible lately...cutting 3more teeth....when these 3 come in, she'll have 6.
Hi ya,
Lennie's top two teeth are through and the ones next to that are close too. Well I can see them through the gums.
Juicy I had a smear 2 years ago I think and will have another one in a year I think. It changes all the time. When I had that one they said 5 years and then the family planning clinic told me 3 years. I might go there and have it done cause its sooner. My last result was boarderline too and there was nothing after that so I wonder what stage of boarderline they follow up?
Ive not been steralising since Lennie was 6 months.
I get really confused with what HV mean when they say give 18fl oz of fluid a day. Does this mean they need 18fl oz of formula a day or combined with water? Lennie has 2x8oz bottle of formula a day but a yoghurt is equivelent to 2fl oz and he has about 2fl oz of water. Is cows milk as a drink from 1 year old? Also on my formula packet it says on the guidelines 7oz of formula a day? I'm soooooooooo confused by it all.
Good Luck with TTC Chilly. Lennie is 11.5kg too I think.
I have a new laptop too Claire. My last one broke and it would cost more to fix than the laptop was worth! And it was just the power connection. :-s
My sister is now back at work which means I have my nephew Joe every Wednesday now. He came last week and he is walking about and into everything and has the attention span of 10 seconds. He is such hard work compared to Lennie. Makes me feel grateful for Lennie taking his time doing everything.
We had Lennie's Christening yesterday. It all went so to plan. It was a lovely day. I am so knackered at the moment. Can't belive its Christmas in 2 weeks. I am no way near organised. Now the Christening is done I can hopefully get myself organised.............. x
Where is everyone...being kept on our toes!!

I have lost 4 stone since may now :yipee: so 0pleased to do it just before chrimbo. Just another 2 and a half to go now :lol:

I am do looking forward to Xmas with my girls, particularly Izzi, she has already unwrapped one pressie!!

Hope everyone is well and has a fab Christmas xx
I'm still here!
Defo kept on my toes!
Demi has two teeth and is taking lots of steps.
She waves, clucks her tongue and gives kisses on demand :) loving her little personality!
And I can't wait for Christmas morning, I'm counting the days down.

Well done on the weight loss, that is amazing, bet you feel amazing too!
Hope all your lovelies have a fab Christmas and a very special first Christmas for our LO's
WOW! Congrats on your weight loss! I haven't lost a single pound under my pre-pregnancy weight. :( It sucks! lol

Brooklyn has SIX teeth now! She cut all four front top ones at once - it was horrid! I'm so glad they are through now. We had a family Christmas today with my parents and my cousin, and Brooklyn seemed to enjoy it - though she was more interested in the "tween" girls' gifts than anything! I should have just gotten her a Justin Bieber poster. LOL
Hope everyone had a Happy Christmas! I'm still surrounded by toys. We have decided to turn the dining room into a play room and bring the dining table in the lounge once Jay is back upstairs.

Started my diet again today after having a week off! I have probably put on half a stone :-S x
We had 3 roast dinners in a row and I just had 'Christmas soup' (turkey roast in a soup)
I do not want to get on the scales today :(
Hope everyone had a good christmas too.
My eldest had the sickness bug on boxing night, so I'm waiting for Demi to get it too?

Anyone struggling with there broodyness? I like having something to look forward too.... And I'm surrounded by new babies. X
I'm not struggling with my broodiness lmao ............ 3rd Trimester baby yeah!!! Hope everyone had a good chrimbo. Lily was majorly teething xmas eve night and xmas day so it was rough for her (and me lol).

Happy New Year everyone and hope we have a few new BFPs :thumbup:
hope you all had a good xmas , we did :) H has decided instead of crawling she will scoot along on her leg , she is quite quick and a little sod ! she has pulled up to her knees but no further yet and still toothless but her gums have gone white so i think there are some on the way. she thought xmas was great , loads of boxes to play in and lots of food she loves a roast dinner lol
Anyone noticed that there LO is playing rather then putting toys straight into there mouth?
Hope you all have a good new years eve. We are at home with family and I will be having a good old drink as we were all pregnant last year.
Just hope Demi stays well? She has a terrible cough and was crying until 1:30 this morning, I did everything! In the end I cuddled her in out bed where she fell asleep and I've NEVER done that.... I barely slept as I thought I might roll on her.
Yes I've noticed the playing too. Izzi has started putting lids on things and putting shapes through the shape sorter. She can also show you where someone's nose, ear or hair is..must teach her more. Band when she gets it right she claps herself!! Lmao. She also signs twinkle when the Christmas tree lights are on, they are so cute!!

She had an ear and chest infection over Christmas so wasn't her usual monkey self which was s shame. She is on anti biotics now and is getting back to normal we will have to enjoy her unwrapping presents on her birthday instead.
Agh poor Izzy, hope she is picking up now. And wow that is cleaver pointing her the features on her face. Demi is playing exactly the same as Izzy, she loves putting on lids. We also have a curly slide too and Femo knows how'd to put them on it to go sown the slide.
I think these babies are just so clever, it just amazes me what they know and learn.
Someone put a thread up the other day about there LO talking and understanding the words they say... At ten months.
Demi says mumma and dadda but I still don't think she knows what they mean? She understands simple things like 'clap your hands' but defi no talking, just her own babble.
Anyone else think there LO can 'talk'? Xx
Yes .... Lily knows what 'hello' means and will wave and say hello back. Also, night night. Last night I said to her 'do you want to have a splash splash?' and she started splashing her arms about saying 'yeah yeah' and then she looked at rich and said 'dada'. (Rich normally baths her). We were amazed! She can also recognise things and point, like 'button', 'fish', 'nose', 'dummy'. She also knows what a cuddle is and if we say 'cuddle ahhhhhh' she'll cuddle what ever toy shes holding + she'll clap and dance on demand. She amazes me every day.

Happy New Year to everyone!!!!!!!!
Yes I think they understand way more than wd think. Izzi will go and find various things wd ask her to. And if you say goodbye she waves without being asked. She says uff for dog and gone and baba for baby which is funny when theyre bigger than her!! but doesn't use muma and dadda properly, they are def babble. She tries to say Christmas tree when she points!! Just the c sound and some other noise!! She also points at what she wants now!!

Does anyone do signing I would like to but can't afford it.

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