February mummies 2011 <3

No signing here, but the twins I look after have just finished signing. The twins who are just two and often still use it but I've no clue what there signing too, lol. Thank god there using words now! I think the mum found it really useful!
Shaun has just agreed to Ttc now!!!!! Whoo hooo, will keep you posted.
Happy new year to you all xxx
Haha, good luck with TTC Jem.

I don't feel broody but I do miss it all. lol.

I think Lennie understands things we say. He just seems to respond to different things that we say in different ways. When we say Bot Bot (bottle) he goes crazy for it. Its like when you say Walkies to a dog, you dont say it until its coming!

We are having a new year in. Jay is still laid up. After his op he got a ulcer on his heel which got infected so it kind of put him back a couple of weeks. We might even be asleep before 12. lol. x
Happy New Year All :)

Our babies are going to be One next month how quick was that year!!!!

C has 6 teeth now she always got 4 together on top it was awful she was in a lot of pain, but great now :) She also understands a lot now I ask her to sing and she sings baba dada baba dada lol

Sleeping pattern still wakes up I'm starting to think its me been to soft now and she getting into bad habbit!!!
happy new year all

ooh more ttc - good luck . I get a bit broody but really i am quite happy as i am i think.

well in the last week Holly has finally decided to crawl , well she actually shuffles its pretty cute but by god she is quick !! she is attempting pulling herself up now but only gets to her knees atm . still no teeth ! sleeping is improving she is going to bed semi awake and settling herself almost - i have to do a bit of face stroking but its a lot better than it was .

We have been discussing starting to wean of breast feeding next month as she only really feeds morning and night but im not sure im ready to stop yet lol some days i want my boobs back and other days i kinda wanna cling on to this bond a bit longer , plus i really dont want my periods back hah!

With regards to the talking holly says mama , dad , dada , jake and ehehe (evan) and knows who they are . she says ca for cat and points at it or says it when it comes in the room , if you say do you want a boobie she gets mega excited and flaps about and pants at me , if you say how big is holly she raises her arms , if yuo ask her to clap she will or wave , if you say hello she says it back and if you say goodbye she waves . she picks up her toy phone and says hello too. if you say yes she nods her head and no she shakes her head she knows how to point to eyes and toes and she says ta when you give her things or she give us things . if you ask for a kiss she will suck your chin off and if you ask for a cuddle or say cuddle she cuddles and says ahhhh to either us or a teddy . she seems quite forward with stuff like that yet not so much with the physical stuff

She is also playing with toys like putting the balls in the top of toys and pressing buttons to get them out again etc , mostly she likes her brothers hot wheels cars or tries to steal their nintendo ds's !!

I have no idea what to get her for her birthday or what to do for it , what is everyone else planning ?
They say it does go one way or the other. Like forward physically or verbally.

Lennie is defo not physically! lol. He does seem to have a new thing for standing with help. If you go to sit him on the floor he sticks his legs out so he is standing and won't let you sit him down. He will stand like that for ages. So he is getting there. lol.

Lennie isnt well at the moment. He has a cold and cause of that his wheezing is bad. I give him the blue inhaler and it doesnt really do anything. It helps for about 20 minutes and then he needs it again. I took him to the doctors who has given him steriods. Tomorrow is day 4 of 5. At the moment I don't think they have done much help.

Same here with the birthday thing Claire. Its hard to know what to get them when it was only just Christmas?! Lennie hasnt even played with all his Christmas toys yet. lol. I think we are just going to do a little tea party for him.
Lennie's cousin one side of the family was born a week before and another cousin the week after.....already mentioned the idea of a joint party :-/ Which i'm not too keen on the idea.
I think what we're going to do for Lily is all club together and get her some things for the garden for the summer - a little tikes slide etc. She certainly doesn't need any more toys for indoors after xmas lol. We'll probably have a little family tea-party for her.
a tea party sounds good idea girls .

so far i have bought her a doll and some stickle bricks , everyone bought her clothes for xmas in size 12-18 and she wont be in them for a while and they are all winter stuff im thinking i might have to swap it for summer stuff. we already have a garden full of ride ons and toys as my 3 year old has a summer birthday so thats what he gets usually lol. I asked hubby last night what to get- dont know why i thought h would help he just said i dunno ..whatever you think arghhhhh
Hi girlies!

Yes Izzi responds to a lot of stuff and waves when you say bye without being prompted they are so cute!! I have got a baby signing book and shd has already learnt where? And more a bit. She knows what milk is if you ask her if you want it but doesn't sign ig yet, that's what I want her to do next!

I have decided to do an afternoon tea party and naming ceremony on izzi's birthday for localish family and friends. Nothing v big just a celebration really. Present wise I have got some play food, books and a push along thing. Oh and a swing i got off gum tree. I'm not getting anything else and will ask for vouchers and money if people want to. She really doesn't need stuff now but will do in the future.
Lucky is a naming ceremony like a christening but not religious?

We are having a family tea party but as for presents?? There is a postbox from ELC that we will buy but she honestly does not need any toys! Think we will put some money In her bank instead. Got to get a cake too, Isla has told me Demi wants a George pig cake! Lol

Demi is better at her physical rather than her speech. She understands and says 'ta' and that's it. Think she understands loads but not where her hair and eyes are yet?
She is beginning to walk a bit more now but still prefers crawling or cruising.

Demi was in her highchair and I was singing some song and I turned round to see Demi have good old dance! Ha ha.

Anyone's LO's been having tantrums?
If Isla takes a toy off Demi she throws herself on the floor and sreams! So o always kno if Isla has been a pickle to her little sister.
Although I got Demi out the bath last night and had a tantrum in my hands, I nearly dropped her. I think Demi is going to be a minx :)
I ment to say Demi is terrified of the Hoover and I'd drives me mad. She clings to my leg, ha ha, anyone else's LO? X
Lennie still loves the hoover. lol.

I love the idea of garden toys for Birthday. Cause Birthday and Christmas is in the Winter its not like there is the oppurtunity to get summer toys iykwim? I just told Jay and we are going to get garden toys and a snow suit for now. lol. Both opposite ends of the seasons. Im going to attempt to make Lennie's cake. I used to make them for Eve and then got Lazy and started buying them. My Auntie made Lennie's cake for his Christening and I was so inspired I decided I would start making cakes again! Jay's birthday is next and I am doing him a MotoX bike on a hill. Lennie I really don't know......but I am enjoying searching for things. Eve's birthday falls on Easter Sunday this year and I found a Easter Cake with little Eggs coming out of it. I am thinking of doing that for her.

I'm currently having a big sort out starting with Eve's bedroom. It feels good finally being in the right frame of mind to tackle her room! x
Oo Demi does sound like a pickle!! Yes a naming is a non religious christening :)

And izzi loves the vacuum cleaner, she rushes in from another room if she hears it!! Middle daughter still runs away tho and she's 7!!
Hi everyone! thought i would stop by as havent been on here for a while, i hope everyone had a lovely first christmas with their babies! cannot believe its coming up to their first birthdays already!

so, Emilia has had an accident. Whilst i was at work, my mum had her and put her in a booster seat that attaches to a chair in her kitchen (which has tiled flooring) but the booster had not been attached to the seat so Emilia fell forward, face first, onto the tiled flooring, with the booster still attached to her so in a seated postion :-( she cut all the inside of her lip open and chipped two massive chunks out of both her top two front teeth! iv booked to see dentist but the doctor thinks there is nothing we can do, just wait till shes older and they fall out when she gets her adult teeth. its very upsetting as its really noticable when she smiles, which is all the time, and one side is really sharp! has anyone else experienced this? I just wonder if anyone has any advice or knows if there is anything we can do? The doctor said they doubt they will take them out of file them as she would need to be sedated which they wont do for babies without real good cause.

any help would be grately received! x
Oh god that sounds awful Felicity :( not got any advise but definitely take her to the dentist because they can at least file the sharp bits down and they may be able to add some filler to the teeth, you never know.

Jut dropped in to say hi to you all, am going back to work on Monday and am dreading it! Oscar is going to a childminder and I'm so sad :( he's all over the place, trying to walk, crawling, climbing but not a huge amount of talking! He's brilliant with his food and eats everything.

But we're going through a hard time with naps lately, we went through a phase from 9 months when he fought every sleep, bedtime and nap time. Now however he just won't nap in the day, hell crash once for about half an hour and that's it. He used to nap twice for about 3 hrs total, now hardly anything. Does anyone else have this? Any suggestions? Xx
Hi Felicity, got no advice really, sorry. I did know a little girl at Nursery who has an accident, she lost both her front teeth. The mum even put the teeth in milk to save them but the dentist was unable to do anything.
Your mum must feel awful :(

Hi Wiiwidow, got no advice either. Are you going back to work full time? I'm sure Oscar will love his childminder and playing with all the other children. As for work, just think of the extra money you will have to spend on you and Oscar xx
No am going back for 3 days a week, so it won't be hideous am just sad :(

Heres a little video of Oscar dancing and shouting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZOff2HazI9Y&feature=youtube_gdata_player
aww felicity , i would def go to the dentist see what they say . My Evan chipped his tooth when he was 13 months old they just left it it was fine until a few months ago (he is 3 and a hlf now ) and the tooth has just started to die its gone grey , the dentist still wants to leave it to drop out by itself as it isnt giving him any pain.

as for tantrums holly screams like crazy if she cant have her brothers toys or they wont play with her she has a right mardy and bangs her feet on the floor it is quite funny really .

holly is not too keen on the hoover but she is not too bad , my youngest son haes it always has he wont even walk past it and he puts his hands over his ears ..yet one of his fave toys is hos toy hoover ..go figure lol

we have een managing to get holly to go to sleep by putting her to bed awake for a whole week now , i feel so relieved.
Haha. So cute Bec. lennie has recently discovered dancing. He has like a little jig side to side.

Is Oscar irratable cause he isnt getting enough sleep?x
He's so funny with his dancing, he'll dance to the weirdest things! Even my whistling or other tuneless stuff, he'll dance too! It's so cute though the little wiggle!

Rach he's grumpy from not napping so yes cos he's tired...but seriously if you try to get him to nap in the day, he'll have a total meltdown properly sobbing so hard he makes himself choke...just because you've attempted to put him in his cot for a nap. Odd! He used to be so good at napping too!

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