February mummies 2011 <3

Oh dear poor Holly! Hope she feels better for weds!
Demi missed her jabs coz she had chicken pox and she was ment to have them last week but I forgot to ask Shaun to take her to the doctors. So bad of me and to top it off Demi has a black eye! It was a bit red yesterday but today it's very bruised and we have no idea how she got it- that makes me sound and feel like such a bad mummy. :(

We took Demi swimming on Saturday and she clung to me like her life depended me. So in definatly going to go more often.
Oh dear poor Holly! Hope she feels better for weds!
Demi missed her jabs coz she had chicken pox and she was ment to have them last week but I forgot to ask Shaun to take her to the doctors. So bad of me and to top it off Demi has a black eye! It was a bit red yesterday but today it's very bruised and we have no idea how she got it- that makes me sound and feel like such a bad mummy. :(

We took Demi swimming on Saturday and she clung to me like her life depended me. So in definatly going to go more often.

aww don't feel bad they get lots of bumps and bruises , she most likely bashed hreself with a toy. my ds2 last week fell off a stool he was climbing in his wardrobe to get to the dressing up stuff on the top self and slipped , he scraped all his side from his armpit down to his bum and took a load of skin off his back right on his spine it was awful , i felt bad cus i was downstairs when it happened :(
Hi everyone! Remember me?

Life has been cuh-raaaazy for since last september and I don't think I've even logged on here!

I have missed you all lots and often wonder how everyone is doing (although I always catch up with Facebook statuses of those I have on FB)

Joshua is so big now, walking all over the place but hasn't said any words yet - not that we're in any rush :)

Do you all still use this thread? I intend to start using this site again more now... although the layout etc has changed a LOT lol

Hope you're all well xxxxx
i think we all log on a bit but it has slowed right down since they all turned 1
Lol last time I tried to post the site went down for maintenance. It's been super crazy, getting ready for our move to Colorado, Rayven's been rather cranky since the time change for daylight savings time... that and she can't run around like she wants to with all the packing and boxes everywhere. I'm still waiting to O... have a gut feeling I did yesterday, but my chart isn't reflecting it yet and come to find out the OPK's I had were expired:cry: so I don't even know if the negative results I was getting were accurate or not!! Hope you girls are doing better than me right now.. My nerves are about frazzled!!!
Hi ya,

I dont come on here half as often as I used to.

Lennie finally had his injections today.....5th try! Every other time he had a temperature so the nurses wouldnt do it. Finally today we had to see the doctor who told the nurses to do it cause it's getting silly and he needed to have them.

Lennie is sleeping in Eve's room tonight in the travel cot! He is actually getting fussy now. When I carry him up the stairs he starts to winge, then winges more when I go in his room. If I take him into our room he stops winging! I find it funny. Tonight he wasnt having any of it and I gave in, oops, and put him in eves room.

Jay has told me he wants another baby two nights running! Even though I hadnt been thinking of it, just him telling me that made me want to have sex with him right there and then! lol. It was only two weeks ago though when he told me he didnt want anymore children because looking after my nephew has put him off. lol.

Josie....so exciting!!! Can't believe it could be 2 weeks.....well 1 week now? Cause you posted a week ago? x
Morning everyone, I still check in just don't always have to write.
Glad everyone's Lo's are good and nice to see you Charlotte.

I'm loving this weather and Demi loves it too. Been to the park lots and Demi loves the feedom. Im trying to teach her to walk and hold my hand too but she either giggles at me or has a paddy! Ha

The other day Isla pushed Demi off a toy and Demi was soooo mad that she tried to push Isla off. Getting her own back, I think!

Demi's hair to still quite red in colour but there us a section at the back which is blonde so I wandering what the summer will do to her colour? Although it's now very curly so I think she will like my Isla?

So Rach what you going to do baby wise?
I'm hoping to still change shauns mind fir next month- he also changes all the time :)

Jo any news. Has the baby moved so no c section? Can't wait to see photos xx
Well I don't really know. Jay said he wanted another baby in a year.....so I said to try in a year or plan to have the baby by a year? He didnt answer :-S
I think I want to wait until Lennie's potty trained but seeing as he is laid back/lazy that could be ages!!!
Jem you say Demi's hair is curly. What was it like when it was really short? Lennie still has very little hair but what he has on the back of his head feels like a brillo pad!!! Sometimes I wonder if it is going to be curly. Although Eve had curly hair and it didnt resemble a brillo pad at this stage. lol. x
No news from me, except the baby HAS turned. The consultant said the head was well down and he could only feel 2/5 of baby's head. Lots of painful braxton hicks but no progress yet. Have tried everything to start things off but nothing working atm.

Lily is growing up so fast, can't believe how clever she is and she is soooo funny. Every day she does something new to make me laugh. She is so obsessed with Peppa Pig and oinks when the music comes on and she loves books!!!

Going to put her down for a nap now and hopefully I will get a couple of hours sleep too (please please please) xx
Ha ha, your oh wants to try now!!
Demi's hair- she lost it all and then it grew back bright orange but completely straight. Now it's a deep red with waves at the tops and tight mini curls at the back/ exactly like Isla's was.

I think Jo is the only pregnant Feb mummy????
Jo glad the baby has moved! But I say that with legs crossed, eeek!
Been training for a job at our hospital and the maternity unit is lovely! I had Demi in the new delivery suite and the rooms are big. I've been working with a midwife who starts there next week.... Maybe to deliver your baby? X
Ha ha, your oh wants to try now!!
Demi's hair- she lost it all and then it grew back bright orange but completely straight. Now it's a deep red with waves at the tops and tight mini curls at the back/ exactly like Isla's was.

I think Jo is the only pregnant Feb mummy????

Ooh congrats to Jo then :) but ME TOO :happydance::happydance:!
Only just though :)
Congratulations! What's only just? If I get own way it will be meeee soon but I've been saying that for months too&#58389;
Congratulations! What's only just? If I get own way it will be meeee soon but I've been saying that for months too&#58389;

Only just pregnant hehe :)
I planned to wait a little longer oh well haha :D
We want another, DH wants a girl :haha:

Unfortunately we can't even think about it until I've qualified but now I do feel really broody... working with all the lil newborns doesn't help :wacko:

I have my first proper on-call on tuesday so could get called out to a homebirth! woohoo

I'm really happy with the age gap with the boys, I never imagined they'd get along so well - they love being around each other - play together, sleep together, share their toys,food, give each other kisses :cloud9:
Well wine you do get maternity leave whilst doing the midwifery course!!! :) sooooo happy and jealous with your job! I'm thinking another baby or acess course in sept to do midwifery- or just do both at the same time- then I can keep applying to the uni's until I get in :) ha ha ha
Congrats Bethan! How many weeks are you?

OH cooked a spicy curry tonight ... bet it doesn't help! Jem - I started the access course a few years ago with a view to go into midwifery, but I left after one year because I found it hard juggling work, kids and college. I did enjoy it though. Don't worry, I'll text you if I go into labour lol.

I have short labours so probably won't have time to update personally on bnb, but hopefully Jem can update you all when I go into hospital (I hope soon lol).

I wonder what Lily is going to make of it all with a new baby. She's obviously not old enough to understand what's going on and I'm sure James will get a few pokes in his eyes lol. She is already having tantrums and hissy fits, throwing herself on the floor with her head back when she can't get what she wants, so I expect that's how she's going to react when I'm holding new baby. I will just have to ignore her, but she is still a baby aswell. I've started putting her milk in a sippy cup now and taken away the bottles so she doesn't get jealous when I'm feeding James - she wasn't happy about that but getting used to it now.

Will keep you all posted xx

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