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February mummies 2011 <3

omg juicy i'm jealous! lol, yesterday was the first time i went for a pee without holding my breath and gripping the radiator on the wall for dear life! the midwife checked me over and said there was an additional couple of grazes that weren't noted before she thinks they missed them as they are quite high up and she said where they are can make them more painful.

If that's what that pain is they hurt more than the bloody tear!

and yes, joshua pants too! very cute lol. I'm getting worried about the amount he hiccups - he must spend at least 2-3 hours a day hiccupping. It starts off and he's fine, but afte a while he starts to get really upset and angry by it - i feel so sorry for him, must be really annoying!

Wine you poor girl, I'm not rushing into anything soon :haha: just I was wondering wen it's time ha but I did get a tear and had to get a stitch so I suppose I'm lucky it's Healing good apart from my pile :( oh the joys of it all lol
Yep I have piles too and that is the one thing that is scaring me from dtd :-s

Gem Lennie is sick a lot after feeds but it doesn't bother me. He also stinks a lot! And me! When he finishes feeding he lays his head on my boob like a pillow. And then he was sick all over it. Lol.

Minky, if she has enough wet and dirty nappies and the wee is pale that should mean she is getting enough. Is she putting on weight ok? My sisters baby feeds for 20 mins every 4 hours and has less feeds in the day than Lennie and is still putting on weight quicker than Lennie.

Has ur babies legs started to straighten out? Lennies have and he suddenly looks bigger! X
Hey Welcome Minky - good to see you! Hope you're ok, been looking out for your birth story, hope you're recovering alright and that Niamh is doing well? x

For those of you who are BF'ing, how long does your LO feed for on average? Niamh is usually 15-20 mins, just wondered if this was normal/average at 11 days?

Also, does anyone else's LO 'pant' sometimes? Worries me stupid despite being told it's normal.

Oscar feeds anywhere from 10 minutes to over an hour, often though he'll have 15-20 mins and then a nappy change/wind and then I'll offer the other breast, sometimes he'll have it sometimes not. But the longer his feeds the longer he'll go in between. So I guess you'll find as her tummy grows she'll be able to fit more in and potentially go longer, so just keep offering her a little more after you've woken her up a bit.

As for the panting, I find O does it when he's getting excited or agitated about feeding? Would that make sense? Perfectly normal I think!

Wine, O gets hiccups too, though not as much as Joshua, poor him. Someone suggested feeding him and this usually makes them go away, not sure if its worth a try?

As for routine i was wondering about that? OH was suggesting we tried to get him into a feeding routine but I'm not sure if I'm setting myself up for failure at 4 weeks? We do an evening bathtime but that's it so far.

My other question was, do you try and get them to go in their cot every time for sleep, or not? She says typing this with a finally asleep lo on her chest downstairs in the sitting room! Should I have been trying to get him down in his own room for the last 2 hours? I don't know what I'm doing...
Wine, O gets hiccups too, though not as much as Joshua, poor him. Someone suggested feeding him and this usually makes them go away, not sure if its worth a try?

As for routine i was wondering about that? OH was suggesting we tried to get him into a feeding routine but I'm not sure if I'm setting myself up for failure at 4 weeks? We do an evening bathtime but that's it so far.

My other question was, do you try and get them to go in their cot every time for sleep, or not? She says typing this with a finally asleep lo on her chest downstairs in the sitting room! Should I have been trying to get him down in his own room for the last 2 hours? I don't know what I'm doing...

The thing is Joshuas hiccups come on about 10-15minutes after feeding...
my options are lay him down and he vomits everywhere, or keep him more upright and he hiccups for about half an hour :dohh:

I always put him in his moses basket but it usually doesn't work until i do it about 12 or 1am lol. and some nights he cries as soon as i move him away from my body so i dont bother then, but i do attempt it every night as I dont agree with cosleeping really (in our house) because both me and OH are overweight and very heavy sleepers that roll around and completely cover ourselves in duvets and blankets and he snores like a trucker and he smokes too which i hate grrrr

I personally wouldn't try a routine till minimum 6 weeks i think - but will probably wait till 8 weeks just to save any stress if its not working.
oh and i have a hemorhoid thing as well - midwife noticed it whilst checking my stitches - went to doc and got some medicine for it and it went away after 6 days... 2 days later i did a poo (a normal poo btw not constipated or anything) and its come back even worse and now its really painful.

I'm terrified it'll never go and i'm going to need it cut out or something :(
i try to put h in the moses / carrycot but she hates it. i have tried the letting her cry thing but i gave in she just ends up co sleeping . im not a fan of it but it seems the only way i get some sleep. also i fall asleep while she s on the boob feeding :s

hiccups - H used to ge them a lot when i was pregnant with her ans she still gets them 2-3 times a day usually after i have winded her she looks so grumpy when she has them like they are really pissing her off lol.

with my boys we started the routine thing as soon as they started going longer to sleep at night which was around 6 weeks for ds1 and 12 weeks for ds2 . i did find that they both got themselves in a feeding routine after a while so we would say bath them at 7 knowing they had a feed at 8 and gradually moved it forward 15 mins at a time till it was bath at 6 bed at 7
i used to be paranoid about co-sleeping but am now more chilled, I still have to check she's not dead about 10 times a night tho!! It does mean i am not a complete zombie tho :) We will try to get her into the moses basket at some point i guess...or possibly just straight to the cot :shrug: we'll see!

Isabel gets hiccups too quite alot, but like Eve, she had them inside a lot too. She even gets them WHEN feeding, which is a bit of a weird feeling! Luckily they don't seem to bother her too much.

Sorry to hear about peoples painful wees...hope it improves soon :)
Congrats minkymoo, niamh is my DD1 name I named my Lo Cailin (Coleen) :)

I had no visitors today yippee so got to stay in my pj's :haha:

Question ladies my baby will be 4wks on wednes and I'm starting to feel normal in my lady parts sry for TMI :blush: but still feeling nervous about DTD maybe a few glasses of wine might help :haha: how long are u meant to wait is it over 6 wks???

Hi Juicy,

i think it's whenever you're ready. I was just told if you can manage it before your 6 week doctors appointment and know everything is in working order they don't need to do any checking!!

I have been lucky as I had no tears or episiotomy and no probs going to the loo....but it is still the last thing on my mind!! (she is only 10 days old tho!) Mind you I DO feel a bit broody!!! Found out my sister in law is expecting in October which is lovely but I'm like, awww, Issy won't be the youngest anymore lmao!! 4 is just too many, too many, too many!!!!
Minky, if she has enough wet and dirty nappies and the wee is pale that should mean she is getting enough. Is she putting on weight ok? My sisters baby feeds for 20 mins every 4 hours and has less feeds in the day than Lennie and is still putting on weight quicker than Lennie.

Has ur babies legs started to straighten out? Lennies have and he suddenly looks bigger! X

Hey Welcome Minky - good to see you! Hope you're ok, been looking out for your birth story, hope you're recovering alright and that Niamh is doing well? x

For those of you who are BF'ing, how long does your LO feed for on average? Niamh is usually 15-20 mins, just wondered if this was normal/average at 11 days?

Also, does anyone else's LO 'pant' sometimes? Worries me stupid despite being told it's normal.

Oscar feeds anywhere from 10 minutes to over an hour, often though he'll have 15-20 mins and then a nappy change/wind and then I'll offer the other breast, sometimes he'll have it sometimes not. But the longer his feeds the longer he'll go in between. So I guess you'll find as her tummy grows she'll be able to fit more in and potentially go longer, so just keep offering her a little more after you've woken her up a bit.

As for the panting, I find O does it when he's getting excited or agitated about feeding? Would that make sense? Perfectly normal I think!

Wine, O gets hiccups too, though not as much as Joshua, poor him. Someone suggested feeding him and this usually makes them go away, not sure if its worth a try?

As for routine i was wondering about that? OH was suggesting we tried to get him into a feeding routine but I'm not sure if I'm setting myself up for failure at 4 weeks? We do an evening bathtime but that's it so far.

My other question was, do you try and get them to go in their cot every time for sleep, or not? She says typing this with a finally asleep lo on her chest downstairs in the sitting room! Should I have been trying to get him down in his own room for the last 2 hours? I don't know what I'm doing...

Rach, she poos almost every nappy but i can never tell if there's wee or not other than by the weight. My BF counsellor has just suggested that i put some cotton wool in her nappy and that way i will see the wee more clearly as nappies are so absorbent these days. She put on 6oz between her 5 and 7 day weigh in and is due another weigh check today as I have my first HV visit. Most visitors seem to think she's grown a lot but we;ll see what the HV says. Niamh's legs are starting to uncurl a little now.

Wii - hello!!! I sometimes have to offer the second breast too, she doesn't seem to have a pattern anymore. BF counsellor thinks she may have a cold as she does seem to be struggling sometimes so that may be why she has fed for shorter periods over the last couple of days.. I have also had difficulty settling her after a feed (whereas she usually nods off by herself) and she has had a lot more awake time over the last couple of days.

Niamh also hiccups a fair bit, at least twice a day but then she hiccuped about 5 times a day in my tum!!

Niamh pants just after a feed but breathes very shallow when she's asleep. She sounds like the exorcist when I try to latch her to the breast, she gets so agitated by it and also tries to get her fists in there too!!

I read a couple of books on routines, one by the Baby Whisperer and the other was the contented little baby book but they seemed a little rigid to be starting from day 4 etc!! I will try for a routine one day but will keep demand feeding for now. I write down every feed/awake time/nappy etc to see if I can see a pattern emerging early that I may be able to manipulate into a routine at about 6 weeks.
ha im broody too clare but dont think id cope with 4!

as for dtd .. Holly is in our bed all the time so cant see it happening anytime soon ! suits me im not ready anyway !
I am paranoid about co-sleeping and my oh. When I feed on my right boob which means Lennie in the middle I try and stay alert enough to put him back in crib.

No doubt about it Lennie sleeps 10x better in our bed and longer.

Last night was a nightmare. I fed him at 12 then 1. In between that he was being grizzley and wouldn't settle. Then 5 and 7.30. Not settling again between then. Those times he was in Moses basket. Between 1 & 5 was where he fell asleep (and me) after feeding. X
midwife just discharged us Holly has put on 10oz in a week so is now 4oz more than birth weight yay !! guess this hourly feeding business is doing its job ! oh and i finally got my bounty pack lol
Niamh just been weighed and measured. She is 4oz over her birth weight at 12 days so I must be feeding her ok! She is also 75th centile for weight and 98th for height!!!

*proud mummy*

SO much for the tiny little baby I thought I was expecting.....
And boy was that bounty pack worth waiting for...not!! I like the £5 off tu clothing tho :)

Minky, what weight was Niamh when she was born?

Isabel has put on 3oz since last weigh. Have to go back again next week before being discharged.
Feeling mega anxious today. My hubby has had to go to London overnight for work and bubs is only 4 days old. My boobs are huge with my milk having come in and bubs is having a hard time latching and its getting us both upset. I'm worried that I'll not be able to cope and end up wrecking my nipples and still not feed bubs right in the process. :cry:
Yep I have piles too and that is the one thing that is scaring me from dtd :-s

Gem Lennie is sick a lot after feeds but it doesn't bother me. He also stinks a lot! And me! When he finishes feeding he lays his head on my boob like a pillow. And then he was sick all over it. Lol.

Minky, if she has enough wet and dirty nappies and the wee is pale that should mean she is getting enough. Is she putting on weight ok? My sisters baby feeds for 20 mins every 4 hours and has less feeds in the day than Lennie and is still putting on weight quicker than Lennie.

Has ur babies legs started to straighten out? Lennies have and he suddenly looks bigger! X

And boy was that bounty pack worth waiting for...not!! I like the £5 off tu clothing tho :)

Minky, what weight was Niamh when she was born?

Isabel has put on 3oz since last weigh. Have to go back again next week before being discharged.

she was 8lb 4.5oz, went down to 7.9 at day 5, back to 7.15 at day 7 and 8.8 at day 12.
ok i apologise in advance for this post but need to vent ...

so 5 mins after midwife went door rang followed by a knock followed by etter box banging - seriously excessive knocking .. opens door its health visitor can i come in i been ringing you for days erm yea ok
snotty tone you not answered phone - me you havent rung ..turns out they were ringing wrong number not my fault is it love.
so she starts getting the scales out i said put them away she was weighed literally 5 mins ago , oh i have to do it again , i said no - im not waking her up getting her undressed for something they did 5 mins ago . well she wasnt happy but tough shit .
asked me all the questions about previous kids , family situation do i smoke all that crap...
then starts telling me how to put my child to bed and things that as a 3rd time round mom really werent necessary i must have had an expression on my face that clearly said f*** off haha
then she says i see your breast feeding , have you got any bottles for when you switch to formula ....erm ive got bottles for when i express yea but im not planning on switching , oh really well hers some leaflets about bottle feeding for when you do - so much for promoting bf eh .
then she kept calling holly he ..
but the icing on the cake .... ill put in a referall to family support for you , im like whats that then she said well cus you on 3rd baby they will pop in and help you with tidying this place up and cleaning as you have your hands full and this room is a mess !!! cheeky cow i mean ok its not super tidy my son had just made crumbs from his lunch and there are toys about but tbh i didnt think it was that bad .so im like no its ok thanks but she was like well ill send them rpund to discuss it with you ..ffs
then ds2 said im tored i wanna lie down can you put a dvd on for me , so i said ok go upstairs and ill be up in a min .
so he went put and she shot up are you going to let him go on his own ..erm yea hes nearly 3 he has to go upstairs to go toilet i aint holding his hand every time , then she said but your door is open .. wtf .. i said what you on about she said the door to your entry way he can get outside , i dont have a f***ing entry i have a front door which you came through into my house that opens to a coridoor , oh but there is no door off that entry well no its a hallway , well he could open the front door ..so i obviously have to follow all my kids now to make sure they dont open the door what a tit , my 5 year old cnt even reach to open the door and its locked anyway what does she think i am ... obv a bad mother so ill prob get child services round next or some shit.
she is back in 2 weeks , i am seriously considering forgetting to be in that day.

/rant and breathhhhhhhe
Feeling mega anxious today. My hubby has had to go to London overnight for work and bubs is only 4 days old. My boobs are huge with my milk having come in and bubs is having a hard time latching and its getting us both upset. I'm worried that I'll not be able to cope and end up wrecking my nipples and still not feed bubs right in the process. :cry:

have you tried feeding lying down , i found it much easier to get the latch in the begining. if baby isnt latched on right take them off and try a different position , just stay calm about it if you can . do you have any lanisoh ? if you do just apply it after every feed to help nipples .

dont worry just relax you can cope all you need to do is feed baby and change baby everything else in your life can wait.

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