February mummies 2011 <3

oh josie he is really gorgeous , congratulations !! hope you are getting on ok it must be very hectic for you and school hols too so you have a house full i bet !

great pic of lily too she is a real cutie .
aww what a cutie Josie!! congrats:)

Well i haven't been on here for ages, i am sooo busy on FB!! ha ha no Izzi keeps me on my toes, she is little miss independent and will be off causing mayhem if i'm not watching! she doesn't say a lot - mum, dad, poo (when she's done or doing one!!) more, again and lots of noise! she walks and now runs rather too fast, can climb up the steps of a slide, sit down and come down all by herself, amazing. she is a little monkey and climbs up everything and in everything so i will often find her sat on a chair at the table, or on the table lol! or in her clothes drawers :) she has loved the paddling pool and adores going outside, she got her shoes on saturday , gave them to daddy and pointed outside!!

she can nod her head or shake, so if we ask the right question she'll answer but will be easier when she can talk a bit more! she signs milk, more, and her own version of hot! but throws some strops when she doesn't get her own way or understand!!

i am loving being mum to 3 and think it is my number :) so i am enjoying being a stay at home mum - i've decided to have a 5 year career break, and have started doing sewing and other nice stuff again. i'm off the antidepressants and feeling good at the mo :)

hope you and your little ones are all well, i love seeing/hearing you on fb and if anyone else wants to friend me do - i'm clare cowan xxx
Awww Josie what beautiful pictures!!!

Lucky I keep meaning to ask what all your FB posts are about? Lol. Glad to hear you're feeling good and am a little jealous of you being a SAHM - I do miss it :wacko:

Hope everyone else is well.

Joshua hasn't had his 12 month jabbies yet - keep forgetting to book the appointment! MMR we will be delaying like we did with Jakob to probably when he's near or around 2

Can't believe how much all our babies have grown!!!!

Oh and yes, when I saw my first birth I did have a few tears, that I discretely wiped away with my glove pretending I was tidying up around the room haha
Finally got chance to comment....
Eve, glad you got the chance to have a night off! Forgot what a lie in is!
Demi does not understand instructions yet, but she does know more than I think!
She picked up Isla's hair bands and tried to put them in her hair, lol.

Jo, he is beautiful!!! Well done you, Lily will be so close with her little brother. And who said babies Increase in size.....

Lucky what a lovely post, glad and jealous of your career break! Sounds perfect.

Wine, why are you holding back on the mmr, if you mind me asking.
After my last post about Demi's arm after her jab..... She was eating her tea when we noticed she had these wheels all going up her arms. I phoned the NHS direct and they said it wasn't connected to her jab.... And told me to hive her piriton.

If I have anymore I will look into thaws jabs more!

Demi is poorly at the min, four teeth coming at once and the back ones!
And she gas a terrible cough too :(

Hope your all well xx
Awww Josie what beautiful pictures!!!

Lucky I keep meaning to ask what all your FB posts are about? Lol. Glad to hear you're feeling good and am a little jealous of you being a SAHM - I do miss it :wacko:

Hope everyone else is well.

Joshua hasn't had his 12 month jabbies yet - keep forgetting to book the appointment! MMR we will be delaying like we did with Jakob to probably when he's near or around 2

Can't believe how much all our babies have grown!!!!

Oh and yes, when I saw my first birth I did have a few tears, that I discretely wiped away with my glove pretending I was tidying up around the room haha

clare has become a crafting mama and has set up her own selling page :)

glad you are enjoying your job/ course wine .
No i meant on her personal page its posts from all other shops etc!

Jem its just personal reasons really, I'm not anti vaccination or anything like it just with the MMR if anything does happen to my boys touch wood 1. If there were side effects hopefully would be less strain on there body as they are a bit bigger and 2. If they had any neuro problems they would usually show up before that age so I would know it was nothing to do with the jab and i wouldn't think 'what if i hadn't have had it' etc

Just silly personal reasons really - we have a lot of autism spectrum etc in our family 3/5 of my cousins, 5/14 aunts and uncles etc
Congratulations Jo. He looks adorable. Me friends baby is due in 8 days. Can't wait to meet him/her.

Its Evie's Birthday today and had a BBQ in the overcast weather! lol. Still had a great day. The house is overrun with eggs!

My enthuasiam for being back at work has gone!! Least I got a couple of months of enjoying being there.

Lucky what crafting page do you have on facebook? I havent noticed....I think there was a picture of someones cookies you liked and it showed on my news feed and it gave me inspiration for Eve's birthday cake......Didnt go to plan at all because those biscuits were amazing, but I improvised and it was a success!! x
Okay, been busy! Just getting settled finally from our move at the end of last month. Rayven is getting around even more, which means she into more things! She's started saying "oh wow" which is just too cute! How is everyone?
I miss everyone on here!
Rayven that's so cute! Are you moving far? I hate moving house, never again if I can help it?
Demi has been doing a few things too. If you ask her what a cat, dog or snake does, she makes the sound!
She listens to commands like, where are shoes- she goes and gets them. And if I say 'do you want to go to bed she goes to the stair gate.
I think she can understand everything I say to her, it's just amazing how much they learn and grow :)

Im going to get Demi weighed this week, although I will be shocked if she weighs more that 19lb? Although she eats soooooo much.

Any thoughts on the bed/cot?
Demi's skipping bags are too small so I've been putting a duvet on her but I worry she is cold? Think I will buy a bigger sleeping bag... What does everyone else do?

Hope to hear how your all doing. Xx
Lennie has a sleeping bag and duvet, but thats cause its so cold atm. He still wakes up with blue hands and feet. The sleeping bag he has though is different to all the others he had. I got given a lot and always thought this one was broken as it had a big slit down the side where you could imagine a zip would be.....but when I looked at it properly it wasnt broken and it was how it was supposed to go, to give them more room I suppose. x
Holly hates sleeping bags as she likes to sleep on her front , when she is in a bag she gets tangled up and cant roll on her tummy or back again then just gets mad and frustrated. she just has a cot quilt but most the time she ends up in our bed under the big duvet haha. I just make sure she has sleepsuits or pyjamas with feet in so she doesnt get cold if she loses the covers but she is pretty good at keeping them on now a days.

poor little poppet keeps suffering from constipation and screaming when she poos , i have tried to eliminate what it is out the diet but no luck so taking her to the drs this week as it heartbreaking watching her scream and cry while she poops.

still not walking an doesnt talk that much really but understands everything , like said above she will get her shoes , if you say its bed time she waves and says night night (not that the little bugger goes to sleep ) if you say shut the door she will and she has started to point at things if i ask her where is jake / evan / mommy/daddy she points to the right person
We moved from Oklahoma all the way to Colorado. It was not fun, lol. Rayven is finally getting more used to sleeping by herself, we have her crib mattress down beside our bed now..

And Josie, he is absolutely adorable!!
Thanks for advice about bedding... I went and got Demi a size 6-18 month sleeping bag. It was from Asda and only £15! It's really long so I'm sure Demi will Be it a while!

Any thoughts on a bed? I moved my eldest at 16 months.... That's wad because I needed to cot for Demi. I think Demi is a bit more babyish than Isla?

I have finally taken the bottle away!
On Sunday, after bath, Shaun gave me her beaker of milk and she took one look of it and went crazy!!!! She even started head butting me! But she got over it after a whole :)

Agh poor Holly and her pooh! The little girl I use to look after really struggled too, but I think the reason she did was because she drank gallons of milk!

There are January 2013 mummies to be! We were about to get out bfp!
Scan Day for number two :D!
How can I have another baby when my first one doesn't walk or have any teeth? Haha!!
She's trying to walk these days but no sign of teeth and we've stopped breastfeeding cause she just messed about ALL THE TIME and didn't even take any milk!
Hope everyone is well :D xxx
How was the scan Beth? Hope everyone is ok , no change here though H is attempting to stand up without holding things.
Not great tbh. Scan was brilliant, very active bab, but random bleed later on anddont know where we stand atm. Sorry to be depressing x
Agh beth, I'm sure it's fine! Did you have any pain? Can you not go to EPU?

Clever girl Holly! She will be walking before you know it!
Demi keeps bashing me and then laughing when I say no!

My news is I'm officially trying for baby number three! Eeeeeeeek!
Anyone fancy joining me? Lol x
Agh beth, I'm sure it's fine! Did you have any pain? Can you not go to EPU?

Clever girl Holly! She will be walking before you know it!
Demi keeps bashing me and then laughing when I say no!

My news is I'm officially trying for baby number three! Eeeeeeeek!
Anyone fancy joining me? Lol x

Congratulations!! Two is totally my limit - I'd never cope with more haha.

I went to the emergency dept attached to EPAU on Friday night and they did internal exams and said everything seems closed and fine and it has all stopped so I'm hoping everything is fine. I won't see another professional until 15th May now so trying not to worry!! x

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