February mummies 2011 <3

love the video of Lily ! ace

Jem - bit more of a gap with mine but the eldest gets on great he understands she is a baby and is very patient with her and will sit and play with her , my youngest boy doesnt really get that she is a baby and gets very mad when she steals his toys , or breaks up his train track etc . AS for the boys well ..some days they are best of mates cuddling and playing nice together , the next day its all about one upmanship and hitting each other telling tales etc they are typical brothers they fight in the house but if we go out anywhere like a pay centre etc and anyone is being nasty or anything they stick for each other real bad , my 6 year old confronted a 10 year old kid puffed his chest out and everything cus he had upset his little brother it was dead sweet ..though a bit scary as my 6 year old aint the toughest of kids lets say lol !
Omg Lily is hilarious! And so sweet singing teletubbies bless her :)

Gosh Jem, that must have been scary! O smashed his face against the bath tonight and got a bloody nose for a while too...:( poor monkeys! He's already got a chipped tooth from doing this before, he's such a boy, just gets so overexcited lol
Finally got to watch the video.... Too cute Jo!
I'm finally in my two week wait.... Eek x
Hope your all ok xx
How is everyone x

We're all doing good hear. Rayven is going through a bit of a bratty/fussy phase right now. Which considering my MS is getting worse during the day, it's been fun... *rolls eyes* not! lol

How are you, Jem? How's TTC going for you?
I'm due af on Subday, resisting the urge to test.... Till Friday!
Demi is being a paddy pants too! She obviously does not know how to share but she expects to be able to snatch and have what ever she wants off her sister. Which she won't stand for so I end up with the two screaming at eachother! Funny to see but frustrating because there is no reasoning with a one year old!

We have four teeth at top four at the back and a third tooth coming at the bottom, they are coming thick and fast.. Poor little pudding.

Not looking forward to the morning sickness lark and a toddler!
I'm due af on Subday, resisting the urge to test.... Till Friday!
Demi is being a paddy pants too! She obviously does not know how to share but she expects to be able to snatch and have what ever she wants off her sister. Which she won't stand for so I end up with the two screaming at eachother! Funny to see but frustrating because there is no reasoning with a one year old!

We have four teeth at top four at the back and a third tooth coming at the bottom, they are coming thick and fast.. Poor little pudding.

Not looking forward to the morning sickness lark and a toddler!

Oh boy! Can't wait to hear your test results! I was impatient and tested way early (10dpo)!!!:haha: Still surprised by how strong/dark the lines were!

And even though Rayven is my first, she does share some things like food and drinks.... but oh boy if you tell her no or if she has to wait longer than she thinks she should have to.. LOOK OUT *TANTRUM ALERT* Tried not to spoil her.. *sighs* As for teeth we have 8 total right now! 4 on top and 4 on the bottom.... and I think some of her back teeth are starting to come in now.
Let us know how you get on Jem fx for BFP .
I had a panic this month , my periods came back 2 months ago now and then the 3rd one just hasnt appeared , plus i been really grumpy/ spotty / tired and had evening nausea ..uh oh .. but i did a test yesterday and was BFN phew . Hoping its just hormones and breast feeding making them random.

One of my kids is 4 today so its chaotic here , Holly has been sleeping in a shitty pattern . she will go 12 hours one night then get up at 4 the next .. its driving me mad cus when she wakes up she just wants to beat me up and annoy me.

She also has tantrums when she doesnt get her own way , its quite funny and the boys give in cus she screams so loud ! She is loving this sunshine though and playing in the garden and i am loving having girl to put in little dresses lol !
Lily has 10 teeth now (Front 4 top and 4 bottom, back 1 top and 1 bottom). Boy, when her back teeth come through we all suffer at night time. I mean we are up ALL night with her bah!

As for progress, she talks sooooo much, opens a book and pretends to read saying the odd word at the right time like "blah, blah, blah ball", "blah, blah, blah, circle" etc. Not to mention singing and dancing - very musical baby. She makes us laugh EVERY day with something new, and then because she sees it makes us laugh she does it even more.

She is lovely with James and is always kissing him. Can't wait to see your bfp Jem xx
Pregnant 1-2weeks!!!! OMG!
Catch up later, got friends coming and now I've got to be normal! Ha ha xx
Hey ladies! How are you all doing? Rayven is cutting her first molars now... Oh boy its that fun lol. What is bad though is that we are almost out of the teething gel that she actually likes and works really well for her.

Jem, how are you feeling? How far along are you now?
Hello lovelies

Demi is screaming in her cot, does anyone else's Lo's still cry themselves to sleep? It's just heart breaking! I do go in and give her cuddles but it's just horrible!
Maybe she is teething?

Poor Rayven, hope they come through quick! Demi has three Back teeth now, four at the top front and three at the bottom front which are a bit crooked!

Her speech is improving too! She says Isla all the time.

Anyone else LO's obsessed with shoes? Demi will try anyone's shoes on, she was even trying to put Isla's dollar skates on :)

As for shoes, Demi has a pair of Clarkes doodles... Got her feet checked today and they won't sell me any pretty shoe because her feet are too narrow that they don't make any ti fit!! Not sure what to do now? She is a size 3 and a half but they said her doodles still fit het fine but there a size three.
I just wanted a normal shoe other than a trainer too look nice with her summer dresses!

How's everyone else? Xx
Oh and I think I'm 5+3 but I maybe as far as 6+3- if I went by lmp?
I'm seeing the doc next week.
Think I felt sick through pregnancy today but I'm not sure, I sometimes get waves of sickness anyway. I'm super moody and hate the world too, lol.
How are you doing Le Mere x

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