February mummies 2011 <3

Yay for Lennie crawling!!!
And yay for more babies, lovely age gap!
Isla starts Nursery in September, I will miss her but I'm looking forward to one to one with Demi, before this one arrives. Actually scared, I will have three children under the age if 3 years 8 months! What planet was I on when said let's have another now??? What if this one comes on Demi's birthday? What would I do then? Am I not supposed to plan any celebrations just in case?

Oh and Rach I used to just shut Isla's door!
I tried the bed with Demi but it didn't work, I'm waiting till Christmas I think? Goodluck with Lennie
Hope everyone else is ok xx
Jem, someone at work has a baby due the same date as their first childs birthday, he told me they are going to celebrate his sons birthday early just in case. With your first two did they arrive early/late/on time?
I think when I am next pregnant I am going to add a week on for my due date cause I am always overdue. lol.
I had my two nephews today and my two and I just imagined what it would be like if they were all mine. lol. They were everywhere. At one point Lennie was crawling along and Joe tripped over him and landed over Lennie. Lennie splatted on the floor and got back up with Joe on his back. lol. x
Isle was six days late and Demi was her due date! I kno the date that have said (2nd Feb) is spot on as I used those ovulation sticks. Think I will celebrate early.
What worries me is what If all the children get sick at the same time! Isla and Demi catch the same bug so I'm trying to imagine all three, eek
having 3 with a bug at the same time is a nightmare ive had all 3 of mine throwing up at the same time its a pain , but you get on with it . cleaning up after one more doesnt make too much difference. adapting to 3 was easier than adapting to 2 imo . The hardest thing with 3 is that the older one has started all the clubs and after school things so you have to drag 2 others along to take them to various places.

I used to have a stair gate on the boys doors when they stated in their bed and one on the landing then once they gt used to staying in bed i took the bedroom one off .
Had my gender scan on sunday.... It's another girl :)
Love it!
Poor husband though, he will be well and truly out numbered though! Ha ha
Not announcing on Facebook though, going to confirm at 20 week scan xx
YAY Jembug!! Baby girls are the best :D - well I'm biased, what with having another one myself soon enough!
I couldn't imagine a boy, I would have been shell shocked haha! xx
Jem I guessed you were having a girl by your scan pic :-D

Bethanchloe I was the same when I found out I was having a boy. I was worried I wouldnt know what to do with a boy.

I have got another stair gate and have put it at the top of the stairs. Its a huge relief. Literally as soon as Lennie is put down on the floor he heads straight for the top of them.

I have been watching The Midwives on iplayer all day. God it makes me want a baby!!
Congrats on another girl, Jem!

I hope everyone is doing well!

Rayven still isn't saying many proper words. Except dog, mom, daddy, please and thank you! LOL But she sure chatters alot! She also knows where her, eyes, nose, ears, chin, teeth and mouth are. Its so cute when you ask her she points to my say nose for example then points to hers!!!
hey ladies :)
been on hols so just catching up , congrats on team pink gem and bethan :)

nothing new here really tbh.
Ho ladies, glad to see some updates, I really miss this group!
Ha ha that's funny that you knew that, I texted josiejo and she thought boy and so did I!
Ha, 20 week scan This Friday to confirm she is healthy and still a she!

Demi is finally sleeping through the night! And now talks to herself rather than screaming the house down!
Her chatter is fab! We thought her speech was limited..... But at the table the other night Isla was not eating her dinner and me and Shaun was getting a bit cross.
Demi then waves her spoon and fork in the air and shouts 'eat your dinner!'
Me and Shaun was in shock!!! The only sentence she had said was 'daddy gone' an all her other words are single words!

These babies are more clever than we think!

Rach, I love that programme!
I bet Charlotte is loving training as a midwife :)

Hope your all well xxx
Holly still doesnt do sentences its mostly single words or things like mommys nose , daddys ear , let me go , put down etc. She is more of a do-er not a talker she is soooo like my 2nd son in personality - which to be honest is a bit of a worry cus he is a little bugger at times pmsl.
Ha ha, my two are opposites!
Demi always looks like she has been dragged through a bush backwards! No matter what I do she just looks scruffy. She loves mud, water, the bin....I'm sure she was ment to be a boy :)
I'm very impressed though, she amazingly can catch a ball! I was playing catch with her and she kept catching it... Expect here, ha ha.

Bet your going to enjoy some Holly time now tour boys are at school! I'm looking forward to Thursday with Demi- got her all to myself :) x
Ha Ha Jem!

My boys are like that , the eldest is studious and neat and tidy , the youngest is the opposite and so is Holly !

Yes its nice to have some time with H but i started a new job a month ago , still working from home but is 4 hours a day so 4 of the 6 hours i have with her are unfortunatley spent working/ watching peppa pig
Oh my god, Not been on here for ages, Its so strange seeing all the familiar names!! Missed this site a lot. Hope everyone and there now just about toddlers are doing well! :D x
Hey everyone!!!! Miss hearing from you all, can I have some updates please? Our babies aren't babies anymore :nope:

Lily is doing really well, although has the odd temper tantrum she is generally well behaved. She loves music, the I-Pad, mad about Peppa Pig and singing. She sleeps in a proper single bed now, but still wakes up 2 - 3 times a night looking for her dummy. She only has her dummy at night time and puts it under her pillow first thing in the morning. She refuses to have any naps during the day which is a pain, but her bedtime is now between 6 and 7.

The only thing she's not really thriving with is eating (and pooing). She hates eating and only picks at her food or simply refuses to eat anything. It makes her really constipated and she can go 3 days without a poo and then it takes her up to an hour and a half pushing one out (tmi). She's ready to be potty trained and even wakes up during the night saying wee wee and wants her nappy changed, but it's the struggle with her constipation that's holding her back as she will hold onto her wee as well because she knows her poo will hurt. I hope that she'll start eating regularly soon.

My little boy is 9 months old now!!!!! He is so lazy, not even attempting to crawl yet lol, but he loves watching Lily play and she's really good with him.

Any more pregnancies (other than you Jem - nearly there!!!!)

Please let's have lots of replies, and pics!!!!!!!

Jo x
Hi, girls. Rayven will be two in a little over a month. I can't believe it! She is doing good, she has started being a picky eater which is a bit frustrating. I just had our second baby, a little boy on back on the thrid, so he's 9 days old now. Rayven loves having a little brother, she's a lottle jealous, mostly that he gets to nurse and she doesn't. I wanna try to pump some for her.. But its hard to find the time.

Hope all is well with you ladies!
Hi Ladies! Nice to see everyone. Funny how busy life gets Eh? JOSIEJO! YOu are freaking superwoman girl!!!!! Devin is great. Still so good humoured even when he's sick! BUT the terrible twos definitely arrived early and there's lots of boundary pushing going on! It's gonna be a tough year! But no doubt lots of fun!
While they won't officially diagnose it so you v Devin has developed asthma so he is on inhalers. Bless him even when he is struggling to breathe he just smiles through it! He melts my heart! Anyway, I think of all the conditions going asthma is not the worst! There's so much info and knowledge now that it doesn't really scare me too much.

He's a chatterbox! He literally NEVER stops talking! I've been told that he may have inherited that from me :blush: although I don't think I have ever talked "THAT" much!!! :lol: Anyway it's all great fun!!

Jem, I'm so jealous of your upcoming lil girl!id love another one now ...like NOOOOOW! But we were trying briefly then stopped cozi have developed pretty serious back and hip probes in the last year. But we've just started again now coz have been told to get the childbearing done before anything else can be done! It took us 9 mths to conceive Devin though so am bracing for the long haul!!

Am gonna try and tackle a photo or two tomorrow! No energy now :sleep:

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