February mummies 2011 <3

Joshua is the same wherever he is.. he wont sleep unless i'm walking around and his head is on my chest resting on my left boob?! he wont sleep in our bed, the moses basket... oh but he will in his bouncy chair when its vibrating! grrrrr he also doesn't seem amused by the sling so i literally have to hold him all the time!

my boob seems to be a pillow too :haha:

Yep eve that sounds just like Lennie!

I forgot about the infercol. When I was actually in town I didn't bother cos he had been fine. Now it seems not. Lol. He just had the most runniest poo and it came all out his nappy. Something defo hasn't agreed with him.

Gemma I missed that! How u finding being back at work? X

perhaps all the fussy babies were born on the 10th lol !

my boys were good sleepers i dont remember getting up this much with them - perhaps is one of those things i have blocked out my memory .

i read this last night - this is Holly for sure : https://www.kellymom.com/babyconcerns/fussy-evening.html
I wondered if mine was milk but I have it daily and he's not affected daily. I'm going down veg route and I'll just have to test to see which one effects. Mushy peas has been knocked off for starters.

Lennie rests his head on my boob when he finishes feeding. I think it's so cute. Lol. X
Hi Rach hun, Yep work is great i was only granted 4 weeks off as i wasnt entitled to Mat Leave and only part time its great to have a little break tho from the kids and have some adult time lol..

I thoroughly recommend Gripe water i put it in the bottle its to be used from 1 month old :) we tried infacol but he didnt help settle him much He is sick more with gripe water but doesnt fuss at all , Sleeps well and still only has about 2 hours a day spaced out awake i swear it isnt normal and he is still only on 4 ounce bottles !.

Really excited for our holiday in 4 weeks xxx
holly skipped her 2am feed so she went from 11:30 - 3:50(in our bed ofc though) thats pretty good for us , unfortunatley hubby woke me at 2 to move over grrr.
fed her at 8 then did the school run , she usually falls asleep but stayed awake just looking round all the way there and back so cute .

and the sun is out i have nappies on the line already and ds2 is out in his little car roll on the heatwave lol !
isabel uses my boob as pillow too, i think they think they "own" our boobs!!

seemed like she was wake loads last night :( so i felt like i was ready to go to bed as soon as i woke up!

hv is visiting today at 2, what a great time NOT....i have NO special plans to clean/tidy tho am a bit a OCD so its not too bad!!

made some scones last night (i'm not sure where all this baking urge is coming from, is it like nesting ?!!:haha:) but i used a medium cutter (random from drawer) and they looked really mean, more like mini scones. tasted ok though :)
holly skipped her 2am feed so she went from 11:30 - 3:50(in our bed ofc though) thats pretty good for us , unfortunatley hubby woke me at 2 to move over grrr.
fed her at 8 then did the school run , she usually falls asleep but stayed awake just looking round all the way there and back so cute .

and the sun is out i have nappies on the line already and ds2 is out in his little car roll on the heatwave lol !

hoorah for more sleep!! and for more awake. iykwim!!

isabel seems suddenly interested in toys etc now - will look for the rattle sound and follow them when i move it :) she is def smiling at ME too, well at the milk giver!! i wonder if its cos she was so late, she should really be over a month so was prob developing her smiling inside???
Joshua is the same wherever he is.. he wont sleep unless i'm walking around and his head is on my chest resting on my left boob?! he wont sleep in our bed, the moses basket... oh but he will in his bouncy chair when its vibrating! grrrrr he also doesn't seem amused by the sling so i literally have to hold him all the time!

my boob seems to be a pillow too :haha:

Yep eve that sounds just like Lennie!

I forgot about the infercol. When I was actually in town I didn't bother cos he had been fine. Now it seems not. Lol. He just had the most runniest poo and it came all out his nappy. Something defo hasn't agreed with him.

Gemma I missed that! How u finding being back at work? X

perhaps all the fussy babies were born on the 10th lol !

my boys were good sleepers i dont remember getting up this much with them - perhaps is one of those things i have blocked out my memory .

i read this last night - this is Holly for sure : https://www.kellymom.com/babyconcerns/fussy-evening.html

eve - i just read this - it is isabel and my other 2!! and i DO worry about my milk being crap being why they feed so often and have/am considering giving a bottle etc to supplement. not sure it makes life easier but at least we're not alone!!
i considered giving a bottle for night time as this is what i did with ds2 to make him sleep lol ! but im gonna give it to the 3 month mark i think if she still not sleeping then i will reconsider, i have become used to it now but i do become a zombie by tea time.
hope you have a nicer hv than me lucky haha (its not hard )
i considered giving a bottle for night time as this is what i did with ds2 to make him sleep lol ! but im gonna give it to the 3 month mark i think if she still not sleeping then i will reconsider, i have become used to it now but i do become a zombie by tea time.
hope you have a nicer hv than me lucky haha (its not hard )

thanks eve, i'm sure she will be!!

i find i am thinking about feeding constantly, worrying about her getting enough, thinking how much easier it would be with bottles - knowing what she's getting. then thinking about making them up, sterilizing and thinking how convenient boob is....and of course best for her and for weight loss!!i tie mysef in knots, did the same with the others :dohh: i will see if she's putting on ok today. i'm setting a month exclusive as my first target...half way there :lol:
i am the same , but then i remember about washing bottles , sterilising , making them im just too lazy lmao ! holly gets weighed next week i cant wait to see how much she has put on . i have to say i felt proud when she was last weighed and had pugt on 10oz i was like ooh thats all me that is hah. it is hard though when you got 2 other kids to get their dinner or something but you have a child screaming for boob
I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks about bottles. It actually all I have thought about the last couple of days. Im going to wait until Thursday to see how his weight gain is then see. I can see he's still jaundiced from his eyes - so I know that's not gone yet.

Last night was GREAT!! Oh gave him a bottle of expressed milk and I expressed myself at the same time. He drank 4.5oz and slept from 11-6. I can't be arsed to express every night, I hate expressing! So I'm going to save the milk I collect in the shells from the end of the day and then feed him his late feed and finish him off with the saved milk afterwards. So I've been emptied and he's been extra filled. I hope it works!
Just cos I'm not feeding lOads at night won't effect my supply in the day will it?

I also agonise over formula feeding. I put so much pressure on myself.

Clare I also wondered this - if he's late does it mean he could potentially be a week further?

It's also sunny here. It's lovely. And possibly warmer outside than in!

I think Lennie might have just smiled. He was laying on his boob pillow as usual. Done a sideways look at me and smiled!!! But he was feeding - so there is the chance of wind. Nah - his whole face smiled. I'm going with first smile! X
11-6 is fab rachael! and awww first smiles - so exciting! i want a proper smile lol xxx
I'm literally in the edge of giving up now. I have brought some formula "just in case"

Lennie had been crying for the past hour in pain. Which I'm pretty sure is the broccoli from yesterday. I got some infercol while in town and gave some tO him before his feed. So I hope it helps him. X
Well I've been having major problems with my nipples, went to the bf clinic and they think my latch is great so it's probably thrush :(. Have been expressing all weekend and O has been having that with the odd bottle of formula. Bf today to show the hv my latch and it was still sore but he still latched on ok.

You don't need to solely move to formula but you could give the odd feed if you wanted to? Why is it that your thinking of it?

O was weighed today and was only 8lb15 which means he's put on half a lb in 2 weeks so I wasn't too happy about that but the nurse said it was good :shrug: idk??
He seems perfectly happy tho! Oh and we're getting the odd smile now too just wish they were more often! I'm greedy!!
a long as he is gaining weight and maintaing more or less tha same line on the chart i wouldnt worry about how much he has actually gained wii .

aww rach sorry you feel like you need to give up , this is the reason i refuse to have formula and bottles in the house cus i now id cave in ! anyway whatever you decide it doesnt matter my eldest was ff and he is a clever healthy boy no problems with his iq and all that stuff that is supposed to be better when bf. at the end of the day if you spend too much time stressing about it then it will prob only get worse for yourself.
I agree rach you gotta do what's best in the end, with my older boy I struggled for weeks and ended up depressed and nearly passed out with exhaustion.. I guess that's why I switched so easily this time round because I could feel myself starting to stress again and if you get really worked up in the end it'll end up a negative effect on both of you!

You've done really well so far xxx
Wiiwidow I agree wih eve, check the growth charts as long as he's not gone too far away from the cure he should be fine and if he seems happy then I wouldnt worry! Joshua put on 1lb in a week and a half but it's ok cos he's stayed on his curve on the growth charts

We had a nice day out in the park today, was lovely and sunny! Xxx
holly skipped her 2am feed so she went from 11:30 - 3:50(in our bed ofc though) thats pretty good for us , unfortunatley hubby woke me at 2 to move over grrr.
fed her at 8 then did the school run , she usually falls asleep but stayed awake just looking round all the way there and back so cute .

and the sun is out i have nappies on the line already and ds2 is out in his little car roll on the heatwave lol !

hoorah for more sleep!! and for more awake. iykwim!!

isabel seems suddenly interested in toys etc now - will look for the rattle sound and follow them when i move it :) she is def smiling at ME too, well at the milk giver!! i wonder if its cos she was so late, she should really be over a month so was prob developing her smiling inside???

We're doing this with Phoebe just now too and get so excited when she follows the rattle! hahaha. It's the little things that make you smile, hahaha. I swear she's smiling too. And not in a gassy smile that looks like a smile. More like when I'm talking to her she opens her mouth and just gives me this look that spreads to her eyes. It's just so sweet!

Phoebe and I took a bath together today. I've been wanting to do this for ages but with my section I've been a bit too painful, managed to get in and out without acting like a beached whale though today for the first time since getting pregnant! I love that she likes the water, I was always a water baby and really still am today. We splish splash time and though she can't exactly tell me she liked it, she didn't cry so I assumed she was having a good time. :lol:
well hv was nice (sorry Eve, you seem to have drawn the short straw there!) she did say the service is voluntary so if we don't want them we just so no thanks :)

isabel had put on 2 1/2 oz in a week, that isn't very encouraging :( hv said not to worry if i did feel like giving one bottle, she was still getting all the goodness of breast for the rest of the time :shrug: i don't know :(

I have a carton of formular "just in case" too rach, i think perhaps it is the first step :( i think it is the indecision that wears you down, and the guilt if you stop, which i know is daft really but i do worry :(
holly skipped her 2am feed so she went from 11:30 - 3:50(in our bed ofc though) thats pretty good for us , unfortunatley hubby woke me at 2 to move over grrr.
fed her at 8 then did the school run , she usually falls asleep but stayed awake just looking round all the way there and back so cute .

and the sun is out i have nappies on the line already and ds2 is out in his little car roll on the heatwave lol !

hoorah for more sleep!! and for more awake. iykwim!!

isabel seems suddenly interested in toys etc now - will look for the rattle sound and follow them when i move it :) she is def smiling at ME too, well at the milk giver!! i wonder if its cos she was so late, she should really be over a month so was prob developing her smiling inside???

We're doing this with Phoebe just now too and get so excited when she follows the rattle! hahaha. It's the little things that make you smile, hahaha. I swear she's smiling too. And not in a gassy smile that looks like a smile. More like when I'm talking to her she opens her mouth and just gives me this look that spreads to her eyes. It's just so sweet!

Phoebe and I took a bath together today. I've been wanting to do this for ages but with my section I've been a bit too painful, managed to get in and out without acting like a beached whale though today for the first time since getting pregnant! I love that she likes the water, I was always a water baby and really still am today. We splish splash time and though she can't exactly tell me she liked it, she didn't cry so I assumed she was having a good time. :lol:

that's lovely :) isabel has only managed one bath without crying - the one with me! but she is so skinny i think she feels the cold as soon as she is not in the water :( roll on warmer weather!! i'm so glad your section is improving too.

And i'm sure you're right about the smile, surely gassy smiles would be random? it makes it all so worthwhile

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