February mummies 2011 <3

Lol wine u know ur stuff! Hv told me to do the same thing! I'm going to do it after his bath tonight.

Well he did go for a poo - went to the hv, and was telling her about him not going and surprise surprise there was a poo, and Lennie was still going. So we all just stood there waiting for him to finish. Then when in the scale decided to wee everywhere. Lol. He has also put on 13oz :)
I told her about the vomiting and she said it sounds like immature valve at top of his stomach. Is that reflux? Or is thar different? X

Wow 13oz that's awesome! seee good mummy! hehe

Yeh when they are born the valve which makes food only go one way at the top of their throat should be closed, however quite a lot of babies still haven't closed properly yet which is why lots of babies vomit!

reflux is basically the same but if it's really bad and doesn't get any better - by 4-6months babies should really not be vomitting a lot unless they have just drunk too much milk, reflux can go on a lot longer and some babies can't keep down ANY milk at all so need an operation to fix it.

Joshua is the same, we have to keep him upright after every feed so that it digests before it can come back up but he still sometimes vomits a little...
Oh also just wanted to say Phoebe is a month today. Was just wondering if she shares a birthday with any of the other love bugs. It's hard for me to think about what was happening 4 weeks ago today. It's crazy to think that the worst and best day of my life happened on the same day. I'm finding that hard to process as I want to celebrate what today is but also want to forget all about it. Oh well we'll be having Chinese and champagne (the bottle saved for her birthday but didn't get around to popping open) tonight to celebrate. So I suppose I can just have a bit more champagne than DH if I feel I need to forget other parts of the day hahaha.

I know what you mean, I was down for so long after jakobs birth (section) it was elective so i felt forced into it, i felt like i had messed up and i shouldn't have agreed to it, i felt i had chickened out and let him down, i felt like i deserved the pain for not giving him a proper birth, i felt like a failure. Add on bfing problems that lasted for weeks and him losing so much weight from my crappy bfing he ended up in premmie clothes and i felt like the biggest piece of shit on earth.

I think birth can be a grieving process if it doesn't go how it should, but a lot of people don't understand that. You need to take time, even now I've had my vbac i still feel horrible about jakobs birth and feel like it should have been amazing but it was ruined and still to this day i feel like a failure. I used to feel also that i was robbed of a good birth experience, but now I have managed to experience giving birth I don't feel that any more.

I was shocked how different I felt this time round... so proud of myself and that I DID IT!!! etc. best feeling ever! However the birth was NOT what I expected. I can honestly say it was more painful than my c section, and I'm still in so much pain now it hurts to wee, it hurts when i change position sometimes, i can't roll over in bed because my spd still hasn't gone etc.

I honestly can't see me ever giving birth again, I wont let OH near me, hardly even to kiss me I'm so terrified of accidently getting pregnant. I'm honestly thinking of maybe getting my tubes tied because I don't feel safe even with a condom as well as hormonal contraceptive. I honestly CANNOT go through that pain again. i don't understand how people do it?

Sorry turning into a bit of a ramble now..
Hi ya ladies, not been on here for a week, hope your all ok.
Only had a quick look at the previous posts....

Winegums... I felt the same as you after my first, I has such a awlful time giving birth.
I had to sign for a c section, given a spinal and rushed into theatre where I managed to have a foreceps delivery. Although when she came out, the chord was round her neck and I had to watch them give CPR for 8 long minutes. Finally she took a breath but she had a collapsed lung from the CPR, so she was in SCBU foe a few days.
Just thinking about it makes me well up, I felt like a failure even though it was out of my control.

I was so scared to get pregnant again but I guess I just learnt to live with what happened. This time round I just kept telling myself that I will have the 'perfect' birth, tried to keep positive and it went all fine. So I feel great this time round and I do think I was a bit depressed. I think we should just be proud that we carried these beautiful babies for nine months, none of us are a failure.

Is anyones body going on melt down? My mouth is covered in ulcers and ive got all these dry patches of skin appearing on the top half of my body. Oh and i'm having night sweats, lol.

Cant believe Demi is six weeks today.
awww wine :hugs:

talking of letting hubby near you etc has anyone erm dtd yet ? my hubby is getting a bit irritated i think but im just not there yet for that , i am alwats amazed by people with like 12 month gaps on their kids i am like seriously you dtd already lmao .
I think we should just be proud that we carried these beautiful babies for nine months, none of us are a failure.

Is anyones body going on melt down? My mouth is covered in ulcers and ive got all these dry patches of skin appearing on the top half of my body. Oh and i'm having night sweats, lol.

Cant believe Demi is six weeks today.

I think you're totally right Jembug, I am massively traumatised from my birth, but I am still proud of myself for making a beautiful baby, carrying him for 9 (hard) months and then giving birth to him...no matter how it happened he still came out of me!!

As for the melt down...totally with you on this one! My skin has become SO dry nothing could help it apart from I've discovered Eucerin cream and shower gel and it's amazing! Very strong, but has worked wonders on the dry skin. Also keep getting styes (sp) in my eyes which are really sore and itchy :(
jenni phoebe and emmalee have the same bday :D

goin to the chn today so i ll be back with her weight and length hoping shes put on a decent amount :)
OO Ill go to boots and have a look.

I have my bounty pack to pick up from there. Does anyone else feel cheeky for going in there to pick it up? I don't know why I do! I just need to have something else to get. lol.

I'd really like to take Lennie to baby massage. I'm going to have a look and see where some are around here.

When can you go swimming with babies? I thought it was after the 8 week immunisations - but a friend told me after the 4 month one. Is that right?

I haven't dtd yet. I stopped bleeding yesterday but oh hasn't tried and I've ran out of excuses. I think my piles have gone too. That was another one of my excuses. Lol. I'm bloody scared of doing it! X
No not dtd yet either!! I want to make sure my insides are ok after the stitching so am waiting til my gp check up which down here isn't til 8 weeks! So I've hot another couple of weeks yet! Scared too - big time!!
Emma got weighed and shes 4kg soo happy and glad that my milk is good.

shes having the whooping cough needle in 2wks as were having a epidemic atm so they want babies to have it earlier then normal..will be goin to the clinic after that then go bk to the docs for her 8wk needles poor bubba.
i'm sure i didn't wait 4 months to take arianna swimming...not sure they are likely to get anything from the pool that the jab would help with iykwim? isabel seems too tiny at the mo though.

no to dtd...luckily oh doesn't seem too interested, and as eve said, that is the advantage of co-sleeping!! i'm not scared i am just soooo knackered and not in the mood. don't feel like an "adult" at the mo, just a milk cow!!

big :hugs: to wine, jenni, jem, wii and everyone else who has felt shit. it's not all the bed of roses you imagine when you aim to get preggers ..but when they smile it's all worth it and should make you realise what an amazing thing you have done :)

took Isabel to watch despicable me at the chapel youth club last night. she was great, happy then feeding, then sleeping. trying to decide if i could take the girls to the cinema or is that too risky/anti-social? i just think whilst she's still small if she cryds milk will make her happy.
i used to take evan to cinema with jake when he was small , like you say if he cried i just shoved a boob in . i used to go to a showing that was near his nap time anyway and the dark etc used to get him to sleep . he did like it when i took my nan to see mama mia though , i think all the ladies made him stay awake for that one !

swimming - i have always took mine after their 1st injections

baby massage - check your sure start or local childrens centre . Holly has her name down for when she is 6 weeks ours is run by the people that run the playgroups they will even put ds2 in the creche for free while we go to the class.

carmyz - yay for weight gain - i hope that has boosted your confidence and expelled he doubts about you having low supply :)

glad its not just me that hasnt dtd yet i was begining to think i was alone lmao .
I thought it was first injections too. I'll ask when he has them done - which reminds me I need to ring the docs and book that.

For some reason I am desperate to go swimming! I can't understand why.

OH realised this morning I am not bleeding anymore and he said "why didnt you tell me" lol. Ah well the condoms are in the car! Should I just tell him I am scared? x
You don't need to wait for injections to go swimming xxx
OH realised this morning I am not bleeding anymore and he said "why didnt you tell me" lol. Ah well the condoms are in the car! Should I just tell him I am scared? x

You could do what I did. Phoebe was asleep in the other room for her nap about an hour before hubby was due to go to work (he's been taking mornings off) so he got it into his head that since the bedroom was empty for a change that he could get some. So he started kissing me and rubbing and making suggestive comments. I was trying to politely turn him down but when he wouldn't stop I burst into sobs! :dohh: Poor guy felt so bad I don't think he'll be pushing to dtd for awhile now.
rach- yes you should tell him. at least if he knows you are scared he wont feel rejected.
I took my first swimming at ten weeks. I cant wait to go swimming either, think I will invest in a costume to hide my stretch marks.

Ive dtd a few times but I'm fine down below this time round, although LO has woken up so ive got out of it, ha ha. Not that I have much energy, Demi seems to be having a growth spurt at the mo and always feeding.

Ive got my six week check on monday and I cant remember what happens??
6 week checks for me have always been - "do you want an internal? " me - no thanks ..dr - ok . blood pressure took and then they check the baby .
we havent dtd yet dp hasnt even asked me lol still bleeding a bit though so i ll see how i feel when it stops.
As for dtd...I don't think you should do it until you feel totally ready, not when you've stopped bleeding! So I'd just tell him that you're scared and you're not sure you're ready yet, Jeez it's still only 4-6 weeks since we pushed a bowling ball out, do we really want something going back in? :shrug: Fair enough if you do!!
I've given OH a helping "hand" so to speak and he seems happy enough to wait until I'm ready...mind you the poor guy didn't get much during my pregnancy either, so I bet he's gagging!!

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