February mummies 2011 <3

wow wine well done you ! I can only fit in 2 pairs of jeans that arent maternity but they are still 2 sizes bigger than pre pregnancy !

did you do the 30 day shred in the end wine ?
Well done wine :) I'm down 10lb so happy still a good bit to go but I did it twice b4 I will do it again yes I can :haha:
Josie, I'm defo feeling a coffee morning?

Demi is a good sleeper. She still sleeps loads during the day. I really want her to go to bed earlier though! The earliest she has gone is 8pm and that's perfect but it usually between 9-10pm till 4am and 7 ish. So I can complain really.

The annoying this is, she is awake in the evening and is such a grumpy baby. So OH only sees her at her worst, as he works during the day.

Sounds like you wrote about my Lo, hubby only gets to see her happy on his days off :(
Jembug tip for the future - bank holiday nearly always means sale on sainsburies clothes! Lol

Been dieting since Joshua was 11 days and have lost 23lbs so far... So 1stone and 9lbs :) can definately feel my clothes getting loser but still not into pre preg clothes :( Joshua still sleeping from 10.30 till 7 and I've even started having to wake him up for his morning bottle.

Everyone makes fun of me asking if he has hands as I always use clothes with them fold over scratch mits but as it's been so warm the last few days he's been wearing just vests in the day and lo and behold yesterday he cut his face with his nail :( even when cut down short they are still sharp!!!!!

wowzers well done!! I am still stuck on eating chocolate too much to actually lose any weight. That mixed in with my back and I can't do much. I do need to kick it into gear though. I have an appointment with a personal trainer at the gym on tuesday to help me find a routine that will work with my horribly out of shape body. I'm so used to running, or pushing myself really hard so to have to tone it down and do low impact until I'm completely healed is hard.

As for nails I use one of my emery boards for her nails. I got the tip from my MiL who used to use them on hubby. It's been working a treat! Everytime I snip her nails she still has those sharp corners so I just round them off. She weirdly likes it. I think she's becoming more and more like her mommy everyday hahaha.

I have had one of those weeks where I haven't been on here AT ALL due to this amazing weather! It was only today when I realized I haven't been up to date on b&b at all. So apologies if I missed anything.

My little Phoebe slept in till 8:30 this morning! Yesterday was 7:30 and the day before was 7. Her bed time is 8 so that's practically 12 hours!! Already!! :happydance: We've moved her up to the next size teat as we found she was taking nearly an hour to take 5 oz. With her next size she can now take 7oz in 30 min before bed time, I think that really helps. Has anyone else moved up their teats?

Here's a recent pic...
I've moved up teats about a month ago and it's much quicker and Demi copes well.
Wow, nearly 12 hours sleep I amazing, your very lucky!
Demi has been going to sleep about 7:30- 8 ish the past three nights. So I feel spoiled to have my evenings back!

Does anyone know of a sun cream that does not stain clothes? It's leaving a horrible yellow stain.
I've moved up teats about a month ago and it's much quicker and Demi copes well.
Wow, nearly 12 hours sleep I amazing, your very lucky!
Demi has been going to sleep about 7:30- 8 ish the past three nights. So I feel spoiled to have my evenings back!

Does anyone know of a sun cream that does not stain clothes? It's leaving a horrible yellow stain.

we use boots soltan and i havent had any stains.

jenni - she is so cute !

well after my not too sucessful attempt at thecot thing i tried again last night and she slept 9 - 6 in her cot !!! ..i hated it kept waking up and she wasnt next to me :(i heard her wake at 3 ish and she was chewing her fist but went back to sleep .im glad she can settle in her own bed but i am also sad lol
Happy Easter All :) Pleased to hear you're all having relatively successful nights, Oscar still wakes at 4.50am religously and then doesn't go back to sleep. He goes to bed at 7pm after a feed, then we wake him for a feed at 10.30 then he wakes again at 5 - I don't know why, thinking he's just a hungry baby so we're trying hungry baby formula at night but it doesn't seem to be making a difference. Any tips gratefully received???

Am desperate to lose the weight too Jem, Easter is SO not helping! Have you thought of doing Pilates, this is what my Mum (a physio) suggests as it's very good for post natal recovery and strengthening your core.
Happy Easter All :) Pleased to hear you're all having relatively successful nights, Oscar still wakes at 4.50am religously and then doesn't go back to sleep. He goes to bed at 7pm after a feed, then we wake him for a feed at 10.30 then he wakes again at 5 - I don't know why, thinking he's just a hungry baby so we're trying hungry baby formula at night but it doesn't seem to be making a difference. Any tips gratefully received???

Am desperate to lose the weight too Jem, Easter is SO not helping! Have you thought of doing Pilates, this is what my Mum (a physio) suggests as it's very good for post natal recovery and strengthening your core.

when he wakes at 4:50 do you keep the lights off still? we dont talk to holly when she wakes up in the night, i just lift her out feed her wind her and then i usually go back to sleep next to her ..though i am trying to put her back in the cot .

what happens if youdont wake him at 10:30..what time does he go to then , just i have noticed the 1st feed holly skipped was the 10ish one then the 3 ish one (though she still sometimes has that now and again )
Happy Easter All :) Pleased to hear you're all having relatively successful nights, Oscar still wakes at 4.50am religously and then doesn't go back to sleep. He goes to bed at 7pm after a feed, then we wake him for a feed at 10.30 then he wakes again at 5 - I don't know why, thinking he's just a hungry baby so we're trying hungry baby formula at night but it doesn't seem to be making a difference. Any tips gratefully received???

Am desperate to lose the weight too Jem, Easter is SO not helping! Have you thought of doing Pilates, this is what my Mum (a physio) suggests as it's very good for post natal recovery and strengthening your core.

when he wakes at 4:50 do you keep the lights off still? we dont talk to holly when she wakes up in the night, i just lift her out feed her wind her and then i usually go back to sleep next to her ..though i am trying to put her back in the cot .

what happens if youdont wake him at 10:30..what time does he go to then , just i have noticed the 1st feed holly skipped was the 10ish one then the 3 ish one (though she still sometimes has that now and again )

Yep keep the lights off and everything quiet and just try and re-settle him with the dummy or something and generally he stays unsettled/waking/sometimes crying on and off til about 7ish. Which is really tiring because it generally means I don't sleep much from then onwards and am then up at 7am. Whereas I gave in last night and fed him immediately, and consequently got another 2 1/2 hours full sleep afterwards til 8.30! Does mean the routine went totally out the window but hey! Will have to work on that one again later.

Have not tried dropping the 10.30 feed, OH thinks it's not worth it, but if that's the first one Holly dropped that's interesting :) Thanks for the advice!! :) x
Ok this is just my experience but you can take what you want out of it. About a week ago we moved Phoebe up to the next size nipple. We realised once we did that she could take somewhere between 6 - 8 oz at night and that can now last her until 7 or 8. At night time we bath her at 7 then feed her at 7:30 so she's in bed by 8. (now this is opposite to what we normally do which is a feed/wake/sleep schedule).

I totally recommend trying to see how long he will go at night. With Phoebe we used to wake her at midnight to get a feed in then she would still wake around 5. Finally one day we let her sleep through and though the first few nights she did wake at 3ish. But she started adjusting herself to further out each night. I also though found she would easily fall back asleep at 3 where as she was like yours at 5 and thought it was day time then. Meaning I got better sleep!
So girls, do you think the size of the teat can dictate how much milk she will take? We are on variflow and she only takes 3 or 4 oz. Before on slow flow she took even less. I assumed she couldn't take much as her stomach is small, she still weighs only 8lb 12???? I would love her to sleep more at night! She usually does about 9 till 2 or 3 feed then either 7 or 5, fussing at me till 7!!
So girls, do you think the size of the teat can dictate how much milk she will take? We are on variflow and she only takes 3 or 4 oz. Before on slow flow she took even less. I assumed she couldn't take much as her stomach is small, she still weighs only 8lb 12???? I would love her to sleep more at night! She usually does about 9 till 2 or 3 feed then either 7 or 5, fussing at me till 7!!

until about 2 weeks ago this was pretty much hollys pattern , and she is a couple weeks older so there is hope !

saying that, after 2 ood nights in her cot last night she just would not settle, i gave up at 11 and put her in bed with me ..so that probobly that routine out the window ! she has 2or 3 good nights then 2 or 3 rubbish ones..i am hoping it settles soon !

we are taking her to the cinema now with the boys its ds2's 1st time so hoping he behaves !
what are you going to see? is hubby going too, otherwise you're gonna have your hands full!! have fun :)
Hi Feb Mummies :hi: My weightloss and putting Devin to bed on his own concerns have been completely replaced in the last few days with sheer panic. I'm just gonna copy and paste the next bit from my own journal so apols to Nex and Bri and anyone else who has already read this in my journal. Just wanting to see if anyone else has had similar worries so here goes:
Ok it's time for a serious post. I had Devin at the hospital on Thursday for a weight check. I'm not sure if I mentioned much about his six week check but anyway, at the time the doctor expressed concern that he wasn't gaining as much weight as he should be (as had the public health nurse at a few visits). So he had asked me to come back in 4 weeks which was last Thursday. Well his registrar saw us that day and he had only put on a few 100 gms in that time which is way too little. She asked me lots of qs about feeding etc and she checked my boobs and felt I had plenty of supply. So she asked me to go home and express and bottle feed him for 24 hours to establish how much he's eating in the hope that it's that simple. Sadly, it's not that simple. He is getting more Than average for his age and birth weight so there's some other reason he is not gaining. The official term for it is that he is 'not thriving' which breaks my heart. So he has to go into hospital for 'a day or two' for tests next week. It could be anything from a kidney infection right up to the worst case scenario which is Cystic Fibrosis. I can barely type the words. I can't help fearing the worst and I have never been so scared in all my life. My perfect looking happy content baby may well be very sick and there's nothing I can do but wait. Our lovely long weekend has turned into a nightmare. The hospital won't do tests until after the public holidays and the minutes are passing so slowly. I have been crying with fear on and off since - the littlest thing sets me off. I am just gutted.
oh chilly that's awful :( you must be so worried :hugs: i really hope it turns out ok.

izzy lost weight around 1 month - she was the same s at 5 days and only got back to her birth weight a couple of weeks ago.

the midwife tried to send her to hospital to be assessed but they can't do it, the gp has to and he was more laid back about it and so i was advised to top her up with formula to see if that helped, which it did so we have to assume it was a problem with either my milk or her feeding. her latch "looked" ok but there was obviously something wrong somewhere :shrug: she does have mild tongue tie so i think that may be an issue.

presumably they haven't suggested trying formula? i was told that was the first thing they would try if i went to hospital hence why i gave it ago as it broke my heart to do. i am fine with it now if it helps her, i'm happy :) she is now steadily gaining :)

is he ill in any other way, pooing and weeing ok etc?

will be thinking of you hon.
Thanks Lucky. Doc seems so convinced that the prob is not my supply that it scares me. I have myself convinced that she's seen something else in him but won't say it to me but also stops her suggesting formula. I am so freaked out I don't know what to do with myself. Every lil noise, breath movement has me second guessing. I took his temp about 20 times last night and it was low for a while so turned on heat and put extra blanket on and it came back up to normal but then lay awake worrying bout why it was low in first place. I am so tormented. Just wish this day would end already.
Thanks Lucky. Doc seems so convinced that the prob is not my supply that it scares me. I have myself convinced that she's seen something else in him but won't say it to me but also stops her suggesting formula. I am so freaked out I don't know what to do with myself. Every lil noise, breath movement has me second guessing. I took his temp about 20 times last night and it was low for a while so turned on heat and put extra blanket on and it came back up to normal but then lay awake worrying bout why it was low in first place. I am so tormented. Just wish this day would end already.

but did he seem at all unwell before they said this?
Ok this is just my experience but you can take what you want out of it. About a week ago we moved Phoebe up to the next size nipple. We realised once we did that she could take somewhere between 6 - 8 oz at night and that can now last her until 7 or 8. At night time we bath her at 7 then feed her at 7:30 so she's in bed by 8. (now this is opposite to what we normally do which is a feed/wake/sleep schedule).

I totally recommend trying to see how long he will go at night. With Phoebe we used to wake her at midnight to get a feed in then she would still wake around 5. Finally one day we let her sleep through and though the first few nights she did wake at 3ish. But she started adjusting herself to further out each night. I also though found she would easily fall back asleep at 3 where as she was like yours at 5 and thought it was day time then. Meaning I got better sleep!

Thanks hun, :flower: think we might try dropping the late feed then, and see how he fairs with it :) I just don't understand he is such a good feeder and eats between 6-8oz most feeds...:shrug: thanks for the advice though :) x
Oh chilly, sorry to read that. I don't have en experience on weight issues but fingers crossed your little man gets the all clear. Will be thinking of you, make sure your up date us on here xx

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