February mummies 2011 <3

aww lucky you wine , we had another crapnight lol ! oh has said he is sleeping downstairs next week when hes back at work until she starts to sleep :s she had bad wind last night and deveolped a realhigh pitched in pain scream until we got her to burp eventually but then after she did that she wanted to feed feed feed i seemed to be constantly feeding her from 12 - 4 only breaking to change nappies. then hubby pissed me off by saying cant we give her a bottle , im not against bottles far from it but i just thought oi im doing well feeding her here and now you want to give her a bottle just so you can sleep .
Wine that is excellent, well done oh :)

I got a better nights sleep she seemed to feed every 2 hours and I'm sure slept 3 hours a couple of times. It'd all a bit hazy but def felt like I actually slept a bit! I also wore my splint all night (I have carpal tunnel syndrome still) and that made a huge difference to the pain. Hopefull will work again tonight.

On the downside I have been having chest pains and a bad cough and was diagnosed with a chest infection today. I blamed the labour and all the breathing!! But now I've got anti biotite so hopefully it will clear up soon.
Hi all

Anyone else having a teary day it's all so wonderful and emotional at times, can't believe my lo will be 3wks on wednes it's going so quick xx
I have been putting Lennie in our bed. He's so cheeky. I feed him and put him in his basket and he groans until I pick him back up and put him back with me and he just goes silent! 1 nil to Lennie!

He was up feeding every 2 hours though last night. I was knackered.

Say I feed Lennie for 30 mins which is normal for him and then an hour later he wants feeding again, does he want that for comfort or could it be cos he's thirsty? X
lucky you have a splint for CTS??? my doc said i just have to wait and it will go away oh and it will help if i lose 'some of that weight' lol!!

joshua wont lay flat anymore... he was sleeping fine in his moses basket but the past couple of nights hes spent half the night awake sitting upright, either on my lap, or propped up with pillows, or in his swing or whatever, its so frustrating, as soon as he is laid down he cries and then vomits loads :S eve i agree about the bottle, if bfing is going well then just stick with it ignore him lol, my OH is happy we use bottles as he gets to have a go (not that he often does except last night lol) but if i bfing had gone well i would have preferred it xxx
Wine is it possible that Joshua could have reflux? Does he vomit after feeds?
it's just that my eldest had severe reflux as a baby and would vomit every time we laid her down.
Eve is Holly sleeping in your bed?

yep .. i dont like it but when its 3am and you still not slept you kinda give in dont you lol .

I have been putting Lennie in our bed. He's so cheeky. I feed him and put him in his basket and he groans until I pick him back up and put him back with me and he just goes silent! 1 nil to Lennie!

He was up feeding every 2 hours though last night. I was knackered.

Say I feed Lennie for 30 mins which is normal for him and then an hour later he wants feeding again, does he want that for comfort or could it be cos he's thirsty? X

sounds just like holly ..she rules the roost already . today shehas been feeding every hour / hour and a half im shattered , i dread next week when i got the svhool runs to do.
Wine is it possible that Joshua could have reflux? Does he vomit after feeds?
it's just that my eldest had severe reflux as a baby and would vomit every time we laid her down.

Ley i don't know i'm not sure what that is, he is fine after feeds if we are holding him or in his swing so in an upright position but if we try and lay him down he starts crying and then vomits quite a lot and its really yellow :wacko: he also hiccups loads after every feed lol, its cute but i feel a bit sorry for him

How often do you all change their nappies? i think i must not be changing his enough because hes gotten really sore in the creases between his thigh and groin.. i've put sudocrem on there tonight but will ask the midwife tomorrow when she comes

Eve what sling do you have? I have a mei tai and a moby wrap tried the moby but he looks really uncomfy in it so i think maybe i'm tying it wrong :wacko:
Wine is it possible that Joshua could have reflux? Does he vomit after feeds?
it's just that my eldest had severe reflux as a baby and would vomit every time we laid her down.

Ley i don't know i'm not sure what that is, he is fine after feeds if we are holding him or in his swing so in an upright position but if we try and lay him down he starts crying and then vomits quite a lot and its really yellow :wacko: he also hiccups loads after every feed lol, its cute but i feel a bit sorry for him

How often do you all change their nappies? i think i must not be changing his enough because hes gotten really sore in the creases between his thigh and groin.. i've put sudocrem on there tonight but will ask the midwife tomorrow when she comes

Eve what sling do you have? I have a mei tai and a moby wrap tried the moby but he looks really uncomfy in it so i think maybe i'm tying it wrong :wacko:

I have a freedom sling (ring sling)had it for ds2 its ok i was gonna get a moby as i heard good things about them , the one ive got is ok though its like this : https://www.freedomslings.co.uk/page6.htm i find its great for newborns but i struggled when ds2 got older to put him in it and do it up tight myself

nappies - i change H every 3-4 hours basically before each feed unless i hear/smell she has done one inbetween lol

im watching obem and its great knowing i dont have to do that again haha
Yes it's funny watching OBEM from the other side!!! Phew!

Wine I got CTS at about?? 17 weeks so got the splints from a physio then. It improved a bit (was agony at 17w) but got bad again at the end so just started wearing the right one again. If the doc said that to me I wod gave felt like kicking him!

Yes I'm not looking forward to school runs, then school runs on my ow when oh goes back to work! Argh!! I'm still in bed writing this!

I have given up on the moses basket, the girls didn't like them so I may have the wrong mind set but I just find it easier in my bed for feeding and therefore sleeping. Tho it would be nice to just sleep and roll over without worrying about squashing her, overheating etc I do like the snuggles tho!

She slept from 9.30 till 1.30 then feed at 3 then 3.30 then 7.30. Nice :) I can cope with that.
Lennie likes his Moses basket again last night. The hamster got out last night so I plonked him in there when I went to look for it and came back to check on him and he was falling asleep!

WhAt is reflux in babies? X
Yes it's funny watching OBEM from the other side!!! Phew!

Wine I got CTS at about?? 17 weeks so got the splints from a physio then. It improved a bit (was agony at 17w) but got bad again at the end so just started wearing the right one again. If the doc said that to me I wod gave felt like kicking him!

Yes I'm not looking forward to school runs, then school runs on my ow when oh goes back to work! Argh!! I'm still in bed writing this!

I have given up on the moses basket, the girls didn't like them so I may have the wrong mind set but I just find it easier in my bed for feeding and therefore sleeping. Tho it would be nice to just sleep and roll over without worrying about squashing her, overheating etc I do like the snuggles tho!

She slept from 9.30 till 1.30 then feed at 3 then 3.30 then 7.30. Nice :) I can cope with that.

yea my boys didnt like it ether , i fall asleep feeding her lying down anyway lol, but twice last night i woke and was convinced id squashed her but she was on the other side to me lol.

once again i didnt wake till 10 , my poor kids are downstairs building lego and waching tv with no breafast lol.

going to register holly at 1 then gonna take them to soft play for a few hours to make it up to them lol
Aww bless i feel guilty getting up late too today managed 9am though lol! My poor little boy. I would love to take him to soft play to make it up to him but I'm scared of going alone with both of them, which is really embarrassing to admit lol

Lucky I got cts during the last two weeks and the first couple of days after he was born it was REALLY bad but it's manageable at the moment

Joshua slept better last night thank god, from 10.30 then fed at 1.30 5.30 and 9.30! Today is my first day alone with them lol everything is taking 10x longer so far even things like making breakfast because if I leave them alone together Jakob starts poking him or throwing toys at him!
good luck wine, my thoughts are with you....i guess we just have to accept we're not going to get much done these first few days/weeks/months!! At least once mine have been dispatched to school i don't have to worry about entertaining a toddler this time round :)
yea good luck wine , hope you get on alright.

my right nipple really hurts today grrr. - thought id share lmao
Don't be embarrassed wine. I think it is hard to begin with just cos it's all new and something everyone has to adjust to. I went food shopping with just me eve and Lennie yesterday and by the time I was finished I had told myself next week I'm going to do it online!

The one thing I am finding the biggest difference is time! I don't think I fully appreciated it when I was moaning just 2 weeks ago I was bored. Lol. It's true. It just takes 10x longer to do everything. X
Lennie likes his Moses basket again last night. The hamster got out last night so I plonked him in there when I went to look for it and came back to check on him and he was falling asleep!

WhAt is reflux in babies? X

Reflux in babies is an immature development in the oesophagus. The stomach doesn't close properly after feeds and the oesophagus can spasm causing feeds to be forcefully vomited straight back up.
My eldests reflux was so bad she had huge weight gain issues and she used to vomit so much she would choke on it and go blue. She spent a lot of time in hospital due to it and they were talking about possibly giving her surgery but luckily by the time she was a year old it had cleared up.

I am so exhausted today! Megan had me up all night long wanting to feed and be held.
I didn't get a chance for a nap either as it's my mums birthday so I've been at hers all day.

oooh my midwife called yesterday and asked if I would come along to her breastfeeding workshop next week to talk about breastfeeding and answer any questions etc...
well what a day ....

went to register Holly , took kids to soft play - place was so rammed never seen it that busy but kids enjoyed themselves at least.

on way back popped to boots to get breast pads and a nipple shield for my right boob till it heals anyway while i was in boots i felt a gush and ive had a big bleed ..i was in hysterix on the way home major panic ..rang midwife she thinks its some membranes i have to monitor the loss and if it doesnt calm i have to go to a&e ... :(

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