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February mummies 2011 <3

had a horrid day corey still bad with colic oscar still bad poorly and spent day in a and e oscar has broken his finger in a door currently sat on my knee sobbing :(

:hugs: are you BF?? If not try Dr Brown bottles they help to put colic at bay my DS had reflux and they helped great!!!
hello ladies. hows everyone today?

Racheal my baby had red spots on her body, like an allergic reaction, they come up and then disappear. My health visitor said it was her skin getting use to the outside world.
Talking of spots my 21 month old has chicken pox!! Im not breast feeding so im a little worried my baby may get it and they say breast feeding helps with immunity. So I feel real bad that she is bottle fed. Am I the only one not breast feeding?

I was also worried about how my 21 month old would react to our new baby.... I had nothing to worry about, she loves her sister just as much as we do and she cant stop kissing her. Hows everyones older children coping with the new additions?

Cant believe they have weaning classes at four months! I gave my eldest food at four months as i had pressure from my mil. I felt we should have waited because she was not ready and she didnt start eating until 6 months anyway! So this time im definatly waiting until 6 months. Actually my health visitor told me off for offering food before 6 months, strange the health visitors opinion differ....

Im also finding my second baby much easier too. Not sure if its because im more relaxed, but i do feel that she is more content than my first.

Does anyone feel sad there not pregnant anymore?
Even though i dislike being pregnant {hate my body changing} I feel really sad, I think its because my fiance is saying that this is our last baby, as he wants a boy and there are no guarentees.... I guess I still dont feel complete... although I know how lucky I am to have two babies.

How do i do this ticker stuff at the bottom? Im rubbish with technology and need help. lol
Thanks jembug. Makes me feel less worried he's not reacting to anything.

With regards to ur baby immunity, she would have picked up immunity to things while she was in ur womb.

With the ticker, if there is 1 u like from someone elses signature click on it and it will take u to their site. Then u make the ticker and at the end
(I pressed post by accident. Bloody phone)

Then when u have created the ticker at the end it has options of codes and u need to select the forum one and normally there is one that says bnb code. Copy and Paste that and then add it to ur signature bit on here in the accOunt section (customise account - top right, edit signature - down the left hand side column.)

Hope that makes sense. X
yay I'm here :wave:

nice to hear everyone moaning about the same things lmao!

My worst thing is the lack of sleep at night as Isabel feeds every hour, hour and a half. she is awake for a fair bit of the day...she doesn't seem that keen on sleeping at the mo. Her sisters were the same in the day but they used to go for at least a 4 hour stretch at night quite soon so fx this will happen with Isabel too. She just had some boob on the bf cushion so I can type with too hands, what a star!! Got to get your priorities right :)

Am loving being a new mummy again. except the tiredness. am looking forward to a routine developing tho :)
well after saying H is never awake she decided to stay awake from 12 - 2am and then feed every hour after that ..i am knackered ! sill no luck with getting her to stay in the moses , gonna try the travel cot tonight see how she likes that .

jembug - i kinda feel sad im not pregnant a bit as also for us its supposed to be our last baby , im not sad about the aching hips , legs ,utis etc though and he thought of all that does put me off but i am kinda still broody :\

bit tmi but ..last 2 days i been getting tummy pains especially when i 1st get up after lying down , i sometimes have to sit back down again for a few minutes its a bit crampy like. i thought i was maybe constipated but i have been to the loo and done a number 2 a few times and still getting it . however when i do do a number 2 it hurts my tummy a bit. is this just after pains / constipation ..something else ? i have midwife tomo so will ask her but wondered if anyone else had similar ?
welllllllll i had an AWFUL night last night lol, was tired so went to bed at 10pm and LO decided not to sleep until 2am... so was finally drifting off when OH decided to snore so bloomin loud... got to about 2.45am and LO was awake again crying from the snoring so i sent him downstairs to sleep. LO decided not to go to sleep again until nearly 4.30am!!!!!!!!!! grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr i ended up sitting there in tears from tiredness and angryness at OH. I fell asleep around 4.30am and he was awake again at 6.15am and i finally got to sleep about 7.30 this morning.. woke up at 10am and my older boy was still in his cot - OH hadn't got up and i had obviously overslept poor little boy must have been sitting in his cot talking to himself for about 2 hours!!!!!!!!

I have noticed after feeds now joshua cries and wriggles around for a bit, then throws up everywhere, then cries a bit more, then hiccups for a while before he settles down..... not sure what's going on think i will phone midwife today she said to phone if i needed anything. However he's still eating loads and pooing and peeing loads so i'm not TOO worried.

i'm feeding him expressed milk and formula atm, but think i'm going to stop - i find it really hard to express sometimes i dont even get a drop out of it... and takes soo long sometimes i sit there for nearly TWO hours just to try and get some milk.

Bfing consultant recomended me hiring a hospital type breastpump but i don't have the energy or money anymore... they can't work out why he wont latch on other than the fact my nipples are really big (lol) and flat so cant get him to latch on, tried breast shields etc but my nipples dont fit in them! she said when hes bigger he'll probably find it easier but i cant keep up the expressing to keep my milk going until that point- i'm just knackered.

eek sorry for ramblings
i couldnt cope with expressing with ds1 either after 10 days i just switched to formula to avoid the stress so i know how you feel . plus he has has the best bit from you from the 1st few days .

your night sounds on a par to mine wine , my 2 kids were downstairs on their own again watching tv with no breakfast till 10:30 ..they didnt seem to mind but i do feel guilty im leaving them out a bit
Wine, Lennie does that sometimes with feeds. He'll be sick or hiccup.

Has anyone else given baby dummy? I did today. I was worried cause I heard it messes up breast feeding, but i'm now going to wake him up and feed him so i'll soon find out. x
rachael i wouldn't worry too much if he seems to change a bitwith the bfing then maybe stop it for a while, but i know lots of people who do both - some babies do get confused but most of them are ok. i was thinking about dummies because im sure sometimes joshua just wants to suck for a bit and not actually eat you know? but im struggling to get my 21month off his dummy and dont want the battle again in a years time :S
I've tried a Dummy, didn't help much but also didn't seem to make a difference with O latching on. Plus he's been fine with going from bottle to breast too.

I've just started struggling with BF again, my boobs seem to be agony (not on top of nipple but in like the nipple tissue) and the latch is excrutiating right now. Also O's been having a formula feed every night or so because he's just SO hungry all the time, I can't keep up. I tried expressing but this seemed to make the pain worse and also with the amount he feeds anyway I felt like I was bf or expressing pretty much continually.

Wine you have my sympathies too, O is rubbish at night and for some reason is getting worse. He cluster feeds all evening until about 1am and then from then on is just feeding, crying, not settling at all in bed (only place is on us) and then wants feeding again, then crying, not settling etc, all night. I think OH had him until about 3am, then I took over having had a couple of hours sleep. He's sleeping peacefully today and still feeding loads I just don't know what to do???
Lennie fed ok on his last feed, so it seems to have gone ok.

I also have one very sore nipple again. I dread feeding when its that side.

Lennie found his thumb yesterday and was happily sucking away on that so I thought I had better introduce the dummy so he isnt sucking his thumb till he was a teenager. lol. x
Megan won't take a dummy at all (although I wish she would!) everytime I try her with 1 she sucks for a couple of seconds and then spits it out. She would much rather suck her thumb or my boob.
She slept 7 hours last night but I was up with my eldest who was poorly and now she's been cluster feeding all day.
I did manage to get a nap in between 3 and 5pm where hubby gave her a bottle of breast milk but I'm still exhausted.
I hope it doesn't continue all night.

Have any of you breastfeeding ladies had an alcoholic drink yet? It's my birthday next week and I was hoping to maybe have just 1 or 2 drinks as I haven't drunk in almost a year but I'm worried about breastfeeding.
I've also heard that alcohol can affect let down.
@ rach my right breast i dread feeding from it makes my toes curl and me say ouch when she latches on whaever position i try ..lanisoh is helping though.

@ley - i havent had a drink but i read somewhere if you do you should pump and dump but i not really researched it.
Eve it's my right breast too...it's agony! I was dreading the latest feed because it was on the right it's properly toe curling!!

I asked my mw about alcohol and she said it was fine in moderation I've not had a drink yet but only because I've been too tired and I know it'll just give me a headache. I think it takes 5 hours to get into your milk so bear that in mind and maybe express or bottle feed for that later feed?
i do find doing a different position on the right each time helps a little as then the pain is kinda spread out and not all in 1 place iykwim so ill lie for one , cradle hold for next , rugby hold for next .. im hoping it toughens up soon !
Yep I'm feeding Lennie with my right nipple now and it does honestly make me crInge tOO.

Ley, I had a glass of wine last Sunday and I made sure I had it after I had fed Lennie so I knew I'd have 4 hours till he fed again. I read it takes one hour for a unit tO leave body.
If I was drinking more I would express for his feeds and as said pump and dumP on urself.

Well I went to the doctors Friday due to nOt having a Poo and was prescribed laxatives which doc told me today to have 4 sachets a day until I have a movement. Which was today. But it looks like the laxatives are still working my system because now I have go e to the other extreme and have diarrhoea. Really bad. I'm scared of going to bed cos I think I will mess it. X
hey ladies...sorry your all in pain with breastfeeding, hope it gets better with time for you all...im ff but mason seems to be bringing most of his feeds back over the past few days. maybe he has a bit of an upset tummy...but he is still have wet and dirty nappies so not too worried x
Good Morning ladies :)

How are you all doing?? Talk about exhausted!!! I forgot about how tired you are with a newborn! I thought it wouldnt be this bad :( Oh well... makes it a little harder cause i cant nap with him when he goes down cause i still got Layla to deal with.... but luckily today they both went down for naps at the same time so i got a hour and a half to nap with them... better than nothing but wish i got more...

Well we are now bottle and breast feeding here... i am expressing what i can and putting it into bottles for him but he wont drink just my milk so i am having to mix it half half with formula... which is fine with me.... as long as he is drinking...

Is anyone else bubba feeding every hour and a half.... MAX 2 hours!!! He is such a pogger!!! talk about demand feeding.. that is all he wants to do is feed...

Plus he is thrush in his mouth so he is on some drops to help clear that up as well.. poor little man :(

Layla keeps going up to him and telling me it is a "tute bubby" lol Super cute.. but she is starting to get a little rough with him poking him etc lol.. oh the joys of it all i guess :)
mummy to be I was the same I had bottles with breast milk and formula but now I'm just going to use formula.

Jakob is really good with him when we watch him - gies him kisses and cuddles and strokes his face going 'awww' lol but when we look away he starts poking him or puts toys on his face or starts bouncing his bouncy chair really hard etc

I'm also missing being able to 'sleep when baby sleeps' I did that with my first and I was never tired lol but now obviously I can't!

Last night was amazing.. It got to 12.30 and I gOt upset thinking it was going to be a repeat of the night before where he didn't settle till 4am so OH took him downstairs so I could get some sleep and the next thing I know I woke up this morning and when I had fallen asleep he had taken the Moses basket and slept downstairs with him all night!!! He's back at work tomorrow so I really appreciated it!!!!!!!!

A bit nervous about coping on my own after today lol xxx

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