February mummies 2011 <3

Oooh aldeburgh! I love that part of the coast. Keep meaning to go back.

Wine those are lovely pics!

Well I came on here to report lennie lifted his head on tummy time! Really clear off the floor. So so pleased. X
Well done Lennie :)

Joisie and wine fab babies lovely photo's and Jem cute avatar :)

I started my Lo on some porridge and it's working great she hasn't been constipated once I'm so happy lots of poo lol
She is sleeping great too, getting a bit big now for her crib one arm is hanging out tonight looks so cute. I have to organise my cot :) how are all your Lo's are they in cots and own room?
I'm going to keep cot in with US till we sort out plan for bedrooms :)

Hope u all are well and enjoying the sun shine :)
Lovely pics everyone!

Wine, this is the first time ive managed to persuade OH to come swimming, otherwise I can't take both the girls.
Can't wait for my holiday, hoping to turn my girlies into water babies.

Demi is still in her Moses in my room, don't really know why? I moved my first out at 12 weeks! Just need to keep hold of her a bit longer.
Am I the only one is has not started weaning?
Demi has been sleeping through the night and still just about drinking 6oz, five times w day- I'm assuming this means she is not ready for solids???? Any advice?

Know I can post this question else where... But no some of you have older children.... I'm going abroad and I was wandering if I can give my two year the cows milk out there?

I'm going to sterilize Demi's bottles in Milton, I'm hoping this will be fine- I usually sterilize with a steam sterilizer.
Jem I have used cold water sterilising and will do when we go away.

Also when I went on holiday with my nephew who was two - I don't remember my sister doing anything about milk. I'm sure he was drinking/eating theirs cause he had cereal.

I've not started weaning yet - lennie still seems happy on milk - he is on 8oz and has between 4-5 bottles a day. Sometimes he won't go 2 hours without needing a feed again sometimes he will go 5. I am excited about trying different foods on him tho. X
I'm waiting a bit longer to wean! He has 5x 7oz bottles a day atm I'm planning to wait as nearto 6months as I can

I took my 2yr old away in September and we just didn't give him milk to drink on it's own that week as it tasted different and he didnt really like it, but he still had it fine in cereal! Xx
I don't think many have weaned yet. Except someone who used to post in here who weaned at about 5 weeks omg. It was in the states !

I would have waited longer ideally but izzy just doesn't seem to get on that well with milk so will wean at 4 months. I did my eldest then as that was the norm then.

Izzy moved out about a week ago as she was getting too big for her Moses basket. I put it in her cot in her room for a couple of days then into the cot in a sleeping bag. She has slept from 9 till 6 since!! That's 3 nights? 4? I love it tho lmao!
Loving the picture Wine!! Seriously so cute.

we haven't started weaning yet either, though sometimes I would think she's ready as she shoves her fist in her mouth whenever we're eating at the table. I have let her gnaw on a cucumber before, but that was just cause we were out and she wouldn't shut up so I needed a teether. lol.

My HV was very, VERY admit that I DO NOT give Phoebe any solids until she's 6 months. My sister started her second when he was 4 months though. Seriously though, she was so forceful about that I'm afraid if I do she'll take her away or something!

She seems happy enough, and I'm happy to just keep on feeding her bottles though. I don't want my baby to grow up!
Jellybean - Joshua is gorgeous as is big bro Jakob. Such a handsome family and what a pretty Mummy!! Yummy Mummy in fact!
Josiejo - Lily is a doll. We'll have to watch our boys with lookers like her out there :winkwink:

Juicy, Devin is in his crib in our room and will hopefully be for another little while yet! His crib is quite long unlike his moses basket which has been banished to the attic :cry:. I dread the thoughts of moving him to his own room. I remember Ed asking me how long I expected him to be in our room for when he was only a few days old and I said' Ohhh he'll be well in his own room by six months!' and I meant every word of it! Now I'm having palpitations imagining leaving him alone in a big (little) room all by himself! :rofl: I'm a sap but...he's just so ickle!!!!

So our exciting news is that we gave him his first spoonfeed today at 17 weeks!! Here's pics of him! I posted a vid on Facebook but I don't think we can do vids on here right?

Jenni, the neonatal consultant and dietician in the children's hospital told us that the recommendations are changed again now to starting solids at 17 weeks both for breast and bottle fed babies. Apparently the WHO are about to revise their guidelines to this. According to them the current thinking is that 6 months is too late for babies to start! I guess everyone just has to do what they feel is right themselves because there seems to be so many different opinions out there. Devin has been chewing his hands for weeks now so based on that and the advice from the experts in the hospital we found the decision easy to make and we were very comfortable with starting him today at 17 weeks on the nose!! It's a tricky one for everyone to decide I guess!


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The whole weaning thing is soooo complicated and it really gets my goat that no one is told the whole picture, because HCPs just don't have time to go into all the details so they just say '4months' or '6 months' or whatever.

Basicallyto start with an exclusively breastfed baby in the developed world that is thriving has ALL (100%) of it's nutritional and energy needs met until 'around' 6 months.

around 6 months the composition of breastmilk slightly changes and becomes the 'mature milk' . generally from this point on the mother should give food AS WELL as still keep the same amount of breastfeeding. for the first year the MILK is the MAIN source of EVERYTHING. Food gives the rest of the nutrients that the milk is lacking after 6 months but that is hardly any anyway!

Breastmilk contains 1/2 of all nutrients and energy a baby needs until around 1.5 years and then 1/3 of all nutrients until 2 years.

After 2 years the benefits are really just antibodies etc etc it does not really do anything for nutrition.

Formula also has all the energy and nutrition a baby needs for at least 6 months.

The actual line on the matter is 'between 4-6months but no earlier than 4 months' obviously there are exceptions to the rule but this is the general guidlines.

Before 4 months, the babies digestive system is NOT ready for actual food. HOWEVER in some cases it the benefits outweigh any risks for early weaning, such as not taking milk, sick baby etc etc.

SOMETIME between 4-6 months the babies digestive system 'matures'. It becomes ready to handle real food. The problem here is that every single baby is different. Some babies digestive system will mature around 4 months, some around 6, most sometime inbetween. There is NO WAY to tell whether your baby is 'ready' for food other than just waiting as long as you can. Most 'signs they are ready' have now been discredited by HCPs and is known as normal part of babys development - sucking fists etc.

By the time baby is 6 months they need more iron. They have a supply that starts getting low by then. The main reason they wanted to change the guidlines from 4months to 6months is because of so many iron deficiancies. So many women start their baby on foods low in iron, and build up to iron rich food such as meat... so by that time the baby has become low on iron. They wanted to change it to four months so that by the time the baby starts having less iron the mother will be introducing iron rich foods to the diet.........

BTW this is no offence to anyone and I don't judge anyone for whenever they decide to wean, just some people don't realise why the guidlines are put in place and we all like to make informed choices don't we! I know a couple of you have babies that have had problems with milk etc and I think weaning early (but not necessarily before 4 months) can be beneficial.

Just remember don't feel pressured by anyone, do what you think is best :)

ALSO many people who defend early weaning say their babies have no problems, and

1. they may not ever have problems, as i said the gut matures between 4-6months and their babies may have matured earlier than some.... but they lucky it wasn't the other way round and their digestive system matured later!

2. Most of the problems show up MUCH later in life, food intolerences, allergies, problems with wheat, IBS......... there's a whole host of them and a lot of them could be down to weaning before the digestive system is ready for food

Good luck everyone and sorry if my rambling post makes no sense, I find it hard to articulate myself sometimes lol
Thanks wine, that helps things make a bit more sense............but still leaves me not really having a clue when is best. x
haha just go with whatever you want really, it's hard - people just need to know what can happen in the future from early weaning! I'm leaving it as close to 6months as possible... there's no actual reason to wean earlier for about 98% of babies other than just because the parents want to.

Speaking of........ girl who used to post here but hasn't been on in a while? her baby isn't even 4 months yet and she's been giving her food for ages! and has already started using a beaker instead of bottles and wants all bottle feeds to be gone by 7 months. It really baffles me.... and then she posts that her baby has tummy aches and has started crying loads and waking in the night etc :(
we've changed joshuas bottles from - 7, 10.30, 2.30, 6, 10 to now 7, 11, 3, 7 and he lasts from 7pm till 7am now woop! he doesn't fall asleep till 9.30-10pm but that's cos he sleeps lots in the day lol
Who was that who started weaning that early? I remember something I think - was it the one who put rice in bottle at 6 weeks?

Lennie had his last bottle tonight at 7pm then he went to sleep at 8pm. Normally his last one is at 9pm. he has been up all day really with about 3 half hour naps. Whi h is nothing for him. We had friends round and I really think he didn't want to miss out! Anyway - I'm not going to wake him up for another feed - we tried that before and he just gets stressed. So it's a test really to see if he will still sleep as long - tomorrow I mat be posting lennie had me up at 3! Lol. X
Hi ladies any of your Lo's going through the 4 month growth spurt I feel so tried like a new born all over again :( I read up on it some say it's like having a moody teenager loads of hormones going through the baby :( she just seem unsettled and tried all day long the last few days!!!!

I started my Lo on porridge at 16 weeks and I'm happy with that decisions as she was constipated for 3 days and now goes everyday :) xx
Hi ladies any of your Lo's going through the 4 month growth spurt I feel so tried like a new born all over again :( I read up on it some say it's like having a moody teenager loads of hormones going through the baby :( she just seem unsettled and tried all day long the last few days!!!!

I started my Lo on porridge at 16 weeks and I'm happy with that decisions as she was constipated for 3 days and now goes everyday :) xx

Is THAT what's happening to my little perfect baby then???! lol. She used to sleep from 8-8 but now it's 4:30 some days. Today it was 5:30 yesterday was 6:30. She cried in the car on the way home yesterday.. she loves the car! Never cries in it. And she's back at crying herself to sleep for naps instead of just drifting off.

Wine, thank you thank you thank you!! Now if only my HV would have taken the time to actually tell me that I would be happy to listen to her. You have no idea how much that has helped me to understand everything. I've been reading a lot into how the gut works lately, and how to heal mine as I have a few issues so DH and I are slowly becoming Paleo (it's food thing) So everything you said also makes so much sense to what I've been reading.
My nephew is going through something! He isn't sleeping through the night anymore and now wakes a couple of times. I said to her it might be that 4 moth sleep regression thing I've read about.

Lennie slept till 8 this morning!! Couldn't believe it. He didn't even stir for his dummy at 530. Last bottle tonight was 7 so going to see if it will be the same again. X
Hi all juicy and jenni, we've had that this last week with Oscar too, he went from napping and sleeping like a little lamb, to being a complete devil to put down, I had to leave him to cry a few times :cry: he's slowly beginning to come out of it and he's now nearly 19 weeks! He also slept loads in the day, and ate more too! But no change there either!

As for the weaning, thanks Wine for all that info it's very useful. I agree it's good for people to actually have all the information and I don't like that hv just say you must wait til 6 months and that's that! Additionally though, I've done some of my own research regarding recent research studies that have actually said that it "could" be better to wean earlier. Not trying to influence or start any argument, just giving the other point of view. As their research showed that 17+ weaning could reduce not increase the risk of allergies. Also highlighting the iron issue you mentioned. Finally a big reason that the who guidelines say 6 months is because bf in the world is still the safest food for children especially in the developing world where sanitation and water quality is not good and life threatening to children. Hence it is much safer to say 6 months, however this is not an issue in the UK. However the government prefer to follow WHO for obvious reasons. I also think it's safer to err on the side of caution and would suggest if you're not sure, to wait as near to 6 months especially if you're breast feeding, however if you're happy that your child seems ready and happy with your decision then maybe try a little easier. I figured if O was ok with it I'd carry on but if any constipation or tummy issues I'd stop and wait a little longer. Weve not had any problems at all, still a poo or two most days!

Anyway this is partly why I've decided to wean Oscar (slowly ie I'm not rushing into lots of different foods and taking our time) and partly because of how hungry he was/is. He loves his food and had his first sweet potato today! He was very orange by the end. Lol

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