February mummies 2011 <3

oh dear, hope its a phase for you too. probably safest not leaving her with hubby :haha: previously i had left her to do gardening so he just came and asked!!
eve that is very cute! I have loads of those things! Just from bags of stuff ppl have given me there always seems to be lots of rings and I didnt even know what they were for..........I just thought they were for hanging a particular toy off like his playmat, and they just hadnt given me the toy to go with it. lol. Now I get it!

I left Lennie alone with Jay for the first time all night............I was so sad leaving him. I have never been away from him all night. I got home this morning and he gave me a huge smile (which he does for everyone, but im just going to pretend he really missed me. lol) and a lovely tidy house! Woo Hoo. x
Thanx for the advice everyone( the thanks button has gone?)
I don't seem to be able to watche video, will try again later.

Lovely avatar Rach and not sure about the choking thing?

As for leaving babies with daddies???
Shaun has not had Demi on her own or even the two girlies together yet! But, I'm going to Brighton for my hen weekend next month, so he will have Both girls for two nights! He will have no sister or nanna, coz all help will be with me! Oh dear!

I thought Demi had a bug earlier? She brought up her while milk all over me, which is very unlike her. Seems fine now, strange.

I'm desperate for a night out? Love my girlies but i've had such a hard week, Shaun been out four nights this week and I've had the girlies all to myself, etc. Probably like you all too... I just didn't realise how much I love it when 'daddy' comes home from work.
All those single mummies do a fab job!
Jem maybe sucking the fingers might be a way of self settling so she may just go off again on her own.

I need some advice about lennies feeding - he's not projectile vomiting no way near the amount he was before - but he still chokes a lot - the hv said when he was weaned the food would help the vomiting, but now that's not really an issue to worry about - would it help choking? Or would he still choke? X

Jem I agree, O sucks his fingers all the time, and it's just him helping himself to go back to sleep or comforting himself. Any noise is just his nighttime noise and he is REALLY noisy!

As for the choking, O does still sick up quite a bit and hoping that the weaning seems to help with that.
wine - hope joshua is ok , have you tried giving him some boiled water to drink just so he is hydrated ?
love the teethers im a sucker for wooden toys we have lots of pintoy and plantoys etc here.

holly wakes me either by crying or if we are co sleeping she just starts ferretting around my boob trying to latch herself on lol

we have decided to try her on a dummy tonight , i am not a fan and never used one for the boys but holly is using me for a dummy and if i try to move her off she has such a fit so im thinking its worth a try - opinions ?

rach - i dunno about the choking thing tbh .

holly is starting to grab things at last but still not interested in rolling or sitting , she is obviously gonna be a lazy arse like me haha

went swimming again today she lasted about 40 min this week she seems to like it though , its handy that ds1's lesson finishes when public swim starts so we have all been going in together , ds2 is getting the hang of swimming too now :)
We've used a dummy for ages now, and it worked really well..,they're not called pacifiers for nothing! He does now pull out his dummy to put his fingers in because he prefers them lol!

well i went out yesterday afternoon with my firnd to chose a ball dress :) First time i left Whizzy with her daddy for longer than an hour! How liberating...i didn't actually think/worry about her much at all :dohh: and we went out to dinner at DBella Italia too and got in at 9, go me!!

but daddy had decided she looked tired before 7 so put her in her pyjamas (no bath) gave her HALF her 7 o'clock bottle, she fell asleep so he put her in bed...no 9 o'clock bottle at all :( i wasn't impressed..so surprise surprise she woke at 2.30, for HIM to feed! but it woke me up too and i had to get up at 6.30 with her :grr: if he has stopped her STTN (for a week and a half now) i am going to KILL him :)
Why do guys do this? It seems to be that they think that they don't need to bother with things, despite the fact that we've been doing it that why because it's tried and tested and this is what works!
Ash never skips bath or the 10.30 feed, now because I've instilled it in him that all hell will break loose! And he'll be the one to deal with it!

oh nice one lucky , i still havent left H even with hubby for an hour yet , she has spent every second with me , its hard work lol !
hope it was just a one off and she goes back to sttn for you .
we co slept again last night , i feeli like im going backwards with the sleep . the zombie look is not suiting me tbh.

4 month sleep regression eve! There's loads of threads on it in baby club, hopefully it should pass soon! Xx
Jem, I know I had a meltdown this week about never getting to go out in the evening! So have now got two nights out next week and planning a weekend away to see a friend next month eek! Eve I don't know how you do it? I love O but every so often I need a few hours away to myself! Not that I don't spend most of that missing him though :dohh:
Hi ladies my Lo seems to be teething bad won't take bottle all day :(
Wii let me know if weaning helps O vomiting..........

Lennie had a big sick earlier :-( I hope it's just a random one. X
I think these babies have us all wrapped round there fingers!!
I've gone back on facebook.............I remember ages ago lots of you being on there and giving names............but I don't think I could handle looking through every post. lol. So if you want to add me my name is rachael self and my pic is black and white of me eve and lennie.

I think these babies have us all wrapped round there fingers!!

ha ha, they do.........but I love it. lol. x
Rach I've added you :hi:

Re the sickyness what formula are you using or are you bf I can't remember sorry! If ff have you tried staydown formula? Also someone said hipp was good and their lo wasn't sick anymore after moving from aptimal. I may try O on this too!
Devin is a puker these days too - we always thought he was a great fella altogther the way he never puked! Now we know it was coz he was starving himself coz he was too lazy to eat so his body wouldn't get rd of anything it got :lol:. Not too funny at all really! Anyway - he pukes away now! We go through bibs muslins and clothes (his and ours!) at a huge rate.

I have to say - Ed is a trooper when it comes to looking after Lil Lob! I have absolutely no hesitation in leaving him to be looked after by his Daddy. We haven't left him with anyone else yet (other than with my sis for an hour one day while he slept!) but defo Daddy Lob is the business. He just does things the same as me really. It's great! I don't leave him very often but I swanned out the door on Friday night and just told him where things were at and he totally took over! I miss babs when I'm not with him but enjoy my me-time too when I get it.

I think Devin is teething too. He's started dribbling like mad and gnawing on rattles etc. I can see the white under his gums but I know not to get too excited coz it could be months before anything pops out!
Rach I've added you :hi:

Re the sickyness what formula are you using or are you bf I can't remember sorry! If ff have you tried staydown formula? Also someone said hipp was good and their lo wasn't sick anymore after moving from aptimal. I may try O on this too!

Lennie has cow and gate.........which I believe is simelar to Aptimal??? So thats interesting. When he was vomitting all the time we said next time we need to buy formula we will get a stay down one.........then he stopped being sick! Until recently. None of our local supermarkets do Hipp........not sure if boots do? x
you can buy hipp online - my friend used to do this as none of her local places sold it either .

i am beginning to despair with the sleep thing , the waking up for a feed doesnt bother me at all really , what does bother me is that she will no longer go to sleep anywhere but with me , i thought we had got over this . she will fall asleep and i can carry her upstairs without waking her but the second i put her in her cot she wakes up and screams and i mean ear peircing screams , i have tried stroking her face , lifting her out then putting her back , putting her down while awake , tried a dummy - she wont take it , as soon as i put her in bed with me she stops and goes to sleep straight away so i know she is playing me . last night we tried leaving her to cry a bit - i am not a fan of cry it out at all in fact i was crying too but even that didnt work we left her for what felt like ages she just got louder and more screechy and i really didnt like it and i was worried of waking the boys up . so tonights plan is i am gonna try pump a feed and try give her a feed from a bottle while she is in her bed to see if that settles her off .
any tips greatly appreciated ! i do love co sleeping but i feel like me and hubby need our bed back now , she was going in her cot until 3 days ago i dunno whats changed :(
Eve this is very similar to Oscar, though he's been in his cot for ages, he used to go diwn fir naps and bedtime like a dream, literally you could put him down awake and walk away that was it! For the last few weeks though it's been hell...he screams most times now. The problem is that picking him up doesn't usually help, it just makes him scream more! Have you tried a dummy? I usually encourage O to zone out with a dummy or his fingers, he still cries but for much less time now.
i have tried 2 types of dummies but she refuses to latch onto either of them ,i might go get a few other sort see if she can take to it
Rach I've added you :hi:

Re the sickyness what formula are you using or are you bf I can't remember sorry! If ff have you tried staydown formula? Also someone said hipp was good and their lo wasn't sick anymore after moving from aptimal. I may try O on this too!

Lennie has cow and gate.........which I believe is simelar to Aptimal??? So thats interesting. When he was vomitting all the time we said next time we need to buy formula we will get a stay down one.........then he stopped being sick! Until recently. None of our local supermarkets do Hipp........not sure if boots do? x

Yup they do, that's what we use. If your actual Boots doesn't carry it, you can order loads online and get it sent to the store so then you can pick it up there free of charge.

Eve Phoebe doesn't take a dummy either. I don't know why it is because it's not like she can keep her fingers in her mouth long enough to actually sooth with them. I always think she would be happier with one but she just spits it out. :shrug:
I've been having the same problems. It must be this 4 month sleep regression thingy. She falls asleep no problem on me and wakes as soon as I lay her in her cot. Last night at 8.30pm I left her in her cot to cry for a few minutes each time, just going in my bedroom and then go into her, put her dummy in and leave again. In the end I rolled her onto her side so she was cuddled into a cellular blanket and held her side/back firmly and she went to sleep immediately. Maybe she thought she was cuddled into me :shrug: Anyway she slept right through till 7am :thumbup:

Okay, now rant time ....... OH thought he was being kind by sending me back to bed this morning - I asked for only half hour catch up. Anyway, have just woken up to silence in the house and was calling out to him and no answer. Tried ringing his mobile 4 times - no answer. Rang my mum - yes he's phoned, he's gone food shopping with Lily. Go downstairs and yes there's a note on the kitchen table, go in the living room and her baby grow is on the floor so he's got her dressed - good ..... so far, except he left the gate open in the living room so the dog got in and has eaten the used nappy (lovely and he will now have sloppy poos due to the gel inside the nappy :wacko:) and I now have to clear up the reminants. Go back into the kitchen and there are 5 bottles still in the fridge (shiiiiiiit) - I made up 6 last night and she had one at 7am this morning. It is now nearly 1pm and she hasn't had another bottle since 7am and he's not answering his phone. Soooooo panicking right now :cry::cry:

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