February mummies 2011 <3

Wow chilly a car, amazing! I got put up mini green house, lol, although I'm not moaning.

Lucky3, don't you just love it when men leave you sitting with the kids.

Jenny I got that cheesy stuff last year, I've only got him something personal as it's Demi's first fathers day. It will be the same old cheesy stuff next year, love it.

Actually chilly, when I had my first I did feel like you did. My mil kept saying that my first(isla) was 'bored' of milk and needed to be weaned, at 16 weeks... Even though she slept through the night, never finished her bottles and was content. And she kept pressuring me to give her food, she then got Shaun on at me to feed her too. Grrrrrr, in the end i gave in. But isla never actually started eating until she was 6 months anyway, so it was pointless starting early.
At least you can talk to OH and he sticks up for you, I felt, at the time, I was on my own?

I had no choice but to go back to work and mil had isla two days a week, the things she did still really annoyed me.... But I just had to put up with it...... She has been fine this, no pressure at all! The only comment I got recently was ' is it not too hot to take a baby to turkey in july?' that annoyed me! I'm hardly going to expose Demi to the direct sunshine! There is a pool right outside the door and the house will be cool!

And breathe, lol.
Chilli thats shocking about mil!! Good that u stuck up to her.

God I've forgotten already who done the clay print and can't look back when on phone...was it clare? I done this with lennie tonight. It looks a bit of a mess! Lennie wouldn't stop moving about and I done his foot once and thought I'd put it back in for more of an imprint and he moved and now has a smudged foot! Well it's the thought that counts and I think he will love it. X
just read like 6 pages to catch up on! love the bitching about OHs! lol. Mine never puts jakobs clothes on joshua he can see they're too big but he always tries to put joshuas on jakob... i see him doing it and am like 'ian, what does that label say?' he looks and then gets all huffy like they're nearly the same size - erm 3-6months and 2-3years are NOT pretty much the same loL! he does it with the nappies too!!!

joshuas still not eating food, hes drinking lots of milk and going happily from 7-7 without a bottle and sleeping from about 9-7 so i dont see the need just get to start weaning.

fathers day i've got 5 pictures im putting in a multi picure frame for him

1. him with jakob
2. joshua 'holding' a D
3. joshua and jakob holding an A
4. jakob holding a D
5. him with joshua

also got a mug and coaster set for my dad saying best grandad - only 2.99 going to take them out of the set and fill the mug with mikados (his fav) put it on the coaster then wrap it up in cellophane anda ribbon
That is a lovely present wine! The picture idea is lovely. I might do that for a Xmas present for Jay. I'll probably forget.

Lennie is really hungry at the moment. His latest tub of formula has lasted 4 days - when it normally lasts 6. Every day he has a bottle around 10-11 then 2 hours later he's hungry again. It's the same everyday. X
omg omg omg ..holly slept !!!!!!

i put her down at 8:30 and then at 5 there was some crying , but it was ds2 he had a nightmare :(. i checked on H and shewas still asleep but i think that ds2 crying disturbed her a bit and she was up at just gone 5:30 had a big feed then went back to sleep till gone 8 !! lets hope it happens again
Ha ha eve, that's how I felt! I nearly died of shock, I knew she was ok because I've got one of those pads under her matress, but it still made me check. Well done Holly.

Rach, I can still get away of using one tin a week... Just. Demi still only has 6oz.
Excellent news eve :)

Rach it was me with the print. She did a really good one first then I tried to another for my dad but that was all smudged as she kept moving. I rolled it up and dd1 made it into a frog, cool :)

Izzy has gone a bit mad feeding too rach, she was on 4oz x5 + 1 3oz. Now she has 7oz 4x6oz and a 3oz. And she wants it after a couple of hours. My porky baby :haha:
Ha ha. The print turned frog made me laugh.

We gave lennie some solids today. At first his facial expressions were a bit confused, but after that he really took to it. Smiling and keeping his mouth open for the next mouthful. We are going to do baby rice for a few days then try banana. X
banana is good, i think the first food jakob had - he loved it and still does now! and nice and soft too.

joshua is obsessed with his feet. he just sits there holding one of them all the time :p
Wizzy loves her feet too, she holds them both and is fascinated! I don't think she has any idea they are part of her body!!

Took her swimming again today, she's not excited by it but as content for 45 mins? Then she slept for over 2 hours unt I coughed loudly as she needed milk!! Must remember that when I need her to sleep!
Happy Fathers Day to all the Daddys out there! We've had a great day and Daddy here is plastered after mucho vino!!
45 mins is good clare , H usually lasts 30 tops before the bottom lip starts to quiver , like izzy she doesnt seem excited by it , but is happy enough in the water even when her brothers are jumping in next to her splashing her lol !

my hubby is in bed today ill , he was saying he was cold last night and put a dressing gown and pjs on for bed (this only happens in the extreme cold usually ) then this morning he got up and was throwing up , i so hope me and H dont get it as she was in the bed for a few hours this morning.

interestingly though .. my hubby has never really expressed much of an interest in my parenting methods ie he couldnt give a shit about cloth nappies - in fact he dislikes them but lets me get on with it , same with baby wearing etc he doesnt care either way what i do , breast feeding he likes becasue he doesnt have to make bottles i think lol . i had mentioned to him about BLW , and how we had done a bit but had done purees too but that i didnt know that was what it was called , so he must have been listening and googling , and last night says he thinks we should do BLW with H and that hes bought 2 books on the kindle about it , and he seems quite passionate about it i have to say im shocked (but pleased ) though after 2 books he does think he is an expert now !
I'm confused! What's BLW?? I'm so rubbish with this Internet lingo, takes me ages to work it all out, lol.
I'm still holding out on the weaning! Got some baby rice in the house, so we are ready. And always got fresh fruit and veg so I could get started and storing it away in the freezer?

What do you all think of rusks????

Hope all the daddies had w lovely day yest.
I'm confused! What's BLW?? I'm so rubbish with this Internet lingo, takes me ages to work it all out, lol.
I'm still holding out on the weaning! Got some baby rice in the house, so we are ready. And always got fresh fruit and veg so I could get started and storing it away in the freezer?

What do you all think of rusks????

Hope all the daddies had w lovely day yest.

baby led weaning.

ive never bought rusks for mine , but my friend swears by giving her soon a rusk in his milk at bedtime
Hey all, glad the sleep seems to be improving :) I can't believe that Oscar is going to be 21 weeks on Thursday, 5 months on the 27th...where HAS the time gone! It only seems like yesterday that we were all talking about braxton hicks and who was going into labour! :cry:
Oscar loves his food, we've just today started two meals just some baby rice with apple after his morning bottle and probably some more butternut squash this afternoon...who knows if I'm doing it right but he is happy :)

He's sucking/chewing on his tongue loads, don't know whether that means teething or not? Hope you're all well? Xx
if he is happy then you doing it right imo !

time has flown i cant believe it either , still seems 5 mins since we were logging in to see who had had their babies each day
It's mad isn't it...! Can't believe that the same time again and he'll be 10 months! Jeez!
Jembug in my annabel karmel book it says to keep frozen purees in freezer for up to 6 weeks - so depending on when you are planning on starting to wean as to when to freeze them if that makes sense?

I've been making baby food all afternoon! Today I done some broccoli, sweet potato, parsnip, carrot, apple and pear. My plan is to feed him a certain food for a few days to check he has no adverse reactions to them and then try another. I've not really got a clue what the next step is. I'm basically following a cow and gate booklet I got in the post! It says from week 1-4 to do one meal a day then from week 4 to do two meals a day. But that's as far as my booklet goes. What's next? And what happens to his milk? It is just the same with milk until he's a year old? Like the feeds etc. I feel a bit overwhelmed with it all.

Lennie had a bottle and baby rice at 12 o clock and I put him down for a nap soon after in his cot. It's about the 2nd time I have done it for naps - he falls asleep so easily in there. Anyway he didnt want to wake up! He slept about 3 hours in there and in the end eve got him out and he was starving!

Eve wasn't well on Friday. She got sent home from school cause she felt sick and was hot. Then she was sick! And she had some sort of migraine. After she was sick she felt much better. X

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