February mummies 2011 <3

*YAWN* Lily didn't go down until 9pm last night and woke up 12.30am for a feed, then again at 3.30am and then again at 5.30am!!!!!! I think I'm going to have to perservere with weaning because I'm knackered. Not worth upping her milk because she hardly ever finishes her 7oz bottles.

Lily walks in her baby walker!!!!! She also lifts her head up when laying on her back as if she wants to sit up. She does sit up unaided for a few mins at a time and when she is on her front she lifts her bum up and is nearly on all fours!!! The most amazing thing is that for 2 weeks now she has been saying "Hi ya". We thought it was a fluke at first but she is definately saying it!!! Sorry for gloating but I'm so proud of her!!!:blush:

Think I've got a clever baby :thumbup::happydance:
Wow! Lily IS clever!! Brooklyn can't reach the floor in her walker! lol. We want to get her a jumper, but we don't have a doorway to hang it from!
Go lily!!

Lennie still does bugger all in the way of moving about. He done a half roll the other day but got stuck halfway over against the sofa.

What age can they go in door bouncers?

Virginia how come u have no door frames? U mean like the wood that surrounds the door? X
Wow well done Lily! Rach Oscar is still not rolling either, he goes onto his side but he's too heavy to roll himself over! He has been in his door bouncer a few times and loves it! The winning toy at the moment is the baby einstein activity station...OMG he loves it and it keeps him entertained for ages and multiple times throughout the day! Great as all he wants is to be upright but he's so damned heavy it's hard for me to hold him all the time!
Virginia, don't feel like your lost! My Demi is only a few oz more than pheobe and I'm not planning on weaning until 6 months either?
I tionk you can put babies in door bouncers now. Glad Oscar enjoyed, may dig mine out tomoz, maybe best to do it when my two year is not around... Lol, she would love to swing Demi about, ha ha.

Well done Lily, that's amazing!!! Demi still only rolls on her side and screams after a while.

I popped out last night and OH had Demi, he said she was a nightmare and he put her to bed to scream it out :( (I only went to a ww meeting, gone an hour)
At sleep times today,when I know Demi is exhausted, i've been putting her up in her Moses to sleep, as usual. But, instead of having a gentle moan to sleep, she has been screaming the house down, like I've broken her little heart! I've left her to cry a little but then I've had to settle her down again. She never does this at all?
Also, I said last week that she screamed at my mum and today she screamed at my friends! We go to toddlers and she is happy just chilling in a bouncer?

Do you think it's seperation anxiety already?
It's so not her to get so upset? But then she is fine at toddlers? Anyone else had this?
We live in a mobile home that has an open kitchen/living room floor plan. So the only doorways open into the hallway, and we just don't hang out back there. :nope:

Brooklyn rolls over a lot, and can almost sit up by herself, but then she gets excited and falls. lol
It could be separation anxiety. It happens around 4 months I think.

I'm trying lennie on banana today. Looking forward to seeing his face! I have also been doing it in the middle of a bottle, but I'm going to change that now. I'm going to feed him a couple of hours after his 2nd bottle of the day. That way I'll feel he's defo getting all his milk, cause yesterday he left half his bottle when trying to give it after the solid. Those who are weaning - how do you do it?

Lennie has stRted to copy us squeal. Lol. If we squel at him he will squeal back at us. X
Jem this was Oscars version of the 4 month sleep regression...he screamed at every nap time and bed time. Nothing we could do apart from leave him to it with occasional strokes and shushes. Picking him up made him worse. It lasted about 2/3 weeks and now he is back to normal :)
holly had a phase of just screaming too, she seems to be over it now though .
she slept till 6:30 this morning , best night ever im amazed cus when i went up to bed at 10;30 she was grumping a bit sounded like wind so i was sat in bed waiting for her to cry but she didnt :D

we have visit from the pre school teacher this afternoon ready for ds2 to start part time in Sep , will be weird having 3 hours just me and H but looking forward to taking her to baby groups and things :)
My nephew starts school next September and even that doesn't seem real. I can't wait to see how cute he looks in his school uniform.

I just tried putting lennie in the door bouncer and he doesn't seem to fit. The shoulder straps are as long as they can be but his head touches the bit that comes down in the middle. Does anyone elses baby seem close to the top. I can't figure out another way to do it though. X
My first starts pre school in October, got to fit it around a job? I'm looking to me and Demo time too.
Demi slept until 6am, and I got an hour in afterwards!
Oh and thanks for all the replies about Demi's crying and sleep.
Hi, Lily still cries EVERYTIME I leave the room and it's getting exhausting. She need continuous entertainment all the time and if you're not looking at her and talking to her she gets really cross. She is such a little madam.

As for weaning, I have started officially this week and give her baby rice before her second bottle of the day. I think I will up it from once a day to twice from Monday. Will see how she goes though but she slept a little bit better last night. She slept LOADS today, particularly after she had completely filled her nappy so I think she may have been a bit constipated. Anyway, kids all in bed now so I think I will put my feet up for a while :coffee:
Oh and got AF today so not pregnant this month. Not disappointed, just going to let it happen when it happens x
Oh and got AF today so not pregnant this month. Not disappointed, just going to let it happen when it happens x

I took a test this morning for fear that I was preggers. Thank goodness it was negative.

Totally random side thought, but I was watching the US one born every minute and when I saw it was at Riverside I was like "Oh hey I was born at a hospital called Riverside." Then I saw everyone wearing Ohio State shirts and was like... "Hold on a minute." So I looked it up and by golly it's the same one. I couldn't count the amount of times I've been to that hospital as it's where we always go. Anywho... random I know but thought I'd share :)
I love this thread so much - I don't log on for a few days and invariably then when I do there's at least 2 other people going through exactly what I seem to be going through!! When I was on catch-up I started my first bit of response which was: ''Eve, you must change your lil statement under your avatar! EVERY time I see it I go OMG....and then have to calm my excitement coz it's past not present!!! I'm obsessed with pregnancy now so it's not helping!!!'' Turns out everyone else is starting to obsess too = yaaaay! :Scoots off to own journal to copy and paste what she just wrote:

I got my first post preggo period today - not that I was't expecting it to hit soon given that my last breastfeed was last Saturday ( still leaking and its killing me (emotionally) not to feed my lil man - its so hard!) and had been getting less and less frequent for months but it still just feels bizarre to have a period! Now dilemma - I need to start back on the pill ....what to do? Go on it for a few months and then ttc again or start temping and avoid for the few months on unsafe days or just go the ntnp route? I just dunno. I reckon I'm ready to go again but Devin isn't even 5 months old yet so maybe that's insane?? Ed reckons I should go on it until the end of September and then consider stopping again? Hmmmm! Then he started going 'eggs...puke; broccoli ...puke; everything .....puke' Somehow I can bear the thoughts of going through it again coz Devin is just so awesome (as is maternity leave!!). He was saying he's not sure he's ready to see me hopping off the couch, then hearing the toilet fan and then the blllleeeughhh noise again!!! God! Madness!!!
I guess maybe I should try lose some more weight first (lost a pound and a half this week and 4 and a half last week! Go me!! ) Right?

Hmmmm Dilemma!

Re weaning - I am following the Irish Health Service Executive guidelines on weaning. They recommend Days 1-7 1 root veg puree (new flavour every few days); Days 8-14 1 root veg and 1 fruit puree per day. They don't recommend reducing milk intake at all for some time and they recommend after day 14 to start introducing other veg like greens etc and then to start mixing flavours e.g carrot AND parsnip etc - that's as far as I am.... Devin loves his solids particularly butternut squash and pear. He's defo allergic to bananas (think I told you that bit already?). Gonna try avocado and then broccoli tomorrow.
I'm going for avo tomorrow too Ciara! :) as for ttc...OH is still not totally convinced about having another, honestly he's round and round in circles about it! I'm not ready yet anyway. Not sure I'd bother with the pill tho Hun, I'd probably temp and avoid the fertile days. Haven't you got to give your scar some time to heal?

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