February mummies 2011 <3

chilly -imo i wouldnt take the pill if you plan on ttc soon ish as for some people it takes a year doesnt it to get out of the system . id jut use condoms till you are ready . how come you stopped bf , did you just decide you didnt want to or was it to get af back to ttc ?

Holly has a tooth ! well .. me and a few friends think its come through there is a teeny shard of white above the surface , hubby says its not through yet but what does he know eh ! im amazed as both my boys didnt get teeth till 10 months old .

holly went till 6:30 again but she was gurgling and cooing in her bed so i left her for 15 mins , i usually get woke with screams and cries so it was so nice to lay there and listen to her :D
We are the same with birth control. I was going to have the coil put in but then thought if it's only for a few months - what's the point. Oh doesn't want me to have it put in. He says he doesn't like it but I think it's more to do with more chance of having an accident! We have been using condoms - I got Jay to get himself a condom card. He's still young enough and I'm too old. Lol. so he has ordered it and even then I think he'll be too embarrassed to go get some.

I have a doc appointment for lennie next week to get some explanations for his constant wheeze.

Oh also lennie weighs 18lb 2nd and has gone up another line on graph. I think it'd 91st ( if there is a 91st line? :-s

Lennie had a crap night last night. He woke up at 3, 4 then 6.30 when we got up. Urgh. X
Chilly I wouldn't take the pill either? When we first ttc, I was on the pill, stopped taking it and I fell pregnant straight away... Only to miscarry at 10 weeks. My doctor said it had nothing to do with the pill, but I felt it did. So personally I want the pill well out of my system before I ttc again.

My OH wants me to go on the pill but if he still agrees to ttc after Christmas, then I don't realty see the point? (we are using the pull out method) although I can't fall pregnant yet, I need to go back to work to get mat pay.

Rach what's a condom card? What age do you have to be?

Holly has a tooth! Wow!

I'm soooo stressed with looking after the girlies, wedding stuff, new mortgage sorting, job searching. I'm actually wishing September to be here, then it's all over. But then I don't want my mat leave to be over so soon?
A condom card is for someone aged 16 (I think) to 25. Basically u get the card and go into chemist/doctors, hand the card to counter/receptionist and they give you a bag of condoms.

Same with me - I can't get pregnant yet cause I need to go back to work for 3 months to get this maternity pay then I can go off again. Although I must have getting near 3 months annual leave.

I'm not surprised your stressed out with everything that you are having to think about. X
I'm a basket case - Supposed to be going out tonight to Ed's mates wifes 30th iykwim!! MIL is minding Devin and I am dreading leaving him! Have been sobbing on the phone to my Mum for the last half hour. I want to wait until after 8.30 when h's been fed and put to bed but Ed wants to take advantage of the babysitter and go for dinner first. How do I cope with this? Im so terrified she'll give him something that will make him sick :cry: after goddamn kitkatgate. FFS.
you need to be firm with her chilly , tell her that he has eaten and he doesnt need anything else , tell her he was sick after the kitkat and screamed all night and wouldnt settle and that you wouldnt want that to happen while she was baby sitting;)
that is good ~Eve!!

i think anyone can get a load of free condoms from the doctors, its just a bit embarrassing!!

well i have lost a stone and a half now :) just another 4 and a half to go!!
Well done lucky, that's great!!!
I tried my wedding dress on this week, fitted ok. But I asked the lady to measure my tummy, as I have lost about 10lb- and my waist is still the same as when she measeured me before!(only six weeks after giving birth)
so I now feel so rubbish! It didn't help that at ww I had put a lb on!
I'm desperate to get back on this diet malarky..... Going to be a good girl this week.

Chilly, hope you have a good evening and was able to relax?
I do like your idea eve. Lol.

Well done clare! That's great. My weighloss is snails pace at the
Moment. It's coming off though which is the main thing. But about half lb a week. Saying that... Tomorrow we are going out for a meal to a place called The Pigs. Oh man the menu looks yum. I can't wait and I want to go back again cause I like so many things .. And that's before ive even eaten their food. Lol.

Yeah u can also ask your gp for condoms too. I feel embarrassed and I was thinking of asking for some at lennies appointment next week;
"lennie is always wheezing doctor, oh and can I have some condoms." lol.
Ha ha Rach. You Lennie has astma or something? Do they diagnose that at this age?
What are you going to do with all that annual leave, add it on to your mat leave?
I get 7 weeks holiday, just annoying I'm being made redundent coz then it would not matter if I fell pregnant!

Well it 4am and I'm on here, thank god the bnb, keeping me awake! Hope your all having a better night than me?
Poor you being up that early. I was up that time aswell but taking Rich to the train station to go to work. Mum was over last night so it was handy she listened out for the kids.

Lily woke at 2.30 and wanted a bottle, so I changed her and fed her and she went back to sleep. Didn't get to bed until 12.30 though because me and Rich were in London yesterday because my 2 older girls were singing in the Royal Albert Hall and we didn't get back into Stevenage until 11.30. My poor girls were shattered as they had been there since 9.30am! I had a really good time, apart from the fact that I had a horrendously heavy period!!!! At one point I said to Rich "Sod this, I really want to get pregnant again so I don't have a period for 9 months and then I will get the mirena fitted again". So I think it's all systems go with the ttc again :thumbup:

Off to a bbq this afternoon but I'm going to be good - just chicken and salad for me. Started slimmers world last week and have lost 4 pounds so far.

Hope everyone's having a good w'end so far :flower:
I do like your idea eve. Lol.

Well done clare! That's great. My weighloss is snails pace at the
Moment. It's coming off though which is the main thing. But about half lb a week. Saying that... Tomorrow we are going out for a meal to a place called The Pigs. Oh man the menu looks yum. I can't wait and I want to go back again cause I like so many things .. And that's before ive even eaten their food. Lol.

Yeah u can also ask your gp for condoms too. I feel embarrassed and I was thinking of asking for some at lennies appointment next week;
"lennie is always wheezing doctor, oh and can I have some condoms." lol.


And thanks :) I am doing slimming world too josie, it's great :) except I do miss cake nom nom. Had a little bit of lemOn drizzle last week. Lush!!
i just have made no effort with weight loss at all yet i keep moaning about it , but im just so bloody hungry all the timen- im guessing thats from the breastfeeding who knows. i cant believe everyone is talking about ttc again i cant wait to see who gets preggers lol.
1lb to lose and I have lost 3 stone!!!! Weight loss is going much slower now than it was at first :(

Joshua is now downing 8oz and the bottles only hold 9oz so I'll be moving up to 9oz soon and not sure what I'll do after that because I don't particularly want to wean before roughly 6months...

I haven't been putting him on his tummy recently :s I think I should be as he's still not lifting up on his arms yet

Wine, that is amazing! You might disappear soon.
Is is just me and wine who have not started on the weaning yet??

Josie, you maybe pregnant soon, how exciting!
I've defo got to wait till I have a job, anyone need a childrens nanny? Ha

for those of you going to work, who will be having your children?
I'm looking for a two day job and my mother on law will be having my girlies.
I haven't started weaning and am going to try holding off until 6 months.

I am hoping to be able to stay on maternity leave until next year as long as money is alright and then hopefully finding a new part time job or mon to fri 9 to 5 kinda thing.
Wine, that is amazing! You might disappear soon.
Is is just me and wine who have not started on the weaning yet??

Josie, you maybe pregnant soon, how exciting!
I've defo got to wait till I have a job, anyone need a childrens nanny? Ha

for those of you going to work, who will be having your children?
I'm looking for a two day job and my mother on law will be having my girlies.

no weaning here either :)

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