February mummies 2011 <3

awww wii well done!

joshua rolled once but think it was a fluke as he hasn't done it since :(

he's also been sleeping LOADS today - i think it may be the heat.

As for smugness. What annoys me (or makes me laugh/feel sorry for baby) is when people are so smug but they are doing everything 'wrong' like weaning at blimmin 10 weeks.
Yep, that be the poster that does my head in, and wonders why her baby of 4 months is in 9-12 month clothes And grouchy :dohh:
haha wine ikwym ;)

well done little oscar rolling :)

holly rolled on her 3 month birthday and hasnt done it since lazy baby , she is currently wide awake not looking sleepy in this heat little scamp
mmmm and wants her baby off bottles by 7months and drinking out of a beaker.

i think people just baffle me, lol
Who is this person??? Is this the one who put baby rice in the bottle at a really young age??

Demi has been a minx at bedtime this evening! Think it's the heat and it ment I got out of the ironing and had a huggle instead!

No rolling over here, just on to her side. But whilst on her side she is reaching out for her toys, so im sure she will roll over soon.

Totally random but my friend is due in two weeks and is huge.... I feel so happy not to be pregnant in this heat.
Hope everyone has had a good day.
Eah I'm with you on the heat jem 7 years ago I was about 39 weeks preggers urgh!

I put izzy in the floor to get her milk today came back 1 minute later and she was on her front crying. It is so frustrating for them, always wanting to do what they can't quite ! Izzy has hands everywhere which is a nightmare on my iPhone cos she makes it do weird things!! Lol
Im Ciara Hilliard girlies! My profile pic is my fat head propped in my hands!!! FAB-U-LOUS! HAd one of those beaming Devin days today that just make me dreamy with pride!!! He charmed everyone he came across with big gummy smiles!!! Oh - he makes me so broody!!! I just wanna run away with him 'cept he's already mine so I'd just run home and that's not up to much!!! But I'll defo keep him!!!

Jellybean - I reckon Joshua is totally just building the suspense for added cheering when he performs again!!

Oh Bex I've editted my post with this coz you visited my journal already so the same warning applies for below!! Don't bother reading it!!

Oh here's some bragging from me btw....Devin pooped in the toilet today for the first time!!! Adanced eh? Yup no more nappies for us!!! He is a wonder child!!! ....Well, in truth he was sittin in the bath when all of a sudden he got a slightly red face....a mini grunt popped out and then the browny cloud started to rise!! I whipped him out of the bath and held the slippery lil cherub over the loo and he pooped merrily away, giggling in between times over the whole experience!!! hehe! I had to wrap him in a towel and lie him down while I cleaned out the bath and boiled the kettle to clean it out properly before filling it again and starting from scratch!! Pretty funny - was sorry I didn't catch the whole thing on camera for future embarrassment!!!
Lol chilly that's SO funny!!! The same happened to me with J but I was sat IN th bath with him! Ew lol
That is advanced!! Using the toilet at this age. Lol.

I got paranoid then I was the annoying bragger cause lennie is in some 9-12 clothes. Lol.

It's super hot right now. Having the windows open is just bringing in hot air :-s

Lennie is sleeping in a vest - he doesn't feel hot by touching his chest so hopefully he will be ok.

Our puppy got bit tonight :-( it was by jays mums dog. Basically Marley went for his food he was eating and got bitten on the nose - unfortunately it punctured his nasal cavity :-s
He is much better now - but to begin with it was scary. Blood everywhere, him drousy. So scared we were losing him through shock.
He now breathes a bit out of his new hole. The vet said the bone should grow back.
The vet bill was £160!! And now after reading our insurance documents I'm worried the ooh fee isn't covered cause it says only if life endangering. Got to check with vet in the morning. Haven't got a clue :-s at the time it didn't seem good. X
Eve, that's a terrible story but there was something strangely/warpedly funny about the bit 'he now breathes a bit out of his new hole'. But overall definitely not funny - poor lil mite! You must have got an awful fright! What did Jays Mum have to say bout all this?
Chilly you crack me up!

Ahh Rach hope your dog is ok now? Hate insurance, they never pay out?
Demi slept in her vest too last night I kept waking up and she was either asleep or playing with her feet.
I forget... I gave Demi a bit of rice yesterday, she was trying to suck it off her spoon, so she knows what she is doing?
Wow I can't believe lennie is in 9-12. Izzy is still in newborn trousers, her waist is so small :haha: I still put her in the sleeping bag (2.5 tog) in a vest but left it open at the bottom. Was panicking shed overheat but she did nt feel hot
Jays mum offered to help pay but we said no cause we took Marley there and its
Not her fault. I just went down to check on Marley and he's still breathing through his little hole and his nose is all swollen. It looks like an English bull terriers nose.

Lennie is Sooooooo close to grabbing his feet, he has his feet up all the time (working his abs. Lol) and he kind of smacks his knees. X
oh no poor doggy :(

well what a bloody night here - after over a whole week of holly sttn in her own room i have no idea what was happening last night . i get her ready for bed around 7 as the boys are getting ready , she usally then feeds and starts dropping off anywhere from 7:30 onwards , by 9pm she is usually spark out and floppy and gets put in bed . well i was feeding her but she kept smiling at me and giggling - was cute . anyway this carried on past 8pm and no signs of going floppy , at 9pm she was cooing and gurgling at me wide awake , at 10pm she was still awake not wanting to feed just having a gurgle so i tried putting her in her bed awake put the mobile on etc she was havong none of it screamed like you have never heard a scream in your life ! so i put her in bed with me -tried feeding her she wasnt interested , hubby came bed at 11:15 she was still wide awake and started cooing at him ! 12 o clock came and she started to have a bit of a feed but kept pulling off in order to smile and talk to me - very cute but by this time i wanted sleep anyway i looked at the clock was 12:45 she was still awake - i fell asleep ! i woke up at 2 ish she jut smiled at me , i then woke up at 6 and her eyes were rolling and then she was wide awake again had a feed and was wide awake !

WTH is all that about !!! she wasnt screaming or crying or hungry or windy she was perfectly happy just lying there smiling , i cant fathom it out ! he didnt sleep in the day or anything more than usual i just dont get it .
I reckon she's just going to be like this from now on eve - 2 hours sleep a night!! :haha:

Hopefully it's just the heat or something?
I reckon she's just going to be like this from now on eve - 2 hours sleep a night!! :haha:

Hopefully it's just the heat or something?

noooooooooooooooooo lol !

she fell asleep on school run at 9am i woke her up at 12 as i thought thats long enough mrs ..she was less than impressed ! got baby group thos afternoon so hopefully she stays awake for that and goes bed tonight lol

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