February mummies 2011 <3

we had this one https://www.kiddicare.com/webapp/wc...ayA_131+1716_10751_-1_14637_98442_10001_14637
we wanted one without a tray that matched (as much as it can ) our dining table.
she is not ready to use it yet but i wanted to get it while i had the money

as for a walker , we had one with ds1and2 and they both loved it but we dont really have much room for them to walk about far without bashing into a door or a cupboard etc . ds2 broke it (and he broke the highchair ) so i dont think ill bother getting a new one tbh i might just get one of them v-tech push along types instead i was hoping for xmas time unless she starts cruising before then lol
Just to let you all know, babesx3 who was a feb lovebug but sadly baby Charlie died at 18 weeks gestation, has given birth to her rainbow baby Hayden today. I am so pleased for her :hugs:
Ahh lucky you made me go cold! Soooo pleased for her. It broke my heart reading when her Charlie died. Xx
Finished school already, where are you from Juicy?
I've got all the school to do when my eldest starts pre school. (even though I've been doing then for the past five years, as a childrens nanny)

Does anyone know if and where I maybe able to but a bouncy chaire that folds away?? That may fit in a suitcas though?

Hi Jem

I'm from Ireland they get the whole month of July and august off school so loads of FUN lol
I got a fold up bouncer in Mother Care with travel bag inall :)

I used walker on my DD and DS so I will be using it aging but not for a few weeks, my friend is giving me a high chair so I might as well take it try it out. I can't believe my Lo will be 5 months tomorr weeks are flying by :)

For those who are weaning what do u think about potatoes????
Hello all

Lily is still not rolling over and only likes spending a short time on her front. She loves her baby walker and scoots around the kitchen in it, she loves watching the washing machine (when it's on) and her reflection in our stainless steel bin. She also likes her bright starts jumperoo thingime (I just thinks she likes to be upright). She is also addicted to Elmo on TV and can quite happily coo and giggle in her bouncy chair.

She is still not interested in weaning and point blank refuses to open her mouth when I go near her with a spoon. We have got a high chair, and she'll sit in it when we're having our dinner (if she's not already in bed). Her sleep regression is still bad and stirs several times in the night so we get up and put her dummy in. She wakes for a bottle at 5am and then sleeps a few more hours. It's frustrating because she had just started to sleep from 7pm till 7am :wacko:

As for teething, she has to continually wear a bib now as she has saliva bubbles all the time lol.

Any babies got a tooth yet?
Hi ya everyone. Demi has been so sensitive today, screamed at everyone all day :(
she has been sucking all day on her thumb and biting it too.
Not sure if she showing attatchment to me or teething??

Me and OH are off out (seperatly) with friends. My mum is baby sitting, trying to get Demi down now??? She has been sleeping though the night, I bet tonight she wakes! I'm soooo scared of my hangover too.

Josie, my first was like that and she didn't start feeding for weeks after I started. Maybe lily is just not ready??? I've not started Demi yet.

Thanks juicy, I will check mother care out.
Hope your all well x
Hello all

Lily is still not rolling over and only likes spending a short time on her front. She loves her baby walker and scoots around the kitchen in it, she loves watching the washing machine (when it's on) and her reflection in our stainless steel bin. She also likes her bright starts jumperoo thingime (I just thinks she likes to be upright). She is also addicted to Elmo on TV and can quite happily coo and giggle in her bouncy chair.

She is still not interested in weaning and point blank refuses to open her mouth when I go near her with a spoon. We have got a high chair, and she'll sit in it when we're having our dinner (if she's not already in bed). Her sleep regression is still bad and stirs several times in the night so we get up and put her dummy in. She wakes for a bottle at 5am and then sleeps a few more hours. It's frustrating because she had just started to sleep from 7pm till 7am :wacko:

As for teething, she has to continually wear a bib now as she has saliva bubbles all the time lol.

Any babies got a tooth yet?

its almost like i wrote this post !

Holly is not rolling either she did it once at 3 months and never again , we also havent weaned , our sleep regression is easing but i feel your pain Holly was sleeping through then started getting up , it lasted a month and now she goes 7/8 till 4/5 has a feed and goes back off for another few hours which is better but obvs still not brill.
teeth - holly has the tiniest shard of tooth starting to poke out its been like it a while doesnt seem to be moving anymore :shrug:
Izzy has no teeth but lots of dribble. She sleeps 8.30-6.30 a d has rolled back to front about 10 times today :) she seems to have twigged it todaybut will prob have forgotten by tomorrow!!

They are all different aren't they!!
I don't even look forward to bed now over sleep reg plus she is getting very use to sleeping in the bed with me 2 bad habit I know but I do anything for a sleep at this stage :( anyone else using the grow bags aren't they just the cutest so Cosy looking too :)
Juicy we're using grobags, never did with the others but I'm loving them! Izzy used to co sleep with us all the time but we managed to get her out!! I know jet what you mean about anything for a sleep, I'm sure it'll get better and you'll get hef out :hugs:

How was everyone elses sleep? We are lucky that izzy sttn now but she wakes up at 6.30 whatever day it is, would love a weekend lie in izzy!

We have got dd2's gymnastics competition today, that should be intrrestng with izzy. I just hope u dint have to take her out and miss it. :dohh:
Morning. I use those grow bags, love them.

Demi slept, thank god! She wakes up at 6:30 and goes back to sleep but by them my eldest is awake, so I get up. I would have fab lie in's if Demi was my only child.

Demi is currently under her gym, rolling onto her side, I'm willing her to roll onto her front?

Lucky have fun with your dd2 at gymnastics, I can't wait to get eldest into things like that. Must make you so proud watching.

I'm going to my nan and granddads and my dad and his family will be there, be interesting how Demi reacts, as she yelled at everyone yesterday.

What do you all call your extended family?
I have a mum and dad but also a step mum and dad. I also have two nans and a grandad.... What do your children call them?

Demi and Isla call one set of grandparents- nanna and poppa, and the others are nanny and grandad. Bit confusing, need to have names that so they know which is who.
grobags - love them used them for all 3 - tk makx i your friend for them they have loads for around a tenner.

clare- enjoy your gymnastics

juicy - we still co sleep some nights completely and other nights just from when she wakes up - anything for a bit of kip i say !

jem-we have lots of step grandparents as both mine and hubby family are all divorced and remarried so we have: nanny (my nan ) grandma bridget (my stepnan) grandma diane and grandad andrew (my mom and hubby ) grandma angela and grandpa paul (hubbys mom and partner) grandad and grandad spencer (my dad and wife) and frank lmao - hubbys dad ! it gets confusing to say the least

i have caught ds2's tummy bug had to get up twice in the night to be sick grrr kids !
Ikea have lovely ones too, were the same she sleeps in crib till we go to bed I think were waking her up disturbing her :( but not ready to put her in separate room yet.

Oh that's terrible eve I hate them bugs.....
Boo ti sickness eve, hope it goes soon

Well izzy was really good at gym she slept had milk smiled winningly at the women next to me and rolled over about 6 times. I think perhaps she's cracked it :thumbup: I'm dreading her doing it on the changemat during a dirty change!! The good thing is for those who hate tummy time she haas done this with hardly any tummy time si don't worry or feel bad cos I did!!
Hi ya, we have been away the weekend caravanning. Had such a brilliant time. Felt really sad to be leaving this morning - wanted to cry! but I am also due on my period tomorrow, that might be why. lol.

Lennie was great. We kept him in his carry cot attachment for sleeping and it was fine, he slept great. We also took him swimming for the first time and he loved it - but he was due a sleep before we went in, so by the time he had a splash about in the pool he was super tired and suddenly screaming! OH took him out and I stayed in with Eve and when we got back to the caravan Lennie was zonked out in OH lap, with still just his towel wrapped around him. He looked really cute.

Lennie is loving banana! Today I was feeding him round some friends and wasnt concentrating and he was going "ah ah" with his mouth open for me to feed him!

Have any of u start using a walker or high chair yet, a friend of mine just offered me both :)

Lennie is in a high chair - his is one of the reclining ones and is super padded etc. I think it was a bit expensive - around £100, but OH dad wanted to buy him one and that is what he came round with - I told him off for it being too much money. He loves seeing Lennie in it.

I never used a walker on Eve and prob won't on Lennie. We also don't really have much room for him to scoot around with furniture and wolly rugs - I don't think he would get far - but on the other hand, if someone was giving one to me, I think I would use it and change the room around. lol.

I've never used a walker and wouldn't I don't think I would consider ajumparoo type thing.

Whats a jumparoo?

Just to let you all know, babesx3 who was a feb lovebug but sadly baby Charlie died at 18 weeks gestation, has given birth to her rainbow baby Hayden today. I am so pleased for her :hugs:

Thats such lovely news. I remember what happened to Charlie. It was so sad.

Finished school already, where are you from Juicy?
I've got all the school to do when my eldest starts pre school. (even though I've been doing then for the past five years, as a childrens nanny)

Does anyone know if and where I maybe able to but a bouncy chaire that folds away?? That may fit in a suitcas though?

Hi Jem

I'm from Ireland they get the whole month of July and august off school so loads of FUN lol
I got a fold up bouncer in Mother Care with travel bag inall :)

I used walker on my DD and DS so I will be using it aging but not for a few weeks, my friend is giving me a high chair so I might as well take it try it out. I can't believe my Lo will be 5 months tomorr weeks are flying by :)

For those who are weaning what do u think about potatoes????

I've not used them yet........prob won't until 6 months. I always thought shouldnt as first food because of glueten.........but i've just looked into it and it it says potatoes are gluten free.......so why does potatoes have this stigma?

I don't even look forward to bed now over sleep reg plus she is getting very use to sleeping in the bed with me 2 bad habit I know but I do anything for a sleep at this stage :( anyone else using the grow bags aren't they just the cutest so Cosy looking too :)

They are really cute. I love waking up and seeing Lennie is his. He looks like hes in a little cacoon. Sainsburys done a "hungry caterpillar" one. It was really sweet and only £12.

Juicy we're using grobags, never did with the others but I'm loving them! Izzy used to co sleep with us all the time but we managed to get her out!! I know jet what you mean about anything for a sleep, I'm sure it'll get better and you'll get hef out :hugs:

How was everyone elses sleep? We are lucky that izzy sttn now but she wakes up at 6.30 whatever day it is, would love a weekend lie in izzy!

We have got dd2's gymnastics competition today, that should be intrrestng with izzy. I just hope u dint have to take her out and miss it. :dohh:

We feel lucky with how Lennie sleeps. Most nights he will go 10 hours. Last night he went 9pm to 9.30am. BUT, that was with a 10 minute nap in the afternoon. So he needed it!

Boo ti sickness eve, hope it goes soon

Well izzy was really good at gym she slept had milk smiled winningly at the women next to me and rolled over about 6 times. I think perhaps she's cracked it :thumbup: I'm dreading her doing it on the changemat during a dirty change!! The good thing is for those who hate tummy time she haas done this with hardly any tummy time si don't worry or feel bad cos I did!!

Glad to hear it! Lennie still rubbish on tummy time - not very strong in his arms and doesnt lift his upper body. Is Lennie the only one not doing this? He does roll onto his side though so he's getting there.
holly on,y lifts her head up on tummy time she doesnt lift her body either rach .

i think sickness has passed yay im just hoping it hasnt affected my supply as H seemed fussy feeding last night i was worried i was empty . i fed her in bed but i fell asleepfirst then hubby put her in bed when she fell asleep i woke up and had such a panic about where she was .

and my ds2 had his 1st dry night last night im sooooo proud , he has been dry in the day for over a year but was showing no signs of being ready at night , then randomly he asked to go to bed in pants last night , hubby said if you can go one night with dry nappy you can wear pants like your brother ...anyway this morning he came in and woke us up jumping up and down about being dry bless him , so we are trying real pants tonight eeeeeek !
Glad you're feeling better Eve :)

I just got back from a 2 week stay with my MiL. It honestly wasn't bad! lol. I'm a bit sad though as she had a lovely garden by the sea to sit outside with Phoebe or I could relax outside while she was napping... and she woke up with her every morning! I'm usually sad I wasn't able to breastfeed then I get moments like that and am ok with it! lol. Back to living in a concrete flat, waking up early and wishfully looking outside to the sunshine while being stuck inside for Phoebe's naps.

I can not WAIT to move!

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