February mummies 2011 <3

jen - did you get the gill rapley book ? i got it for the kindle and have just started reading it , i havent got the cookbook yet though , it is quite scary thinking we are gonna give them food it means they are growing up lol. oh wants to start H now but i dont think her hand eye coordination is good enough yet :s another few weeks it might be.
i wrote a massive post earlier then deleted it - meh
i think the general gist was that H was really windy last night and wouldnt settle till 10:30 :(

I am having a good day today i m trying to get my house back in order, ive freecycled stuff , ebayed stuff , sold on here , music magpie and mazuma mobiles and so far made over 200 quid in a day ! - some ideas for your cash problem jem ?
Thanks jenny :)

Rach, glad to hear you're feelin better :hugs:

Jem I am clare Cowan but not sure I can be found, no idea what settins I have!! But I'm friends with Jen. Eve, rach, wine if that helps :)

Well we were at baby massage today :) but izzy spent most of the time rolling :dohh: AND crawling!! After a fashion, never seen it done izzy style before! She brought her legs under her, stuck her bum in the air and shoved herself forward lmao. She moved about 2 foot that way :) I hope it's a one off in a way because this house is no way ready for a crawler, eve rach and others with big kids kwim eeek!

Exciting tho :) and it's elenas 7th birthday and she's on a scho trip to Africa alive, how cool is that :yipee:
Ooh go izzy with the crawling :) sorry I had load I wqas going to reply to and have forgotten it all in all the pages to catch up! Lol
Oscar has just got 2 teeth coming through! He seems kinda ok with it though a bit grizzly! Baby bonjela seems to work well.
Hope all are well? Btw O is only rolling front to back still, am not worrying though it seems so random who does it when! X
Joshua still doesn't roll over. He has proper laughing fits though - but only at jakob - especially when jakob blows rasberries at him.. he nearly hyperventilates with laughter!
Oh and although we haven't started weaning yet Jakob puts anything possible in his mouth, yesterday he tried to fit a whole potato and joshua looked so shocked bless him.

We've given him biscuits etc to hold but he never reaches his mouth with them yet so in my eyes if he can't do it himself yet he probably isn't ready, I'm still in no rush as he seems happy enough
omg i cant cope with a crawler ! but WTG Izzy !

haha wine , evan tried to give holly green beans and choc minirolls she just looked at him like wtf !
I'm guessing musicmagpie is Old CDs? may have to try that one. Have loads of old CDs shoved in a drawer which are never listened to.

Yeah understand where you are coming from clare. I'm happy for lennie still being immobile. Lol. Izzy's crawl should like a break dance move :) x
yes rach its dvds , games and cds , i only listed ones that didnt sell on ebay as they dont give you much for them , but it gets them gone with little hassle .
Hi ladies!
long time no speak!

how are we all?
Brooklyn hasn't had water yet...I won't offer it to her until she starts solids, and then, only with meals since she'll still be nursing. What's a beaker?

a beaker - a baby cup with spout and handles this kind of thing https://www.amazon.co.uk/Tommee-Tip...ATD8/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1310125742&sr=8-5

Ah...a sippy cup. Noted! Lol

I've not been on forever, and I really suck at keeping up with everyone. Brooklyn crawls now so I can't take my eyes off her. Luckily, she doesn't prefer to go forward, but she likes to go backwards and also goes sideways...If I take my eyes off her for a second, she's half across the room reaching for something she shouldn't have! :wacko: We let her play with some watermelon a couple days ago. I cut it into strips for her to grab on to. She knew exactly what to do with it until she got a chunk of it in her mouth. Then she looked at me like, WTF?! and spit it out. lol. She definitely had a time licking the juice off the tray! :haha: She's almost got a pincher grip too, which I was really surprised to see! After she spit the little chunk out, she picked it back up and then dropped it off her tray - not sure if it was intentional! She also likes to try to crawl away while nursing. She kicked me in the chin yesterday and busted my lip open (I was chewing on it).:dohh: Life is definitely interesting! Anyways, I hope you all are doing well!
Hi ya Ley, how are you and your Lo doing?

Well done to all these fab babies who are actually on the move.
Poor Demi does not even roll over yet.... She must be the only one? :(
she does sit up very well so I'm not worried.

She was a pickle last night, would not settle to sleep, don't think I helped by having the tv on in the bedroom though. Ha

Demi's personality is really shining through now. I was holding her in my arms and she kept looking at me and cracking up- looking away and then looking at me- giggling. This went on for hours! Must have a funny face.

And she is all arms, grabbing and reaching everything in sight.

Hope your all ok today xx
hi Ley
Wow go Brooklyn !
jem - until a few days ago H wasnt doing anything either , she now rolls from her back to onto her tummy all the time , but she cat get back again , she doesnt sit up either and doesnt seem anywhere near sitting up iykwim.
she is having troublesettling at night to its driving me mad as i have no evening time to myself , before she would go down around 8/9 but now its around 10:30/11 before i can get her to go in her own bed (though once shes gone she sleeps through kinda ) so by the time she has finally settled its time for me to go to bed as i have to be up with the boys at 7 ish .
last 2 nights she has woke up at 12 and done a little cry and grizzle but then chomped her fists back to sleep , i am wondering if all this unsettled sleep behaviour is teething as we havehad our 1st bit of bum rash too .

i got such a busy day today , DS2 is at a trial session at preschool - 1st time ive left him other than at my moms in 2 years !! then we have a meet your teacher session for DS1 this afternoon , then a meeting about the format of the report (yawn ) then a parents evening , then i have to take DS1 to karate ! i feel a takeaway coming on for tea.

All i want to do is play on the sewing machine i have been given , havent had a chance yet :( oh and i probably should clean toobut meh ...

oh yea and a friend had their baby yesterday 6lb 1 he was early and is in intensive care for blood sugar levels or something :(

/ epic post !
Eve - toobut????

I'm being given a sewing machine too, ain't got a clue what I'm going to do with it though??? How easy are taggy blankets and stuff?

Joshua doesn't do *anything* yet. I see all these posts tbh and I feel a bit crap. He's rolled over once or twice but never again, he doesn't sit up. He doesn't even hardly hold his head off the floor. I don't even bother with tummy time any more because i feel like it's pointless upsetting him when it doesn't appear to do anything.

He just lays smiling and giggling and does funny shouty noises sqeeling and shrieking and that's all
Oh eve my friend had a baby on 4th July at 32 weeks he's in the NICU still I'm going to visit tomorrow can't wait. He was just over 4lbs they paused her labour for 2 days to give her steroid shots for his lungs and then let her continue - she had a natural breech birth! So proud of her :D
jen - did you get the gill rapley book ? i got it for the kindle and have just started reading it , i havent got the cookbook yet though , it is quite scary thinking we are gonna give them food it means they are growing up lol. oh wants to start H now but i dont think her hand eye coordination is good enough yet :s another few weeks it might be.

I did but don't have the cookbook yet either. Not sure if it's worth it seeing as she'll just eat what we do. Phoebe could totally be eating, but has issues getting the food to her mouth and keeping it there. We have started let her gum things if we're out and about for lunch or something. The book is very set on waiting till 6 months though... so I may cut back on that.
wine don't worry, they are just all different and have different temperaments . izzy just seems to want to do what she can't quite iykwim, and gets frustrated. whereas joshua sounds happy and content. izzy's buddy round the corner is 10 months and not crawling yet. just think of all the tidying and baby proofing you'll have to do, all jakob's toys and special things....then i bet you're laughing!!

other news, i've lost 2 stones since my post birth diet (2 months today) :yipee: plenty more to go :haha:
Eve - toobut????

I'm being given a sewing machine too, ain't got a clue what I'm going to do with it though??? How easy are taggy blankets and stuff?

Joshua doesn't do *anything* yet. I see all these posts tbh and I feel a bit crap. He's rolled over once or twice but never again, he doesn't sit up. He doesn't even hardly hold his head off the floor. I don't even bother with tummy time any more because i feel like it's pointless upsetting him when it doesn't appear to do anything.

He just lays smiling and giggling and does funny shouty noises sqeeling and shrieking and that's all
was supposed to be too but ! i have crumbs in my keyboard meh !
H literally only started rolling the weekend , rest of the time she just lies and giggles , feeds and fusses lol

sewing machine - well i havent sewn since school so we are going back 15 years lol but my mom and my mil both do it , i had 10 mins on it last night and i had a go while H was napping , i have made a bandana bib , its not that neat and only made from pillow cases atm while i practice but i think with a bit of practice id be sewing straight and make some ok things .

virginia if you are reading give us some tips your things look great that you make !

Oh eve my friend had a baby on 4th July at 32 weeks he's in the NICU still I'm going to visit tomorrow can't wait. He was just over 4lbs they paused her labour for 2 days to give her steroid shots for his lungs and then let her continue - she had a natural breech birth! So proud of her :D
awwww , but wow for natural breech.

jen - did you get the gill rapley book ? i got it for the kindle and have just started reading it , i havent got the cookbook yet though , it is quite scary thinking we are gonna give them food it means they are growing up lol. oh wants to start H now but i dont think her hand eye coordination is good enough yet :s another few weeks it might be.

I did but don't have the cookbook yet either. Not sure if it's worth it seeing as she'll just eat what we do. Phoebe could totally be eating, but has issues getting the food to her mouth and keeping it there. We have started let her gum things if we're out and about for lunch or something. The book is very set on waiting till 6 months though... so I may cut back on that.

we might start at the weekend , just so that when shes on holiday she can be gumming a few things leaving me to have a meal in peace ....maybe !

wine don't worry, they are just all different and have different temperaments . izzy just seems to want to do what she can't quite iykwim, and gets frustrated. whereas joshua sounds happy and content. izzy's buddy round the corner is 10 months and not crawling yet. just think of all the tidying and baby proofing you'll have to do, all jakob's toys and special things....then i bet you're laughing!!

other news, i've lost 2 stones since my post birth diet (2 months today) :yipee: plenty more to go :haha:

im so jealous of weight loss (she says after just eating a choc muffin )
Just start slow with the sewing...I started by making cloth wipes and cloth diapers. Both of those things are really easy to start with. I also had to learn my machine well - especially the tension - or else each project would take me forever because I had to keep fixing things. I bought myself a new sewing/embroidery machine for my birthday, and I'm still learning it a week later! lol Practice is a biggie, which I know is hard to come by! I sew in the middle of the night! :dohh:

I'm so jealous of you ladies who are losing all this weight...I haven't lost any since I dropped it all a couple weeks after birth...It probably has something to do with not being able to find time during the day to eat, so I end up eating a whole tube of Pringles while nursing...or the random s'mores I eat in the middle of the night when taking a sewing break! :wacko:

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