February mummies 2011 <3

Lennie is a proper Chunky Monkey! He was weighed a month ago and was 19lb10. But he just seems huge.

Lennie has 3 bottles a day of 7oz. When he was on 4 I was struggling to get the forth one in, or he was just not drinking it. Now I can give him diary I don't stress over it so much. In the morning he has porrige/weetabix then his milk, then at lunch he has a meal then mid afternoon he has a bottle, then he has tea and then a bottle at bed. One time OH gave Lennie a bottle in the morning, when he normally has food first and I then tried to give him his breakfast, and put one spoon in his mouth, he gagged and out came all the milk! Never doing that again.

Wine it sounds like you have had a tough old time. I hope you are ok.

I went back on the pill a couple of weeks ago......the reason I came off it years ago was because I was psycho and used to bleed every two weeks. I told the nurse this and she said it might be ok for me now as pregnancy changes hormones. So 2 weeks in and I am psycho and on my 2nd period for the month. Should I give it more time? I am sure the bleeding will sort its self out but will my mood? I am hating the way I am. I have no patience and over the last 2 days I have shouted at Lennie when I have never shouted at him before. I just hate it.

Clare where do you walk? I am always amazed by how much you walk a month. My exercise routine has basically dissappeared and I need to do something. Today I walked to the post box which is 20 minute walk so I am glad I have my brother to write to! x
rach i just walk in the norfolk lanes. i managed to walk 95 miles in july but august will be poor, i'll be lucky to do 35, i cant get the big girls into it :(!!

lennie sounds huge :) - is he ok in his car seat still? can he sit unaided? xx
im impressed at the walking clare.

i think i have a blocked milked duct ..pain :(
Oo that doesn't sound good eve, what can you do about it?
Sounds like I'm doing it right then, like I said Demi is content... Shock horror, she slept through the night!

Rach, I now give Demi her breakfast first, will try porridge this morning, shauns mum said she loves it.

Tmi coming up.... But Demi's pooh nappies have been terrors, soooo much pooh and if I don't catch it straight away it's everywhere. Shaun got a pooh nappy the other day and he was gagging and had to run off! Poor Demi was covered, thank god it was bath time. Lol
Oo that doesn't sound good eve, what can you do about it?

it seems to be a lot better today ,i co slept with Holly last night and left her on the side that was affected , she helped herself all night and it seems to have amost gone !
holly is super mardy with her food today she is crying when she puts it in her mouth , wonder if her gums are tender ?

everyone else ok - its quiet in here
Does Holly have teeth? Think I remember you saying you thought you saw one a while ago?

We took out girlies swimming today, it's was really nice coz both girlies loved it, think the holiday pool gave them confidence. It was lovely seeing Shaun and Demi in the pool, lasted nearly an hour!
I put a bottle of boiled water in my bag, to mix the milk powder... Well when I got it out the water had leaked everywhere! Thankgod the cafe was open so I could re fill the water, poor Demi had to wait longer for her milk to cool down!

Also Demi has been dragging herself along the floor this evening, think I'm going to have trouble now. Ha ha.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend xx
Does Holly have teeth? Think I remember you saying you thought you saw one a while ago?

We took out girlies swimming today, it's was really nice coz both girlies loved it, think the holiday pool gave them confidence. It was lovely seeing Shaun and Demi in the pool, lasted nearly an hour!
I put a bottle of boiled water in my bag, to mix the milk powder... Well when I got it out the water had leaked everywhere! Thankgod the cafe was open so I could re fill the water, poor Demi had to wait longer for her milk to cool down!

Also Demi has been dragging herself along the floor this evening, think I'm going to have trouble now. Ha ha.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend xx

nope no teeth , we saw one that looked like it was coming out but then it vanished !
Hey ladies!

Thought I'd comment on the current topics as pertains to my lo. Kara is absolutely into anything she can reach. Tonight we were at a restaurant and I had her in my lap, and she grabbed my fork with chicken and on it aiming it at her mouth; and she would have put it in if I hadn't stopped her. :haha: She's so smart.

Speaking of eating, a lot of you mention giving baby bits of solids like bread or banana; how do they eat it with no teeth? How do they not choke? I'm just doing baby food so don't know much about BLW.
Hey ladies!

Thought I'd comment on the current topics as pertains to my lo. Kara is absolutely into anything she can reach. Tonight we were at a restaurant and I had her in my lap, and she grabbed my fork with chicken and on it aiming it at her mouth; and she would have put it in if I hadn't stopped her. :haha: She's so smart.

Speaking of eating, a lot of you mention giving baby bits of solids like bread or banana; how do they eat it with no teeth? How do they not choke? I'm just doing baby food so don't know much about BLW.

all of Hollys food has been solid and she has no teeth , she seems to "chew" it very well . with blw babies tend to learn to chew before they learn to swallow . as long as they are sitting upright and supervised it is fine . Holly has gagged on a few things but has worked it out fr herself that the bit was to big etc and learnt how to spit it out . there is a blw thread on here that has better info than i give ! or if you are interested then there is a blw book by gill rapley.
JEm I'm here my stupid phone keeps messing up when I
Trying to psor! Arguhhh! Will post when on laptop later.

im here too , well ive not been on as much as i started a new job online , well not really a job but answering questions for money so i been spendin a bit of time on that to get me some xmas pennies ! It wont make me rich but should help a bit .

does anyone elses baby still not sit up - i feel like we are the only ones !

Holly had a week of sttn it was awesome but now back to waking again , she has major sore bum though so im hoping its just teeth :( she is rolling round in the nud on a towel as we speak to get some air to it .

hope everyone is fine , im on countdown to hols 3 days to go yay !
I am here but feeling soooo :sick: at the moment.

Lily is sitting up really well, and finally eating solids (well purees), but has been so constipated over the last 5 days so has been very miserable. OMG she wakes up EVERY hour at night .... why won't she sleep?!! I am soooo tired at the moment coz in my 1st tri.

She is saying 'dada' and 'hiya' :happydance:

Hope everyone is good, I am reading updates but may not update myself as feeling poorly x
M here! But busy with school hols and m on phone too so posting is harder.

We are going on hols in 3 days again too! Feel like we are copying you eve!!

Izzy says mama and baba but of course doesn't know what she's saying yet, can't wait till she does :)

Took my 3 girls swimming today which was fun, izzy loved it this time, once she got used to it! The 2 older ones were ok on their own luckily so I could sort wizzy out :)

We are packing a bit tomorrow then roller skating on Thursday, when we should be packing :dohh:
Clare Lennie doesn't sit up unaided - he manages about 5 seconds then jiggles about so much he falls. He is on the 95th line I think. He only just fits in his car seat - we have the next one ready and I think he will be in it very soon.

Lennie manages chunky food. Still won't feed himself. I don't know how to encourage it more - any ideas? I put some banana in front of him when I was making his tea and he got so hungry I was putting the chunks in his mouth. Then Monday he had a tuna sandwich in little little squares.

His two little bottom teeth are coming through really well. They're so cute! When he smiles and I'm taking a pic you can see them.

Today he also wad on his front and pushed up his chest - lennies so behind but I get so excited when he does these things. Lol. X
clare stop copying me ...where are you going this time? we are off to france camping :D

rach - i feel like Holly is behind and get excited too lol , its silly isnt it cus they do stuff when they are ready and its not a competition but i see my friends baby 6 weeks younger and sitting crawling etc and im like ..oh ... but then my boys were 8 months before they sat properly and they crawled at 10 mnths so i dont know why i feel like she is behind !

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