Oh bees. I wish there was something I could say to make you feel better.

My mom didn't try for me or my brother, so I always figured I'd get pregnant right away, too.

And yet here I am, 10 months later, starting Clomid.

Oh well. I truly believe it hasn't happened yet for a very good reason. God is working His magic, even though we don't understand it. It WILL happen in His time. I know this doesn't help sometimes, especially around AF time, but keep praying and waiting. 20 is very young, which is good! It means it probably won't take you much longer! Have you had

Maca is a root from Peru. Crash course...supposed to balance your hormones so they function properlly. Makes you horny (although it didn't with me...) and gives you energy. Supposedly makes you really fertile (probably just by balancing the hormones). It's also good for men. Studies have been done that show it increases sperm counts and increases them in general. I was on it for a cycle, and my chart was incredible! No bfp

, but I think it helped. I had a LOT of ewcm that cycle and was able to (ahem) "enjoy" the

almost every time.

Probably not a problem for a 20 year old, but at 31, it's more work!

I'm not sure if you can take it while taking whatever you are taking...not sure. Google it, though.