February Valentines 2012

Found it!! Could you change his birthdate to Feb 1, pretty please? Funny though because Feb 2 was the day I kept saying I wanted him born on. I was close!!!
The night of January 31/Feb 1 I woke up a couple times during the night with period type cramps. I didn't think much of them as I'd been feeling them off and on for a couple weeks and didn't think they were contractions anyways! They weren't very painful...just enough to wake me but not enough to keep me awake after I went potty. Around 7am I was again woken up by them but they were pretty painful! Knowing I couldn't shower once my water broke, Just In Case, I took a shower.

I texted my mom after a while and this was our conversation:
Me: I'm having fairly bad period cramps. Is that what contractions feel like??
Mom: Could be!! I start that way... He is supposed to wait until tomorrow (he was due on the 9th but I kept saying I wanted him to come on the 2nd)
Me: W bad period cramps? They are always there but they get much worse
Mom: Put your hand on your uterus? Is it getting tight during the bad cramps and then softening?
Me: I don't know
Mom: Is it consistent or intermittent?
Me: I can always feel them but they get bad and then fade
Mom: I had bad cramps the day before Nikki was born. With you no cramps until the actual labor started. First couple of hours just felt period crampy, then started to have a pattern
Me: Ughhhh.

John has been staying home lately to work on some military homework stuff but today he actually HAD to leave because the real work he had to do couldn't be done from home. He had a few recruits that he had appointments with. I asked him if he HAD to go and he said yes. I'm guessing I didn't properly explain to him that I may be in labor...but I didn't really KNOW I was and hadn't started timing the contractions yet. He figured, I'd been talking about period pain for a couple weeks now...same thing.

I started timing them at 8:12:
START END Duration Frequency
812 813 01:09 0:00
8:23 8:24 00:43 10:56
8:31 8:31 00:34 08.06
8:35 8:36 01:01 04:01
8:39 8:40 00:37 04:30
8:41 8:42 00:40 01:35
8:43 8:44 00:31 02:04
8:45 8:45 00:43 01:26
8:47 8:47 00:43 02:08
8:50 8:50 00:39 02:56
8:53 8:53 00:27 02:54
8:54 8:54 00:29 01:22
8:56 8:56 00:37 01:54
8:58 8:59 00:33 02:21
9:01 9:02 01:01 02:27
9:03 9:04 00:36 02:14
9:06 9:06 00:52 02:36
9:08 9:09 00:49 02:24
9:10 9:10 00:38 01:47
9:11 9:12 00:32 01:33
9:14 9:15 00:54 02:22
9:16 9:16 00:37 02:06
9:18 9:19 00:37 02:31
9:22 9:23 01:18 03:38
9:25 9:26 00:56 02:55
9:27 9:28 01:05 02:11
9:30 9:31 00:55 02:53
9:32 9:32 00:41 01:46
9:34 9:35 00:52 02:26

At 8:46 I texted John:
Me: I need you here!! So much pain!!!! Cancel your shit!! (I NEVER swear so I think this is what got him...lol). If these are contractions they are close together. I'm dizzy.
John: Okay, My Lexi.

From there on out, he called me until he got home. He later told me that he'd had to pick up the recruit and drive her onto the Guard Base to get her ID and uniforms... When he got my text he looked at her and said he was really sorry but he had to leave her there!! LOL He called his partner and let her know that he was on his way and would be there in 20-30 min...and he came home!! Our hospital bags weren't even packed yet! We had discussed the NIGHT BEFORE that the next day we'd get the bags finished and into the truck along with the car seat. Half the stuff we needed was in the nursery (some packed...most not) and the rest needed to be gotten together. I started going around grabbing what I wanted: our toiletries, nice towel, phone cords, etc, and threw them onto the bed.

At 9:20 I texted mom again:
Me: If these are contractions they are only about 2 min apart! Waiting for j to get home then dr/hospital I think????
Mom: Do you feel any uterine tightening? Are they regular?
Me: I don't know about uterus!! Yes, reg. about 2 min apart for 30-50 sec (proper texting has gone out the window at this point...)
Mom: Sounds like labor!! Take a pic for me!! Can we video chat on these phones? Do I need Skype?
Me: Skype. Create account
Mom: Are they starting to "hurt"?
Me: 7th circle of hell
Mom: When did the first crampy feeling start today?
Me: Couple over night but not bad
Mom: This am? What time?

Once John got home it was Insane. I was in So much pain and they were so close together. I was trying to find some position to get comfortable (HA!) while trying to tell him what to grab. Sample of this hilarity:
I'm in bedroom, he's in nursery...we're yelling back and forth:
Him: Do you want the pile of clothes packed?
Me: Yes!!
Him: Okay...baby clothes
Him: ....Not the baby clothes?
LOL We got everything together, he got out of his uniform, and we were on our way!!

This day was ALSO a day I actually had plans!!! Rachel was going to come get me at some point and take me to the bank so I could close my account (Regions SUCKS!!!) and we were going to go to Duck Duck Goose!!! So I texted her:
Me: No bank. I think I'm in labor. Waiting for j and then we are calling dr to see if I should come in. If what I'm having is contractions....about 2 min apart. Lovely.
Rachel: That is f*****g awesome! My rabbit rabbit worked! I was praying you'd go into labor today! Let me know if you need me, I'll come over right away.
She texted again at 10:10 asking if I need her and I said I was at the docs to be checked. At 1145 she texted again and asked if we wanted her to come up or do anything for me! She's soooo sweet!! But...I wasn't texting anyone anything at this point!

Me: Started timing at 813. Quickly went from 10 min to 8 min and down
Mom: Maybe have a baby by 2pm!!!
Mom: Remember--it's not pain, it's a sweet reward! You can do this. Just don't fight your body -- relax into it...
Mom: John home?
Me: At doc
Mom: Good!! Remind him our women tend to progress rapidly - even 1st babies They never believe it...Until it's over.
(Insert pic John sent her)
Looks like labor -- wish I was there to help you focus and relax. Keep in mind that you will be nursing Sebastian, holding and kissing him in a few hours!!

When we got to the docs office they took me right in. They asked how far along the contractions were and when I said about 2 min they gave me the naughty look! Before they could tell me they told me to come in when they were 5 min apart, I was able to get out that they only started a couple hours prior! Surprise!!! Dr. Alston checked me and I was at 3-4, good deal! They got a wheelchair for me and up to L&D we went!!!

I think at some point mom and John started texting because I was just not able or willing!! LOL

Anyways, they got us all set up and met our nurse and everyone was SO NICE!!

I don't have anymore texts to go by (wonder if John does?) but I know that I Very Quickly progressed to 6. However, he just didn't want to come down. My plan all along was to do my best to have no drugs. They offered me something...blanking on the name. I'd said no to the epi so far but said yes to this. I don't remember it really doing anything at all for me. The main nurse was wonderful. She was right there with us, reminding me to breathe deeply and having me try a few different things.

At some point my mom and John got Skype all set up...which I was 100% fine with. What I was NOT fine with was opening my eyes to a phone LITERALLY about a foot in front of my face. ARGH!! I asked him to please move back. He moved about 3 inches and asked if that was okay!! NO, lol, it was Not okay!! I remember sort of yelling at him that I was happy to have her on there, but to PLEASE get out of my ever loving face with the phone and get to the end of the bed or something!! Ahhh the joys... I remember the nurse said, "She's in transition!" HA!! He did move down and she stayed on for a little bit. I needed him though and it's not like she was getting to see anything other than me writhing in pain, lol, so they got off the "phone" after about 5 min. I feel bad now that they didn't just set the phone down on a counter or something so she could feel like she was "there" but I didn't think of it at the time (wasn't thinking about anything other than OUCH at the time). Ah well. Hopefully next baby we'll be in the same state!

At some point Dr. Alston came to me with the first bad news. They knew I didn't want an epidural, but the fact was that I progressed perfectly to 6 and stalled. And on top of that, he wasn't coming down. They recommended I got one in order to allow my body to hopefully relax and open up more. I agreed. I didn't want the epi mostly for MY issues and if what they were saying was it would be better for him if I actually got it...okay...give it to me. I'm not gonna lie. I hated getting it. I thought it hurt. I believe she had to stick me twice to find an actual good spot. She was able to time everything so that while I was having a contraction she didn't have to be in my back, though!! When she was done she said I'd probably have about 3 more that I could totally feel and then it would get better. Nope. That stuff worked FAST and I never felt another contraction. I didn't even feel the contraction "pressure". I'm also not gonna lie about this: that was wonderful.

At 3:28 I was feeling good enough to ask for my phone! I texted Rachel since she had texted earlier:
Me: Sorry for no answer...contractions were right on top of each other. Just got epi because I was stalled at 6 because he's so big. Catheter hurts... You're welcome to come up if you want! (I added some stuff about our animals so she could make sure they were okay)
Rachel: (Replied about animal stuff...) I have to wait for brett to get home from work, but then I'll come up. I didn't want to miss it! I bet you feel lots better with that epidural, huh? I will be up after he gets home. You need anything?

A little after 4 they came back in and checked me again. I had progressed to a 7, but he hadn't budged at all. This is when the delivered the crushing blow: You need a c-section. They explained that I *could* wait, but that they honestly didn't think it was going to make a difference since he wasn't progressing at ALL. But since his heart rate was still fine, I could give it some time. I called my mom, who was against it. She used to be an OB nurse and just didn't understand WHY they wanted to do it. Then I called my friend Kim, who had one with her first child and she just let me know that it truly isn't bad, it's quick, doesn't hurt, and that I'll have my little guy quickly. John wanted whatever I wanted and for Sebastian and I to be okay. So when the Doc and nurses came back in, I let them know that we may as well go ahead and get it done now.

I texted Rachel - 4:29pm
Me: They just came in...they want to do a c section
Rachel: What? Why?
Me: I'm a 7 and he's not coming down.
Rachel: Want me to come right now?
Me: You can wait for Brett. They're probably bringing me back soon I imagine.
Rachel: I am on my way.
Me: You are wonderful!
Rachel: You are! :)

I imagine it was very soon after this that they came and got us prepped. John got his little outfit (wish I had a picture of that) and remembered to grab the camera. They popped a cap on me. The OR was right across the hallway so they rolled me over. I'm almost in the door and I hear Rachel. She started crying...I started crying. I'd been such a big girl to that point, no tears. I was scared to death and it was just so so nice to know that she came all that way to see me, knowing she'd no longer get to be there for the actual birth.

John wasn't allowed in the OR until the Doc came in. The nurse sat there with me while I was prepped and held my hand. In fact, she sat there and held my hand almost the entire time which was so appreciated! They'd made sure I was nice and numb before we left the room so it was just ensuring they had all the tools they needed. Finally Dr. Alston came in and John was by my side holding my other hand. I had my eyes open and was looking up as they started to make their cuts...and could see the reflection in the lights. Ohhhh boy. Eyes were closed from that point on and I just concentrated on breathing deeply and knowing that our baby would be there very soon! I listened to everything I could...I heard them talking about his head being super big (I don't think it is, lol!) and I remember asking if he was okay a few times! They pulled him out at 5:27pm and he didn't make any noise at first so again I was asking if he was okay, but they just needed to suction him out for a sec and there was his first cry!! That did it for me. I cried from then until they rolled me back into the recovery room!! John went over to the area with the baby and I could watch them if I turned my head up. They were working on me and I heard bits and pieces though I know they were trying to be quiet at this point. I'd lost a lot of blood and they were trying to get it to stop. John was able to cut the cord down, which I got to watch (though wish someone had been able to grab the camera) and at some point they finally brought him over to me. I really wish I had a picture of this, too!!!

All babies look sort of funny at this point...sort of swollen from delivery, ooey and gooey, but this was MY baby. This was the baby that I'd been trying for for so very long and he was gorgeous to me. He had a head Full of black hair and blue/gray eyes. John mentioned his eyes to the nurse and she said that ALL babies are born with blue eyes. I *know* this is NOT true. More than likely his eyes will turn brown, but it wasn't 100% that he'd start with this color. *I* was born with brown as was my sister, my mother, and one of her sisters. We're of Native America decent. Indians aren't born with blue eyes. I imagine neither are African Americans, etc etc!!! It really bothers me when people say that all babies are. And this woman worked in OB!! Anyways, his eyes just kill me. I honestly didn't think he'd start with any sort of blue...I really thought my genes would completely win out. I'd LOVE for them to stay this way but I'm sure they'll be just as gorgeous if and when they do change!

Once I was all stitched up, they wheeled me back into the recovery room and Rachel was right there in the hallway. They'd given Sebastian to John once they were done getting his vitals and all and said he was his now! So he was able to just walk across the hallway with him. I remember John said something sweet to Rachel as we were getting back into the room so I asked her and she said:
"He was so happy! He wanted to show him off to me right away. He goes, 'he really responds to my voice, watch.' And John would say something and Sebastian would open his eyes, amazing! John was holding him like it was the proudest moment of his life, a smile from ear to ear, just a proud daddy and his baby boy. You were still kind of our of it and he goes, 'Look at this.' And he was looking at Sebastian and goes, 'Lexi does all the hard work and I get the reward. Look at him, he is perfect.'" Awwwww

I was So tired from the drugs they'd given me (a LOT at this point) but I didn't want to miss a thing but my memories here are hazy. I know they kept us in the recovery room for a couple hours and once we were in there I got to finally FINALLY hold him. I know they took him away at some point to clean him up and such and we were moved to our room that we'd stay in the rest of the time. And I know I wasn't allowed out of bed at all the rest of that day and night, obviously. John was shocked at how coherent I was after having been drugged up so much, lol.

* Dr. Alston at some point told me that I had, indeed, lost too much blood. I'm now taking some meds for that and was/am under instructions to let him know if my bleeding seemed to be Too Much (nope).
* He also told me that while it is certainly not impossible for people to have a vaginal delivery after a c section, he does not believe I will ever be able to have one.
* They had the blood pressure cuff on me for so long that my hand puffed up like crazy. John removed it and we let the nurse know. From then on, they just took my blood pressure when I needed it, instead of insisting that I keep it on, which was awesome!
* While I was fine with the not eating, I was not prepared for how THIRSTY I would be. The ice chips certainly helped but my goodness, I wanted water. I remember once they were done sewing me back up, I asked the nurse how soon I'm be able to have some water. Not soon enough, lol. They had me stick with ice chips for another hour or so, I believe. It was to make sure I didn't get sick, totally understand!

We were in the hospital from Wed until Sun. I was able to eat Thursday morning though I didn't have much of an appetite until later that evening. At some point on Thurs they removed my catheter and I was allowed to start getting up and about. It was painful, and it still is, but it's not nearly as painful as the contractions were, lol. They made sure to tell me not to be a hero about pain meds. If I needed them, to take them. They kept my IV on for a while but I switched to a pill fairly quickly so they were able to take the big thing off me and just keep the little thing stuck in my arm for another day or so. I didn't leave that room Once from when I entered to when we left!! LOL Sebastian left the hospital weighing 8 lbs 2 oz.

*Sebastian started off with some eating issues. The lactation lady said it was a combination of a small mouth and being a lazy sucker so they gave me a nipple shield and had me pump some milk so we could feed him with the little syringe/hose deal.
* He was not born with jaundice but he developed it since he wasn't getting enough food, I believe.
*We had to bring him back to the hospital on Sunday to have his levels checked. It had only gone up a couple points to 15 so they said they thought he was going to be just fine and didn't need to be admitted. Like the super parents we are, we totally forgot to mention at his visit today and didn't bring his paperwork so they had no idea. My mom said he must look fine, otherwise they'd have noticed. I'll mention it Friday.

* His first pediatrician visit was today, the 7th. He now weighs 8 lbs even. He has officially lost 10% of his birth weight. They've scheduled us for a weight check on Friday. I'm so scared. We've been giving him what they told us to in the hospital plus I let him stay on and suck after he's finished the syringe but it obviously hadn't been enough! He should have been getting much more. I met with the lactation lady and we chatted and she showed me a GREAT way to get him to latch. He's still not thrilled that it's my nipple and not the nipple shield, but we've only had a few feedings since then. She said that I'm doing it perfectly and to not use the shield or syringe set up anymore...just to give him my boob. She said not even to pump, just give it all to him. We'd also been feeding every 3-4 hours (which is what the hospital said) and she said to feed every 2. Oh boy. Lol. There goes what precious little sleep I was getting. It's already hard for me to stay awake during his feedings, really not sure how I'm going to do it now! Ah well, we'll figure it out. She did say we could go to every 3 at night if need be.

* I honestly think I have such a perfect child. He's gorgeous in every way. I always worried I'm have a funny looking kid since I spent so much time in the OB wards when my mom was an OB nurse...making fun of the pictures of the newborns...lol. But there is nothing funny looking about Sebastian. I can't stop looking at him, kissing him, smelling him. I don't mind when he cries. I don't mind changing his diapers. The hardest part, for me, is night time because I'm soooo tired! But I know it's all worth it.

***A note on my husband: This man...amazing. He was awesome during my pregnancy other than thinking my MS would be better if I was up walking (lol), but especially towards the end. So accommodating and helpful and just incredibly supportive. But that was nothing compared to how he was while we were in the hospital and now that we are home. I mentioned, guiltily, that I had taken a nap while Sebastian was napping a couple days ago and he said that was good, that I SHOULD nap when he does. Phew. I still feel bad when I do...and really SHOULD do it more because I am so tired. But there's so much that I want to try to help with now that I'm a bit more mobile. But anyways, he's done literally everything for me. I will never be able to explain to him how much I appreciate this and how cared for and loved he has made me feel. I loved him more than I thought possible before we had this baby...but I have come to realize that the heart truly can expand. Not only did it grow to hold my son, but it grew so much for my husband. He's given me the greatest gift I could ever receive, in himself and in our baby - in our Family.
Here's a few pictures from his first week or so!


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What a lovely birth story JP. I loved reading it. You brought tears to my eyes :) god has certainly blessed you with an amazing husband and a gorgeous son. I wish you and your little family a lifetime of joy. Xx
Just posting to subscribe

and to boast about my boobies!! Amelia gained 5oz in her 1st 5 days. Go booby milk!!
That's awesome, great news Amanda!

Aria is undergoing a growth spurt I think. She cluster fed from 7-9 last night and then again from 11pm-3am. Then she took 1.5 oz of expressed from a bottle for me and another 1oz from my OH at 3:30. I was so exhausted and drained. I'm hoping she rests this afternoon after my dr appointment so I can get some freakin sleep. :( lol.
That's awesome, great news Amanda!

Aria is undergoing a growth spurt I think. She cluster fed from 7-9 last night and then again from 11pm-3am. Then she took 1.5 oz of expressed from a bottle for me and another 1oz from my OH at 3:30. I was so exhausted and drained. I'm hoping she rests this afternoon after my dr appointment so I can get some freakin sleep. :( lol.

I think it was the 'baby didnt sleep much' night last night. A few people have mentioned it, the little man has had probably 2 hours sleep since 10 last night :(
What a lovely birth story JP. I loved reading it. You brought tears to my eyes :) god has certainly blessed you with an amazing husband and a gorgeous son. I wish you and your little family a lifetime of joy. Xx

Thank you so much! He certainly has - I know I'm a very lucky girl and try to keep that in mind when I'm losing it from lack of sleep! :thumbup:
Last night was one of our recent "better" nights. He's been waking every 1 hour 45 min or so. Ugh. But towards the end of the night he slept for about 2.5-3 hours so that was nice. Now he's having a good nap and so should I, but lately he's been waking so often that I didn't figure I should bother...he fooled me again!!!!
It's our first night home from the hospital... Baby is sleeping great. But I just can't fall asleep. I'm so over tired that even typing this is putting me to tears. Is this normal? Is my brain just on overload?
I'm also surprised how hard nursing is. It hurts :( Kenny didn't have a good latch of day one and we did some nipple damage... Now it's difficult. Seems like it will never had a chance to heal :( he's nursing somewhat ok I think now, but he falls asleep on the breast a lot. Like the whole time I have to keep tickling his feet to keep him suckling. I don't know when to consider the breast "finished" since he sleeps the whole time he's on there it I don't tickle him. I've tried keeping him on for 8 mins up to an hour, which is correct? :( And he won't want to nurse again for like 3 hours... Sometimes i have to wake him to nurse. How can he be getting enough?
Me again, he just spit up something that looked almost like curdled milk... Just a few tiny "chunks" or yellowish thickness. I think I'm mostly still having colostrum in my breasts but maybe the milk is starting to come in. Is curds in the spitup normal? How can I tell if it's normal or thrush?
Hi Joker!! Yes, I had many sleepless nights at first, even though Aria slept well in the beginning. If I did sleep it was broken because I've gone from being a heavy sleeper to a very light one. I would say its probably pretty normal because of all the changes and stuff. I know it sucks but it'll pass - and the crying is normal too. Once your hormones sort you likely won't cry as easily. :)

Re: spitup, from what I understand, if it looks curdled it's because they digest breast milk so fast, it curdles as it begins to digest and then it possibly will come up in spit up and this look cottage-cheesy. Aria gets this sometimes too with her reflux. So I wouldn't worry unless he's doing it very often. You can always mention it at your appointment whenever you take him but I've been told its just one of those things.

And I agree, Bf is HARD!! :hugs: hang in there! I'm sorry to hear of your injury, that sucks.

I don't find it easy knowing when I'm empty on one side or another unless I started out pretty engorged, even after over a month lol. In my experience, sometimes she'd nurse for 5 minutes and sometimes for 30 in one shot in the beginning. It tires their tiny bodies out so much, because it's not easy work for them, so they just conk. Plus it's a nice and relaxing experience for them once you get rhythm. I'd just stick with what you are doing - keep him at the boob until you're comfortable and then switch. As long as it seems he's getting enough then I'm sure it's not a problem. :) you'll fall into a steadier rhythm soon. Major props for working through the pain and sticking to it!! :hugs:

Jokerette keep with it. The first few days my nipples were so damaged, one was bleeding. I've been using nipple cream and it's already so much better. As for the time he's feeding for, you just have to trust him to take what he needs. I was worried Amelia wasn't taking enough because she would fall asleep as soon as she latched on, or only feed for 5 minutes. But her weight gain has been great.

As for the curdled milk, I have no idea but hope someone can help x
That's awesome, great news Amanda!

Aria is undergoing a growth spurt I think. She cluster fed from 7-9 last night and then again from 11pm-3am. Then she took 1.5 oz of expressed from a bottle for me and another 1oz from my OH at 3:30. I was so exhausted and drained. I'm hoping she rests this afternoon after my dr appointment so I can get some freakin sleep. :( lol.

I think it was the 'baby didnt sleep much' night last night. A few people have mentioned it, the little man has had probably 2 hours sleep since 10 last night :(

We're in tha club too, yesterday was the worst day so far, she hardly slept and cluser fed 3-6.30 but even when she was sleeping I had nightmares and woke up ahhhh! :dohh:
Was so drained all day yesterday and she wouldn't settle unless I held her or lay with her so it was non-stop all day, I didn't get breakfast until 11 and lunch at 2.30, and I still couldn't sleep, spent about 5 hours while she was sleeping just sat there like a zombie:nope:
Thank goodness for my lovely husband who had a bad day at work but still came back and took her for ages so I could lie down, by this point I had a fever and was shaking, not fun! He made me some tea and we finally got her in the moses basket for a couple of hours, then I managed to sleep last night and woke up feeling human again! And now she's asleep :happydance:
I'm also surprised how hard nursing is. It hurts :( Kenny didn't have a good latch of day one and we did some nipple damage... Now it's difficult. Seems like it will never had a chance to heal :( he's nursing somewhat ok I think now, but he falls asleep on the breast a lot. Like the whole time I have to keep tickling his feet to keep him suckling. I don't know when to consider the breast "finished" since he sleeps the whole time he's on there it I don't tickle him. I've tried keeping him on for 8 mins up to an hour, which is correct? :( And he won't want to nurse again for like 3 hours... Sometimes i have to wake him to nurse. How can he be getting enough?

Aw hun sounds like you're having a rough time, I totally sympathise with the lack of sleep, I just cant sleep even when she is.

Like JP we were told to wake her every 2 hours for feeding as newborns are just so sleepy they're no able to wake themselves because they're hungry, we carried on doing this until she was about 2.5 weeks now we just let her wake up when she's ready.

My lactation consultant said to tickle her feet/annoy her to keep her awake and aim for 30 mins per feeding as she was so sleepy that would ensure she got enough. (now we just wai till she falls asleep or falls off) We also changed her halfway through as that woke her right up!! when your milk comes in you'll probably have so much that you won't get empty, just feed when you can to establish your supply.

and the milk curds thing, totally normal, Meghan gets that if a few minutes pass between her feeding and spitting up, usually just as I finish dressing her!! between that and my leaky boobs we're sleeping with a towel on the bed otherwise we'd wake in a puddle :haha:

sounds like your doing a fantastic job, well done.:hugs: the first few days are def the hardest, is there an LC that could visit you? or local LLL group? I thought we were doing fine at first but when the LC visited she spotted she wasn't swallowing properly, us moving her jaw, so it looked right but actually she wasn't getting much milk at all

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