February Valentines 2012

I loved my hospital grade pump. I rented it for two weeks after birth and ohhh it was glorious. I definitely got more milk with it than with mine. But Guppy is right - my body took time to warm up to the pump too. And I felt it never fully emptied me like she does. I've not yet tried pumping while nursing but I may do that! I usually try first thing in the morning and see what I can get in-between her naps. :)

Thanks for sharing about the watching the pump thing Guppy ! I always stare at the bottles and the dripping. I'm going to not watch next time and see how it goes! Haha. I never feel letdown while I pump and usually do when I nurse. So interesting, never thought much on it until you said something.

I got a Medela breast pump. My insurance covered it, it's a $300 pump so very nice. I tried again and I was able to get 0.5oz but then I stopped because I didn't want ti do too much and confuse my milk supply. I might just start off pumping once a day and store up some milk. I noticed the pump worked better when I pumped from both breasts. I did it right after feeding Kenny. Something about the suction was stronger when both sides were going. I'm going to a lactation support meeting Tuesday so in gling to bring my pump and see if it's normal or if it has a leak.

Do you girls lean forward at all to pump?
Okay heres another question- Everything is so unknown! The hospital said newborns are supposed to eat every 2-3 hours. But Kenny likes to go 3-4 hours. So he's technically not eating enough "times" during the day. But he has tons of wet diapers and hes gaining weight like a champ, already over his birth weight at a week old. I tried to feed him an extra time, by waking him up, just so I could get the allotted number of feedings in 24 hours and he spit it all up. Should I just trust that he's getting enough based on his diapers and weight gain?
I do lean forward out of habit. Haha. I had to think about that for a second. I guess my brain thinks gravity will work with me? :rofl:

I have heard both sides of the story on the feeding thing. I was neurotic and set an alarm for every 2 hours her first week of life since my doctor said she wouldn't wake herself until she was exceptionally hungry and yada yada gaining etc. They put the fear of God into me since she dropped from 6'6 to 5'12 and whatever. So I stressed for a week and kept an insane log of diapers, feedings and pumping sessions.

After a week I began to relax and stopped logging, stopped setting my alarm and watched for her cues and just made sure she was peeing enough. She's now gone from 5'14 (one week checkup) to over 9 pounds in 5 weeks. So I'm like whatever, she's happy and growing and pottying enough. Unless they say something's up at her 2 month I'm not worried about it. Haha. But I admit I was nuts at first with it. I still have my log book somewhere........ haha.
Swan that sounds just like me!! I have an insanely detailed log from this past week and today I just started simplifying it... I guess we're normal moms over thinking everything and then realizing our babies will tell us what they need!

I just unoffically weighed Kenny, by holding him, weighing myself, then putting him down and weighing myself again. I know it's not perfectly accurate but it saud he weighed 8.4lbs... Which would be up from 7lb10oz on Friday! Even if it's off a bit I'm pretty confident it can't be off by that much abd I think he is gaining!

I thimk I'm going to try this feeding when he wants it and worry less and schedules and see how he's dking at his next two spots. I have one on Tuesday and one on Friday. I should get a good idea from those two right?
I weigh Aria on my food scale... :rofl: We first started by stepping onto the Wii without her, then with her and subtracting the difference. Then I realized I could better weigh her on my digital food scale. I zero it out with a small tray on it (covered in a towel for comfort lol) then pop her on and weigh. It's not completely accurate since she loves to rock back and forth while on it, but I figure it's good enough for an idea. I only weigh her once a week now, out of sheer curiosity. I used to do it daily in the beginning.

I think you have the right idea though. :thumbup: Like you said, he's wetting and dirtying enough diapers and seems content enough. So I'm sure you're golden! :)

Are spots with your doctor? Sorry, I'm a little dumb on the topic, lol. Aria went for a 3-day appointment, then a week and now she goes every month, so I wasn't sure if it was with your pedi or what. :lol: Whatever the case, I'm sure that'll help you get a good idea of how things are progressing. Though to me, it sounds like he's doing great!
I have no idea if these "work" or not, but they look like they'd be tasty. I think I may make some this week!!!

I dont know.. i was also told by the hospital that it needs to be every2-3 hours... I find i need to wake him up for most of his feedings. I do every 3 hours and 1, 4 hour. If you think about it that gives the recommended 8 feedings.I have never tried leaving it for him to tell me, i would like to try to get a scheduled going if i could with him. I have also been anal about charting everything but today i have not charted anything. He seems to be having lots of poo's and pees.
:rofl: "spots" was meant to me "appts" or appointments... iPhone autocorrect fail!
Oooooh okay!! I was like hmm maybe they call it spots as in spot checking him? I have no idea lol. But I follow!!!

Aria is being such a fuss bucket tonight. After doing so well for a couple of nights I was hoping for success again tonight lol. Not looking good. :o
Ahhhhh im soooo tired corbyn wont sleep in his moses basket, his bouncer chair or his swing chair :( he will only sleep on my chest so i dont sleep because im scared im going to roll and hurt him :(

I swaddle him and triend him in tge sleeping bag things but they are all massive on him..

Any suggestions are welcomed with open arms x

o and he hates his sling too x
Aria won't sleep anywhere but in bed with us. Initially didn't want to bed share but thus far it's been pretty good lol. She prefers to sleep on my chest but I can't do it for fear of rolling so I either let her fall asleep that way and move her or I put her on her newborn lounger and wrap my arms around her until shes fast asleep then I slowly extricate myself - or I fall asleep that way, either/or. Sadly I have no good tips though bc we would love to get her sleeping in he bassinet but she's not feeling it lol.
same here, we're co-sleeping and she'll only sleep if she's cuddled! monkey I can sometimes get her settled if I lie next to her and she lies next to my arm so shes still skin to skin but I don't get a cold, numb arm!

not sue what to suggest mumanddad, Meghan won't sleep in her moses basket/crib/bouncy chair either it's like she has 6h sence and wakes up within minutes of being in them even if really soundly asleep :dohh: Only thing tha works for us is the sling, what type do you have? we have a ring sling (which she's asleep in now so I can type with 2 hands but not going to risk putting her down!!) which she'll sleep in if tired or if she's fallen asleep in the car seat but the one which settles her is the stretchy wrap, even if she's screaming blue murder when put in it (like last night) if I start walking fast the motion chills her out and if it's really bad we'll go outside, bit embarassing having her scream like shes being tortured in public:blush: but the fresh air, movement and things to look at is enough to stop her crying then after 10 mins she'll be asleep. Paced round the nursery to get her to sleep last night nearly fell asleep myself!

do you have a swing? we've just got one, its not great fo getting her too sleep but once she is we can put her down and evertime she stirs we set it going agan and she stays asleep

:hugs:for everyone with fussy/ non-sleeping babies
I cant believe it....No internet as of tommorow for approx 10 days! :nope:

Your all gonna have to wait even longer for my update! :dohh:

Take care all & I will update as soon as I can :hugs:

I will be joining you here next time im online! :baby:
Bye Kelly!!!

To my surprise and pleasure we had another good night last night. 3-3.5 hours from the start of one feed to the start of the next, slept soundly and fell asleep in her lounger with me cuddling her. She jst finished nursing her 720 feed and is asleep on my chest. Gonna keep her upright a few to prevent pukes and then i am going back to bed for an hour or so. I'm so grateful for her night sleeps lately. So nice. Guess once she got her growth spurt out of the way she's feeling cooperative lol.
Sparklez we got a swing saturday from babies r us because all my friends said they where amazing he just screams in if.

Ill go find out whag makd the sling is because im not sure.

At the minute he is up on my shoulder knees tucked up as if he is sitting on my arm :s

kelly good luck with the move and cant wait to see pics of your lo xx

This is the sling i have got, i am just going to watch the dvd and see what other ways i can wear it x
good work aria, sweet dreams swan

bye Kelly, can't wait to hear from you xxx

we have a ringsling which is like that one hayleigh, the first few times i put her in she hated it but I was putting her in sideways like the main pic on that site, then I read that newborns are better being upright as they can feel like they're being dropped into a dark hole otherwise! so now I put her feet in first by my stomach with her legs 'froggy'-ed up by her sides then her head by my chest. she seems to only go to sleep if her face is pressed against something so although the pics show babies with their heads turned to the side she faces me and squishes her face on my boobs or flops to the side and hides her face in my armpit:dohh: also just put her down for some tummy time and she fell asleep?!

rubbish about the swing, ours worked the first 2 times but since then she just gets annoyed then screams, I'm scared to try again!
I think the swing is to big for him, when I next try him I'll take a picture.

I'll give it a go having him facing me in the sling after his feed. X

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