I'll probably get slated for this but for me, breast isn't the best purely on the basis that i need to get in to some form of feeding routine, as running my own business i havent got the time to deal with cluster feeding, bleeding nipples, worrying about latching problems, stressing myself over it etc...... so formula is the best way to go for me and my midwife completely supports my decision
I personally disagree with your reasons for FF as i think that having a child is about sacrifice and when we decided to TTC we agreed that for at least 6 months it would no longer be about us and our lives,but about the baby... but that is a difference in parenting!
Not saying that you are wrong in your choices because its whats best for YOU and no doubt BF would affect both you and your baby because you would feel that you werre doing something you didn't want to do.
TBH i see more and more of this kind of attitude towards BF,and it's mainly down to the 'have it all' culture that seems to be the done thing now.
At least you have the balls to be honest from the beginning and voice your reasons for choosing not to BF without the age old 'i tried with my last and couldnt' or seemingly a favourite amongst girls i know 'one day my milk just dried up'.
I think its a shame that a lot of women feel the need to defend tgheir parenting choices and especially when it comes to not BF make 'excuses' why when really they simply did not enjoy it,found it too hard and gave up or didn't want to do it anyway!
As for having support when the baby is born i think that pregnant women should be encouraged to look into whats available to them,i know my local trust offers peer support workers to pregnant women.. but due to funding this isnt available everywhere![]()
Totally agree. Why should people who FF have to make up excuses as to how they feed their child? It's unfair. I have never made excuses for why I FF. I did it because I genuinely wasn't satisfying my very greedy child so much so she would scream and scream. I would sit crying in agony at every feed because even though she was properly latched she was trying to suck so hard to get at my milk when she had drank it all. I started to resent her because I associated her with the hell of BFing. That was when I realised I needed to either stop and always have people have frowning on me or carry on and end up hating my own child. Unfortunately I had to stop as my own mental welfare and my child's great need for more milk over-ruled the attitudes of "BFing Nazis" that are out there trying to push BFing onto anyone who will listen (I mean HV's etc not aimed at anyone on here) Everyone has the right to parent how THEY want to and should be able to do so without being told their way is wrong.
ETA: I know a lot of women say that BFing is hard and they feel they should get credit for it so when people moan about all the "breast is best" advertising it's actually quite offensive. But if you think about it, how many articles have you ever read saying that your BM is pumping your children full of crap, it's not nutritious, your child will be fat/undernourished/stupid because of it? None. How many articles state that FM does all of the above? More than enough. FFers don't get ANY credit for the way they feed their child. They are only told how terrible they are for not BFing. I think that is terribly unfair. At least their child is being fed. More than I can say for a lot of children in this country right now