fed up of being told breast is best!!!

You'd think i'd just pissed on their cornflakes! xx


I'm SOOOO going to use that one at some point in the future!

Pahaa it's true though! Im not saying EVERYONE does it, but my god, the majority do! Then it's like WHY aren't you breastfeeding..? Like it has anything to do with them. I don't ask women why they choose to breastfeed. I just keep my mouth shut lol! xx
Like I said on page 7, if you want to feel normal, and not be looked at weird for deciding to bottle feed, please come to the united states. They force bottle feeding on you the minute you piss on the stick.

I am constantly getting bombarded with formula from the doctors, hospitals, even in the mail...it's making me feel as if my milk isn't good enough for my baby :(
Isn't it strange how things are different over there! I wonder why!! xxx
Like I said on page 7, if you want to feel normal, and not be looked at weird for deciding to bottle feed, please come to the united states. They force bottle feeding on you the minute you piss on the stick.

I am constantly getting bombarded with formula from the doctors, hospitals, even in the mail...it's making me feel as if my milk isn't good enough for my baby :(

Undermining woman's ability to breastfeed basically. I hear they where giving out breastfeeding packs from a formula company with formula in them, just in case they needed them which wasnt encouraging. In the UK you are not allowed to give out formula for under 6 months old babies or promote formula for under 6 months olds. I did get free samples in the post of follow on milk and I dont know how as i have never obviously formula fed. I believe my boob juice is the best and will use it, and its free. Boobs are bad for business for formula companies.
Like I said on page 7, if you want to feel normal, and not be looked at weird for deciding to bottle feed, please come to the united states. They force bottle feeding on you the minute you piss on the stick.

I am constantly getting bombarded with formula from the doctors, hospitals, even in the mail...it's making me feel as if my milk isn't good enough for my baby :(

Undermining woman's ability to breastfeed basically. I hear they where giving out breastfeeding packs from a formula company with formula in them, just in case they needed them which wasnt encouraging... Boobs are bad for business for formula companies.

That's exactly heat I got at my first visit! A large baby package that had 3 newborn bottles filled with Similac formula, coupons and a guaranteed free can of formula at the 20 week appointment. Then when you give birth your guaranteed more formula and coupons with freebes :wacko:

Yeah, basically boobie feeding mommies are a threat to businesses, and doctors need business as do the makers of formula, so they all work together ...
Isn't it strange how things are different over there! I wonder why!! xxx

What's that suppose to mean?:shrug:

NOOOTHINGGG :) Im generally wondering why lol!! :flower: xx

It's called business...companies don't give a shit about people. They just want to make money. Sure there are many woman that bottle feed (I'm not knocking that) but approx. 75% or more of new mommies BF at the hospital....then they start giving up bc of a lack of support and constantly being reimded through advertising that maybe they should be FFing instead. There are many reasons why a woman choose FF and I think that's a personal choice, but don't think for a minute that the pushing of FF has anything to do with that...it has everything to do with business here
read the book the politics of breastfeeding , thats an eye opener. Thats all I am saying about it.
sometimes it maybe a case that the mother isnt happy to bf therefore if the mother isnt happy then the baby wont be happy!! i do agree the benefits should be told to you but not in a way its gonna make you bad!!xx
Like I said on page 7, if you want to feel normal, and not be looked at weird for deciding to bottle feed, please come to the united states. They force bottle feeding on you the minute you piss on the stick.

I am constantly getting bombarded with formula from the doctors, hospitals, even in the mail...it's making me feel as if my milk isn't good enough for my baby :(

It's all about bullying people when they're at their most vulnerable. Depends on where you live as to what they bully you about. I guess in the States, where formula is not part-funded by the State, they're all about the choice - and obviously, for economy reasons, they push the choice that makes someone, somewhere, but mainly your government, money.

We're the same here, but Formula feeding is part-funded by our Welfare State, so our NHS pushes hard for breast feeding to save money...breast feeding is an easy target. I don't think folks over here realise they're being cajoled into doing the right thing by their country's bank balance with arguments promoting 'mother nature's way'! :0)
I wish I could have carried on bf but it is true we are both alot happier and calmer ff
The perspective is all in the eyes of the beholder.

Just as a FF mother shouldn't feel guilty for not BF, a BF mother should not feel as if her own milk isn't good enough. :nope: No matter what the government does or does not endorse.

It works both ways, sadly.

Good luck to all ladies no matter how you choose to feed. Just be confident in your choice and advocate for whatever avenue you pick :flower:
Like I said on page 7, if you want to feel normal, and not be looked at weird for deciding to bottle feed, please come to the united states. They force bottle feeding on you the minute you piss on the stick.

I am constantly getting bombarded with formula from the doctors, hospitals, even in the mail...it's making me feel as if my milk isn't good enough for my baby :(

Really??? My experience has been totally different! lol

Matter of fact, I go twice a week for NST's and didnt realize that the nurse who monitors my baby is also a lactation specialist so the other day I ended up staying for almost 2 hours after my appt ended getting a one on one lesson in breastfeeding..I mean she whipped out the dolls and leaflets and was even showing me how to hold my breast, etc...

I want to breastfeed, but no one in my family has ever been able to successfully do so, so if I can't I wont be hard on myself. I think it's a personal choice and new mommies should be supported on either decision that they choose.
Like I said on page 7, if you want to feel normal, and not be looked at weird for deciding to bottle feed, please come to the united states. They force bottle feeding on you the minute you piss on the stick.

I am constantly getting bombarded with formula from the doctors, hospitals, even in the mail...it's making me feel as if my milk isn't good enough for my baby :(

It's all about bullying people when they're at their most vulnerable. Depends on where you live as to what they bully you about. I guess in the States, where formula is not part-funded by the State, they're all about the choice - and obviously, for economy reasons, they push the choice that makes someone, somewhere, but mainly your government, money.

We're the same here, but Formula feeding is part-funded by our Welfare State, so our NHS pushes hard for breast feeding to save money...breast feeding is an easy target. I don't think folks over here realise they're being cajoled into doing the right thing by their country's bank balance with arguments promoting 'mother nature's way'! :0)

I'm sorry but this last point is untrue.. if everyone BF the Country would save a lot more money in areas other than their funding of FF!!

Personally i think its a shame that people feel bad for choosing to FF.I'd like to think that anyone who is about to become a mother has the brain cells to research EVERYTHING with regards to their bubs before they arrive and make an informed decision based on the information and their own personal situation and wants!

I DONT think that Formula should be provided in hospital for free as i think that as a responsible parent if you are worried about BF issues or are choosing to FF you should provide your own food the same way you bring nappies and clothes!

I'm sorry that the OP and others here feel that BF is beind rammed down their throats but due to recent research and studies etc the NHS now HAS to promote BF and 'push' it so to speak.It's just a shame that a lot of the health professionals are struggling on getting the information across in a way that is offensive or tiresome!

Really the BF information is supposed to be provided if required,but unfortunately due to Doctors deciding they knew best after the war,most people formula fed from then onward and BF knowledge is not as readily available as it was due to such small numbers of women ACTUALLY bf! (pre war nearly EVERYONE BF so you would get advice from your mum/nan/aunty/sister/cousin/friend etc)

I have BF my son,still am and will BF this one too (god help tandem feeding!lol) this was my choice and beleive me it was bloody hard in the beginning!This was MY choice.However i agree with a PP in that if REGARDLESS of what way you wish to feed your child you have to be prepared to defend yourself,explain yourself and sometimes be made to feel bad because there is ALWAYS someone who wants tot ell you that you are doing it wrong!!

I was constantly told i needed to 'top up' my son and am still asked regularly now how long i plan to BF for!The fact is it is nobodies business but my own and usually it is people with poor feeding knowledge that want to tell you what you SHOULD be doing!

If you think that having BF rammed down your throat now is annoying just wait until your babies are born!That's when the fun really starts because you get TOLD what to do by everyone who has had kids,read an article on kids etc etc I've been told how i should wean,how my baby should be feeding,how he should be sleeping,what i should be doing etc etc It's just a sad fact of life that everyone wants to interfere and advise ...

I think that this is mainly because people feel that they chose the right way and want you to do the same,and if you dont they see it as an insult or that you are saying they did it wrong!

The fact is you have to do what you see as right for you and baby and try and grow thick skin because seriously... you cant do right for wrong when you are a parent!
I think the more it is pushed down our throats the more its going to put us off.

What i don't understand that all through your pregnancy your are told that 'Breast is Best' and that you have to do it and made to feel guilty if you don't, and yet as soon as you give birth in hospital the support just disappears and your expected just to pick it up, and if you can't do it straight away the midwives make you feel even worse.

When my sister couldn't BF her first a HV who specialised in BF came to her house, but the HV had just finished her cigarette and then breathed her stale cigarette breath all over my sister, so that put her of even more,
Like I said on page 7, if you want to feel normal, and not be looked at weird for deciding to bottle feed, please come to the united states. They force bottle feeding on you the minute you piss on the stick.

I am constantly getting bombarded with formula from the doctors, hospitals, even in the mail...it's making me feel as if my milk isn't good enough for my baby :(

I live in Michigan, and I dont thing that they forced bottle feeding at all. I mean hell, theyve been more than supportive of my choice to breast feed at every appt, or class that I have been to. Gave out breast pads, soothies, creams. The hospital even gives you a brand new manual pump, and through Women, Infants and Children, after 6 week of BF and you want to go back to work, they will give you a BRAND NEW double electric pump. They also do tons of other really great stuff for you.

They way other people feel about my choice has never effected me. Its MY child and I will do what I please. I will do my best to have a natural birth, and breast feed him, and even wear him. Be confident in your choice and if anyone questions it, lay down the law with them. Bet they wont ask about it again. ;]
A few issues here for me. Firstly, I think hospitals have a responsibility to provide the right information. Breast IS best in general and constantly promoting this is essential. Breastfeeding saves the NHS money and the NHS needs to be about prevention rather than curative if it is to survive. I'm all for personal choice, but we should not be expecting the NHS to ignore the evidence to protect peoples feelings.
Having said that, HCPs should be sensitive to the needs of it's users and understand the social influences which affect successful breastfeeding. The language used to promote breastfeeding should display respect for individual women's choice, as there are many societal and cultural and individual body issues which affect how we choose to feed our baby and how successful we are when we choose to breastfeed. The lingo of breastfeeding promotion should also be backed up by adequate support otherwise it is just words and totally pointless.

I think women who choose to formula feed should be advised to supply their own formula where possible in hospital. I also think women should provide their own nappies where possible. NHS resources are finite and these are not things that are provided free once you are discharged, neither is hospital formula any different from shop bought. Formula is and should continue imo to be available for emergencies and short term where labour has come unexpectedly, a woman changes her mind etc but should be short term until they can provide their own.

Women should, imo, be reassured that they will have help and advice whatever way they feed their baby, but they should not be promoted equally by the NHS as in terms of health they are not equal in most cases. It makes no sense to pretend that they are in a healthcare environment. I want my HCP to be honest with me about what is best for my babies health, not sugar coat the truth. I can then make an informed decision based on that information.

When a woman chooses to formula feed or feels she cannot breastfeed for whatever reason she should be supported and respected. If her reasoning is based on misinformation, however, the HCP needs to correct this respectfully just as they should correct other misconceptions regarding a patient's health. If it is inadvisable for a woman to breastfeed it is also their responsibility to highlight this.

I absolutely think it would be a serious neglect of a patient's needs not to offer advice on safe formula feeding using the most current evidence where a patient formula feeds their baby. From my experience this is very much a part of the visiting midwife and health visitors remit now although 11 years ago when I had my first, my HVs advice came straight off the Ark. I hope whatever you decide you get health care professionals who will give you good advice and support.

As for people around you. It's a pita but everyone seems to think it's ok to be rude and condescending re: your parenting in every minute detail. Everyone thinks that the choices they make are the right choices for everyone. It's usually best dealt with by cutting them off and politely but firmly letting them know that you will make whatever decisions are best for you and your family and you're perfectly capable of accessing information without hearing it second hand complete with unwanted opinion. People soon realise that it's pointless putting in their tuppence worth.
You have something really great in that your mum and oh are behind you 100% in your decision and that makes a world of difference. :hug:
Everyone knows breast is best but like I said a few pages back when a mother has tries and failed she feels like a failiue and having breast is best shoved down your throat isn't very nice. Yes the NHS have to push it but they also have a duty of care. For mental as well as phsycial and to be told after tring and failing that breast is best everyhwere you go even on the forum you feel safe on will eventually affect a mothers emotional wellbeing. I.e. Postnatal depression. Which sadly I suffered from.

So summary, WE KNOW breast is best, we are not stupid, we do not need to be told a thousand times. They rammed it down my throat when I was pregnant. But they weren't there to support it when he was actually born. Being young scared and in a whole new territory I became destressed and disheartned. I felt like a faliure to my self but more so to my son. When I came out of hospital I wasfeeling deflated when I should have been on top of the world. Then my MW comes to see me the nest day.

How is breastfeeding going? I am expressing and using formula. "Ooooooh you do know breast is best you know"

Couldn't keep uo with expressiing so switched to formula. My HV reaction "You do know all the benifits of BF don't you and then starts to list them

And then Lo and behold when Aidan was 3 months old I was diagnosed with PND. An acculimation of feeling a failure, and trying to study for college, whilst trying to adjust to motherhood. But hey the NHS have to push it :nope:

Sorry for the outburst :cry:

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