MrsC - great news! Yes, 10dpo is on the late side, but I disagree with your doc that it's too late for implantation. FX'd for tomorrow!! I can't wait to see your temp spike back up!!
I don't know what to tell you about the IUI. I don't really think they do much good unless there's a problem with DH's swimmers. If your dh is problem free, and you're worried about the $$, I personally, would just do 1. That's a tough decision!
s08 - hopefully af won't find you! fx'd! I have 16 day LP's as well when I ovulate properly. But I've had many medicated cycles where my LP is shorter due to poor ovulation. Were you monitored before ovulation? I can't recall if you were.
The gonal-f is pure FSH (follicle stimulating hormone). So it stimulates those follies to grow, grow, grow! Femara or clomid act with your estrogen making your body think you don't have any (or much), so it produces FSH to grow the follies which produce the estrogen...
I got pregnant on my first cycle of gonal-f over 10 years ago and haven't tried it since (for various reasons), but I feel like it's the drug my body actually needs and I have high hopes. We'll see. I'm not counting this cycle completely out yet, but not planning on a bfp either. Trying to be realistic.