Finance troubles everyone, but it's not so bad. With DD, we tried to get everything fairly cheap but good quality and not get sucked into the buy every little new thingie for your baby marketing.
So we got some things on sale, second hand, borrowed and tried to spread the cost. Once the baby was born, it turned out that our only big expense was diapers - but managed to collect a bunch of coupons for that too. She was BFing, so no cost there. A couple of doctor bills, but she was very healthy, luckily.
I also found that we were spending less - we didn't go out, I still couldn't drink, so no booze, no eating out, no cinema tickets.
We also prepared a lot of food in advance and froze it, so we didn't order out much. Once DD started to have more of a routine, I prepared most meals from scrach, so even our grocery bills were down. I came back to work when LO was 8,5 months old (I only get 20 weeks of paid mat. leave) and even then, the primary reason wasn't financial, but because of my carrier.