Hi ladies!
I have been reading up but havent been posting much. Not much to post I guess...just waiting until at least after AF to start ttc, if not longer.
Wanted to let you all know that my blood testing came back and according to my OB, no thyroid problems and no clotting disorders. They also did not find any chromosomal problems with the fetus, so still no real answers.
However, in my journey to find out why I have had 3 mc's, I may have found an answer to my questions about what went wrong with my son when he was born. This has to do with antibodies as well, and blood platelet incompatibilities.
We will be seeing a genetic counselor next month, and will ask for a specific test to determine if that is the cause. If it is, all future pregnancies will be affected.
Sunshine- so glad your d&c went as good as it could have. Get as much rest as you can!
Jumpingo - welcome
Ninja - although I dont necessarily believe what your friend said, I did have the misfortune of having 2 mc's directly after each other, when I did not wait at least one cycle. Because of this, we are waiting at least one cycle, if not more, before we ttc again. We will likely wait until after our meeting with the genetic counselor, which is scheduled for Feb 23.