Fireflies TCC a rainbow baby

I had the same thing Celtic and even some spotting I'm assuming cuz I Od on the same side w the cyst since its double in size now :nope:
That's why I'm not holding my breath for the cycle as nice as it would be and as nice as my chart is :haha:
I had the same thing Celtic and even some spotting I'm assuming cuz I Od on the same side w the cyst since its double in size now :nope:
That's why I'm not holding my breath for the cycle as nice as it would be and as nice as my chart is :haha:

I know I had cyst before so could be why I guess and I have had spotting at OV and got pregnant so your not out till your out
Ajarvis the darkness of the line was similar to the one I got on the frer last pregnancy at 12dpo and my hcg was about 50 I think. The cheapie line was really faint. Frers are really good tests so even though it looks dark, to me it looks about right for where you are in your pregnancy (and yes I am pretty sure you are pregnant!).

JUmpingo I agree with annoying them. When my dd2 was born with a big cyst on her back, initially I was told no one would touch it before she turned 1. They didn't even want to do an MRI because they said they would need to sedate her. I flipped a shit, I had no idea how deep this cyst was, if it affected her heart, lungs, spinal cord, and they were telling me to wait! Many phone calls and emails later they did an MRI when she was 3 weeks old without sedation because she just slept through, and she got treatment at 3 and 5 months. By her 1st birthday the cyst was completely gone. Bottom line, annoying works.

Celtic maybe it's a really good egg popping out! It's strange though because I've had what has felt like O pains on random days but I only had ewcm and open cervix 5 days ago so I'm going with that. I hate it how our bodies are all over the place!
haha thanks steph! I think I am too. Just want some symptoms now ;)

Niamh I had really strong pain around O on both sides. No idea which side it happened on and it was the only time I've ever had that happen lol. I can't remember, but I'm fairly sure it coincided with my temp and fertility friend's opinion.
haha thanks steph! I think I am too. Just want some symptoms now ;)

Niamh I had really strong pain around O on both sides. No idea which side it happened on and it was the only time I've ever had that happen lol. I can't remember, but I'm fairly sure it coincided with my temp and fertility friend's opinion.

oooh there is hope for me yet :hugs:
I could swear I have ovulated pain was on both sides but right side more on Sunday/Monday.

But my temps are confusing me! I got a rise yesterday and my sleep has been chaotic which it has only been in the last few days. I slept last night from about 10.30-2.10 temp was 36.84 and after that at about 2.30-3 but the time I eventually drifted off then woke at 6.30 with quite a few tosses and turns it was 36.33 :shrug: this seems to be the pattern for days now

I also got a low fertility on the dual handheld opk thing so I've either already ovulated or I have yet to lol totally narrows it down :haha:

Last few days can't stop going to the toilet through the night, really bad constipation, sick on and off and can't stop eating I never snack or even eat a full meal most of the time
I'm pretty sure I had ovulation pain last Thurs/Fri and we BD'd both those days (wasn't planned, just happened. Lol). Now lately my boobs have been pretty tender and I have been sooooo tired. Though, a couple of those nights it was probably because the dog wouldn't stop barking through the night because DH was on a short work trip and he has severe separation anxiety with hubby (hubby saved him from near death). Even when I did get a good sleep though, I found myself exhausted and napping when I can. I'm just hoping we might get lucky before DH leaves for his 6 month job! Fx!
Happy almost Friday :haha: going to my LOs school for his western dance <3 him all dressed up in his rodeo Gear !!! ;)
Not too long before you'll know ninja! FX.

Yes thank god for almost friday!
It is Friday here *just barely lol, not quite 1am) but since I'm a sahm the day of the week doesn't make much difference to me
lol. Even when I was home for some reason I still appreciated Fridays. Now just soooooo much more. I wish I could not work :p
Hi ladies just checking in. Hope you're all well! I wish I had more to add but I'm still waiting for af lol. It's on,y been a week since d&c so still have awhile yet. But I'm going back to the gym today. Yay!!

Hope you're all staying warm. Everyone feeling ok?
Hi Sunshine! I threw myself back into my half marathon training! That helped immensely. Plus I lost 7 lbs :p
Hey ladies well the ovulation pains have gone away! I decided to temp to see if it went up compared to yesterday it did a little but still do not think it would be all that accurate because I wake up so much at night :shrug: :haha:

but glad to see it is a normal occurrence and great for timing so hopefully a :spermy: met an egg and is doing it thing and floating down the tube to were it will stay for 9 months :happydance: one can dream right :winkwink:

my nipples are killing me though anyone else get that as a symptom of ovulation :shrug:

ooh so many of us are in TWW yay and all with in a day or two of each other :thumbup:
Totally jealous of your Tww ladies. Can't wait to be here again.

Ajarvis way to go on the 7lbs. You're a trooper!!!!! I let myself really "enjoy" bed rest. Chocolates in bed and no gym. Im not an emotional eater at all, actually usually I lose my appetite, but the stack of christmas chocolates I was given came in handy and I let myself indulge lol.
lol. Sunshine. I gained because of halloween and christmas chocolates and not caring while pregnant. Must've ate alot cause I was still in training for the half marathon too! Oops :p
Hi girls - do you have room for one more?

I was 11+2 and starting cramping and spotting on the morning of the 18th. By bedtime that night I started to bleed heavily - through the night the bleeding became worse and I ultimately ended up in the ER early morning of the 19th. The bleeding was severe and I lost a tremendous amount of blood - after three hours in the ER, I had an emergency D&C. I hadn't had an appointment where I could hear the heartbeat yet and my first scan was scheduled for the 20th. I don't know when baby stopped developing - I hope to find that out at my follow-up appointment next week. I started to lose some symptoms around the 7-8th of January so I would imagine it was around then. I really don't know.

After the loss, I cried every day for a week and now that energy is being channeled into TTC. We weren't going to try again but made the decision to give it one more go. We will try for 6 months - after that, we are done. If I suffer another loss, we are done. We are a bit "aged" where baby making is concerned and we have a barrel full of great kids already. We are just trying to have one of our own - all of our kids came from our previous marriages.

As for today - my bleeding is all but stopped. After the D&C I had next to no red blood - just spotting....incredibly persistent spotting. HPT is still positive - it is a squinter but it is still there.

I am trying to find something to keep my mind busy so I can to and through the first post D&C cycle. I will start temping again once AF arrives. I really want to be working out because it is my mental savior. My body, however, is not on board. The blood loss and subsequent recovery is life-sucking. I can't walk from room to room without getting winded and my heart pounding - I have zero energy. I am taking iron pills with vitamin C but the process is slower than I'd like. I feel like face punching everyone actually...I just want to scream and/or hibernate.

We have 6 November birthdays in the family - I am pulling for one more. Although - the October Owl thingy (WTH is it called?) is super cute. I get pregnant with little trouble but seem to have developed a problem staying pregnant. Fingers crossed for all of us.

I swear I don't normally post this much - thanks for getting through it. Going forward, I promise to not monopolize the board.

Here is to all of us having our take home babies!
Welcome one more. So sorry for your loss. I'm in the same boat as you. It sounds like we had our d&c the same day. I'm also waiting for af and trying to pass the time IT will take anywhere from 4-6 weeks I hope. Then we can TTC again. Don't worry about the hormone yet. I'd actually stop testing and just know it will take time to leave your system. You'll just go crazy and be stressed by testing. Last time it too, 5 weeks to leave my system. So I'm not even bothering at this point lol.

It relax and let your body heal. It's a week now and I'm finally ready to work out. But I've had headaches every day since the surgery. I'm tsking iron and hoping to build up my strength again but I do feel better.

Feel free to msg if you want to ask any q's about my experience and compare. Hope you can take it easy today :)
Welcome one more time! So sorry for Ur loss but this is a great group of gals w lots of support!!

U aren't aged I will be 39 in less than a month ;)

The nurse called w some of my test results Estridol 149 P 69 seems kinda high since mine is never that high so I'm sure it's the reason for my high temps!! :shrug:
Everything else is Normal Oh and I don't have HIV WTH no duh still waiting on my Gluclose test!
Welcome OneMoreTime. I'm sorry for your loss and I hope you conceive your rainbow within your time frame. Totally respect your decision about when to be done trying, but I really hate the "advanced maternal age" classification and "high risk" label that goes with it for 35+.

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